953 resultados para Espaço em geografia - Curitiba (BR)


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This paper presents reflections on a survey on the participation of women seated in the Food Acquisition Program in the city of Wenceslas President / SP. From discussion of the issue of gender in the Brazilian countryside and along the beneficiary populations of land reform policies, evaluates the invisibility of the economic contribution of women - with generally restricted operations to the care of household activities and production for self - which is changing both due to the mobilization of women as the different public policies implemented in the last decade. One of these, the Food Acquisition Program (PAA) is analyzed in its operation. Although not gestated for this specific purpose, this program has contributed to the visibility of women's productive work in the settlements. The research was made through the verification of female participation in the mandatory documents for inclusion in the EAP, revealing a percentage that over ix the years has been superimposed, making women acquire economic autonomy and even in a limited way conquering empowerment


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We aim to contribute to studies on the restructuring of the city with a focus on consumption. In the context where cities become the main place of action of man, a deep set of transformations has occurred. We are interested in understanding the redefinition of the logical production and appropriation of urban spaces for consumption of materials and services. For the analysis of delimitation of those commercial and service areas was made to compare the reality observed on the ground and indirectly through data acquisition and mapping obtained from the National Address List for Statistical Purposes, with the boundaries established by zoning and / or by municipal director plans of the cities studied, together with the classification of commercial establishments and in accordance with the standards of the National Classification of Economic Activities Services. We believe the importance of analyzing the process of concentration and dispersion of stores and / or services of Londrina (PR), Presidente Prudente (SP) and Ribeirão Preto (SP)...


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This paper is a contribution to the debate on the methodological issues surrounding the Land Geography, demonstrating why the Brazilian Agrarian Geography is dynamic, varied and complex. It was chosen as the theme of Research Groups in Geography Agrarian present in Directory Groups CNPq and they held on a characterization considering: home institution, location, year of training, Group name, words and lines of research. The survey allowed the treatment of 70 groups in 2009 had the agrarian geography, agriculture, rural development, rural, rural areas, organization of space and rural development as guiding their research and performances. The analysis of the research lines identifi ed groups concerned with economic, political, ecological, demographic and cultural, and also found concerns with farmers, with their production and the functioning of the agricultural system, being thus, the set of raised lines one can say that there is signifi cant diversity in themes, which reinforces the hypothesis of dynamism, variety and complexity of studies on agriculture today.


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This work consists in the creation of a multimedia product online, and is entitled Esse tal de brincar. The content is presented in the form of informative journalistic texts and brings the play as an essential process for child development, with an impact on adult life. Has the general objective to demonstrate the relevance of the importance of play in children's education. The methodology procedures of bibliographic search and documents for the construction of the theoretical basis were used. Besides the choice of themes, interviews, investigation and journalistic writing were used in production. The research that support the whole discussion is given through interviews, videos and other publications on childhood, education and the play itself. The platform chosen for this was the Wix® and were created the visual identity, such as layout, logo, color distribution, highlights, photos and videos. The publication seeks to achieve parents and educators with the intention of raising awareness about the importance of play in early childhood through informative content


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The framework of this study was to comprehend the specific conditions surrounding the incorporation and political-economical consolidation of the state of Mato Grosso Sul to the national scenario, during the cyclic evolution of the capitalistic system as well as the role of Campo Grande in this process. The origin and evolution of Campo Grande were analyzed in the context of possible relations between urbanization, regional development and the integration of the state in the national scope. In this approach, several theoretical compatible formulations were considered as to systemic view of reality, from the complex and dynamic point of view. This implies a multi scale reasoning, associating spatial dimension to the historical one, in a theoretical- methodological effort of comprehend the logic between the general and the specific. It was possible to verity peculiarities attributed to Mato Grosso do Sul in the general laws of the capitalistic system, and instances capable of explaning the local effects of the intervention of industrial economy in the dynamic of the process analysed since colonial times, as well as the role of Campo Grande in this process, especially in relation to the economical integration of the state territory to the rest of the nation.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In road safety studies that involve accidents comparisons in distinct geographical spaces or in different periods of time in the same geographical space, the index which lists the number of traffic fatalities with the distance traveled by road transport vehicles is considered more appropriate than the rates related to the population or the fleet. In this paper, the results of an original research are presented, in which the values of the rate of traffic deaths per billion kilometers traveled (IMBQ) by the motor vehicle fleet in Brazil and in each state of the country were estimated. The evaluation was performed based on the official number of fatalities provided by the Ministry of Health and on the amount of fuel sold informed by the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels. In 2009, Brazil presented an index of 52.84 fatalities per billion kilometers, which reveals an extremely alarming situation considering that this value is from 7 to 12 times higher than the one for more developed countries. An important correlation between the death index in the states and the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita was observed; in general, the less economically developed is the state, it means, lowest GDP, higher is the IMBQ.


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Historically the evolution of the occupation of ararense territory was due to the expansion of agricultural activities. Such activities were intensified with the transformations engendered by the Green Revolution, increasing the exploitation, the area occupied by agriculture and the deforestation and consequent environmental degradation. Therefore the current reality of rural areas in Araras/SP has shown that part of agricultural practices made it does not guarantee the effectiveness of environmental legislation and the sustainability of farms. Considering the recently implemented environmental policies, such as Law nº 12.651 / 2012, better known as New Forest Code and Decree nº 8.235 / 2014 establishing a period of one year to rural property registered with the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR), as tools targeting to reduce environmental degradation and contribute to building a sustainable rural development. This work aims to analyze the dynamics of the rural municipality of Araras on the environmental situation in some rural properties and actions to be taken by the owners to the full compliance of its properties before the environmental public policy


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The housing issue in Brazil is'nt a recent problem and has been discussed, worked and questioned in the institutional framework, especially with regard to the critical considerations on the topic and urban problems involved. We as milestones in the Brazilian housing policy the National Housing Bank - BNH, 1964, the height of the military regime in Brazil, and the Minha Casa, Minha Vida, in 2009. Both have questions that approach and distance themselves regarding changes in the Brazilian housing policy, where we have the emergence of new forms of knowledge production and housing consumption. Thus we have a number of advances in ways of acquiring social housing, even at different times, it is characterized as capitalist forms of this issue. Thus the spatial process of housing developments arising from these programs reflect the change in space - time that they lay down, turning the urban space of the cities in this case the city of Presidente Prudente / SP