934 resultados para Esophageal contractility
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
CONTEXTO: A desnutrição protéico-energética constitui causa previsível para o desenvolvimento de complicações pós-operatórias e pior prognóstico de pacientes cirúrgicos. OBJETIVO: Estudar a associação de indicadores de estado nutricional com estádio da doença e as principais complicações e mortalidade pós-operatória de pacientes com câncer de esôfago. MÉTODO: Foram avaliados retrospectivamente 100 prontuários de pacientes com câncer de esôfago (38-81 anos) de ambos os sexos (85% masculino e 15% feminino) submetidos a esofagectomia (n = 25) e gastrojejunostomia (n = 75), no período de 1995 a 2004. Os dados coletados foram: história clínica, exame endoscópico, estádio (TNM-UICC), estado nutricional (índice de massa corporal, percentual de perda de peso - %PP, albuminemia e contagem de linfócitos total) e evolução clínica pós-operatória. Houve composição dos grupos de acordo com o porte da cirurgia (grande x pequeno). Foi realizada a associação entre as complicações pós-operatórias e a mortalidade (após pós-operatório de 30 dias). As comparações entre médias dos dois grupos foram feitas pelo teste t de Student e a existência de associações entre variáveis testadas pelos testes de χ2 ou exato de Fisher com P = 0,05. RESULTADOS: Houve predomínio dos tumores avançados (estádio III e IV), com a presença de disfagia em 95% dos pacientes e perda ponderal >10%, anterior ao diagnóstico, em 78%. A obstrução esofágica, presente em 77 pacientes, foi associada (P = 0,0021) com o baixo índice de massa corporal (desnutrição protéico-energética). A %PP e a hipoalbuminemia associaram-se estatisticamente (P<0,05) com o estádio avançado da doença. As complicações pós-operatórias precoces ocorreram em 69,2% e 30,7% dos pacientes submetidos a esofagectomia e ostomias, respectivamente, com predomínio das infecciosas nas ostomias (80%) e as pleuropulmonares nas esofagectomias (61%). A albuminemia foi menor nos pacientes submetidos as ostomias, tendo sido a hipoalbuminemia associada (P<0,05) com a ocorrência de complicações pós-operatórias e mortalidade. A %PP e a contagem de linfócitos total associaram-se com as complicações pós-operatórias precoces e infeccionas nas ostomias e a contagem de linfócitos total, com a mortalidade operatória nas esofagectomias. CONCLUSÕES: O estado de DPE esteve associado às complicações pós-operatórias apenas nos pacientes submetidos a ostomias, sem presença destas associações nas esofagectomias.
We evaluated the relationship of amplification and polysomy of both the CCND1 and the ERBB2 (alias HER-2/NEU) genes to the overexpression of their proteins in esophageal and gastric cancers and also their association with clinicopathological features. CCND1 gene amplification (45%) was more prevalent than polysomy (25%) in esophageal carcinoma, but the pattern observed was similar in gastric adenocarcinoma (10% amplification, 15% polysomy). For ERBB2, polysomy was a more frequent mechanism than amplification in both esophageal (32.5 vs. 7.5%) and gastric (15 vs. 5%) cancers. Overexpression of cyclin D1 protein was identified in 37.5% of the specimens of esophageal tumors and 35% of gastric tumors, and overexpression of Her-2/neu protein in 12.5 and 7.5%, respectively. The K-statistics revealed a fair agreement in both types of turners only in overexpression and amplification of the CCND1 ggene; the ERBB2 gene showed a fair agreement in amplification and polysomy and the level of protein expression in gastric adenocarcinorna. Thus, polysomy 17 could contribute to a high Her-2/neu protein level, at least in gastric cancer. Our data indicated an association with alcohol consumption and the CCND1 gene or protein levels, in both esophageal and gastric cancers. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Patients with chagasic achalasia (megaesophagus) are liable to have an additional 1.7-20% possibility of developing esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC). We applied a fluorescence in situ hybridization technique in 20 such patients and found aneuploidies of chromosomes 7, 11, and 17 in 60% (12 of 20 specimens) and deletion of the TP53 gene in 54.5% (6 of 11 specimens; it was only possible to obtain data by FISH technique from 11 of the 20 achalasia patients). The main aneuploidies detected were chromosome 7 monosomy or trisomy (35%) in mid-third megaesophagus cases, and chromosome 17 monosomy or trisomy (25%) in distal-third cases. TP53 gene deletion was more frequent in mid-third (62.5%) than in distal-third megaesophagus cases (40%). In chagasic megaesophagus, no amplification of the cyclin D1 gene (CCND1) was observed. Comparing chagasic megaesophagus to ESCC, we found a higher frequency of aneuploidies in all 10 tumors. The main alterations were trisomy or tetrasomy of chromosomes 17 (90%), 11 (70%), and 7 (70%). Amplification of CCND1 was evidenced as a cluster in 70% of the tumors (22-99% of nuclei), while TP53 gene deletion occurred in 100%. To our knowledge, this is the first cytogenetic analysis of chagasic megaesophagus to show that aneuploidies of chromosomes 7, 11, and 17, and TP53 gene deletion might be related to increased risk for malignancy. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In order to test if the maximal velocity of shortening (V(max)TP) reflects the level of inotropism and is affected by preload and afterload, the behavior of this index was compared in two groups of anesthetized, atropinized dogs when preload and afterload were raised with an angiotensin II infusion. In seven dogs (group I), the arterial pressure elevation was allowed to inhibit reflectively the sympathetic tone and depress contractility. In eleven dogs (group II), the adrenergic activity was abolished by previous administration of reserpine. In group I, there was a significant decrease in V(max)TP during the angiotensin infusion. In group II, there was no significant change in the value of this index when the drug was infused. In six animals of this group, a further increase of arterial pressure was induced, but the values of V(max)TP remained similar to control. These results suggest that this index reflects the inotropic state of the myocardium and does not suffer significantly from the influence of preload and afterload elevations within our experimental limits.
The various pull-through techniques used to measure pressure and length of the upper esophageal sphincter have not been studied in depth. Because of the importance of obtaining further information about these techniques, a group of 25 dogs was submitted to upper esophageal sphincter pressure and length measurements by three different pull-through techniques (two of the continuous type and one of the station type), each with three replications per animal, to determine possible differences among techniques. A single introduction provided reliable results, with no sequential effect of the measurements or of any one technique on resting pressure. However, each technique yielded different sphincter lengths, higher values being obtained when the continuous techniques were used.
Caustic ingestion is a leading cause of esophageal stenosis in children. Herein we report four cases using mitomycin C (MMC), a drug that inhibits cell division, protein synthesis and fibroblast proliferation and has been used as an adjuvant therapy for caustic esophageal stenosis that is recalcitrant to conventional dilation techniques. A retrospective chart review was performed on four pediatric patients with severe, recurrent esophageal stricture after caustic ingestion. The patients had required six to 20 esophageal dilations over a 4-16-month period before MMC application. MMC was applied after an endoscopic dilation on saturated pledgets at a dose of 0.1 mg/mL for 2 min in the area where the strictures had been lyzed. From the four children treated with MMC, two have been asymptomatic for 16 and 20 months and two still require esophageal dilation, however, at longer intervals. All patients have shown satisfactory weight gain with food intake exclusively per oral. Although further studies are required, there is strong evidence that MMC is a safe and effective adjuvant therapy in the treatment of esophageal caustic stenosis. © 2008 The Authors.
AIM: To study the association between atrophic gastritis (AG) and esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) in a Latin-America population. METHODS: A case-control study was performed at two reference Brazilian hospitals including patients diagnosed with advanced ESCC and dyspeptic patients who had been subjected to upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, with biopsies of the gastric antrum and body. All cases with ESCC were reviewed by a single pathologist, who applied standard criteria for the diagnosis of mucosal atrophy, intestinal metaplasia, and dysplasia, all classified as AG. The data on the patients' age, sex, smoking status, and alcohol consumption were collected from clinical records, and any missing information was completed by telephone interview. The association between AG and ESCC was assessed by means of univariate and multiple conditional logistic regressions. RESULTS: Most patients were male, and the median age was 59 years (range: 37-79 years) in both the ESCC and control groups. Univariate analysis showed that an intake of ethanol greater than 32 g/d was an independent risk factor that increased the odds of ESCC 7.57 times (P = 0.014); upon multiple analysis, alcohol intake of ethanol greater than 32 g/d exhibited a risk of 4.54 (P = 0.081), as adjusted for AG and smoking. Smoking was shown to be an independent risk factor that increased the odds of ESCC 14.55 times (P = 0.011) for individuals who smoked 0 to 51 packs/year and 21.40 times (P = 0.006) for those who smoked more than 51 packs/year. Upon multiple analyses, those who smoked up to 51 packs/year exhibited a risk of 7.85 (P = 0.058), and those who smoked more than 51 packs/year had a risk 11.57 times higher (P = 0.04), as adjusted for AG and alcohol consumption. AG proved to be a risk factor that increased the odds of ESCC 5.33 times (95%CI: 1.55-18.30, P = 0.008) according to the results of univariate conditional logistic regression. CONCLUSION: There was an association by univariate conditional logistic regression between AG and ECSS in this sample of Latin-American population. © 2013 Baishideng.
A hybrid magnetic instrumentation to detect a magnetic field from a permanent magnet, and to detect magnetic markers and tracers using alternating current biosusceptometry (ACB) is discussed. The instrument was used to in vitro evaluation of the esophageal transit time. The sensitivity between both magnetic methods was compared, showing sensitivity for in vivo applications. © 2013 Springer-Verlag.