141 resultados para Excretory urography


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Spermatogenesis and steroidogenesis undergo seasonal variations during the reproductive cycle in amphibians. Testicular morphological and morphometric seasonal variations as well as interstitial lipidic inclusions and intralobular glycoconjugates were evaluated during seasonal cycle of Rana catesbeiana. Testes of frogs collected during the annual seasons were weighed for calculation of GSI (Gonadosomatic index). Seminiferous lobule diameters (DSL) and volume densities of seminiferous lobules (VvSL), excretory ducts (VvED), and interstitial tissue (VvIT) were analyzed. Semithin sections were submitted to Periodic Acid-Schiff (PAS) and Alcian Blue (AB) methods for detection of glycoconjugates, while lipidic inclusions were detected by Sudan Black B. GSI showed no significant variations during the year. Since VvED and VvIT increased significantly during summer and were inversely proportional to VvSL, a compensatory effect between the testicular compartments may be related to the maintenance of GSI. During autumn/winter, larger lobular diameters were observed in comparison to spring/summer when spermiogenesis and spermiation were commonly observed. The increased VvIT and the numerous lipidic inclusions in the interstitial cells during summer suggest a relationship between spermiogenesis and steroidogenesis. Besides the structural stability variations occurring in the IT and SL, a possible paracrine interaction between ED and IT should be also involved in the IT development during summer. The presence of PAS and AB-positive globular structures were observed in the seminiferous lobules and excretory ducts. These structures containing acid glycoconjugates appear to be Sertoli cell apical portions, which are accumulated in the lumen of the seminiferous lobules mainly during spermiation. © 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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The venom glands of worker ants of the species Ectatomma quadridens morphologically resemble an elongated sac or reservoir ending in a narrower portion that has the function of releasing the secretion to the exterior. Two external secretory filaments are individually inserted into the proximal portion of the gland and end inside the convoluted gland. The venom gland of workers of E. quadridens is, therefore, morphologically subdivided into four distinct portions: a) sac-shaped reservoir measuring approximately 1mm in length; b) excretory duct, proximal portion of the reservoir that joins the gland to the sting apparatus; c) convoluted gland, final portion of the external secretory filaments located inside the reservoir; and d) two secretory filaments measuring about 2 mm in length; their free extremities end blindly and are individually inserted into the reservoir wall at the proximal region of the venom gland. The histological data showed that the filaments and the convoluted gland are composed of cubic cells of secretory function. The reservoir consists of a simple cubical epithelium externally surrounded by muscle fibers. A thick cuticle internally coats the epithelium of the reservoir. The application of histochemical tests allowed us to establish that the final secretion of the venom gland of Ectatomma quadridens is of glycoproteic nature. This secretion undergoes several modifications at the secretory filaments, at the convoluted gland, and in the reservoir before reaching the excretory duct, the point at which the secretion is released in its final composition, namely the venom. Based on the differences among various Ponerinae species we propose a hypothesis suggesting a probable evolutionary process that the venom glands of members of this subfamily might have undergone.


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The growth of the mouse parotid glands during 7 and 35 days of postnatal life was studied by morphometric methods. The mass of the gland, the volume of each morphological compartment, and the cell number in each compartment were evaluated. The data obtained for each evaluated dimension were adjusted by an exponential equation, of the type Y = a.e KX, thus permitting the calculation of their mean duplication time (T D), i.e., an estimation of their growth rate. Analysis of the results showed a marked 1,424% increase in the gland mass during the whole studied period, with T D = 7.10 days. This growth occurred by increases in absolute volume of acini, intercalated ducts, striated ducts, excretory ducts and stroma, with percentual increases of 3,048%, 417%, 2,662%, 2,594% and 367%, respectively, and T Ds of 5.62, 11.71, 5.55, 5.47 and 14.45 days, respectively. Analysis of the cell number growth in each compartment showed increases of 1,904%, 285%, 1,228%, 1,090% and 286%, respectively, and T Ds of 6.62, 20.40, 7.19, 7.26 and 14.51 days, respectively. Based on the present results, we concluded that the growth of the mouse parotid glands from day 7 to day 35 of age occurred by intense cell accumulation, mainly in the acini, striated ducts and excretory ducts, with a growth rate sensibly higher than that of the intercalated ducts and stroma.


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Objective: We evaluated clinical characteristics of primary vesicoureteral reflux (VLJR) in infants in a 30-year period in Brazil with special reference to the relation of renal parenchymal damage to urinary tract infection and gender. Materials and Methods: From 1975 through 2005, 417 girls (81.6%) and 94 boys (18.4%) with all grades of reflux were retrospectively reviewed. Patients were categorized by the worst grade of reflux, maintained on antibiotic prophylaxis and underwent yearly voiding cystourethrography until the reflux was resolved. VUR was considered resolved when a follow-up cystogram demonstrated no reflux. Surgical correction was recommended for those who fail medical therapy, severe renal scarring or persistent VUR. Results: Grades I to V VUR resolved in 87.5%, 77.6%, 52.8%, 12.2% and 4.3%, respectively. Renal scars were present at presentation in 98 patients (19.2%). Neither gender nor bilaterality versus unilaterality was a helpful predictor of resolution. The significant difference was found among the curves using the log rank (p < 0.001) or Wilcoxon (p < 0.001) test. Conclusion: Despite the current use of screening prenatal ultrasound, many infants are still diagnosed as having vesicoureteral reflux only after the occurrence of urinary tract infection in our country. Scarring may be associated to any reflux grade and it may be initially diagnosed at any age but half of the scars are noted with higher grades of reflux (IV and V). The incidence of reflux related morbidity in children has significantly diminished over the last three decades.


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A variety of effects is attributed to the photo stimulation of tissues, such as improved healing of ulcers, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, stimulation of the proliferation of cells of different origins and stimulation of bone repair. Some investigations that make qualitative evaluations, like wound healing and evaluation of pain and edema, can be conducted in human subjects. However, deeper investigations on the mechanisms of action of the light stimulus and other quantitative works that requires biopsies or destructive analysis has to be carried out in animal models or in cell cultures. In this work, we propose the use of planarians as a model to study laser-tissue interaction. Contrasting with cell cultures and unicellular organisms, planarians are among the simplest organism having tissue layers, central nerve system, digestive and excretory system that might have been platforms for the evolution of the complex and highly organized tissues and organs found in higher organisms. For the present study, 685 nm laser radiation was employed. Planarians were cut transversally, in a plane posterior to the auricles. The body fragments were left to regenerate and the proliferation dynamics of stem cells was studied by using histological analysis. Maximum cell count was obtained for the laser treated group at the 4th experimental day. At that experimental time, we also had the largest difference between the irradiated and the non-irradiated control group. We concluded that the studied flatworm could be an interesting animal model for in vivo studies of laser-tissue interactions.


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Development within the cleidoic egg of birds and reptiles presents the embryo with the problem of accumulation of wastes from nitrogen metabolism. Ammonia derived from protein catabolism is converted into the less toxic product urea or relatively insoluble uric acid. The pattern of nitrogen excretion of the green iguana, Iguana iguana, was determined during embryonic development using samples from allantoic fluid and from the whole homogenized egg, and in hatchlings and adults using samples of blood plasma. Urea was the major excretory product over the course of embryonic development. It was found in higher concentrations in the allantoic sac, suggesting that there is a mechanism present on the allantoic membrane enabling the concentration of urea. The newly hatched iguana still produced urea while adults produced uric acid. The time course of this shift in the type of nitrogen waste was not determined but the change is likely to be related to the water relations associated with the terrestrial habit of the adult. The green iguana produces parchment-shelled eggs that double in mass during incubation due to water absorption; the eggs also accumulate 0.02. mM of urea, representing 82% of the total measured nitrogenous residues that accumulate inside the allantois. The increase in egg mass and urea concentration became significant after 55. days of incubation then were unchanged until hatching. © 2012 Elsevier Inc.


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The aim of this study was evaluate the influence of physical exercise (marcha gait) on serum values of CK and AST The Ostrich (Struthio camelus) is originally from Africa and belongs to the ratite's family. Since its zootechnic value has been increasing, especially in the northwest region of the state of São Paulo, we studied the biliary system in the liver of this animal. To carry through it were used 20 ostrich livers, males and females, young and adults from place to production ostrich in the northwest region of the State of São Paulo. After the opening of the gastrointestinal tract and disposal of the bile through gentle massage, we cannulated the hepatic excretory duct with a flexible probe, compatible in size with the duct, and injected colored Neoprene latex 450 in the biliary system. Following this procedure, the livers were fixed in aqueous solution of formaldehyde to 10% dissected, schematized and photographed. The right main branch is derived from the right lateral, square lobe and the caudate process branches in 7 livers. In 13 livers, the right side branch is forned by the right side and caudate process branches. The left branch receives the components from the left lateral lobe and branch of the medial left lobe in 7 livers. It also receives component from the square lobe and from the caudate process in 13 and 7 livers, respectively.In conclusion, the ostrich liver has no gallbladder, causing the duct is the only route of excretion of bile, always resulting from the convergence of the right hepatic duct with the left hepatic duct.


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Studies of sub-lethal effects of pesticide residues on stingless bees are scarce and morphological analysis of organs would add information to toxicological analysis in order to clarify the continuous exposure of Scaptotrigona postica to insecticides. The aim of this study was to evaluate the morphology and histochemistry of the Malpighian tubules (excretory organ) of S. postica exposed to fipronil or boric acid to detect cellular responses that indicate toxicity or adaptative mechanisms to stress induced by exposure of worker bees to low doses of these chemical compounds. Newly emerged bees were submitted to toxicological bioassays and morphological analyses by optical microscopy and Transmission Electron Microscopy, as well as histochemical methods, were performed to detect proteins and glycoconjugates. Additionally, immunohistochemical detection of DNA fragmentation and HSP70 (70-kDa Heat shock protein) were performed to detect cell death and stress response, respectively. Statistical analysis, for the bioassays conducted with ingestion of contaminated diet with boric acid at 0.75% (w/w) or with fipronil at 0.1μg/kg of food, showed that the survival of bees that ingested the contaminated diets were significantly different to the survival rate presented by the control group (P<0.0001). Although some characteristics indicative of initiation of cell death were observed, the cells remained metabolically active in the processes of excretion and inactivation of chemical compounds. The data from this study reinforce the importance of research on sublethal effects of low doses of pesticides on bees in an attempt to assess a possible realistic dose and evaluate the risk assessment of stingless bee S. postica foraging in the vicinity of cultivated fields and/or in green urban areas. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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In Brazil, imidacloprid is a widely used insecticide on agriculture and can harm bees, which are important pollinators. The active ingredient imidacloprid has action on the nervous system of the insects. However, little has been studied about the actions of the insecticide on nontarget organs of insects, such as the Malpighian tubules that make up the excretory and osmoregulatory system. Hence, in this study, we evaluated the effects of chronic exposure to sublethal doses of imidacloprid in Malpighian tubules of Africanized Apis mellifera. In the tubules of treated bees, we found an increase in the number of cells with picnotic nuclei, the lost of part of the cell into the lumen, and a homogenization of coloring cytoplasm. Furthermore, we observed the presence of cytoplasmic vacuolization. We confirmed the increased occurrence of picnotic nuclei by using the Feulgan reaction, which showed the chromatin compaction was more intense in the tubules of bees exposed to the insecticide. We observed an intensification of the staining of the nucleus with Xylidine Ponceau, further verifying the cytoplasmic negative regions that may indicate autophagic activity. Additionally, immunocytochemistry experiments showed TUNEL positive nuclei in exposed bees, implicating increased cell apoptosis after chronic imidacloprid exposure. In conclusion, our results indicate that very low concentrations of imidacloprid lead to cytotoxic activity in the Malpighian tubules of exposed bees at all tested times for exposure and imply that this insecticide can alter honey bee physiology. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Introduction: The purpose of this paper is to determine the topography, biometry and light microscopy image of the vesicular and bulbourethral glands in order to analyze morphologic features of the accessory sexual glands in castrated and non-castrated animals. Materials and Methods: The morphology of the accessory sexual glands was investigated in 14 adult Santa Ines breed sheep, weighing 32 kg, on average. Six of them were castrated, and eight, non-castrated. For macroscopic study, the description of these two glands was carried out, as well as dissection and biometry study. Moreover, weight, length, height and width measurements were evaluated. For histological analysis, the vesicular and bulbourethral glands were sampled. Results: The topography of the reproductive glands was similar to bovine species. However, lower macroscopic measurements (p < 0,05) in the glands of the castrated sheep were evidenced when compared with the non-castrated ones. Characteristics such as shape of the glands, composition of the layer mucosa, the lamina propria, muscular, the excretory ducts and the adventitia were determined. Conclusion: Sheep castration promoted changes in the biometric measures of the glands, which were lower in castrated animals. The morphological and biometric characteristics of the vesicular and bulbourethral glands in sheep were determined.


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)