966 resultados para Escape from Vehicle.


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Atmospheric ultrafine particles play an important role in affecting human health, altering climate and degrading visibility. Numerous studies have been conducted to better understand the formation process of these particles, including field measurements, laboratory chamber studies and mathematical modeling approaches. Field studies on new particle formation found that formation processes were significantly affected by atmospheric conditions, such as the availability of particle precursors and meteorological conditions. However, those studies were mainly carried out in rural areas of the northern hemisphere and information on new particle formation in urban areas, especially those in subtropical regions, is limited. In general, subtropical regions display a higher level of solar radiation, along with stronger photochemical reactivity, than those regions investigated in previous studies. However, based on the results of these studies, the mechanisms involved in the new particle formation process remain unclear, particularly in the Southern Hemisphere. Therefore, in order to fill this gap in knowledge, a new particle formation study was conducted in a subtropical urban area in the Southern Hemisphere during 2009, which measured particle size distribution in different locations in Brisbane, Australia. Characterisation of nucleation events was conducted at the campus building of the Queensland University of Technology (QUT), located in an urban area of Brisbane. Overall, the annual average number concentrations of ultrafine, Aitken and nucleation mode particles were found to be 9.3 x 103, 3.7 x 103 and 5.6 x 103 cm-3, respectively. This was comparable to levels measured in urban areas of northern Europe, but lower than those from polluted urban areas such as the Yangtze River Delta, China and Huelva and Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain. Average particle number concentration (PNC) in the Brisbane region did not show significant seasonal variation, however a relatively large variation was observed during the warmer season. Diurnal variation of Aitken and nucleation mode particles displayed different patterns, which suggested that direct vehicle exhaust emissions were a major contributor of Aitken mode particles, while nucleation mode particles originated from vehicle exhaust emissions in the morning and photochemical production at around noon. A total of 65 nucleation events were observed during 2009, in which 40 events were classified as nucleation growth events and the remainder were nucleation burst events. An interesting observation in this study was that all nucleation growth events were associated with vehicle exhaust emission plumes, while the nucleation burst events were associated with industrial emission plumes from an industrial area. The average particle growth rate for nucleation events was found to be 4.6 nm hr-1 (ranging from 1.79-7.78 nm hr-1), which is comparable to other urban studies conducted in the United States, while monthly particle growth rates were found to be positively related to monthly solar radiation (r = 0.76, p <0.05). The particle growth rate values reported in this work are the first of their kind to be reported for the subtropical urban area of Australia. Furthermore, the influence of nucleation events on PNC within the urban airshed was also investigated. PNC was simultaneously measured at urban (QUT), roadside (Woolloongabba) and semi-urban (Rocklea) sites in Brisbane during 2009. Total PNC at these sites was found to be significantly affected by regional nucleation events. The relative fractions of PNC to total daily PNC observed at QUT, Woolloongabba and Rocklea were found to be 12%, 9% and 14%, respectively, during regional nucleation events. These values were higher than those observed as a result of vehicle exhaust emissions during weekday mornings, which ranged from 5.1-5.5% at QUT and Woolloongabba. In addition, PNC in the semi-urban area of Rocklea increased by a factor of 15.4 when it was upwind from urban pollution sources under the influence of nucleation burst events. Finally, we investigated the influence of sulfuric acid on new particle formation in the study region. A H2SO4 proxy was calculated by using [SO2], solar radiation and particle condensation sink data to represent the new particle production strength for the urban, roadside and semi-urban areas of Brisbane during the period June-July of 2009. The temporal variations of the H2SO4 proxies and the nucleation mode particle concentration were found to be in phase during nucleation events in the urban and roadside areas. In contrast, the peak of proxy concentration occurred 1-2 hr prior to the observed peak in nucleation mode particle concentration at the downwind semi-urban area of Brisbane. A moderate to strong linear relationship was found between the proxy and the freshly formed particles, with r2 values of 0.26-0.77 during the nucleation events. In addition, the log[H2SO4 proxy] required to produce new particles was found to be ~1.0 ppb Wm-2 s and below 0.5 ppb Wm-2 s for the urban and semi-urban areas, respectively. The particle growth rates were similar during nucleation events at the three study locations, with an average value of 2.7 ± 0.5 nm hr-1. This result suggested that a similar nucleation mechanism dominated in the study region, which was strongly related to sulphuric acid concentration, however the relationship between the proxy and PNC was poor in the semi-urban area of Rocklea. This can be explained by the fact that the nucleation process was initiated upwind of the site and the resultant particles were transported via the wind to Rocklea. This explanation is also supported by the higher geometric mean diameter value observed for particles during the nucleation event and the time lag relationship between the H2SO4 proxy and PNC observed at Rocklea. In summary, particle size distribution was continuously measured in a subtropical urban area of southern hemisphere during 2009, the findings from which formed the first particle size distribution dataset in the study region. The characteristics of nucleation events in the Brisbane region were quantified and the properties of the nucleation growth and burst events are discussed in detail using a case studies approach. To further investigate the influence of nucleation events on PNC in the study region, PNC was simultaneously measured at three locations to examine the spatial variation of PNC during the regional nucleation events. In addition, the impact of upwind urban pollution on the downwind semi-urban area was quantified during these nucleation events. Sulphuric acid was found to be an important factor influencing new particle formation in the urban and roadside areas of the study region, however, a direct relationship with nucleation events at the semi-urban site was not observed. This study provided an overview of new particle formation in the Brisbane region, and its influence on PNC in the surrounding area. The findings of this work are the first of their kind for an urban area in the southern hemisphere.


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A critical requirement for safe autonomous navigation of a planetary rover is the ability to accurately estimate the traversability of the terrain. This work considers the problem of predicting the attitude and configuration angles of the platform from terrain representations that are often incomplete due to occlusions and sensor limitations. Using Gaussian Processes (GP) and exteroceptive data as training input, we can provide a continuous and complete representation of terrain traversability, with uncertainty in the output estimates. In this paper, we propose a novel method that focuses on exploiting the explicit correlation in vehicle attitude and configuration during operation by learning a kernel function from vehicle experience to perform GP regression. We provide an extensive experimental validation of the proposed method on a planetary rover. We show significant improvement in the accuracy of our estimation compared with results obtained using standard kernels (Squared Exponential and Neural Network), and compared to traversability estimation made over terrain models built using state-of-the-art GP techniques.


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The study investigated the influence of traffic and land use parameters on metal build-up on urban road surfaces. Mathematical relationships were developed to predict metals originating from fuel combustion and vehicle wear. The analysis undertaken found that nickel and chromium originate from exhaust emissions, lead, copper and zinc from vehicle wear, cadmium from both exhaust and wear and manganese from geogenic sources. Land use does not demonstrate a clear pattern in relation to the metal build-up process, though its inherent characteristics such as traffic activities exert influence. The equation derived for fuel related metal load has high cross-validated coefficient of determination (Q2) and low Standard Error of Cross-Validation (SECV) values indicates that the model is reliable, while the equation derived for wear-related metal load has low Q2 and high SECV values suggesting its use only in preliminary investigations. Relative Prediction Error values for both equations are considered to be well within the error limits for a complex system such as an urban road surface. These equations will be beneficial for developing reliable stormwater treatment strategies in urban areas which specifically focus on mitigation of metal pollution.


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Carcinogenesis involves the accretion of unprogrammed genetic and epigenetic changes, which lead to dysregulation of the normal control of cell number. But a key clinical turning point in carcinoma progression is the establishment by emigrant cells of secondary growth sites (i.e., metastasis). The metastatic “cascade” comprises numerous steps, including escape from the primary tumor site, penetration of local stroma, entry of local vascular or lymphatic vessels (intravasation), aggregation with platelets, interaction with and adhesion to distant endothelia, extravasation, recolonization, and expansion ( 1), all the time avoiding effective immune clearance and being able to survive in these multiple contexts...


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Composite polymer insulators provide many advantages over the traditional porcelain insulators and they are increasingly being used at both transmission and distribution levels. In the present paper, an epoxy resin/silica nanocomposite dielectric material (NDM) structure is proposed and fabricated. Hydrophobic fumed silica is incorporated in epoxy resin matrix and acetone is adopted as media agent to effectively achieve homogenous dispersion of the nano-scale silica filler. The acetone also acts as diluents to reduce viscosity before the curing phase of epoxy resin and enables bubbles to escape from being trapped. Through partial discharge (PD) and surface aging tests, it is illustrated that the inception of surface discharge of the proposed NDM is relatively higher than that of the non-filled counterpart, and a better PD resistivity was observed in the negative half cycle regarding to applied AC voltage. Results of surface aging test indicate that surface discharge activity is retarded over the test conducting time. By contrast, surface discharge developed to the opposite way on the non-filled sample. Therefore, the proposed NDM could provide better safety reliability and lower maintenance cost to industrial application compared with nonfilled conventional epoxy resin.


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Currently, there is a limited understanding of the sources of ambient fine particles that contribute to the exposure of children at urban schools. Since the size and chemical composition of airborne particle are key parameters for determining the source as well as toxicity, PM1 particles (mass concentration of particles with an aerodynamic diameter less than 1 µm) were collected at 24 urban schools in Brisbane, Australia and their elemental composition determined. Based on the elemental composition four main sources were identified; secondary sulphates, biomass burning, vehicle and industrial emissions. The largest contributing source was industrial emissions and this was considered as the main source of trace elements in the PM1 that children were exposed to at school. PM1 concentrations at the schools were compared to the elemental composition of the PM2.5 particles (mass concentration of particles with an aerodynamic diameter less than 2.5 µm) from a previous study conducted at a suburban and roadside site in Brisbane. This comparison revealed that the more toxic heavy metals (V, Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn and Pb), mostly from vehicle and industrial emissions, were predominantly in the PM1 fraction. Thus, the results from this study points to PM1 as a potentially better particle size fraction for investigating the health effects of airborne particles.


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One of the aims of Deleuze. Guattari. Schizoanalysis. Education. is to focus on the radical reconfiguration that education is undergoing, impacting educator, administrator, institution and ‘sector’ alike. More to the point, it is the responses to that process of reconfiguration - this newly emerging assemblage - that are a key focal point in this issue. Essential to these responses, we propose, is Deleuze and Guattari’s method of schizonalysis, which offers a way to not only understand the rules of this new game, but also, hopefully, some escape from the promise of a brave new world of continuous education and motivation. A brave new world of digitised courses, impersonal and corporate expertise, updatable performance metrics, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), learning analytics, transformative teaching and learning, online high-stakes testing in the name of transforming and augmenting human capital overlays the corporeal practices of institutional surveillance, examination and categorical sorting. A brave new world, importantly, where people’s continuous education is instituted less, or not simply, through disciplinary practices, and increasingly through a constant and continuous sampling and profiling of not simply performance but their activity, measured against the profiled activity of a ‘like’ age group, person, or an institution. This continuous education, including the sampling that accompanies it, we are all informed through various information and marketing campaigns, is in our best interest. An interest that is driven and governed by an ever-increasing corporatisation and monetisation of ‘the knowledge sector’, as well as an interest that is sustained through an ever-increasing, as well as continuous, debt.


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Human exposures in transportation microenvironments are poorly represented by ambient stationary monitoring. A number of on-road studies using vehicle-based mobile monitoring have been conducted to address this. Most previous studies were conducted on urban roads in developed countries where the primary emission source was vehicles. Few studies have examined on-road pollution in developing countries in urban settings. Currently, no study has been conducted for roadways in rural environments where a substantial proportion of the population live. This study aimed to characterize on-road air quality on the East-West Highway (EWH) in Bhutan and identify its principal sources. We conducted six mobile measurements of PM10, particle number (PN) count and CO along the entire 570 km length of the EWH. We divided the EWH into five segments, R1-R5, taking the road length between two district towns as a single road segment. The pollutant concentrations varied widely along the different road segments, with the highest concentrations for R5 compared with other road segments (PM10 = 149 µg/m3, PN = 5.74 × 104 particles/cm-3, CO = 0.19 ppm), which is the final segment of the road to the capital. Apart from vehicle emissions, the dominant sources were road works, unpaved roads and roadside combustion activities. Overall, the highest contributions above the background levels were made by unpaved roads for PM10 (6 times background), and vehicle emissions for PN and CO (5 and 15 times background, respectively). Notwithstanding the differences in instrumentation used and particle size range measured, the current study showed lower PN concentrations compared with similar on-road studies. However, concentrations were still high enough that commuters, road maintenance workers and residents living along the EWH, were potentially exposed to elevated pollutant concentrations from combustion and non-combustion sources. Future studies should focus on assessing the dispersion patterns of roadway pollutants and defining the short- and long-term health impacts of exposure in Bhutan, as well as in other developing countries with similar characteristics.


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Proteolytic enzymes, such as matrix metalloproteinases (MMP), are associated to the progression of several cancers. They degrade extracellular components, which helps tumors to expand and cancer cells to escape from the primary site. Of all MMPs, gelatinases (MMP-2 and -9) and membrane type-1 matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP, MMP-14), in particular, are often associated to more aggressive types of head and neck carcinomas as well as to a poorer outcome in patient survival. Although therapies during the last decades have advanced, the mortality of the disease is still rather high and adjuvant therapies are searched for continuously. MMP-9 and MT1-MMP are also involved in neo-angiogenesis, which is necessary for tumor expansion. For this reason, we have identified synthetic peptides-targeting gelatinases and MT1-MMP, and have also evaluated their anticancer effects in vitro and in vivo. Antigelatinolytic peptides effectively inhibited tongue-carcinoma cell invasion and reduced the growth of xenografted tumors. In tumor samples of mice that were treated with antigelatinolytic peptides, the micro-vessel density was significantly reduced. We also identified a novel MT1-MMP targeting peptide and demonstrated that it exerted anticancer effects against several malignant cell lines in vitro. The effects of MT1-MMP inhibition on tongue-squamous cell carcinomas were evaluated by using xenograft tumors, which it effectively inhibited. Tranexamic acid was also demonstrated to inhibit tongue-squamous cell carcinoma invasion, most probably due to its ability to prevent the plasmin-mediated activation of proMMP-9. Leukocyte β2 integrins are another interesting option when evaluating targets for the therapeutic intervention of inflammatory conditions or malignancies of hematopoietic origin, since β2 integrins are expressed mainly by leukocytes. We identified a novel technique for screening small-molecule libraries against β2 integrins, and by using this technique we identified a novel αMβ2 integrin-binding chemical (IMB-10). IMB-10 significantly enhances leukocyte adhesion and inhibits their motility. We also demonstrated that IMB-10 can be used to inhibit inflammation and lymphoma growth in vivo. Interestingly, IMB-10 also reduced leukocyte tumor infiltration and inhibited tumor invasion.


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Adenoviral gene therapy is an experimental approach to cancer refractory to standard cancer therapies. Adenoviruses can be utilized as vectors to deliver therapeutic transgenes into cancer cells, while gene therapy with oncolytic adenoviruses exploits the lytic potential of viruses to kill tumor cells. Although adenoviruses demonstrate several advantages over other vectors - such as the unparalleled transduction efficacy and natural tropism to a wide range of tissues - the gene transfer efficacy to cancer cells has been limited, consequently restricting the therapeutic effect. There are, however, several approaches to circumvent this problem. We utilized different modified adenoviruses to obtain information on adenovirus tropism towards non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cells. To enhance therapeutic outcome, oncolytic adenoviruses were evaluated. Further, to enhance gene delivery to tumors, we used mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) as carriers. To improve adenovirus specificity, we investigated whether widely used cyclooxygenase 2 (Cox-2) promoter is induced by adenovirus infection in nontarget cells and whether selectivity can be retained by the 3 untranslated region (UTR) AU-rich elements. In addition, we investigated whether switching adenovirus fiber can retain gene delivery in the presence of neutralizing antibodies. Our results show that adenoviruses, whose capsids were modified with arginine-glycine-aspartatic acid (RGD-4C), the serotype 3 knob, or polylysins displayed enhanced gene transfer into NSCLC cell lines and fresh clinical specimens from patients. The therapeutic efficacy was further improved by using respective oncolytic adenoviruses with isogenic 24bp deletion in the E1A gene. Cox-2 promoter was also shown to be induced in normal and tumor cells following adenovirus infection, but utilization of 3 UTR elements can increase the tumor specificity of the promoter. Further, the results suggested that use of MSCs could enhance the bioavailability and delivery of adenoviruses into human tumors, although cells had no tumor tropism per se. Finally, we demonstrated that changing adenovirus fiber can allow virus to escape from existing neutralizing antibodies when delivered systemically. In conclusion, these results reveal that adenovirus gene transfer and specificity can be increased by using modified adenoviruses and MSCs as carriers, and fiber modifications simultaneously decrease the effect of neutralizing antibodies. This promising data suggest that these approaches could translate into clinical testing in patients with NSCLC refractory to current modalities.


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The author describes his escape from Nazi Germany to France together with his mother. He volunteered for the French army (Defense Nationale), but his application was rejected. After the outbreak of the war Schoenfeldt was interned in Antibes and Les Milles. Recollections of life in the internment camps. Lack of basic hygienic conditions. German invasion of France. Escape from the invading German army. Reunion with his mother. Fervent endeavors to leave France for Spain in order to escape another internment. Escape with his 76 year old mother via the Pyrenees. Arrival in Lisbon. Exit visa for America. In 1941 Herbert Schoenfeldt left with his mother for the United States.


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The book contains an introduction by Paul Weisz and a collection of family letters written during World War II. The letters were written between February 1938 and September 1945. Some were translated into English and complemented by commentary by the editor, Paul Weisz. Paul Weisz' introduction is 10 pages long and serves as a short memoir by itself. He provides a family chronicle, the living circumstances of his family, and his childhood in Vienna. He ends in 1938 when the family was eager to leave Austria. The following years are covered by the various letters he brought together in this book. The authors are cousin Willie, then already in Palestine, his father Samuel, his mother Stephanie, and his sister Ruth. His father and mother fled to Belgium, but were arrested after the beginning of World War II. They were deported to internment camps in France (St. Cyprien). His sister Ruth tried to escape from Austria to Palestine via the Danube. She got stuck in Yugoslavia, and was interned in Sabac internment camp. Paul's mother died in France in 1942, his father was sent to a concentration camp in Poland and murdered. His sister Ruth was murdered in Yugoslavia. Paul was released in Canada, and was enabled to go to college. He later named his children after his family members who did not survive the Nazi terror: Stephanie, Ruth, and Samuel.


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The session examines the role of the metaphysical and physical in art and animation and how this relates to natural spaces. Soviet Russian film director and theorist Sergei Eisenstein saw animation as possessing an ability called “plasmaticity”, the capacity for a being to assume any conceivable form dynamically. He saw each being as “primordial protoplasm, not yet possessing a ‘stable’ form, but capable of assuming any form” (Eisenstein 1989, 21). He was enamoured by the capacity of animation to transform and be liberated, of being able to escape from a fixed and static identity—to embody a "rejection of the once-­‐and-­‐forever allotted form" in which we are held (Eisenstein 1989, 21). Czech Surrealist animator Jan Švankmajer uses a metaphysical approach based on a belief in animism to art and animation. He believes that objects possess a conscious life or spirit, he says ‘Objects conceal within themselves the events they’ve witnessed. I don’t actually animate objects. I coerce their inner life out of them.’ (Švankmajer in Imre 2009, 214) In this animistic world there are no boundaries or rules, no physical or conceptual restrictions; anything is possible, with inanimate objects and places able to become animate and transact in a conscious relationship with humans and each other. This session invites artists, animators and theorists to discuss their conceptions and approaches to using visuals to promote and provoke transformation.


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This study investigates the level of pollutants (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and heavy metals) in three car parks at QUT, one at Kelvin Grove campus and two at the Gardens Point campus. In addition, comparisons between site designs were assessed to identify the possible sources of heavy metals and PAHs. The main contributing source for heavy metals was identified to be from vehicle debris and emissions, while the source of PAHs was identified to be from petrol and diesel engine vehicle emissions. The highest concentration of pollutants was typically found for the 63 micro meter dust samples, proposed to be due to increased surface areas and thus available adsorption sites.


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Description of family's escape from Germany to France and Italy, mother's deportation, life in hiding, return to Germany in 1950s.