218 resultados para Eschatological opponent
Propaganda represented the sacrifice of soldiers in war and praised the power of the country. It has been around these images that all over the world entire populations were mobilized on the expectation of victory. Through the static image of printed posters or the newspaper news projected in cinemas all over the globe, governments sought to promote a patriotic spirit, encouraging the effort of individual sacrifice by sending a clear set of messages that directly appealed to the voluntary enlistment in the armies, messages that explained the important of rationing essential goods, of the intensification of food production or the purchase of war bonds, exacerbating feelings, arousing emotions and projecting an image divided between the notion of superiority and the idea of fear of the opponent. From press, in the First World War, to radio in World War II, to television and cinema from the 1950s onwards, propaganda proved to be a weapon as deadly as those managed by soldiers in the battlefield. That’s why it is essential to analyse and discuss the topic of War and Propaganda in the Twentieth Century. This conference is organized by the IHC and the CEIS20 and is part of the Centennial Program of the Great War, organized by the IHC, and the International Centennial Program coordinated by the Imperial War Museum in London.
As estratégias de malevolência implicam que um indivíduo pague um custo para infligir um custo superior a um oponente. Como um dos comportamentos fundamentais da sociobiologia, a malevolência tem recebido menos atenção que os seus pares o egoísmo e a cooperação. Contudo, foi estabelecido que a malevolência é uma estratégia viável em populações pequenas quando usada contra indivíduos negativamente geneticamente relacionados pois este comportamento pode i) ser eliminado naturalmente, ou ii) manter-se em equilíbrio com estratégias cooperativas devido à disponibilidade da parte de indivíduos malevolentes de pagar um custo para punir. Esta tese propõe compreender se a propensão para a malevolência nos humanos é inerente ou se esta se desenvolve com a idade. Para esse efeito, considerei duas experiências de teoria de jogos em crianças em ambiente escolar com idades entre os 6 e os 22 anos. A primeira, um jogo 2x2 foi testada com duas variantes: 1) um prémio foi atribuído a ambos os jogadores, proporcionalmente aos pontos acumulados; 2), um prémio foi atribuído ao jogador com mais pontos. O jogo foi desenhado com o intuito de causar o seguinte dilema a cada jogador: i) maximizar o seu ganho e arriscar ter menos pontos que o adversário; ou ii) decidir não maximizar o seu ganho, garantindo que este não era inferior ao do seu adversário. A segunda experiência consistia num jogo do ditador com duas opções: uma escolha egoísta/altruísta (A), onde o ditador recebia mais ganho, mas o seu recipiente recebia mais que ele e uma escolha malevolente (B) que oferecia menos ganhos ao ditador que a A mas mais ganhos que o recipiente. O dilema era que se as crianças se comportassem de maneira egoísta, obtinham mais ganho para si, ao mesmo tempo que aumentavam o ganho do seu colega. Se fossem malevolentes, então prefeririam ter mais ganho que o seu colega ao mesmo tempo que tinham menos para eles próprios. As experiências foram efetuadas em escolas de duas áreas distintas de Portugal (continente e Açores) para perceber se as preferências malevolentes aumentavam ou diminuíam com a idade. Os resultados na primeira experiência sugerem que (1) os alunos compreenderam a primeira variante como um jogo de coordenação e comportaram-se como maximizadores, copiando as jogadas anteriores dos seus adversários; (2) que os alunos repetentes se comportaram preferencialmente como malevolentes, mais frequentemente que como maximizadores, com especial ênfase para os alunos de 14 anos; (3) maioria dos alunos comportou-se reciprocamente desde os 12 até aos 16 anos de idade, após os quais começaram a desenvolver uma maior tolerância às escolhas dos seus parceiros. Os resultados da segunda experiência sugerem que (1) as estratégias egoístas eram prevalentes até aos 6 anos de idade, (2) as tendências altruístas emergiram até aos 8 anos de idade e (3) as estratégias de malevolência começaram a emergir a partir dos 8 anos de idade. Estes resultados complementam a literatura relativamente escassa sobre malevolência e sugerem que este comportamento está intimamente ligado a preferências de consideração sobre os outros, o paroquialismo e os estágios de desenvolvimento das crianças.************************************************************Spite is defined as an act that causes loss of payoff to an opponent at a cost to the actor. As one of the four fundamental behaviours in sociobiology, it has received far less attention than its counterparts selfishness and cooperation. It has however been established as a viable strategy in small populations when used against negatively related individuals. Because of this, spite can either i) disappear or ii) remain at equilibrium with cooperative strategies due to the willingness of spiteful individuals to pay a cost in order to punish. This thesis sets out to understand whether propensity for spiteful behaviour is inherent or if it develops with age. For that effect, two game-theoretical experiments were performed with schoolboys and schoolgirls aged 6 to 22. The first, a 2 x 2 game, was tested in two variants: 1) a prize was awarded to both players, proportional to accumulated points; 2), a prize was given to the player with most points. Each player faced the following dilemma: i) to maximise pay-off risking a lower pay-off than the opponent; or ii) not to maximise pay-off in order to cut down the opponent below their own. The second game was a dictator experiment with two choices, (A) a selfish/altruistic choice affording more payoff to the donor than B, but more to the recipient than to the donor, and (B) a spiteful choice that afforded less payoff to the donor than A, but even lower payoff to the recipient. The dilemma here was that if subjects behaved selfishly, they obtained more payoff for themselves, while at the same time increasing their opponent payoff. If they were spiteful, they would rather have more payoff than their colleague, at the cost of less for themselves. Experiments were run in schools in two different areas in Portugal (mainland and Azores) to understand whether spiteful preferences varied with age. Results in the first experiment suggested that (1) students understood the first variant as a coordination game and engaged in maximising behaviour by copying their opponent’s plays; (2) repeating students preferentially engaged in spiteful behaviour more often than maximising behaviour, with special emphasis on 14 year-olds; (3) most students engaged in reciprocal behaviour from ages 12 to 16, as they began developing higher tolerance for their opponent choices. Results for the second experiment suggested that (1) selfish strategies were prevalent until the age of 6, (2) altruistic tendencies emerged since then, and (3) spiteful strategies began being chosen more often by 8 year-olds. These results add to the relatively scarce body of literature on spite and suggest that this type of behaviour is closely tied with other-regarding preferences, parochialism and the children’s stages of development.
Brock's foilist lunges at his opponent in this 1981 foil bout.
The chelipeds of Orconectes rusticus are sexually dimorphic; males possessing the larger. Males use their chelae in intermale aggressive interactions, both to threaten, and assault opponents. In dyadic interactions males with larger chelae were dominant over otherwise physically similar opponents. A high frequency of attack behaviour, coupled with a low frequency of threats during these interactions indicates that actual physical contact is required for opponent assessment. Large clawed males oriented females into the copulatory position faster than small clawed males. Females more frequently escaped the precopulatory-grasp attempts of small clawed males. Additionally, male-female pairs that included a large clawed male remained in copula longer than pairs that included a small clawed male. Sperm of the second male to mate took precedence over the sperm of the primary male. Sperm precedence was incomplete; about 900/0 paternity accrued to the second male.
The relationship between testosterone concentrations and aggressive behaviour in studies of people has produced very inconsistent findings. However, one consistent fmding that has emerged is that competitive and aggressive interactions potentiate testosterone release in both human and non-human species. It has been argued that socially-induced alterations in testosterone concentrations may function to influence ongoing and/or future social behaviour. Nonetheless, few studies have empirically tested this hypothesis. The current series of experiments was designed to address the extent to which competitioninduced fluctuations in testosterone concentrations were associated with ongoing and/or subsequent social behaviour. In Study 1, men (n = 38) provided saliva samples prior to, and at the conclusion of, the Point Subtraction Aggression Paradigm (PSAP). Although baseline testosterone concentrations were not related to aggressive behaviour, there was a positive correlation between change in testosterone and aggressive behaviour such that men who were most aggressive on the PSAP demonstrated the largest increase in testosterone concentrations. Furthermore, a rise in testosterone during the PSAP predicted willingness to choose a subsequent competitive task. In Study 2, men and women provided saliva samples prior to and after competing against a same-sex opponent on the Number Tracing Task (NTT). The outcome of the competition was rigged such that half of the individuals won most of the races, while the other half lost most of the races, thus experimentally creating a winner and loser in the laboratory. Following the competitive interaction, men and women played the PSAP with their same-sex partner. Results indicated that men selected the aggressive response (but not reward or protection responses), more frequently than women. For men assigned to the loss condition, an increase in testosterone concentrations in response to the NTT predicted subsequent aggressive behaviour. For men assigned to the win condition, an increase in testosterone concentrations in response to the NTT predicted subsequent aggressive behaviour, but only among those men who scored high on trait dominance. Change in testosterone and trait dominance did not predict aggressive behaviour in women. In Study 3, men provided saliva samples prior to, during, and at the end of the PSAP. They were randomly assigned to one of four experimental conditions that differed in the extent to which they were provoked and whether they received reward for behaving aggressively (i.e., stealing points). Results indicated that baseline testosterone concentrations did not correlate with aggression in any of the experimental conditions. Consistent with Study 1, there was a positive correlation between change in testosterone and aggressive behaviour among men who were provoked, but did not receive reward for aggression (i.e., reactive condition). Men who were provoked but did not receive reward for aggression enjoyed the task the most and were more likely to choose the competitive versus non-competitive task relative to men assigned to the other experimental conditions. Also, individual differences in aggressive behaviour among these men were positively correlated with the extent to which they enjoyed the task. Together, these studies indicate that testosterone dynamics within the context of competition influence subsequent competitive and aggressive behaviours in humans and that testosterone may be a marker of the intrinsically rewarding nature of costly aggressive behaviour.
Cette thèse porte sur l’appropriation de l’Internet et du multimédias dans la population universitaire d’Afrique francophone, en l’an 2001. Elle couvre six pays : le Bénin, le Burkina Faso, le Cameroun, la Côte d’Ivoire, le Mali et le Togo. La recherche porte sur le recensement des centres de recherche démographique en Afrique francophone subsaharienne et sur une enquête auprès des universités de Yaoundé II et de Douala au Cameroun. La problématique de l’accès et de l’usage est centrale dans notre démarche. Elle est traduite dans la question de recherche suivante : « Dans un contexte dominé par les représentations des NTIC comme symboles de modernité et facteurs d’intégration à l’économie mondiale, quelles sont les modalités d’appropriation de ces technologies par les universitaires des institutions de l’enseignement et de la recherche en Afrique considérées dans cette étude ? » Pour aborder le matériel empirique, nous avons opté pour deux approches théoriques : les théories du développement en lien avec les (nouveaux) médias et la sociologie des innovations techniques. Enracinées dans la pensée des Lumières, complétée et affinée par les approches évolutionnistes inspirées de Spencer, le fonctionnalisme d’inspiration parsonienne et l’économie politique axée sur la pensée de W. W. Rostow, les théories du développement ont largement mis à contribution les théories de la communication pour atteindre leur objet. Alors que la crise de la modernité occidentale menace de délégitimer ces paradigmes, les technologies émergentes leur donnent une nouvelle naissance : dans la continuité de la pensée d’Auguste Comte, le développement est désormais pensé en termes d’intégration à un nouveau type de société, la société de l’information. Cette nouvelle promesse eschatologique et cette foi dans la technique comme facteur d’intégration à la société et à l’économie en réseau habitent tous les projets menés sur le continent, que ce soit le NEPAD, le Fond de solidarité numérique, le projet d’ordinateur à 100$ pour les enfants démunis ou le projet panafricain de desserte satellitaire, le RASCOM. Le deuxième volet de notre cadre de référence théorique est axé sur la sociologie des innovations techniques. Nous mobilisons la sociopolitique des usages de Vedel et Vitalis pour ramener la raison critique dans le débat sur le développement du continent africain, dans l’optique de montrer que la prérogative politique assumée par les États a encore sa place, si l’on veut que les ressources numériques servent à satisfaire les demandes sociales et non les seules demandes solvables essentiellement localisées dans les centres urbains. En refusant le déterminisme technique si courant dans la pensée sur le développement, nous voulons montrer que le devenir de la technique n’est pas inscrit dans son essence, comme une ombre portée, mais que l’action des humains, notamment l’action politique, peut infléchir la trajectoire des innovations techniques dans l’optique de servir les aspirations des citoyens. Sur le plan méthodologique, la démarche combine les méthodes quantitatives et les méthodes qualitatives. Les premières nous permettront de mesurer la présence d’Internet et du multimédia dans l’environnement des répondants. Les secondes nous aideront à saisir les représentations développées par les usagers au contact de ces outils. Dans la perspective socioconstructiviste, ces discours sont constitutifs des technologies, dans la mesure où ils sont autant de modalités d’appropriation, de construction sociale de l’usage. Ultimement, l’intégration du langage technique propre aux outils multimédias dans le langage quotidien des usagers traduit le dernier stade de cette appropriation. À travers cette recherche, il est apparu que les usagers sont peu nombreux à utiliser les technologies audiovisuelles dans le contexte professionnel. Quand à l’Internet et aux outils multimédias, leur présence et leurs usages restent limités, l’accès physique n’étant pas encore garanti à tous les répondants de l’étude. Internet suscite de grandes espérances, mais reste, là aussi, largement inaccessible en contexte professionnel, la majorité des usagers se rabattant sur les lieux publics comme les cybercafés pour pallier l’insuffisance des ressources au sein de leurs institutions d’appartenance. Quant aux représentations, elles restent encore largement tributaires des discours politiques et institutionnels dominants, selon lesquels l’avenir sera numérique ou ne sera pas. La thèse va cependant au-delà de ces données pour dessiner la carte numérique actuelle du continent, en intégrant dans la nouvelle donne technologique la montée fulgurante de la téléphonie cellulaire mobile. Il nous est apparu que l’Internet, dont la diffusion sur le continent a été plus que modeste, pourrait largement profiter de l’émergence sur le continent de la culture mobile, que favorise notamment la convergence entre les mini-portables et la téléphonie mobile.
Le présent mémoire a comme sujet l'analyse et la caractérisation de la pensée de Paul sur la parousie (la deuxième venue du Seigneur) et l'étude de l'interprétation de cette pensée dans la théologie contemporaine,telle que représentée par Rudolf Bultmann, tenant de la démythologisation, et les théologiens de la libération Ignacio Ellacuria et Jon Sobrino. Les éléments clés de la parousie sont décrits principalement en Matthieu 25,31-46, 1 Cor 15,20-28, 1 Thess 4,13-18, 2 Thess 2,1-12. D'après Paul, « Le Seigneur, au signal donné, à la voix de l'archange et au son de la trompette de Dieu, descendra du ciel ». La principale question du mémoire porte sur cette vision paulinienne: Est-ce que la deuxième venue du Seigneur d'après la description paulinienne est encore crédible pour l'homme contemporain ou est-ce qu'il s'agit d'un élément mythologique non essentiel à la foi chrétienne? Bultmann considère que la parousie est un mythe : à ce jour, la parousie ne s'est pas produite, et elle ne se produira jamais. Le kérygme est le seul élément que Bultmann considère comme valide. « The kerygma is the proclamation of the decisive act of God in Christ ». Par contraste, Ellacuria est d'avis que l'élément eschatologique est essentiel pour comprendre l'histoire, car cette dernière est orientèe vers la fin. De manière analogue, Sobrino présente le Royaume de Dieu comme étant un élément clé de l'eschatologie. La théologie de la libération présente également la parousie comme un élément à venir qui représente l'implantation intégrale du Royaume de Dieu et qui devrait se comprendre comme une perspective eschatologique au-delà de l'imagerie de la parousie.
Cette étude porte sur le théâtre scolaire dans les établissements éducatifs pour jeunes filles tenus par la Congrégation Notre-Dame entre 1850 et 1920. Nous tentons de comprendre ce phénomène, encore très peu étudié, et son implication dans la construction du genre des couventines. L’étude est divisée en deux parties. La première veut comprendre pourquoi le théâtre a été pratiqué. Nous exposons les objectifs pédagogiques et matériels du théâtre pratiqué à la Congrégation, après avoir tenté de saisir les origines de la pratique en remontant à la fondation de la communauté enseignante par Marguerite Bourgeoys. Malgré les avantages qui lui sont reconnus, le théâtre scolaire féminin aura des opposants. Mgr Édouard-Charles Fabre, en particulier, en conteste la moralité. D’autres évêques se montreront toutefois plus ouverts au développement de l’art dramatique. La deuxième partie de cette étude décrit la manière dont le théâtre a été pratiqué. Nous passons en revue les représentations théâtrales données ainsi que les textes disponibles qui leur sont associés. Nous analysons les thèmes abordés par les pièces et les classons par genres dramatiques, mais aussi leur production en tant que performance à travers une étude des mises en scène, des costumes et des décors. À travers cette lecture, nous dévoilons quels étaient les éléments de genre proposés aux filles et démontrons que le théâtre a contribué à l’intégration du genre dans les couvents.
Depuis la colonisation jusqu’aux plus récents conflits qui affectent le « Moyen-Orient », le visuel participe à la création d’une image raciale et sexuelle du monde musulman dans laquelle l’Orient « archaïque » est représenté comme l’opposé moral de l’Occident « moderne ». Ce discours nommé Orientalisme (Saïd 1994) transforme l’Orient en objet du savoir et du regard occidental (Nochlin 1989). La peinture, la photographie, et les expositions universelles sont autant de moyens qui permettent d’instaurer un point de vue privilégié de l’Occident sur l’Orient. Avec le Web 2.0 et les technologies mobiles, le partage d’images fait partie intégrale de notre quotidien et celles-ci nous proviennent de partout et de n’importe qui. En considérant que l’Orientalisme est indissociable des techniques modernes de représentation du monde (Mitchell 2013), le présent mémoire souhaite interroger l’impact de ces nouvelles technologies sur la production, la circulation et la réception des images du dit Orient. Nous concentrerons notre étude sur les images captées et partagées depuis les manifestations de la Révolution verte iranienne de juin 2009, entre autres la vidéo de l’assassinat de la jeune Neda Agha Soltan qui a fait la une des médias occidentaux. En prenant comme base les écrits d’Edward Saïd, que nous réviserons par le biais de lectures féministes, nous verrons que l’Orientalisme visuel mute au rythme des changements politiques, culturels et technologiques qu’il rencontre. En plus d’éclairer les images de notre corpus, la question féministe nous permettra d’élargir la définition et les mécanismes de l’Orientalisme proposés par Saïd. Nous démontrerons que tout en ayant le potentiel de bouleverser l’image que construit l’Occident de l’Orient, le Web 2.0 actualise aussi l’Orientalisme visuel sous de nouveaux modes de production du savoir.
Low perceptual familiarity with relatively rarer left-handed as opposed to more common right-handed individuals may result in athletes' poorer ability to anticipate the former's action intentions. Part of such left-right asymmetry in visual anticipation could be due to an inefficient gaze strategy during confrontation with left-handed individuals. To exemplify, observers may not mirror their gaze when viewing left- vs. right-handed actions but preferentially fixate on an opponent's right body side, irrespective of an opponent's handedness, owing to the predominant exposure to right-handed actions. So far empirical verification of such assumption, however, is lacking. Here we report on an experiment where team-handball goalkeepers' and non-goalkeepers' gaze behavior was recorded while they predicted throw direction of left- and right-handed 7-m penalties shown as videos on a computer monitor. As expected, goalkeepers were considerably more accurate than non-goalkeepers and prediction was better against right- than left-handed penalties. However, there was no indication of differences in gaze measures (i.e., number of fixations, overall and final fixation duration, time-course of horizontal or vertical fixation deviation) as a function of skill group or the penalty-takers' handedness. Findings suggest that inferior anticipation of left-handed compared to right-handed individuals' action intentions may not be associated with misalignment in gaze behavior. Rather, albeit looking similarly, accuracy differences could be due to observers' differential ability of picking up and interpreting the visual information provided by left- vs. right-handed movements.
There has been recent interest in using temporal difference learning methods to attack problems of prediction and control. While these algorithms have been brought to bear on many problems, they remain poorly understood. It is the purpose of this thesis to further explore these algorithms, presenting a framework for viewing them and raising a number of practical issues and exploring those issues in the context of several case studies. This includes applying the TD(lambda) algorithm to: 1) learning to play tic-tac-toe from the outcome of self-play and of play against a perfectly-playing opponent and 2) learning simple one-dimensional segmentation tasks.
Entender la relevancia que adquiere el triunfo de Fernando Armindo Lugo Méndez en Paraguay implica realizar un repaso de la vida política de dicho país, para comprender el funcionamiento que el Partido Colorado –opositor al ex obispo en las elecciones del 2008– adquirió en los previos 61 años en el poder; 35 de los cuales conformaron una dictadura (liderada por Alfredo Stroessner).Realizando una breve caracterización de la historia política del Paraguay, comenzando con las Guerras Patrias, prosiguiendo con una descripción de los gobiernos colorados que presidieron entre 1947 y 2008, y profundizando el análisis de los años de transición a la democracia (iniciada en 1989), este artículo intentará dar una aproximación interpretativa sobre los factores que confluyeron para lograr el triunfo electoral del ex clérigo Fernando Lugo en el año 2008, quien derrocó al Partido Colorado (Asociación Nacional Republicana, ANR).Consiguientemente, se describirá la conformación de los poderes legislativos y judiciales, con la finalidad de observar continuidades y rupturas en estas instituciones durante la transición y en el gobierno actual.Finalmente, se hará un breve comentario referido a la actualidad del país, a dos años de haber consagrado como primer mandatario a un ex obispo.---The restoration of the democraticorder in Paraguay. Notes to understand Fernando Lugo’s victory inside a long incomplete transitionUnderstanding the relevancy that acquires the victory of the ex clergyman of the Catholic Church Fernando Armindo Lugo Méndez in Paraguay, implies realizing a revision (brief but conscientious) of the political recent life of the above mentioned country, to understand the characteristics that the Party Colorado –opponent to the ex-bishop in the 2008 elections– had during 61 years before; 35 of which shaped a dictatorship (led by Alfredo Stroessner).Making a brief characterization of the political history of Paraguay, starting with the Patriotic War, continuing with a description of the Colorado governments that presided between 1947 and 2008 and deepening the analysis the years of transition to democracy (begun in 1989), this article will attempt to give an interpretative approach to the factors that came together to achieve electoral victory of former priest Fernando Lugo in 2008, who overthrew the Colorado Party (Asociación Nacional Republicana, ANR).Accordingly, it will be to characterize the conformation of the legislative and judicial powers, in order to observe continuities and discontinuities in these institutions during the transition and now.Finally, a brief comment will be referred to the country today, two years after he established himself as a former president bishop.Key words: Paraguay, democratic transition, Colorado Party’s presidency, Lugo’s victory.---A restauração da ordem democrática no Paraguai. Anotações para entender o triunfo de Fernando Lugo dentro de uma longa transição inconclusaEntender a relevância que adquire o triunfo de Fernando Armindo Lugo Méndez no Paraguai implica realizar um repasso da vida política de dito país, para compreender o funcionamento que o Partido Colorado –opositor ao ex-bispo nas eleições do 2008–adquiriu nos prévios 61 anos no poder; 35 dos quais conformaram uma ditadura (liderada por Alfredo Stroessner).Realizando uma breve caracterização da historia política do Paraguai, começando com as Guerras Pátrias, prosseguindo com uma descrição dos governos colorados que presidiram entre 1947 e 2008, e aprofundando a análise dos anos de transição à democracia (iniciada em 1989), este artigo tentará dar uma aproximação interpretativa sobre os fatores que confluíram para lograr o triunfo eleitoral do ex-clérigo Fernando Lugo no ano 2008, quem derrocou ao Partido Colorado (Associação Nacional Republicana, ANR).Conseguintemente, se descreverá a conformação dos poderes legislativos e judiciais, com a finalidade de observar continuidades e rupturas nestas instituições durante a transição e no governo atual.Finalmente, se fará um breve comentário referido à atualidade do país, a dois anos de haver consagrado como primeiro mandatário a um ex-bispo.Palavras chave: Paraguai. Transição democrática. Governos Colorados. Triunfo de Lugo.
A reference model of fallible endgame play is defined in terms of a spectrum of endgame players whose play ranges in competence from random to optimal choice of move. They may be used as suitable practice partners, to differentiate between otherwise equi-optimal moves, to promote or expedite a result, to assess an opponent, to run Monte Carlo simulations, and to identify the difficulty of a position or a whole endgame.
We suggest an alternating proposals protocol with a confirmation stage as a way of solving a Prisoner's Dilemma game. We interpret players' proposals and (no) confirmation of outcomes of the game as a tacit communication device. The protocol leads to unprecedented high levels of cooperation in the laboratory. Assigning the power of confirmation to one of the two players alone, rather than alternating the role of a leader significantly increases the probability of cooperation in the first bargaining period. We interpret pre-agreement strategies as tacit messages on players' willingness to cooperate and as signals pursuing individualistic objectives like publicizing one's bargaining abilities or eliciting those of the opponent.
The Scuba Diver and “Proper” Masculinity Based on ethnographic fieldwork on scuba diving, this article explores the social homogeneity characterizing this specific sport activity regarding questions on how deviance is treated within a group and on what grounds. The consequences of the dangerous context on the Dyad (one is always diving together with a “Buddy”) in which the activity is performed, is analysed with the help of Georg Simmel (1950) and Erving Goffman (1967). The loyalty of the diving partner (the Buddy) towards the “right attitude” which governs the activity may be turned against the scuba diver who does not adapt. The Buddy is transformed from a friend into an opponent, who, by spreading anecdotes or rumours, questions the character of the scuba diver, which eventually may exclude him or her from the activity. The article discusses how the “right attitude” in scuba diving is related to the so-called predominant masculine identity (Connell 1995) in a Swedish context.