999 resultados para Estruturas mistas de aço e concreto


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As pontes ferroviárias de concreto armado estão sujeitas às ações dinâmicas variáveis devido ao tráfego de veículos. Estas ações podem resultar no fenômeno de fadiga do aço e do concreto dessas estruturas. No dimensionamento de estruturas de concreto armado sujeitas à carregamento cíclico, de modo geral, a fadiga é considerada simplificadamente, por meio de um coeficiente kf, denominado coeficiente de fadiga. Esse coeficiente majora a área de aço inicialmente calculada para atender ao Estado Limite Último (ELU), com a finalidade de limitar, em serviço, as variações de tensões no aço de modo a garantir uma vida útil de no mínimo 2.000.000 de ciclos. O presente trabalho apresenta melhorias nas hipóteses utilizadas pelo coeficiente de fadiga kf, permitindo o dimensionamento de armaduras longitudinais sujeitas à fadiga, para números de ciclos superiores a 2 milhões, que é o valor proposto pelo EB-3/67, e também de forma a atender a vida útil à fadiga especificada em projeto. Neste caso, foi necessário propor um método simplificado para a estimativa do número de ciclos operacionais, apartir de um ciclo padrão obtido pela máxima variação de momentos fletores provocados pelo tremtipo carregado. O estudo foi desenvolvido tomando-se como protótipo um viaduto ferroviário isostático em concreto armado da Estrada de Ferro Carajás (EFC). Os trens-tipo utilizados foram os quais operam atualmente na EFC, que correspondem ao trem de minério Carregado e Descarregado. Para determinação dos esforços solicitantes na estrutura foi elaborado um modelo numérico no programa SAP 2000. A vida útil à fadiga das armaduras longitudinais foram determinadas apartir da regra de dano de Miner e das curvas S-N da NBR 6118. A metodologia proposta neste trabalho permitiu o dimensionamento nas armaduras longitudinais à fadiga satisfatoriamente em relação à vida útil especificada no projeto, sendo que as vidas úteis que tiveram maior divergência em relação ao valor estipulado foram as de 300 e 400 anos.


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A recuperação e reforço de estruturas de concreto armado estão cada vez mais frequentes no Brasil, devido, principalmente, ao envelhecimento das estruturas construídas nas décadas de 60 e 70 do século XX, as quais estão prestes a atingir seu tempo de vida útil. Somam-se a isto, fatores como o uso de concretos com baixa resistência, falhas de execução, além do uso inadequado e da falta de manutenção. Devido a esses fatores que a sociedade deve se preocupar em reforçar e/ou recuperar essas construções, evitando assim, demolições das mesmas e até mesmo evitar acidentes fatais. Este trabalho apresenta um estudo de caso, que visa a recuperação de um edifício, que se encontra abandonado há cerca de duas décadas na cidade de Rio Branco, Estado do Acre. Atualmente, existem várias técnicas de reforço de estrutura de concreto armado. Tais como: reforço por meio de encamisamento de concreto armado, complementação ou reforço com adição de armadura, reforço com aplicação de chapas e perfis metálicos, reforço de pilares com polímeros reforçados com fibra de carbono (PRFC), dentre outras. Neste trabalho, o método adotado para a recuperação foi o reforço por meio de encamisamento de concreto armado. E para uma melhor compreensão da metodologia adotada o trabalho apresenta também detalhes da configuração do reforço adotado, detalhe construtivo e procedimentos executivos do método adotado. Além, das envoltórias mostrando os esforços atuantes e resistentes do antes e depois do reforço.


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A resistência ao cisalhamento de lajes nervuradas unidirecionais de concreto armado sem armadura transversal em suas nervuras é avaliada através de seu comportamento estrutural ao cisalhamento. Para quantificar a participação da altura da mesa e da mesa colaborante na resistência característica ao cisalhamento, foram confeccionados 8 painéis de lajes nervuradas unidirecionais de concreto armado com variações da altura das mesas, visando avaliar as recomendações das normas NBR 6118 (2007), ACI 318 (2011) e EUROCODE 2 (2002) no que se refere ao desempenho das lajes nervuradas unidirecionais de concreto armado ao cisalhamento. As lajes, simplesmente apoiadas nas bordas, apresentaram-se em dois grupos, buscando abranger os limites prescritos pela norma brasileira: o primeiro com 4 lajes de (2000 x 1300) mm² com distância entre os eixos de nervuras de 610 mm e o segundo com 4 lajes de (2000 x 2000) mm² com distância entre eixos de nervuras de 960 mm, sendo que houve uma variação da altura da mesa de 30, 50, 80 e 100 mm. A armadura de flexão foi mantida constante em todos os casos e a armadura de cisalhamento foi suprimida, para que todas as lajes tivessem rupturas por cisalhamento. As lajes apresentaram aumento da resistência com o aumento da altura da mesa, indicado pelo considerável ganho de contribuição do concreto na resistência ao cisalhamento, bem como a grande deformação das armaduras longitudinais e de distribuição, e pelos elevados valores das flechas. Portanto, no cálculo de resistência ao cisalhamento de lajes nervuradas, poderia ser repensada a falta da utilização da altura da mesa como variável, visto que sua contribuição à resistência ao cisalhamento é real.


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O presente trabalho trata da formulação e da implementação computacional, em MATLAB®, para a análise numérica de seções reforçadas de concreto armado, submetidas à flexão composta, considerando o estado de tensões anterior ao reforço. A referida análise se dá com a geração de diagramas de interação momento fletor esforço normal por dois métodos, quais sejam: a) varredura dos domínios de deformação da NBR6118/2003; b) determinação dos picos de diagramas momento fletor – esforço normal – curvatura. Em ambos os procedimentos utiliza-se o método numérico do ponto médio na integração do cálculo dos esforços resistentes, e o método de Newton Raphson para a obtenção de raízes é usado na determinação da deformação no eixo de referência da seção, durante a determinação dos diagramas momento fletor -esforço normal - curvatura. Preliminarmente, concluiu-se que a primeira das duas metodologias aplicadas é inviável. Posteriormente, com a confirmação da eficácia da segunda metodologia, foi possível expandir o escopo do trabalho de modo a permitir a análise de seções de formatos quaisquer executadas em várias etapas, considerando o estado de tensões inicial em cada uma das etapas. A implementação computacional referente a este trabalho se baseou no programa para análise numérica de seções SECLAB, desenvolvido pelo professor Remo Magalhães de Souza.


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This paper investigated the influence of the amount of superplasticizer and mineral adding - silica fume and basaltic filer - in plastic shrinkage and cracking of self-compacting concrete (SCC) mortars. Initially analysis was performed of the rheological behavior of cement paste and mortars phases of the compositions of SCC. Then the deformations of mortars were measured by the effect of shrinkage and evaluation of cracking. On plastic shrinkage and cracking, the composition with silica fume showed superior results, independent of wind and superplasticizer content, relative to the composition with addition of basalt filler. However, the composition with silica fume showed superior results only in the tests with imposed ventilation at vertical plastic deformation. The rheological behavior affected directly the plastic shrinkage and cracking at early ages, fact confirmed by the analysis of capillary pressures of mortars tested.


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The bond between steel and concrete is essential for the existence of reinforced concrete structures, as both materials act together to absorb structural strain. The bond phenomenon is considered to be complex regarding many factors that affect it. Several types of bond tests have been proposed over years. One is the modified proposed of pull-out test, which was elaborated by Lorrain and Barbosa [1] called APULOT test (Appropriete pull-out-test). Based on experimental results obtained by Vale Silva[2] either by conventional pull-out tests, or by modified pull-out test, APULOT, seeks to know the numeric behavior of bond steel-concrete through a numerical simulation using a calculation code ATENA which is based on the Finite Element Method (FEM). The numerical simulation provided better evaluate the stress distribution and cracking that occurs during the test, thereby becoming a valuable tool to support the experimental project that aims to validation, validation partially or not recommend the modified bond test steel-concrete - APULOT test - as quality control test of structural concrete. The numerical results showed good representation compared to experimental results.


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Since the Seventies, there has been a growing degradation of concrete structures in Brazil. For that reason, much research has been made on the durability of those structures, aiming at contributing towards quality improvement and reduction of maintenance and repair costs. This study evaluates the behavior of the durability of high-performance concrete with additions, replacing part of the cement and aggregates with rice husk ash and tire rubber, respectively. Durability tests were carried out in which concrete was subjected to several degradation processes, such as the action of water, temperature, salts and acid solution. The results indicated that the addition of active silica or rice husk ash, both with tire rubber did not worsen the durability of concrete. In fact, rubber proved to be very effective in preventing the action of chemical agents, high temperatures and the penetration of water. Rice husk ash, despite the larger diameter of particles, had similar results to that of the active silica.


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This work presents a fast, easy, standardized and planned method to build family homes in order to collaborate with the decline of housing deficit and, at the same time, meet families who wish to invest in building their own houses, once that our country is experiencing an economical prosperity . This method has been widely used nowadays because it is being deployed in large-scale and in a standardized pattern, reducing decreasing significantly the construction time. The concrete wall, shaped in loco depends on unique processes. For this reason, a well trained staff is required so the constructive process can be executed in a fast pace, showing better results than other construction methods. This project will address all the materials used to build the molded concrete walls in loco, their sequence assembly, application, types, characteristics and performances. At the end, a way used by building companies of locating the concrete will also be given. Although there is no specific Brazilian norm for this type of construction, a study on this topic will soon be released. Therefore, the studies for the execution of this project were based on Brazilian standards prevailing at the time, construction magazines and books that are based on building methods considered more common


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In civil engineering, a structure is the whole sustainment of a construction and, thus, it is important that it remains intact throughout its lifetime. An engineering construction must last for decades without losing its functionality. However its purpose may be altered and several times the original structure does not meet the new needs of use. Still, in new buildings, the functionality is altered due to possible flaws in execution and the structure, invariably does not reach the desired solicitation needs. In cases like this, the commonly adopted solutions are, basically, the demolishment followed by the reconstruction of the desired mold or the structural reinforcement. This second option, for long years, has not been put to practice due to certain factors such as the high costs for its implantation, use of inadequate reinforcement execution techniques, and the culture of people involved in the area regarding its use and, in this case, the option would always be the reconstruction. Thoughtout the years, some techniques were developed to allow the execution of structural reinforcements with low costs and in efficient ways. An interesting, fast, efficient and economical technique is the structural reinforcement through metal sheets put together with epoxy resin that can be applied in beams, slabs and pillars. In the present work the different behavior of beams reinforced with this technique. Steel is a very recommended material for these reinforcements due to its characteristics related to traction, compression and the effectiveness of the technique related to its cost. For the attachment the epoxy resin is recommended, since it allows the joining of two materials, in this case, steel and concrete. The efficiency of this union is so considerably high that it rarely produces any flaws in adherence and, normally, when it happens it is due to problems in the execution process, not in the union of materials


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This work is to control the quality of the structures, procedures for addressing the assembly of the formwork, scaffolding and the frame of pillars, beams and slabs. He had also intended to show that the vibration of launch and concrete items are also important, if poorly implemented can undermine the structure. This work also shows that the mapping becomes essential if there is some problem in the concrete, where concrete was launched, could be identified. And finally check the product where the structure will be evaluated for how much their quality


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Are being released in the construction market in Brazil ventures called Super 6. These businesses sell the promise of delivery of the apartment in six months after the launch of the venture. To meet this deadline are being deployed the constructive method of concrete walls using aluminum shapes. This system basically consists of pouring slabs and walls once, i.e. building up the wall shapes and slab joints. On the walls are used cloth, with reinforcements in vain and corners of walls and on these screens are tied the electrical boxes and conduits. For each tower is used the so-called system of half way, i.e. the system so it is sufficient to mount the Middle deck. Using a concrete which can be deformed in the next day you can lift one deck every two days with ready electric and hydraulicsystem, without having to tow the wall doing only minor fixes in the imperfections after concrete. With this system won an incredible speed in the construction of the structure reducing in almost one-third the length of the work. This work aims to compare in terms of cost-benefit of masonry structural systems and this new concrete wall system called Super 6. For this comparison will be used as parameter values used for the achievement of the Enterprise Portal of Roses of constructor Tenda which is one of the first to use concrete wall system. This project basically consists of seven towers of six floors each and will be budgeted the cost of this project if it were held in structural masonry. From these data it will be possible to make a comparison about the actual beneficial to adopt this system


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The main purpose of this research is to raise, through lab rehearsals, the geometric properties of some oxisols from the region of Vale do Paraíba as well as comparing them to demands prescribed by Technical Specifications ESP08/05 of the Road Department of the State of Paraná, for sub-base or fine grained lateritic soil base (SAFL) and in the Technical Specification ET-DEP00/006 of the Road Department of the State of São Paulo (DER/SP) for subbase or crushed stone base. According to the results that were obtained it will be feasible to appraise the usage of these sorts of soils in structure layers of low-weight traffic pavements


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil - FEIS


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This work talks about the importance of the steel adhesion to concrete, reinforced concrete structures, their testing and forms of measurement used and how the results are used in the structural design, which uses as a reference the NBR 6118 and NBR 7480. It also deals with the importance of a reliable assessment, discussing failures that the test used, NBR 7477, features in specific circumstances, as discussed under the EC-094. It also presents an initial proposal for simplified pullout test, which aims to analyze the grip on steel bars with diameter less than 10 mm, which results when used standardized testing by ABNT NBT 7477, has shown excessive variability, the main criticism of the trial today used without distinction to be established thick or thin bars. The proposal also presented methodology is in the consolidation phase, given the time and the volume of necessary tests. For this reason it is not possible to make a comparison between the values obtained and the results of the test used on the basis of the standard in force, this can only be done once the front with a continuation of this work


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This work talks about the importance of the steel adhesion to concrete, reinforced concrete structures, their testing and forms of measurement used and how the results are used in the structural design, which uses as a reference the NBR 6118 and NBR 7480. It also deals with the importance of a reliable assessment, discussing failures that the test used, NBR 7477, features in specific circumstances, as discussed under the EC-094. It also presents an initial proposal for simplified pullout test, which aims to analyze the grip on steel bars with diameter less than 10 mm, which results when used standardized testing by ABNT NBT 7477, has shown excessive variability, the main criticism of the trial today used without distinction to be established thick or thin bars. The proposal also presented methodology is in the consolidation phase, given the time and the volume of necessary tests. For this reason it is not possible to make a comparison between the values obtained and the results of the test used on the basis of the standard in force, this can only be done once the front with a continuation of this work