947 resultados para European Early Lung Cancer
Background: All cases of lung cancer diagnosed in Western Australia in 1996 in which surgery was the primary treatment, were reviewed. Reported herein are the characteristics of the patients, the treatment outcomes and a comparison of the management undertaken with that recommended by international guidelines. Methods: All patients with a new diagnosis of lung cancer in Western Australia in the calendar year of 1996 were identified using two different population-based registration systems: the Western Australian (WA) Cancer Registry and the WA Hospital Morbidity Data System. A structured questionnaire on the diagnosis and management was completed for each case. Date of death was determined through the WA Cancer Registry. Results: Six hundred and sixty-eight patients with lung cancer were identified; 132 (20%) were treated with surgery. Lobectomy was the most frequently performed procedure (71%), followed by pneumonectomy (19%). Major complications affected 23% of patients. Postoperative mortality was 6% (3% lobectomy, 12% pneumonectomy). At 5 years the absolute survival was as follows for stage I, II, IIIA, IIIB, respectively: 51%, 45%, 12%, 5%. Conclusions: Investigations and choice of surgery in WA in 1996 reflect current international guidelines. The survival of patients with resectable lung cancer remains unsatisfactory.
Morbidity and mortality from lung cancer is a major burden to global health. The integration of expert clinical experience, patient preference and high-quality evidence, including Cochrane systematic reviews, can only help improve outcomes from this highly lethal condition.
Lung cancer remains the most common cause of cancer-related mortality in Scotland, accounting for 28.9% of all cancer deaths in 2007. Current guidelines recommend assessment of patient fitness and operability by a multidisciplinary team when selecting management options. Two of the most important prognostic markers are the stage of disease and ECOG performance status. In 1996, the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) launched a worldwide TNM staging project to create international databases that would be used to continue the excellent efforts of Dr. Cliff Mountain, who pioneered this approach to lung cancer staging in 1973. Successive iterations of tumor, nodule, metastasis (TNM) staging for lung cancer have addressed shortcomings identified by the oncology community. Similarly, the IASLC recognized that it is important that further revisions continue to be made to ensure that the international staging system for lung cancer remains fit for its purpose. The last work of the International Staging Committee (ISC) was the conduct of the study that informed the seventh edition of the international staging system for lung cancer, in 2010. This review of image and staging in non small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), includes a summary of the different noninvasive tests currently available for staging non small cell lung cancer.
BACKGROUND: Early gastric cancer (EGC) is defined as adenocarcinoma limited to the mucosa or submucosa regardless of lymph node involvement. Local EGC recurrence rates have been described ill Lip to 6% of cases. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate predictive factors for incomplete resection and local recurrence of EGC treated by endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) that was followed up for at least one year. METHODS: From June 1994 to December 2005, 46 patients with EGC underwent EMR. Possible predictive factors for incomplete endoscopic resection and local recurrence were identified by medical chart analysis. Demographic, endoscopic and histopathological data were retrospectively evaluated. EMR was considered complete or incomplete. Patients from the complete resection group were divided into subgroups (with and without local EGC recurrence). RESULTS: Complete resection was possible in 36 cases (76.6%). Predictive factors for incomplete resection were turnout location (P=0.035), histological type (P=0.021), lesion size (P=0.022) and number of resected fragments (P=0.013). On multivariate analysis, undifferentiated histological type (OR 0.8; 95% Cl 0.036 to 0.897) and number of resected fragments (OR 7.34; 95% Cl 1.266 to 42.629) were independent predictive factors for incomplete resection. In the complete resection group, a larger lesion size was associated with a higher the number of resected fragments (P=0.018). Local recurrence occurred in nine cases (25%). Use of the cap technique was the only predictive factor for local recurrence in five of seven cases (71.4%) (P=0.006). CONCLUSIONS: A larger lesion size was associated with a higher number of resected fragments. Undifferentiated adenocarcinoma and piecemeal resection were predictive factors for incomplete resection. Technique type was a predictive factor for local EGC recurrence.
Molecular events in early colorectal cancers (CRCs) have not been well elucidated because of the low incidence of early CRCs in clinical practice. Therefore, we studied 104 sporadic early CRCs with invasion limited to submucosa compared with 116 advanced CRCs. Loss of heterozygosity as well as microsatellite instability (MSI) status was examined. A significantly high frequency of low-level MSI (MSI-L) phenotype was detected in early CRCs (51.0%) compared with advanced CRCs (25.9%; P = 0.0001). In early and advanced CRCs, samples with MSI-L phenotype differed from microsatellite stable (MSS) phenotype with respect to loss of heterozygosity at 1p32 and 8p12-22. MSI-L is a frequent genetic event in early CRCs and may be a novel pathway in colorectal carcinogenesis distinct from both MSI-H and MSS.
Background and Objectives: Selection of suitable treatment for early gastric cancers, such as endoscopic mucosal resection or the major surgical option of resection of the cancer together with a radical lymph node dissection, may be assisted by comparing the growth characteristics of the cancer with selected molecular characteristics. The results could be used to predict those cases that have a higher risk of developing secondary metastases. Methods: A total of 1,196 Japanese patients with early gastric cancers (648 mucosal cancers and 548 submucosal) were included in the selection of two groups: a metastatic group made up 57 cancers with lymph node metastasis (9 mucosal, 48 submucosal), and a nonmetastatic group of 61 cases (6 mucosal, 55 submucosal) without lymph node metastasis. Growth characteristics of the cancers (superficially spreading, penetrating or invasive, lymph node metastasis) were compared with immunohistochemical expression of single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) protein (apoptosis indicator), bcl-2 and p53 (apoptosis-associated), Ki-67 (cell proliferation), and E-cadherin (cell adhesion) proteins. Results: The lesions in the nonmetastatic group had higher levels of apoptosis and lower expression of bcl-2 than in the metastatic group, indicating an inhibitory role for apoptosis in malignant progression. Apoptosis was also higher in the superficial compared with the invasive lesions of both groups. The lesions in the metastatic group had higher p53 expression than that of the nonmetastatic group, whereas apoptosis in the metastatic group was lower than in the nonmetastatic group. An unproved explanation for this finding may be that, although increased, p53 was mutated and ineffective in promoting apoptotic control of metastatic progression. E-cadherin was decreased in the invasive lesions of both groups, indicating a greater ability of these cells to lose adhesion, to invade the submucosa, and to metastasize. Cell proliferation was highest in the superficial lesions of both metastatic and nonmetastatic groups. Conclusions: Early gastric cancers with low levels of apoptosis, increased bcl-2, and high levels of p53 expression are more likely to invade and metastasize. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Introduction: Standard Uptake Value (SUV) is a measurement of the uptake in a tumour normalized on the basis of a distribution volume and is used to quantify 18F-Fluorodeoxiglucose (FDG) uptake in tumors, such as primary lung tumor. Several sources of error can affect its accuracy. Normalization can be based on body weight, body surface area (BSA) and lean body mass (LBM). The aim of this study is to compare the influence of 3 normalization volumes in the calculation of SUV: body weight (SUVW), BSA (SUVBSA) and LBM (SUVLBM), with and without glucose correction, in patients with known primary lung tumor. The correlation between SUV and weight, height, blood glucose level, injected activity and time between injection and image acquisition is evaluated. Methods: Sample included 30 subjects (8 female and 22 male) with primary lung tumor, with clinical indication for 18F-FDG Positron Emission Tomography (PET). Images were acquired on a Siemens Biography according to the department’s protocol. Maximum pixel SUVW was obtained for abnormal uptake focus through semiautomatic VOI with Quantification 3D isocontour (threshold 2.5). The concentration of radioactivity (kBq/ml) was obtained from SUVW, SUVBSA, SUVLBM and the glucose corrected SUV were mathematically obtained. Results: Statistically significant differences between SUVW, SUVBSA and SUVLBM and between SUVWgluc, SUVBSAgluc and SUVLBMgluc were observed (p=0.000<0.05). The blood glucose level showed significant positive correlations with SUVW (r=0.371; p=0.043) and SUVLBM (r=0.389; p=0.034). SUVBSA showed independence of variations with the blood glucose level. Conclusion: The measurement of a radiopharmaceutical tumor uptake normalized on the basis of different distribution volumes is still variable. Further investigation on this subject is recommended.
Stage IV non-small cell lung cancer is a fatal disease, with a median survival of 14 months. Systemic chemotherapy is the most common approach. However the impact in overall survival and quality of life still a controversy. OBJECTIVES: To determine differences in overall survival and quality of life among patients with stage IV non-small cell lung cancer non-metastatic to the brain treated with best supportive care versus systemic chemotherapy. PATIENTS: From February 1990 through December 1995, 78 eligible patients were admitted with the diagnosis of stage IV non-small cell lung cancer . Patients were divided in 2 groups: Group A (n=31 -- treated with best supportive care ), and Group B (n=47 -- treated with systemic chemotherapy). RESULTS: The median survival time was 23 weeks (range 5 -- 153 weeks) in Group A and 55 weeks (range 7.4 -- 213 weeks) in Group B (p=0.0018). In both groups, the incidence of admission for IV antibiotics and need of blood transfusions were similar. Patients receiving systemic chemotherapy were also stratified into those receiving mytomycin, vinblastin, and cisplatinum, n=25 and those receiving other combination regimens (platinum derivatives associated with other drugs, n=22). Patients receiving mytomycin, vinblastin, and cisplatinum, n=25 had a higher incidence of febrile neutropenia and had their cycles delayed for longer periods of time than the other group. These patients also had a shorter median survival time (51 versus 66 weeks, p=0.005). CONCLUSION: In patients with stage IV non-small cell lung cancer, non-metastatic to the brain, chemotherapy significantly increases survival compared with best supportive care.
A rare case of thumb metastasis from small cell lung cancer is presented. The patient underwent local radiotherapy with complete palliation of symptoms. She died 4 months later with disseminated disease. Considerations about incidence, treatment, and physiopathology of this kind of dissemination are made. Conservative treatment of finger metastasis with radiation may be considered due to the poor outcome of these patients.
OBJECTIVE: To analyze surgical and pathological parameters and outcome and prognostic factors of patients with nonsmall cell lung cancer (NSCLC) who were admitted to a single institution, as well as to correlate these findings to the current staging system. METHOD: Seven hundred and thirty seven patients were diagnosed with NSCLC and admitted to Hospital do Cancer A. C. Camargo from 1990 to 2000. All patients were included in a continuous prospective database, and their data was analyzed. Following staging, a multidisciplinary team decision on adequate management was established. Variables included in this analysis were age, gender, histology, Karnofsky index, weight loss, clinical stage, surgical stage, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and survival rates. RESULTS: 75.5% of patients were males. The distribution of histologic type was squamous cell carcinoma 51.8%, adenocarcinoma 43.1%, and undifferentiated large cell carcinoma 5.1%. Most patients (73%) presented significant weight loss and a Karnofsky index of 80%. Clinical staging was IA 3.8%, IB 9.2%, IIA 1.4%, IIB 8.1%, IIIA 20.9%, IIIB 22.4%, IV 30.9%. Complete tumor resection was performed in 24.6% of all patients. Surgical stage distribution was IA 25.3%, IB 1.4%, IIB 17.1%, IIIA 16.1%, IIIB 20.3%, IV 11.5%. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy were considered therapeutic options in 43% and 72%, respectively. The overall 5-year survival rate of nonsmall cell lung cancer patients in our study was 28%. Median survival was 18.9 months. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with NSCLC who were admitted to our institution presented with histopathologic and clinical characteristics that were similar to previously published series in cancer hospitals. The best prognosis was associated with complete tumor resection with lymph node dissection, which is only achievable in earlier clinical stages.
Hyaluronan (HA) shows promise for detecting cancerous change in pleural effusion and urine. However, there is uncertainty about the localization of HA in tumor tissue and its relationship with different histological types and other components of the extracellular matrix, such as angiogenesis. We evaluated the association between HA and degree of malignancy through expression in lung tumor tissue and sputum. Tumoral tissue had significantly increased HA compared to normal tissue. Strong HA staining intensity associated with cancer cells was significant in squamous cell carcinoma compared to adenocarcinoma and large cell carcinoma. A significant direct association was found between tumors with a high percentage of HA and MVD (microvessel density) in tumoral stroma. Similarly significant was the direct association between N1 tumors and high levels of HA in cancer cells. Cox multivariate analysis showed significant association between better survival and low HA. HA increased in sputum from lung cancer patients compared to cancer-free and healthy volunteers and a significant correlation was found between HA in sputum and HA in cancer tissue. Localization of HA in tumor tissue was related to malignancy and reflected in sputum, making this an emerging factor for an important diagnostic procedure in patients suspected to have lung cancer. Further study in additional patients in a randomized prospective trial is required to finalize these results and to validate our quantitative assessment of HA, as well as to couple it to gold standard sputum cytology.
ჩატარებულია რადონის განაწილების რაოდენობრივი შეფასება დასავლეთ საქართველოს ცალკეულ რაიონებში. მიღებული მონაცემები მოწმობს, რომ 100-ზე მეტი წყლის სინჯში აღინიშნება რადონის მაღალი შემცველობა. ამ უბნებთანაა დაკავშირებული ბინებში რადონის დაგროვების მაღალი მაჩვენებლები.ჩვენს მიერ ჩატარებული კვლევა კიდევ ერთხელ ადასტურებს კორელაციურ კავშირს რადონის კონცენტრაციასა და ფილტვის კიბოს გავრცელებას შორის.