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The purpose of this evaluation is to develop a framework that will help in planning and implementing the mobile sport exhibition, increase visitor satisfaction and aid At Bristol in building successful exhibits. The evaluation mainly focuses on visitor interaction with exhibits. It is believed that learning does occur in science centres and museums. The evaluation will therefore find out if learning occurs in the Sports exhibition and if so, the nature of the learning outcomes. The evaluation also discusses advantages and disadvantages of travelling exhibitions and identifies the characteristics of good exhibits that form the basis of the framework.From the results, an indication is that children make the larger proportion of visitors to Sportastic. Their age ranges, under 10 and 10 to 15 years constituted 21% and 30% respectively. The three most enjoyed exhibits are the Sprint Challenge (running), BATAK (test your reaction and Hot Shots (football). Visitors say these exhibits are enjoyed because they are fun, competitive, entertaining, interactive and hands-on. Skateboard Challenge and Skeleton Bob are among the exhibits least enjoyed since they are reported to be boring and uncomfortable to use. The learning outcomes from the exhibits are; increased knowledge about balancing, reaction, pulse and strength.


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Intercultural contact occurs on a daily basis across all facets of life, and is reflective of Australia’s multicultural society. This trend is observed in many Western industrialised nations and has contributed to a growing body of research and literature in the field of managing cultural diversity. While much of this research is focused on the internal context of the workplace, relatively little attention has been given to the impact of culture on the service provider and customer interface. In an effort to shed some light on the service experiences of culturally diverse customers, a series of exploratory interviews were conducted. The findings suggest that on the basis of service provider behaviors (both verbal and nonverbal), culturally diverse customers perceive they are the recipients of inequitable service and consequently experience low levels of satisfaction.


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This paper empirically examines the extent to which loyalty program attributes explain variations in satisfaction with the retail offer. Two dimensions of loyalty program attributes are introduced including hard attributes and soft attributes. Store satisfaction is examined in terms of the elements of the retail offer. The results suggest that emphasis on hard and soft attributes enhance customer satisfaction with a retailers’ merchandise, trading format, customer service and customer communication. Additionally, hard attributes have a more significant influence than soft attributes on satisfaction with all elements of the retail offer excluding merchandise.


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Aging populations worldwide have important implications for elderly care composition and quality, particularly with regard to care provided by nursing homes. Our study investigated quality of nursing home care in Taiwan using resident satisfaction and clinical outcomes as indicators.
We randomly recruited 306 residents in 13 nursing homes and assessed them at initial, 3, 6, and 12-months follow-up. The outcomes of the nursing home care in the 12-month follow-up period showed significant decreases in pressure sores and moderate satisfaction of nursing home care, but increases in physical restraints and psychological loneliness. Study results suggest that longterm nursing home care may improve residents' quality of life. However, to achieve this, nursing homes must provide improved psychological support for residents and decrease the use ofphysical


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In 2005, a unit was converted to ‘wholly online’ delivery mode, where all teaching occurred online. Student evaluation survey data for 2005 suggested that students rated many aspects of the wholly online unit delivery significantly lower than previously. For 2006, ten percent of the unit marks were dedicated to an assessed assignment activity based around an online discussion area. Based on student evaluation items common to the preand post-2006 period, overall student satisfaction with the unit returned to the same levels as prior to the introduction of wholly online delivery. These findings suggest that careful thought, but not necessarily major changes, may be required to avoid student disillusionment and maximise student learning outcomes when moving an existing unit to wholly online delivery. During 2005 and 2006, the same unit was included in a large survey to gauge students’ perceptions of studying wholly online units. The sub-set of respondents relating to this unit was found to have a good demographic match to the total unit enrolment. The survey included the following question item, ‘39: How satisfied have you been with this unit being offered wholly online?’, as an overall measure of student satisfaction with studying the unit in wholly online mode. Multivariate linear regression analysis was conducted with survey item 39 as the dependent variable. While the resultant regression model should not be interpreted literally as a formula for student satisfaction, it does suggest some areas for action to improve student satisfaction with studying this unit in wholly online mode.


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This article focuses on the evaluation of outcome in child and adolescent mental health services. We examined the outcomes of 46 children with persistent conduct problems by gathering at baseline and six months information from multiple informants on multiple domains including the functioning of the child, risk factors, and parents’ and children’s perceptions of the treatment process. A statistically significant reduction in oppositional/conduct symptoms was reported six months after the initial clinical contact. However, the majority of the group still scored within the clinical range. The various outcome measures are correlated to only a mild to moderate degree. Teachers did not notice the same degree of change at school, despite the changes noticed by parents. Symptom improvement and satisfaction with a service are two separate issues. Parents’ satisfaction was related to their perception of the therapist and the therapy offered. Their satisfaction was high if they perceived that the therapist was able to communicate well, show care and concern, and if the therapy was perceived as organized. Much can be learned from a comprehensive outcome measurement system within a mental health service.


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The internationalisation of higher education remains one of the major challenges faced by universities with the increasing mobility and rising expectations of a highly diversified student community worldwide. With the competitiveness of the industry, universities will need to focus on factors influencing student satisfaction to improve service quality where required. This paper draws on the theory of cognitive dissonance dealining with disconformation of expectations that results in customer satisfaction and using structural equation modelling, investigates factors that influence satisfaction of international postgraduate students from Asian countries studying in Australia and concludes with strategic implications for universities.


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Background: Multidisciplinary team meetings (MDMs) have become an important decision-making forum in oncology. These meetings bring together expertise from each relevant field to improve continuity of care and health care outcomes for cancer patients. However there is a lack of evidence demonstrating the effectiveness of MDT meetings in improving cancer patient outcomes. The aim of this study was to explore the perceived value and potential usefulness of multidisciplinary team meetings for patients with advanced breast cancer (ABC).

Methods: ABC MDMs have been conducted since 2002 at two sites of Eastern Health, the second largest health service in Melbourne. Attendees were invited to complete a confidential questionnaire in November 2007 that comprised seven areas aimed to assess their judgment of how well the MDMs have improved patient management, including medical recommendations, psychosocial care, palliative care, community care, and team development. Average scores were calculated for improvement of each area.

Results: A total of 16 (69%) health practitioners participated in the survey, with main representation from nursing (37%), allied health (25%) and medicine (19%). Preliminary results indicate that the broad areas members reported the meeting had improved patient outcomes were in palliative care and medical management. Specific areas of perceived improvement were medical outcomes for patients; early referral to palliative care services; confirmation of diagnosis; referral to supportive care; and appropriateness of palliative care referrals. Conversely, the area that had least improved was community care, as there was no input from GPs or community services other than palliative care. Attendance by GPs and radiologists were considered important for further improving medical outcomes for patients.

Conclusions: This study demonstrates the perceived value of the MDT approach in the care of ABC patients, particularly in improving patient outcomes. The next stage of this research is to conduct a survey of ABC patient satisfaction level.


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The ‘single most important technological discovery since the birth of the p.c.’, (Gates, 1996). The swift increase in Internet utilisation within businesses and surveying has changed working methods within UK based Surveying practices. User numbers expanded rapidly since the early 1990’s and estimates place a figure of 150 million internet users globally (www.Yahoo.com, 2000). Sloan and Kee Low (2000) established that ‘e-commerce’ is a revolutionary way of trading and conducting business activities. There are opportunities for surveying practices including, reducing communication time, increasing revenues from new and existing sources, enhanced client satisfaction and competitive advantage (Cronin, 1996). Others (Dixon, 1998) perceive threats, such as ‘disintermediation’, to the traditional role of the surveyor.

This research examined the levels of internet and intranet access within the UK Building and Quantity Surveying practices and corporate firms to establish how the internet has affected working methods and client requirements. The research method comprised a qualitative approach using an email and postal questionnaire survey of a random sample of practices. The questionnaire findings formed the basis of semi structured interviews conducted with senior management of large practices to gain a deeper understanding of the issues identified within the survey.

Data analysis revealed the traditional role of the surveyor as a broker of information may be under threat in the long term. Generally levels of internet access in the sample exceed that of general business levels (Dti, 2000) with the largest growth pre 1997. The perceived advantages and barriers to Intranet and Internet usage were identified by the research.


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Reports on two studies designed to assess the making of life satisfaction judgements. Findings suggested that while life satisfaction judgements are indeed made in everyday life, such judgements are based on thinking that is limited in nature. Overall, the second study also suggested that the results typically obtained in standard life satisfaction studies may, in part, be an artifact of the methodology they employ.


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The marketing literature identifies customer satisfaction as an immediate antecedent to customer loyalty. Recently, some marketing researchers have questioned the strength of this link. This thesis provides insight into the relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty and determines the effects of moderating factors, particularly the need for variety, on the satisfaction-loyalty relationship.


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Recent research on the treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED) has focused on medical interventions, in particular oral medications. The current study examined the effectiveness of an internet-based psychological intervention for this condition. In total, 31 men (12 in treatment group, 19 in control group) completed the program. The results demonstrated that men who completed the program reported improved erectile functioning and sexual relationship satisfaction and quality. The implications of these findings for the treatment of ED are discussed.


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Objective: To evaluate the approach used to train facilitators for a large-scale group-based diabetes prevention program developed from a rural implementation research project.

Orientation day was attended by 224 health professionals; 188 submitted the self-learning task; 175 achieved the satisfactory standard for the self-learning task and attended the workshop; 156 completed the pre- and post-training questionnaires.

Main outcome measures:
Two pre- and post-training scales were developed to assess knowledge and confidence in group-based diabetes prevention program facilitation. Principal component analysis found four factors for measuring training effectiveness: knowledge of diabetes prevention, knowledge of group facilitation, confidence to facilitate a group to improve health literacy and confidence in diabetes prevention program facilitation. Self-learning task scores, training discontinuation rates and satisfaction scores were also assessed.

Results: There was significant improvement in all four knowledge and confidence factors from pre- to post-training (P < 0.001). The self-learning task mean test score was 88.7/100 (SD = 7.7), and mean assignment score was 72.8/100 (SD = 16.1). Satisfaction with training scores were positive and 'previous training' interacted with 'change in knowledge of diabetes prevention program facilitation' but not with change in 'confidence to facilitate.'

Conclusions: The training program was effective when analysed by change in facilitator knowledge and confidence and the positive mean satisfaction score. Learning task scores suggest tasks were manageable and the requirement contributed to facilitator self-selection. Improvement in confidence scores in facilitating a group-based diabetes prevention program, irrespective of previous training and experience, show that program-specific skill development activities are necessary in curriculum design.


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Objective: The aim of this paper is to describe the establishment of an integrated young person’s mental health service and the findings of a qualitative evaluation conducted 2 years after its establishment.
Method: A qualitative evaluation of the service was undertaken using a semi-structured interview, a service satisfaction survey and partnership analysis tool.
Results: The major problems encountered in establishing the service were insufficient recognition of the cultural challenges in working together, difficulty in recruiting general practitioners, establishing a youth friendly environment and maintaining the quality of the relationship between partners.
Conclusion: Despite almost 3 years of preparation, many important aspects of change management were underestimated or inadequately attended to.