916 resultados para Ethrel stimulation


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In addition to antibodies, Th1-type T cell responses are also important for long-lasting protection against pertussis. However, upon immunization with the current acellular vaccines, many children fail to induce Th1-type responses, potentially due to immunomodulatory effects of some vaccine antigens, such as filamentous haemagglutinin (FHA). We therefore analysed the ability of FHA to modulate immune functions of human monocyte-derived dendritic cells (MDDC). FHA was purified from pertussis toxin (PTX)-deficient or from PTX- and adenylate cyclase-deficient Bordetella pertussis strains, and residual endotoxin was neutralized with polymyxin B. FHA from both strains induced phenotypic maturation of human MDDC and cytokine secretion (IL-10, IL-12p40, IL-12p70, IL-23 and IL-6). To identify the FHA domains responsible for MDDC immunomodulation, MDDC were stimulated with FHA containing a Gly→Ala substitution at its RGD site (FHA-RAD) or with an 80-kDa N-terminal moiety of FHA (Fha44), containing its heparin-binding site. Whereas FHA-RAD induced maturation and cytokine production comparable to those of FHA, Fha44 did not induce IL-10 production, but maturated MDDC at least partially. Nevertheless, Fha44 induced the secretion of IL-12p40, IL-12p70, IL-23 and IL-6 by MDDC, albeit at lower levels than FHA. Thus, FHA can modulate MDDC responses in multiple ways, and IL-10 induction can be dissociated from the induction of other cytokines.


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Although steroid hormones are known to play a predominant role in the regulation of cell growth in hormone-sensitive cancers, their mechanisms of action, especially their interaction with growth factors and/or growth inhibitors, is poorly understood. We have recently observed that the effects of androgens and estrogens on the expression of the major protein found in human breast gross cystic disease fluid, protein-24, are opposite to their respective action on cell proliferation in human breast cancer cell lines. Somewhat surprisingly, the recent elucidation of the amino acid sequence of this progesterone binding protein reveals that this tumor marker is apolipoprotein D (apo D), a member of a superfamily of lipophilic ligand carrier proteins. The present study was designed to determine whether apo D is secreted by human prostate cancer cells and could thus be a new marker of steroid action in these cancer cells, and whether the sex steroid-induced stimulation of apo D secretion coincides with inhibition of cell proliferation. We took advantage of the biphasic pattern of the effect of steroids on the proliferation of the human prostate cancer LNCaP cell line, which offers the opportunity to discriminate between positive and negative steroid receptor-regulated cell growth processes. A 10-day exposure to low concentrations of dihydrotestosterone and testosterone caused a potent stimulation of LNCaP cell proliferation, whereas incubation with higher concentrations of these androgens led to a progressive decrease in cell proliferation towards basal levels. The biphasic action of androgens was also observed on apo D secretion, the effects on apo D secretion being inversely related to their action on LNCaP cell proliferation. Similar opposite biphasic effects were also observed with 9 other steroids, thus indicating that the stimulation of secretion of this new biochemical marker coincides with inhibition of cell proliferation in LNCaP human prostatic cancer cells.


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Hormesis is the name given to the stimulatory effects caused by low levels of potentially toxic agents. When this phenomenon was first identified it was called the Arndt-Schulz Law or Hueppe's Rule, because it was thought to occur generally. Although this generalisation is not accepted today, there has never been more evidence in its support, justifying a re-examination of the phenomenon. Evidence from the literature shows that not only has growth hormesis been observed in a range of taxa after exposure to a variety of agents, but also that the dose-response data have a consistent form. While there are a number of separate hypotheses to explain specific instances of hormesis, the evidence presented here suggests that different examples might have a common explanation, and the possibility of a general theory is considered.


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It is shown experimentally that subinhibitory concentrations of a number of toxic, or other agents that are typically inhibitory (copper, cadmium, tributyl tin fluoride, reduced salinity), may stimulate the growth of colonies of the hydroid Campanularia flexuosa, exhibiting a phenomenon known as hormesis. It is suggested that the stimulation of growth is not due to the specific properties of the different toxicants, but to an adaptive response of the hydroid to the inhibitory effect that they have in common. Growth is regulated by a control mechanism and it is proposed that the increased growth is a consequence of overcorrections to low levels of an inhibitory challenge. Examination of the toxicological literature shows that hormesis is a more common occurrence that is generally supposed, and it is suggested that the explanation given here might apply in other cases of hormesis.