936 resultados para Ethnic


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The maternal and paternal genetic profile of Guineans is markedly sub-Saharan West African, with the majority of lineages belonging to L0-L3 mtDNA sub-clusters and E3a-M2 and E1-M33 Y chromosome haplogroups. Despite the sociocultural differences among Guinea-Bissau ethnic groups,marked by the supposedly strict admixture barriers, their genetic pool remains largely common. Their extant variation coalesces at distinct timeframes, from the initial occupation of the area to later inputs of people. Signs of recent expansion in mtDNA haplogroups L2a-L2c and NRY E3a-M2 suggest population growth in the equatorial western fringe, possibly supported by an early local agricultural centre, and to which the Mandenka and the Balanta people may relate. Non-West African signatures are traceable in less frequent extant haplogroups, fitting well with the linguistic and historical evidence regarding particular ethnic groups: the Papel and Felupe-Djola people retain traces of their putative East African relatives; U6 and M1b among Guinea-Bissau Bak-speakers indicate partial diffusion to Sahel of North African lineages; U5b1b lineages in Fulbe and Papel represent a link to North African Berbers, emphasizing the great importance of post-glacial expansions; exact matches of R1b-P25 and E3b1-M78 with Europeans likely trace back to the times of the slave trade.


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The retromolar foramen allows the passage of the neurovascular bundles that contribute to nutrition and innervation of the pulp and periodontium of the lower teeth. Knowledge of this anatomical variation may prevent complications in the anesthesia and surgical procedures in this area and serve as an anatomical landmark for ethnic identification. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of the retromolar foramen in human mandibles of adult Brazilians and discuss the clinical and ethnic related to the presence of this foramen. Were evaluated 222 human mandibles, dry, adults, Brazilians, independent of gender. The evaluation was performed by two examiners who standardized search from a previous anatomical study. The mandibles were analyzed: the presence of the retromolar foramen (bilateral or unilateral), the presence of the foramen on right and left sides, and the number of foramens present on each side. It was found that 59 had at least one mandible retromolar foramens resulting in an incidence of 26.58%. The retromolar foramen was present unilaterally in 41 mandibles and 18 bilaterally, with incidences of 18.47% and 12.16% respectively. on the right side, the retromolar foramen was present in incidences of 16.22% and 18.92% respectively The analysis of the right side of the mandibles revealed that 47.46%, 21.21% and 3.03% had one, two and three foramens, respectively The left side showed 55.93%, 16.22% and 8.11% of the 222 mandibles with one, two and three retromolar foramens, respectively The incidence of retromolar foramen in the Brazilian population is significant and should be considered in the planning and execution of procedures in several areas of clinical practice dentistry in order to avoid complications. Moreover, it was found that the incidence of retromolar foramen contributes to differentiation of ethnic groups in the area of forensic anthropology.


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Statement of problem. To select the width of denture teeth, the distance between the marks indicating the location of the canines is usually measured around the curvature of the wax occlusal rim; however, most manufacturers' mold charts provide the measurements of the artificial 6 anterior teeth as if they were on a straight line.Purpose. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the curve distance between the distal surfaces of the maxillary canines can be related to the combined width (straight measurement) of the 6 anterior teeth in 4 ethnic groups.Material and methods. Maxillary stone casts were obtained for 160 dentate subjects of 4 ethnic groups (40 whites, 40 blacks, 40 multiracial - descendants of white and black parents, and 40 Asians). The width of each maxillary anterior tooth was measured on the casts with sliding calipers. The combined width of the 6 anterior teeth (CW) corresponded to the sum of the width of each anterior tooth. The curve distance between the distal surfaces of the canines (CD) was measured by using dental tape and sliding calipers. The Pearson correlation coefficient and regression analysis were used to evaluate the relationship between CD and CW in each ethnic group (alpha=.05).Results. The mean CD and CW values (in mm) obtained were: whites (CD=52.12; CW=45.65); blacks (CD=56.10; CW=48.13); multiracial (CD=53.58; CW=46.54); and Asians (CD=53.29; CW=46.60). Significant (P<.001) correlations between CD and CW measurements were observed for all ethnic groups studied (whites, r=0.957; blacks, r=0.803; multiracial, r=0.917; and Asians, r=0.881). The following linear regression equations were obtained: whites [CD=1.1(CW)+0.3]; blacks [CD=0.95(CW)+9.3]; multiracial [CD=1.2(CW)-1.1]; and Asians [CD=1.0(CW)+5].Conclusions. The curve distance between the distal surfaces of the maxillary canines can be accurately related to the combined width of the 6 anterior teeth in the selection of denture teeth for the studied ethnic groups. (J Prosthet Dent 2012;107:400-404)


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Inherited resistance to activated protein C caused by the factor V Leiden (FVL) mutation is the most common genetic cause of venous thrombosis yet described, being found in 20-60% of patients with venous thrombophilia. A relationship between the FVL mutation and an increased predisposition to arterial thrombosis in young women was recently reported. We assessed the prevalence of the FVL mutation in 440 individuals (880 chromosomes) belonging to four different ethnic groups: Caucasians, African Blacks, Asians and Amerindians. PCR amplification followed by MnlI digestion was employed to define the genotype. The FVL mutation was found in a heterozygous state in four out of 152 Whites (2.6%), one out of 151 Amerindians (0.6%), and was absent among 97 African Blacks and 40 Asians. Our results confirm that FVL has a heterogeneous distribution in different human populations, a fact that may contribute to geographic and ethnic differences in the prevalence of thrombotic diseases. In addition, these data may be helpful in decisions regarding the usefulness of screening for the FVL mutation in subjects at risk for thrombosis.


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Soroprevalências para HTLV-I de 3,63% (02/55), 12,9% (10/82) e 13,88% (10/72) foram demonstradas entre os Tiryió, Mekranoiti e Xicrin, respectivamente - indígenas habitantes da Amazônia -, utilizando-se a técnica de "Western Blot" (WBEI). Por outro lado, a imunomicroscopia eletrônica indireta (IIME) revelou como positivos 2 Tiryió, 9 Mekranoiti e 6 Xicrins. Das 44 amostras de soro oriundas de migrantes japoneses, nenhuma resultou positiva pelas duas técnicas antes mencionadas. Foram reativos por ambos os métodos, 1, 8 e 6 amostras dos índios Tiryió, Mekranoiti e Xicrin, respectivamente. Nossos resultados representam uma forte evidência de que o HTV-I e/ou variante(s) antigenicamente similar(es) circula(m) entre populações que habitam a região amazônica do Brasil.


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A maior proporção de fumantes entre negros no Brasil tem sido atribuída a desigualdades socioeconômicas, mas fatores genéticos também poderiam contribuir para esse achado. Este estudo visou investigar associações entre status tabágico com ancestralidade definida geneticamente e características socioeconômicas em brasileiros. Amostras de sangue foram colhidas de 448 voluntários (66,7% homens; idade: 37,1±11,4 anos) classificados como fumantes atuais (FA: 60,9%), ex-fumantes (EF:8,9%) e não fumantes (NF:30,1%).Misturas éticas individuais foram determinadas empregando-se um painel informativo de ancestralidade composto por 48 polimorfismos de deleções e inserções. FA mostraram menor proporção de ancestralidade europeia do que NF (0,837±0,243 X 0,883±0,194; p≤0,05) e EF (0,837±0,243 X 0,864±0,230; p≤0,05), e maior proporção de ancestralidade africana sub-saárica do que EF (0,128±0,222 X 0,07±0,174, p≤0,05) e NF (0,128±0,222 X 0,085±0,178, p≤0,05). NF informaram maior número de anos de escola do que FA (11,2±3,7 X 8,9±3,8; p≤0,001). FA foram menos comuns na Classe econômica A (30%) e mais comuns na Classe B (56,8%). Em análise multivariada, apenas menor número de anos escolares e menor classe econômica estiveram associados com chances maiores para FA. O uso de marcadores de genética molecular para caracterizar o background étnico confirmou que diferenças socioeconômicas são os principais determinantes de maiores taxas de tabagismo entre negros no Brasil.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of this study was to relate the presence of a temporal acoustic window (TAW) to the variables sex, age and race. This observational study was conducted in patients under etiologic investigation after stroke, sickle-cell anemia and hospitalization in an intensive therapy neurologic unit. TAW presence was confirmed by bilateral assessment by two neurologists via transcranial Doppler (TCD). Multiple logistic regression was performed to explain the presence of the window as a function of sex, age and race. In 20% of the 262 patients evaluated, a TAW was not present. The incidence of TAW presence was greater in men (odds ratio [OR] = 5.4, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 2.5-11.7, p < 0.01); lower with increased age (OR = 0.9, 95% CI = 0.92-0.97, p < 0.01); and lower among those of African and Asian descent (OR = 0.32, 95% CI = 0.14-0.70, p = 0.005). On the basis of the results, more men than women had TAWs, and the decrease in TAWs was associated with increased age and African or Asian descent.


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“It is my contention at this point that when race relations on campuses get better, it is in spite of, not because of, the proliferation of jargon-based rhetoric about diversity.”


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Objective. Spondyloarthritides (SpA) can present different disease spectra according to ethnic background. The Brazilian Registry of Spondyloarthritis (RBE) is a nationwide registry that comprises a large databank on clinical, functional, and treatment data on Brazilian patients with SpA. The aim of our study was to analyze the influence of ethnic background in SpA disease patterns in a large series of Brazilian patients. Methods. A common protocol of investigation was prospectively applied to 1318 SpA patients in 29 centers distributed through the main geographical regions in Brazil. The group comprised whites (65%), African Brazilians (31.3%), and people of mixed origins (3.7%). Clinical and demographic variables and various disease index scores were compiled. Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) was the most frequent disease in the group (65.1%); others were psoriatic arthritis (18.3%), undifferentiated SpA (6.8%), enteropathic arthritis (3.7%), and reactive arthritis (3.4%). Results. White patients were significantly associated with psoriasis (p = 0.002), positive HLA-B27 (p = 0.014), and use of corticosteroids (p < 0.0001). Hip involvement (p = 0.02), axial inflammatory pain (p = 0.04), and radiographic sacroiliitis (p = 0.025) were associated with African Brazilian descent. Sex distribution, family history, and presence of peripheral arthritis, uveitis, dactylitis, urethritis, and inflammatory bowel disease were similar in the 3 groups, as well as age at disease onset, time from first symptom until diagnosis, and use of anti-tumor necrosis factor-a agents (p > 0.05). Schober test and thoracic expansion were similar in the 3 groups, whereas African Brazilians had higher Maastricht Ankylasing Spondylitis Enthesitis Scores (p = 0.005) and decreased lateral lumbar flexion (p = 0.003), while whites had a higher occiput-to-wall distance (p = 0.02). African Brazilians reported a worse patient global assessment of disease (p = 0.011). Other index scores and prevalence of work incapacity were similar in the 3 groups, although African Brazilians had worse performance in the Ankylosing Spondylitis Quality of Life questionnaire (p < 0.001). Conclusion. Ethnic background is associated with distinct clinical aspects of SpA in Brazilian patients. African Brazilian patients with SpA have a poorer quality of life and report worse disease compared to whites, (First Release Nov 1 2011; J Rheumatol 2012;39:141-7; doi:10.3899/jrheum.110372)


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Abstract Background Adult-type hypolactasia, the physiological decline of lactase some time after weaning, was previously associated with the LCT -13910C>T polymorphism worldwide except in Africa. Lactase non-persistence is the most common phenotype in humans, except in northwestern Europe with its long history of pastoralism and milking. We had previously shown association of LCT -13910C>T polymorphism with adult-type hypolactasia in Brazilians; thus, we assessed its frequency among different Brazilian ethnic groups. Methods We investigated the ethnicity-related frequency of this polymorphism in 567 Brazilians [mean age, 42.1 ± 16.8 years; 157 (27.7%) men]; 399 (70.4%) White, 50 (8.8%) Black, 65 (11.5%) Brown, and 53 (9.3%) Japanese-Brazilian. DNA was extracted from leukocytes; LCT -13910C>T polymorphism was analyzed by PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism. Results Prevalence of the CC genotype associated with hypolactasia was similar (57%) among White and Brown groups; however, prevalence was higher among Blacks (80%) and those of Japanese descent (100%). Only 2 (4%) Blacks had TT genotype, and 8 (16%) had the CT genotype. Assuming an association between CC genotype and hypolactasia, and CT and TT genotypes with lactase persistence, 356 (62.8%) individuals had hypolactasia and 211 (37.2%) had lactase persistence. The White and Brown groups had the same hypolactasia prevalence (~57%); nevertheless, was 80% among Black individuals and 100% among Japanese-Brazilians (P < 0.01). Conclusion The lactase persistence allele, LCT -13910T, was found in about 43% of both White and Brown and 20% of the Black Brazilians, but was absent among all Japanese Brazilians studied.