999 resultados para Eusocial Hymenoptera
We describe a case of a spontaneously established mixed colony of two species of stingless bees. The host colony of Scaptotrigona depilis, an aggressive bee that forms large colonies, was invaded by workers of Nannotrigona testaceicornis, a smaller bee that forms small colonies. The host colony and the invading species colony were maintained in next boxes about 1.5 m apart. The N. testaceicornis colony had been recently divided. Observations were made daily for 10 min, and every two weeks the colony was opened for observations within the nest. Initially the host colony bees repulsed the invading species, but as their numbers built up, they were no longer able to defend the entrance. An estimated 60-90 N. testaceicornis workers lived integrated into the colony of S. depilis for 58 days. During this period, they reconstructed and maintained the entrance tube, changing it to an entrance typical of N. testaceicornis. They also collected food and building material for the host colony. Nannotrigona testaceicornis tolerated transit of S. depilis through the entrance, but did not allow the host species to remain within the tube, though the attacks never resulted in bee mortality. Aggression was limited to biting the wings; when the bees fell to the ground they immediately separated and flew back. There have been very few reports of spontaneously occurring mixed stingless bee colonies. It is difficult to determine what caused the association that we found; probably workers of N. testaceicornis got lost when we split their colony, and then they invaded the colony of S. depilis.
We report the infestation of stingless bee nests by the mite Pyemotes tritici, which killed four colonies of Tetragonisca angustula and one colony of Frieseomelitta varia in Brazil. The first infected colony, a colony of T. angustula, came from an area between Uberlandia and Araguari, Minas Gerais. The transfer of the mites to the other colonies occurred through the transfer of infected combs and subsequent manipulations. Other colonies in the same meliponary, which had not been manipulated, were not infected. The infestation was terminated by isolating the dead colonies from the meliponary.
FAPESP[BIOTA 2004/15801-0]
Queen, male and worker production was studied during one year in three Plebeia remota colonies from Atlantic Rainforest in Cunha, Sao Paulo State, and two from a subtropical Araucaria forest in Prudentopolis, Parana State. All the colonies were kept in Sao Paulo city during our study. Plebeia remota has reproductive diapause during autumn and winter, which makes its biology of special interest. Brood production begins before spring, renewing the colony cycle. We sampled brood combs monthly in these five colonies. The number of cells in each comb varied significantly with time of the year; the smallest brood combs appear to be a consequence of reduced food availability. However, worker, queen and male frequencies did not differ significantly in time, and this presumably is due to the fact that they all are necessary for the growth, maintenance and reproduction of the colony. Although some molecular, morphological and behavioral differences have been detected in several studies comparing populations from Cunha and from Prudentopolis, we did not find significant differences between the colonies from these two localities in number of brood cells and worker, queen and male production.
Males of solitary bees usually spend the night in clusters on small branches of plants, cavities and flowers. The individuals usually return to the same location each evening during their life, exhibiting site fidelity to a particular plant. We report on the sleeping roosts of the males of some oil-collecting bees of the genera Centris, Paratetrapedia, Lanthanomelissa, Monoeca, and Tetrapedia, as well as the host plants. We discuss the role of the male clusters to the associated plants.
Pollen counts from samples taken from storage pots throughout one year (from October to September) were adjusted by Tasei's volumetric correction coefficient for the determination of pollen sources exploited by two colonies of Nannotrigona testaceicornis in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The results obtained by this sampling technique for seven months (December to June) were compared with those from corbicula load samples taken within the same period. This species visited a large variety of plant species, but few of them were frequently used. As a rule, pollen sources that appeared at frequencies greater than 1% were found with both sampling methods and significant positive correlations (Spearman correlation coefficient) were found between their values. The pollen load sample data showed that N. testaceicornis gathered pollen throughout the external activity period.
Mitochondrial DNA markers have been widely used to address population and evolutionary questions in the honey bee Apis mellifera. Most of the polymorphic markers are restricted to few mitochondrial regions. Here we describe a set of 24 oligonucleotides that allow PCR amplification of the entire mitochondrial genome of the honey bee A. mellifera in 12 amplicons. These fragments have important applications for the study of mitochondrial genes in different subspecies of A. mellifera and as heterospecific probes to characterize mitochondrial genomes in other bee species.
The stingless bees are among the most abundant and ecologically important social invertebrates in tropical communities. The Neotropical stingless bee Melipona quadrifasciata has two subspecies: M. quadrifasciata quadrifasciata and M. quadrifasciata anthidioides. The main difference between subspecies are the yellow metassomal stripes, which are continuous in M. q. quadrifasciata and discontinuous in M. q. anthidioides. Recently, two populations were described with continuous stripes and inhabiting clearly disjunct areas in relation to M. q. quadrifasciata. We sequenced 852 bp of the mtDNA COI gene from 145 colonies from 56 localities, and for the first time performed a detailed phylogeographic study of a neotropical stingless bee. Phylogenetic analyses revealed the existence of two clades exhibiting a south to north distribution: southern populations comprise the subspecies M. q. quadrifasciata, and northern populations are composed of M. q. anthidioides and two disjunct populations with continuous stripes. The divergence time of these two phylogroups was estimated between 0.233 and 0.840 million years ago in the Pleistocene, a period of climatic changes and geomorphological alterations in the Neotropical region. No evidence of genetic structure in relation to the tergal stripes was found, indicating that the morphological trait regarding the pattern of stripes on tergites is not an accurate diagnostic for the subspecies of M. quadrifasciata.
The ant Paratrechina fulva is native to Brazil, but has spread to other countries where it has become a serious pest. Their larvae are known from a preliminary description made without the aid of scanning electron microscopy. The present investigation aimed at describing the mature worker larvae of this species in deeper detail, while identifying useful morphological characters for taxonomy and cladistics. General morphological traits typical of Paratrechina larvae described so far were also confirmed with this species, particularly regarding body shape, types of hairs, and distribution pattern of head sensilla, but P fulva presented unusually shaped mandibles.
Linepithema humile Mayr is an ant species originally native to South America that has been spread accidently throughout the globe through international trade. It is a serious urban and crop pest. Despite its economic importance, little is known about the larvae of this species apart from a brief description based on a few specimens. The present investigation is aimed at describing every immature stage of L. humile. Three larval instars were determined through the frequency distribution of the maximum width of head capsules from a sample of 525 larvae. The morphological descriptions were based on 150 eggs, 70 larvae, and 90 pupae examined by light and scanning electron microscopy. Some morphological characteristics reported to be typical of Linepithema Mayr larvae were confirmed - dolichoderoid body shape, presence of dorsal protuberance, sparse simple body hairs, presence of nine pairs of spiracles and dolichoderoid mandibles. We concluded that an earlier published description was based on queen larvae, and that the protuberance is only present in worker larvae. The information provided in this study may aid ant systematics and phylogenetics, as well provide a better understanding of the biology of this species.
The weaver ants Camponotus textor (Forel) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) are native to Central and South America, where they use their larvae to build silken nests by sewing tree leaves together. Few Studies have been conducted with this species, and little is known about the morphology of their larvae. Tie present paper estimated the number of larval instars of C. textor and presents a detailed morphological description of each immature stage based on light and electron microscopic observations. The number of larval in stars was estimated as four based oil the frequency distribution of larval head widths. Tic larvae of this species presented some typical characteristics of Camponotus (Mayr) larvae: body shape `pogonomyrmecoid`, ten pairs of spiracles, antennae with three sensilla, conspicuous `chiloscleres` on the labrum, and mature larvae with pronounced labial pseudopalps. Unprecedented characteristics would include: great diversity of body hair types, and `camponotoid` mandibles but with four medial denticles. This information can aid biological and taxonomic studies with these ants, and may be useful for ant systematics.
Linepithema micans Forel is a poorly studied species that is now considered a pest in vineyards in South Brazil. Larval characters have been used in a few phylogenetic studies, and their importance greatly depends in the amount of available information on different species. This study presents a complete panorama on the external morphology of the immatures of L. micans based on observations by light and scanning electron microscopy. The number of larval instars was estimated as three based on the frequency distribution of head widths of 965 larvae. Larvae of L. micans were similar to other Linepithema Mayr in the general format of body and mandibles, presenting a dorsal abdominal protuberance, nine pairs of spiracle, and unbranched hairs. On the other hand, L. micans was unique for having shorter hairs, predominantly denticulate, intraspecific variation in the number of antennal sensilla and in the types of sensilla on the labial palps were reported. Microsc. Res. Tech. 74:337-342, 2011. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
In the present paper, we report on the occurrence of the cockroach Pycnoscelus surinamensis (Linnaeus, 1758) in Brachymyrmex cordemoyi Forel, 1895 nests, indicating a possible symbiosis between these two species. Also, the finding of intradomicile P. surinamensis nymphs may indicate this species is extending its habitat to human habitations, i.e. changing its ecological category from peridomestic to domestic.
In addition to feeding on carrion tissues and fluids, social wasps can also prey on immature and adult carrion flies, thereby reducing their populations and retarding the decomposition process of carcasses. In this study, we report on the occurrence and behavior of social wasps attracted to vertebrate carrion. The collections were made monthly from September 2006 to October 2007 in three environments (rural, urban, and forest) in six municipalities of southeast Brazil, using baited bottle traps. We collected Agelaia pallipes (Olivier, 1791) (n = 143), Agelaia vicina (Saussure, 1854) (n = 106), Agelaia multipicta (Haliday, 1836) (n = 18), and Polybia paulista Ihering, 1896 (n = 3). The wasps were observed feeding directly on the baits and preying on adult insects collected in the traps. Bait and habitat associations, temporal variability of social wasps, and possible forensic implications of their actions are discussed.
The ectosymbiont actinobacterium Pseudonocardia was isolated from the integument of Acromyrmex leaf-cutter ants and seems to play a crucial role in maintaining asepsis of the nest. Currently, there has been an intensive search for Pseudonocardia associated with several attine species, but few studies have indicated that other actinobacteria may be associated with these ants as well. We therefore characterized the culturable actinobacteria community associated with the integument of the fungus-growing ant Acromyrmex subterraneus brunneus Forel, 1893 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Ectosymbionts were isolated using four different media and characterized by morphological and molecular (16S rDNA) methods. A total of 20 strains were isolated, of which 17 were characterized as Streptomyces spp., and one isolate each as Pseudonocardia, Kitassatospora and Propionicimonas. Unlike other Acromyrmex species, A. subterraneus brunneus is associated with a diversity of actinobacteria. Even though Pseudonocardia is present on this leaf-cutting ant`s integument, the number and diversity of Streptomyces spp. found differs from those of previous studies with other attine ants and suggest that different culturing approaches are needed to characterize the true diversity of microbes colonizing the integument of attine ants. Moreover, understanding the diversity of the culturable actinobacteria associated with A. subterraneus brunneus should increase our knowledge of the evolutionary relationship of this intricate symbiotic association. (C) 2010 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.