895 resultados para Experimental Analysis


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Compliant pneumatic micro-actuators are interesting for applications requiring large strokes and forces in delicate environments. These include for instance minimally invasive surgery and assembly of microcomponents. This paper presents a theoretical and experimental analysis of a balloon-type compliant micro-actuator. Finite element modeling is used to describe the complex behavior of these actuators, which is validated through prototype experiments. Prototypes with dimensions ranging from 11mm × 2mm × 0.24mm to 4mm × 1mm × 0.12mm are fabricated by a newly developed production process based on micromilling and micromolding. The larger actuators are capable of delivering out-of-plane strokes of up to 7mm. Further, they have been integrated in a platform with two rotational and one translational degree of freedom. © 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Recently, it has been shown that improved wireless communication coverage can be achieved by employing distributed antenna system (DAS). The DAS RFID system is based on a novel technique whereby two or more spatially separated transmit and receive antennas are used to enable greatly enhanced tag detection performance over longer distances using antenna diversity combined with frequency and phase hopping. In this paper, we present a detection reliability evaluation of the DAS RFID in a typical lab environment. We conduct an extensive experimental analysis of passive RFID tag detection with different locations and orientations. The tag received signal strengths corresponding to various tag locations on one of the six different sides of a cube, and for different reader transmit power are collected and analyzed in this study.


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The propagation characteristics of fiexural waves in periodic grid structures designed with the idea of phononic crystals are investigated by combining the Bloch theorem with the finite element method. This combined analysis yields phase constant surfaces, which predict the location and the extension of band gaps, as well as the directions and the regions of wave propagation at assigned frequencies. The predictions are validated by computation and experimental analysis of the harmonic responses of a finite structure with 11 × 11 unit cells. The fiexural wave is localized at the point of excitation in band gaps, while the directional behaviour occurs at particular frequencies in pass bands. These studies provide guidelines to designing periodic structures for vibration attenuation.


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Some luxury goods manufacturers offer limited editions of their products, whereas some others market multiple product lines. Researchers have found that reference groups shape consumer evaluations of these product categories. Yet little empirical research has examined how reference groups affect the product line decisions of firms. Indeed, in a field setting it is quite a challenge to isolate reference group effects from contextual effects and correlated effects. In this paper, we propose a parsimonious model that allows us to study how reference groups influence firm behavior and that lends itself to experimental analysis. With the aid of the model we investigate the behavior of consumers in a laboratory setting where we can focus on the reference group effects after controlling for the contextual and correlated effects. The experimental results show that in the presence of strong reference group effects, limited editions and multiple products can help improve firms' profits. Furthermore, the trends in the purchase decisions of our participants point to the possibility that they are capable of introspecting close to two steps of thinking at the outset of the game and then learning through reinforcement mechanisms. © 2010 INFORMS.


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A ansiedade é um dos conceitos mais importantes dentro da Psicologia. Uma grande quantidade de trabalhos experimentais tratando sobre os efeitos da ansiedade-de-teste, tem sido conduzida. A discussão sobre ansiedade-de-teste e sua relação com o desempenho acadêmico deve ser precedida por uma elucidação do conceito de ansiedade. Este conceito tem sido interpretado de diferentes formas pelas várias escolas de pensamento na Psicologia e Filosofia. Os dois primeiros capítulos deste trabalho são dedicados à uma apresentação dos vários conceitos de ansiedade e de teorias que consideramos importantes que abordam o assunto. A seguir, passamos a descrever a análise experimental que foi realizada com o objetivo de detectar os efeitos da ansiedade-de-teste no desempenho e verificar os resultados da manipulação da variável tempo limitado e da magnitude do "stress", na relação estudada. Grande parte da literatura sobre ansiedade tem sublinhado que a influência desta sobre o comportamento é bastante complexa. A pesquisa aqui reportada se baseia nas investigações de Spielberger que focalizam a relação entre o desempenho do estudante e seu nível de ansiedade. Como Spielberger, julgamos ser necessário controlar as variáveis dificuldade da tarefa e inteligência dos sujeitos. Com base nos resultados encontrados, concluímos que uma série de outros aspectos devem ser considerados, tais como elaboração da prova, matéria envolvida, experiências anteriores dos alunos, imagem do professor etc. Busca-se conhecer a natureza da ansiedade-de-teste e encontrar formas efetivas para controlar este tipo específico de ansiedade, de maneira a aparelhar melhor os alunos para lidarem com ele. É necessário também que os educadores tomem conhecimento das características e implicações da ansiedade-de-teste, de forma que sejam capazes de tirar partido dela e consigam minimizar seus efeitos negativos no processo ensino-aprendizagem.


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Due to great difficulty of accurate solution of Combinatorial Optimization Problems, some heuristic methods have been developed and during many years, the analysis of performance of these approaches was not carried through in a systematic way. The proposal of this work is to make a statistical analysis of heuristic approaches to the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP). The focus of the analysis is to evaluate the performance of each approach in relation to the necessary computational time until the attainment of the optimal solution for one determined instance of the TSP. Survival Analysis, assisted by methods for the hypothesis test of the equality between survival functions was used. The evaluated approaches were divided in three classes: Lin-Kernighan Algorithms, Evolutionary Algorithms and Particle Swarm Optimization. Beyond those approaches, it was enclosed in the analysis, a memetic algorithm (for symmetric and asymmetric TSP instances) that utilizes the Lin-Kernighan heuristics as its local search procedure


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The Multiobjective Spanning Tree Problem is NP-hard and models applications in several areas. This research presents an experimental analysis of different strategies used in the literature to develop exact algorithms to solve the problem. Initially, the algorithms are classified according to the approaches used to solve the problem. Features of two or more approaches can be found in some of those algorithms. The approaches investigated here are: the two-stage method, branch-and-bound, k-best and the preference-based approach. The main contribution of this research lies in the fact that no research was presented to date reporting a systematic experimental analysis of exact algorithms for the Multiobjective Spanning Tree Problem. Therefore, this work can be a basis for other research that deal with the same problem. The computational experiments compare the performance of algorithms regarding processing time, efficiency based on the number of objectives and number of solutions found in a controlled time interval. The analysis of the algorithms was performed for known instances of the problem, as well as instances obtained from a generator commonly used in the literature


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We present measurements of the non-linear oscillations of a portal frame foundation for a non-ideal motor. We consider a three-time redundant structure with two columns, clamped in their bases and a horizontal beam. An electrical unbalanced motor is mounted at mid span of the beam. Two non-linear phenomena are studied: a) mode saturation and energy transfer between modes; b) interaction between high amplitude motions of the structure and the rotation regime of a real limited power motor. The dynamic characteristics of the structure were chosen to have one-to-two internal resonance between the anti-symmetrical mode (sway motions) and the first symmetrical mode natural frequencies. As the excitation frequency reaches near resonance conditions with the 2nd natural frequency, the amplitude of this mode grows up to a certain level and then it saturates. The surplus energy pumped into the system is transferred to the sway mode, which experiences a sudden increase in its amplitude. Energy is transformed from low amplitude high frequency motion into high amplitude low frequency motion. Such a transformation is potentially dangerous.We consider the fact that real motors, such as the one used in this study, have limited power output. In this case, this energy source is said to be non-ideal, in contrast to the ideal source whose amplitude and frequency are independent of the motion of the structure. Our experimental research detected the Sommerfeld Effect: as the motor accelerates to reach near resonant conditions, a considerable part of its output energy is consumed to generate large amplitude motions of the structure and not to increase its own angular speed. For certain parameters of the system, the motor can get stuck at resonance not having enough power to reach higher rotation regimes. If some more power is available, jump phenomena may occur from near resonance to considerably higher motor speed regimes, no stable motions being possible between these two.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Foram analisadas experimentalmente 10 (dez) lajes lisas de concreto dosado com metacaulim e concreto de alta resistência (fcc =60 MPa). submetidas a carregamento simétrico. objetivando analisar a influência da variação do índice de retangularidade dos pilares (CIII;{. mm = 1. 3 e 5) e de armaduras de cisa1harnento na resistência ao puncionamento das mesmas. As armaduras de cisalhamento foram constituídas por estribos abertos inclinados. As lajes tinham dimensões de (1.800 x 1.800 x 110) mm e as principais variáveis foram à variação do índice de retangularidade dos pilares e distribuição dos estribos inclinados em tomo dos mesmos. Analisou-se os resultados de cargas de ruptura. flechas. mapa de fissuração. ductilidade. deformações no concreto e nas armaduras de ftexão e cisalhamento, e os modos de ruptura atingidos. Os resultados experimentais foram comparados com os resultados estimados por diversas normas. São também apresentados os resultados obridos numericamente para as lajes ensaiadas e comparados com os resultados experimentais. Os resultados experimentais mostraram que o aumento do índice de retangularidade faz com que as forças cortantes se concentrem nas extremidades do pilar, o que sugere que nessa região as armaduras de combate ao pmtcionamento são mais solicitadas. Os estribos inclinados foram eficientes no aumento das cargas de ruptura e alteraram inclusive o modo de ruptura de algumas lajes. Observou-se ganhos de até 32% quando os estribos foram distribuídos em tomo das extremidades dos pilares. A baixa capacidade resistente à flexão limitou a resistência última.


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Vigas pré-formadas de concreto armado são elementos estruturais que apresentam fina camada superficial de concreto pré-moldado que define as suas formas geométricas. Esta camada superficial trabalha como forma que fica incorporada à viga após o lançamento do concreto moldado in loco, que consolidará a estrutura. Este sistema construtivo apresenta vantagem em relação ao sistema construtivo convencional por reduzir o consumo de madeira com formas e escoramento, e também em relação ao sistema pré-moldado por reduzir o custo de transporte e montagem da estrutura. Os elementos pré-formados apresentam menor peso em relação aos elementos pré-moldados, por apresentarem a seção parcialmente pré-moldada. Outra vantagem do sistema pré-formado em relação ao pré-moldado é a possibilidade de se obter maior rigidez nas ligações das vigas com o restante da estrutura com a colocação de armadura de engastamento ancorada no concreto moldado in loco. Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar experimentalmente o comportamento das vigas pré-formadas à flexão e ao cisalhamento, através de ensaios de 9 vigas pré-formadas e 3 vigas maciças de referência. As vigas têm largura de 105 mm, altura de 340 mm e 2.500 mm de comprimento. Os resultados obtidos nos ensaios experimentais são comparados aos valores fornecidos pelas normas técnicas brasileiras e as principais normas internacionais. São apresentados e analisados os resultados observados para os deslocamentos verticais das vigas, deformações da armadura de flexão e da armadura de cisalhamento, deformações do concreto nas regiões de compressão e mapas de fissuração.