949 resultados para Eucalipto - Espaçamento
Com o objetivo de verificar possível efeito alelopático de 18 espécies de plantas daninhas sobre o crescimento inicial de Eucalyptus grandis, realizaram-se dois experimentos em casa de vegetação. No primeiro experimento, dentre 18 espécies de plantas daninhas testadas, Brachiaria decumbens (BRADC) demonstrou acentuada capacidade de reduzir o crescimento de Eucalyptus grandis, quando incorporada ao solo. No segundo experimento avaliou-se o efeito da adição no substrato de concentrações de matéria seca de BRADC sobre o crescimento inicial de mudas de E. grandis. A matéria seca triturada de BRADC foi incorporada ao solo nas concentrações de 0% (testemunha), 0,5%, 1,0%, 2,0% e 3,0% (p/p). Instalou-se também uma réplica do experimento, com adição de idênticas quantidades totais de carbono entre os tratamentos. O ajuste da quantidade de carbono foi feito através da adição de Sphagnum. Extraiu-se a solução do solo por meio de cápsulas de porcelana introduzidas nos vasos quando do transplante das mudas de eucalipto. As soluções foram coletadas ao final do experimento (39 dias após o transplante das mudas), sendo utilizadas para a determinação de pH, condutividade elétrica, potencial osmótico e para análise de teores de nutrientes. As mínimas proporções de BRADC, com efeito inibitório, foram de 0,5 e 1,0%, com e sem Sphagnum, respectivamente. Nestas duas condições, a área foliar média do eucalipto foi reduzida em 24 e 23%, respectivamente. As análises de solução do solo dos tratamentos permitiram concluir que os teores de nutrientes e as características químicas destes foram pouco alterados pelos tratamentos, sendo pouco provável que a redução do crescimento do E. grandis se deva às restrições nas quantidades de nutrientes disponíveis.
O valor nutricional do Lentinula edodes (Berk.) Pegler varia em função da linhagem cultivada, do processamento após colheita, do estágio de desenvolvimento do basidioma e do tipo de substrato utilizado. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar nutricionalmente basidiomas de L. edodes em função da linhagem e do tipo de eucalipto cultivado. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 2 x 10 (linhagens de L. edodes x tipo de eucalipto), totalizando 20 tratamentos com 2 repetições, sendo que cada repetição correspondeu a uma amostra de basidiomas desidratados e moídos. de acordo com os resultados obtidos, verificou-se que as propriedades nutricionais do L. edodes (proteína bruta, extrato etéreo, cinzas e fibra bruta) demonstraram sofrer influência da interação eucalipto x fungo. Assim, os melhores resultados foram: Proteína bruta: Linhagem LE-96/18 cultivada em toras de E. urophylla, cuja média foi de 24,3%; Extrato etéreo: Linhagem LE-96/18 cultivada em toras do clone 23, cuja média foi de 3,0%; Cinzas: Linhagem LE-96/18 cultivada em toras de E. paniculata e E. camaldulensis e Linhagem LE-95/01 cultivada em toras de E. citriodora, cujas médias foram de 5,0%; Fibra bruta: Linhagem LE-95/01 cultivada em toras de E. paniculata, cuja média foi de 20,5%.
O experimento foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar variações no índice de área foliar, altura das plantas, número de nós, comprimento dos entrenós na haste principal e altura das vagens em relação à superfície do solo do feijoeiro irrigado e cultivado em diferentes populações de plantas e espaçamentos entre linhas de cultivo. O experimento foi conduzido no ano agrícola 1997/98, em área experimental do Departamento de Engenharia Rural da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), Santa Maria, RS. A cultivar de feijão preto BR-FEPAGRO 44 - Guapo brilhante, de crescimento indeterminado (tipo II), foi cultivada em três populações de plantas (175, 250 e 325 mil plantas há-1) e três espaçamentos entre linhas de cultivo (35, 50 e 65cm). Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, bifatorial, com quatro repetições. Irrigações por aspersão foram aplicadas quando a evapotranspiração máxima da cultura, estimada com base na evaporação do tanque classe A, indicava um valor acumulado de 25mm. Os resultados demonstraram que o aumento da população de plantas ocasionou aumento no índice de área foliar durante a fase de crescimento vegetativo da cultura, sendo que na fase reprodutiva, o índice de área foliar foi afetado pelo espaçamento entre as linhas de cultivo. A área foliar, a altura de plantas e o número de nós na haste principal aumentaram com a redução na população de plantas. A altura da extremidade da primeira vagem das plantas em relação ao solo apresentou comportamento quadrático com o aumento na população de plantas. Os diferentes espaçamentos e populações de plantas não afetaram o comprimento dos entrenós na haste principal das plantas.
O objetivo deste experimento foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes populações de plantas e espaçamentos entre linhas de cultivo na produção de massa seca, rendimento de grãos e componentes do rendimento da cultura do feijoeiro irrigado. O experimento foi conduzido no ano agrícola 1997/1998, em área do Departamento de Engenharia Rural da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), RS. A cultivar de feijão preto BR-FEPAGRO 44 - Guapo brilhante, habito de crescimento indeterminado (tipo II), foi submetida a três populações de plantas (175, 250 e 325 mil plantas há-1) e três espaçamentos entre linhas de cultivo (35, 50 e 65cm). Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, bifatorial, com quatro repetições. Irrigações por aspersão foram aplicadas quando a evapotranspiração máxima da cultura, estimada a partir da evaporação do tanque classe A, indicava um valor acumulado de 25mm. Os resultados demonstraram que as diferentes populações de plantas e espaçamentos entre linhas de cultivo não ocasionaram alterações no rendimento de grãos e massa de mil sementes. No entanto, o número de sementes por vagem e de vagens por planta aumentaram com a redução na população de plantas. Na fase do enchimento de grãos, a redução do espaçamento entre linhas de cultivo aumentou a massa seca da parte aérea das plantas. A cultivar de feijoeiro, BR-FEPAGRO 44 - Guapo brilhante, apresenta elevada plasticidade dos componentes do rendimento, havendo compensação no rendimento de grãos nas menores populações de plantas com aumento da produção por planta.
O alto investimento em operações agroflorestais mecanizadas implica a definição segura de qual será a máquina mais preconizada para a otimização da operação, vinculada aos menores custos envolvidos. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o desempenho operacional e econômico da operação silvicultural de irrigação pós-plantio de eucalipto a campo. A análise técnica englobou um estudo de tempos e movimentos e, a análise econômica, as variáveis do custo operacional, custo de produção e rendimento energético. Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram que, para áreas de reflorestamento de eucalipto em primeira e terceira rotação, não há uma diferença da capacidade de campo efetiva para a operação de irrigação pós-plantio. em decorrência do dispêndio com tempos improdutivos, houve uma redução significativa na capacidade de campo operacional e, consequentemente, uma elevação no custo de produção.
The experiment was carried out at Sao Manuel Experimental Farm, Agronomy College, São Paulo State University, Brazil, in a Dark-Red Latosol (loamy sand) to verify oat (Avena strigosa Schreber) rooting patterns under different plant populations (1,5 x 10(6) and 2.5 x 106 plants/ha) and row spacings (0.20 and 0.30 m.). Soil and roots were sampled 81 days after planting, at bloom stage. Cylindrical cores with 2.6 cm diameter were taken from soil depths of 0-10, 10-20, 20-40 and 40-60 cm. At the same time, plant canopies where also sampled to determine the dry weight. Soil analysis showed P to be concentrated in the upper 10 cm whereas the bases were uniform in the profile. There was a high root concentration in the 0-10 cm layer (9.9 to 13.0 cm/cm3 under the row and 10.0 to 11.5 cm/cm2 in the inter-row), which was not related to chemical characteristics of the soil. There was no effect of plant population or row spacing on oat root distribution or growth in the soil profile.
The buttonweed (Spermacoce latifolia) is becoming a plant among the most current infesting eucalypts plantation in State of São Paulo due to the continual use of same herbicides and control methods. Owing this, this work aimed to evaluate the effects of periods of company and control of S. Iatifolia on the initial growth of Eucalyptus grandis, planted in winter and summer. Only one seedling of Eucalyptus was planted in amianthus cement box and submitted for crescent periods of company and control of S. Iatifolia (0, 20, 60 and 80 days in competition or not). The densities of plants of S. Iatifolia were 4 and 16 plants per m 2 (under winner and summer conditions). The experimental period was 100 days after the planting (DAP). The experimental design for both experiments was the completely randomized blocks (CRB) with ten treatments and four replicates. The results of plant high, stem diameter, dries weights and leaf area showed that the before interference period (BIP), whole period of prevention for interference (WPPI) and critical period of prevention for interference (CPPI) were 40, 60, and 60 DAR, respectively, under winner conditions. Under summer conditions, the WPPI and CPPI were 20, 80 and 20 to 80 DAR.
This paper reports the occurrence of the longhorn beetle Phoracantha recurva Newman (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) attacking Eucalyptus citriodora logs in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. This Australian species was introduced in the country and is considered a quarentenary pest because it may negatively influence the exporting of eucalypts logs. Details on the biology, damage and control, as well as the different morphological characteristics between P. recurva and P. semipunctata are discussed.
Two field trial were conducted in Eucalyptus grandis W. Hill ex Maiden x Eucalyptus urophylla S.T. Blake crops at Três Lagoas, Mato Grosso do Sul State and Brotas, São Paulo State, Brazil, to evaluate the effects of weed control in strip of different width on the Eucalyptus plant growth. The experiments consisted of two groups treatments: group 1 - with constant width control strips being kept during the first 12 months, i.e., at 0, 25, 50, 100, 125 and 150cm on each side of the Eucalyptus row and, group 2: with increasing width control strips being adopted along the experimental period, i.e., at 25 to 150, 25-50-150, 50 to 150, 50-125-150, 100-125-150, 100 tot 150 and 125 to 150 cm on each side of the Eucalyptus row during the first 12 months. At 49 moths after planting it was verified that the Eucalyptus plants that had grown both in the constant and increasing width control strips, equal to or higher than 100 and 50 cm, respectively, showed higher steam diameter, plant height, volume and annual increment average of wood. These results led to the conclusion that the minimum control strip width should be 100 cm on each side of the Eucalyptus row in order to keep the crop free of weed interference.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of the biosolids used as substrate component for seedlings production of Eucalyptus. This way, different proportions of biosolid/carbonized rice (80/20, 70/30, 60/40, 50/05 and 40/60) were tested as substrates in mixture, which were compared to the common substrate used by forest nursery (Multiplant®), as control. The experiment was established with Eucalyptus grandis where growth seedlings-related parameters were assessed: shoot height, collar diameter, accumulation of dry matter on the shoot and root, chemical analysis of the vegetal tissue of aerial part and root, foliar area and chlorophyll content. The results revealed that Eucalypts seedlings developed in substrate with 50% biosolid were similar to the control in relation to the evaluated parameters, concluding that the use of biosolids for seedlings production is quite promising.
The erosion caused by running water constitutes important cause of environmental degradation and productivity reduction, which justifies its evaluation in areas of eucalypt commercial plantations, mainly in ondulated slope conditions. The present study was intended to evaluate the influence of different management systems, in an undulated eucalypt pos-planting area, upon soil and water losses by erosion. The experiment was installed in a very clayey Red Latosol (Oxisol) under three eucalypt management systems (downhill planting with burning of crop residues - EDq; downhill planting with maintenance of crop residues on soil surface - ED; level planting with maintenance of crop residues on soil surface - EN), native forest (FN), bare soil (SD), and native pasture (PN). The soil and water losses evaluations were performed in standard plots installed in the field. All eucalypt systems presented very low values of soil losses in relation to the established tolerance limit, indicating the adequacy of these management systems concerning water erosion. The sustainability of these environments regarding erosion is indicated by the fact that soil losses in eucalipt were very close to those observed in native forest (reference).
This paper evaluated the critical level, responsivity and boron use effciency on growth and the biomass production in six Eucalyptus grandis x Eucalyptus urophylla clones (Ca, Cb, Cc, Cd, Ce and Cf). An experiment was carried out in pots containing ground silicon, under greenhouse conditions using four boron rates per solution (0; 0.135; 0.27; 0.54 mg L -1 of B). The treatments were combined in a randomized block experimental design in a 4 × 6 factorial scheme with three replications. Plant height, stem diameter, dry matter production in the shoots of the plant and boron use effciency in the leaves, stem and total dry matter at the 8th month of age were evaluated. Due to boron fertilization, growth and shoot biomass were observed in the Eucalyptus plants after 240 days of being planted in pots. The increases in growth and biomass were 35 to 54% and 21 to 64%, respectively. The boron rates that promoted major growth of the plants were 0.33 to 0.44 mg L -1 of B and in this range the most effcient clone for dry matter production of leaves was Cf and the least effcient one to stem biomass production and the shoot biomass was Cd, no signifcant differences among other clones were observed. The critical level of boron in solution was 0.09 to 0.24 mg L -1 of B in the growth of the plants.
The aim of this study was to evaluate Eucaliptus grandis genotypes (Clones 105 and 433) in relation to drought tolerance, through growth plant analysis. Black PVC pots with 10 liter volume were used for cultivate plants in polyethilene greenhouse oriented east/west. Completely randonmized design with four treatments was used: two clones and two minimum soil water potentials (- 0.03 and -1,5 MPa) and sixteen replicates. Pots were weighed daily in order to evaluate water content and characteristic soli water curve was determined. Plant development was obtained each 15 days from planting until 60 days through total dry matter (DM), leaf area index (LAI), leaf area ratio (LAR), net assimilative ratio (NAR), specific leaf area (SLA), relative growth ratio (RGR) and absolute growth ratio (AGR). Results showed that clone 105 presented less sensibility to water deficit, which qualify it as genetic material for use under dry soil conditons. On the other hand, both clones had similar behavior with no water restrictions.
This study aimed to evaluate the acclimatization effects in the Eucalyptus grandis vs. Eucalyptus urophylla seedlings nursery in their initial growth in two soils types, clay and sandy. The seedlings were planted in Plantmax substrate and in rice hulls plus vermiculite, and managed, after 60 days of the mass propagation (DAE), during the rustication. There were five different frequencies of subsurface drip irrigation, restoring the soil field capacity condition: F1, F2, F3 and F4, which were irrigated once, twice, three and four times a day, respectively, and FD, kept in continue irrigation until planting at 90 DAE. In a randomized block design with four replications, plant height (HPA) were evaluated at 6 and 13 months after planting and the diameter at breast height (DAP) at 13 months after planting. Findings show that water management at hardening phase seedlings had no influence on growth in both soils.
Many studies have recommended the use of small plots for forest experiments, although they do not consider the inter-genotype competition increase. If this competition is not isolated from the mathematics model, it can lead to incorrect selection of genetic materials. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of seven competition covariates in two Eucalyptus spp. progeny tests. Data from the two half-sib eucalyptus progenies were analyzed, using the randomized blocks design. The seven analyzed covariates were HegyI's competition index (IC), self-competition (AT), alo competition (AL), self-competition mean (MAT), alo competition mean (MAL), and arithmetic means of four (M4) and eight (M8) nearest neighbors. Individual and combined analyses of covariates were used for the wood volume trait. All the variance components and the changes caused by covariates use were evaluated. The competition affects the results of eucalypt progeny analysis in different ways, according to its type, self or alo competition. Most influential covariates were MAT, MAL and IC. Most promising results of competition effects reduction were observed for the IC/MAT covariates inclusion in eucalypt progeny tests.