216 resultados para Erythema nodosum leprosum


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O eritema necrolítico migratório é rara dermatose caracterizada por lesões erodo-ulcerativas e crostosas em áreas intertriginosas, junções mucocutâneas, superfícies articulares e de apoio crônico, que tem sido descrita em seres humanos, cães, gatos e rinocerontes. Sua etiologia tem sido relacionada a neoplasias pancreáticas, mormente das células alfa produtoras de glucagon, e a graves doenças do parênquima hepático ou gastroentérico. Relata-se o caso de um cão com necrose epidérmica metabólica secundária a glucagonoma, que apresenta fortes similaridades com a síndrome do glucagonoma em humanos.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Os peixes da família Batrachoididae causam um grande número de acidentes em pescadores das regiões Norte e Nordeste do Brasil. O gênero Thalassophryne apresenta várias espécies no Brasil e a espécie Thalassophryne nattereri é a mais comum, todas apresentando veneno. O veneno é inoculado por duas espículas ocas na nadadeira dorsal e duas nas regiões pré-operculares, ligadas a uma glândula de veneno na base. Os envenenamentos causaram dor intensa, edema e eritema iniciais em 43 pescadores observados em Salinópolis (Pará) e Aracaju (Sergipe). em todos os casos, não ocorreram fenômenos sistêmicos dignos de nota, mas ocorreu necrose local em oito pacientes e infecção bacteriana em dez. As circunstâncias dos acidentes são comentadas, assim como aspectos terapêuticos. Nossa conclusão foi que o envenenamento por Thalassophryne é importante e freqüente e deve ser considerado de média gravidade, em função de não haverem fenômenos sistêmicos, como observado nos acidentes por peixes-escorpião (Scorpaena) ou arraias marinhas e fluviais.


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A partir de um acidente causado pela picada de uma formiga falsa tocandira na mão de um pescador amador, os autores descrevem os achados clínicos locais observados, tais como edema, eritema e dor excruciante e a evolução do envenenamento, que cursou com fenômenos sistêmicos imediatos, como sudorese fria, náuseas, vômitos, mal estar, taquicardia e linfadenopatia axilar à esquerda. Após três horas, a dor intensa persistia e o paciente apresentou um episódio de hematoquesia, sem história anterior de enfermidades do trato digestivo, hematológicas ou vasculares. O uso de analgésicos (Tramal® 300 mg/dia), água quente e gelo não melhorou a dor, que arrefeceu em oito horas, tendo permanecido por cerca de 24 horas. São apresentados ainda os aspectos folclóricos, farmacológicos e clínicos relacionados às picadas de tocandiras.


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O prurido do traje de banho ou seabather s eruption é uma dermatite intensamente pruriginosa que ocorre pelo contato com larvas plânulas do cnidário cifozoário Linuche unguiculata, especialmente sob os trajes de banhistas. As larvas disparam seus nematocistos a partir de cnidócitos ou células urticantes de defesa na pele da vítima, causando uma típica erupção pápulo-eritemato-pruriginosa. Os primeiros cinco casos descritos no Brasil foram publicados em 2001, no litoral Sudeste (Ubatuba, SP), obtendo-se associação com larvas de Linuche unguiculata, uma vez que a ocorrência e o ciclo de vida do cnidário já haviam sido estudados no Canal de São Sebastião, SP. Os autores relatam os seis casos na região Sul do Brasil (Estado de Santa Catarina), enfatizando os aspectos clínicos e a pesquisa para identificação do agente na água do mar local.


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In the present work features of tick-bite lesions were evaluated in capybaras naturally infested with Amblyomma cajennense and Amblyomma dubitatum ticks. Gross appearance of tick bite site was characterized by a mild swelling and erythema. Microscopic examination revealed the cement cone, a tube-like homogenous eosinophilic mass penetrating deep into the dermis. This structure was surrounded in the dermis by a cellular infiltrate and free eosinophilic granules and was associated to edema of variable intensity. Necrosis was a common feature deep in the dermis particularly at the far end of the eosinophilic tube. Hyperplasia, cellular edema and occasionally necrosis of keratinocytes could be seen at both sides of the ruptured epidermis. Cellular infiltrate was constituted overwhelmingly by polymorphonuclear leukocytes with eosinophilic granules. In capybaras cells with such features can be either eosinophils or heterophils (pseudoeosinophils), the latter being the equivalent of neutrophils of other mammals. Ultrastructural analysis of the cellular infiltrate revealed the predominance of heterophils over eosinophils. Mononuclear cells and mast cells and, in lesser numbers, basophils were also seen at skin attachment sites. The presence of heterophils in the reaction of capybaras against Amblyomma ticks is an outstanding feature but its role in the reaction to the tick is not known. It is however speculated that capybara heterophils might be associated with a more permissive environment for tick feeding and pathogen transmission as already shown for the equivalent cell type, the neutrophil, in the reaction of the dog against the Rhipicephalus sanguineus tick.


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Purpose: To compare the safety and anti-inflammatory efficacy of a single posterior subtenon injection of triamcinolone acetonide (TA) with prednisolone acetate 1% eyedrops after pars plana vitrectomy (PPV).Methods: the study included 40 consecutive phakic eyes of 40 patients undergoing PPV for non-clearing vitreous haemorrhage with attached retina (verified by echography), epiretinal membrane or macular hole. At the end of the surgical procedure, eyes were randomized to receive either a single posterior subtenon injection of TA (40 mg in 1 ml) plus sham eyedrops (prednisolone acetate 1% vehicle) postoperatively (group TA), or a posterior subtenon sham injection (1 ml balanced salt solution) plus prednisolone acetate 1% eyedrops postoperatively (group ED).Results: There was no difference in the severity of anterior chamber cell and flare between the two groups at any time-point during the study period (p > 0.05). Separate within-group analysis revealed a significant decrease in anterior chamber cell and flare from postoperative day 1 to postoperative days 7, 14 and 28 in both groups (p < 0.05). There was no difference in pain, photophobia, conjunctival erythema, ciliary flush or chemosis scores between the two groups at any time-point during the study period (p > 0.05). Steroid-induced intraocular hypertension was not observed in either group.Conclusions: A single posterior subtenon injection of TA can be as effective and safe as a 4-week regimen of prednisolone acetate 1% eyedrops in controlling intraocular inflammation after PPV.


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Cathorops spixii is one of the most abundant venomous fish of the southeastern coast of the State of São Paulo, and consequently causes a great part of the accidents seen there. The accidents affect mainly fishermen, swimmers and tourists and are characterized by punctiform or wide wounds, erythema, edema, pain, sudoresis, indisposition, fever, nausea, vomiting and secondary infection. The objective of this work was to characterize the inflammatory response induced in mice by both venoms (mucus and sting) of the catfish C spixii. Our results demonstrated that both venoms induced a great number of rolling and adherent leukocytes in the post-capillary venules of cremaster muscle of mice, and an increase in the vascular permeability in peritoneal cavity. Mucus induced the recruitment of neutrophils immediately after injection followed later by macrophage infiltration. In contrast, the cellular infiltration elicited by sting venom was rapidly resolved. The peritonitis reaction provoked by venoms was characterized by cytokine (IL-6), chemokines (MCP-1 and KC) or lipid mediator (LTB4) production in the peritoneal cavity. The macrophages from 7-day mucus venom-induced exudates upon in vitro mucus venom stimulation, expressed CD1 Ic x MHC class II and release bioactive IL-12p70. on the other hand, sting venom-elicited peritoneal macrophages lost the ability to differentiate into dendritic cells, following re-stimulation in vitro with sting venom, they do not express CD11c, nor do they exhibit sufficient levels of MHC class II. In conclusion, both types of venoms (mucus or sting) promote inflammatory reaction with different profiles, and the inflammatory reaction induced by the first was characterized by antigen persistence in peritoneal cavity that allowed the activation of phagocytic cells with capacity of antigenic presentation. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Marine and freshwater stingrays are characterized by the presence of one to three mineralized serrated stingers on the tail, which are covered by epidermal cells secreting venom. When these animals are dorsally touched, the stinger can be introduced into the aggressor by a whip reflex mechanism of the tail, causing severe mechanical injuries and inoculating the venom. Accidents in humans are frequent causing intense local pain, oedema and erythema. Bacterial secondary infection is also common. In addition, injuries involving freshwater stingrays frequently cause a persistent cutaneous necrosis. The exact localization of the venom secretory epidermal cells in the stinger is controversial, but it is known that it is preferentially located in the ventrolateral grooves. A comparative morphological analysis of the stinger epidermal tissue of different marine and freshwater Brazilian stingray species was carried out. The results indicate that in freshwater species there is a larger number of protein secretory cells, of two different types, spread over the whole stinger epidermis, while in marine species the protein secretory cells are located only around or inside the stinger ventrolateral grooves. These differences between the stingers of the two groups can justify the more severe envenomation accidents with the freshwater species when compared with the marine species. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study was conducted in October 1998 and November 1999 in the Emas National Park (131,868 ha), a savanna-type cerrado region situated in the far south of Goias State, Brazil, near the geographic center of South America (15degrees-23degrees S; 45degrees-55degrees W). Animals were captured with the aid of nets and anesthetized (15 mg/kg ketamine + 1 mg/kg xylasine) in order to collect ticks for identification and to establish laboratory colonies. They included giant anteaters (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) (n = 4) and yellow armadillos (Euphractus sexcinctus) (n = 6). Free-living ticks (larvae, nymphs, and adults) were collected from the field by using a 1 X 2-m flannel cloth. Free-living ticks were identified as Amblyomma sp., A. cajennense, and A. triste. Adult ticks collected from anteaters were identified as Amblyomma cajennense and A. nodosum and from armadillos as A. pseudoconcolor and A. nodosum. The relevance of these host-tick relationships to possible mechanisms underlying emergence of tick-borne pathogens of importance to public health is discussed.


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The generic and subgeneric classification of the family Batrachospermaceae (Rhodophyta) has long been recognized as ambiguous and often inconsistent. One of the prime features used to delineate sections of Batrachospermum, trichogyne shape, is variable even within given species. However, characters associated with the carposporophyte and the carpogonial branch, as well as carpogonial symmetry, are practical and consistent taxonomic criteria. These features have been used to redefine sectional delineation in Batrachospermum. Based on phylogenetic reasoning and practicality, it is proposed that the three genera Nothocladus, Sirodotia and Tuomeya be reduced to sectional level within Batrachospermum. The genus Batrachospermum would thus become the sole member of the Batrachospermaceae and would include two subgenera, Batrachospermum and Acarposporophytum, the former with nine clearly defined sections (Aristata, Batrachospermum, Contorta, Hybrida, Nothocladus (Skuja) stat. nov., Sirodotia (Kylin) stat. nov., Tuomeya (Harvey) stat. nov., Turficola and Viridia). As a result, the following nomenclatural changes are proposed: Batrachospermum lindaueri (Skuja) comb. nov., B. nodosum (Skuja) comb. nov., B. delicatulum (Skuja) comb. nov., B. fennicum (Skuja) comb. nov., B. suecicum (Kylin) comb. nov. and B. americanum (Kutzing) comb. nov.


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This study evaluated the presence and seasonal activity of free-living ticks in remaining marsh areas by the Parana river, in Brazil. Eight field trips (once per season) for collection of ticks were performed during 2 years. Using CO2 traps, dragging, and visual inspection of vegetation, five free-living tick species were collected, in the following order of abundance: Amblyomma cajennense, Amblyom\ma dubitatum, Amblyomma triste, Amblyomma coelebs, and Amblyomma nodosum. The seasonal pattern of A. cajennense was characterized by the highest peaks for adult ticks in the summer/spring months, for nymphs in the winter and for larvae in the autumn and winter. A. dubitatum and A. triste presented similar seasonal patterns characterized by peaks of adult ticks in the autumn. Nymphs of A. dubitatum peaked in the winter of the first year and in the winter/spring of the second year. A. triste was the only species to be collected in significantly higher numbers in the marsh than in surrounding drier areas such as forest patches. Among domestic animals living close the marsh areas, horses were infested by Anocentor nitens, A. cajennense, and Boophilus microplus, bovines were infested solely by B. microplus, and dogs were infested by Rhipicephalus sanguineus. Adults of A. triste showed to be well adapted to the marsh environment. This result, at least partially, explains local previous observations on the association of A. triste with marsh deer, as this vertebrate host inhabits mainly the marsh area. (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Stings caused by jellyfish and jellyfish-like colonies are common all around the world, with serious manifestations and occasional deaths reported in some countries. Between December 2006 and 2007, epidemiological, clinical and treatment aspects of stings caused by the Portuguese man-of-war (Physalia physalis) in 59 patients consulting the ambulatory emergency in Adicora, Falcon State, Venezuela, were studied. Most of the stings occurred in males (59%) preschool and school-aged children (49%), visitors from other areas of the country (92%) during holidays when bathing or diving at the beach (97%). Injuries presented linear erythematous plaques at the point of contact with the animal, located in several anatomical sites. Most clinical manifestations observed were: intense burning pain, urticaria, erythema and inflammation (100%), as well dyspnea with laryngeal edema and fever (19%). Patients were treated with topical drugs, including antihistamine and antipyretic drugs, but also with systemic hydrocortisone. P. physalis stings in Adicora appeared to have a seasonal pattern, with systemic complications potentially life-threatening. Thus, epidemiological surveillance program is recommended, particularly in travelers. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study is based on the two case reports of accidents provoked by arthropods (Millepede) in human beings. The authors present this type of accident, the insect specie that caused the accidents, the aggressive mechanism, which is poorly studied in Brazil, and the bibliography.


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This paper describes the identification of ticks from wild animals of the Pantanal region in Brazil as part of a comprehensive study about established and emerging tick-host relationships and related pathological aspects. Eighty-one animals were captured (representing 13 species six orders), and ticks were found on 63 (78%). Tick species identified included Boophilus microplus (Canestrini), Amblyomma cajennense (F.), Amblyomma parvum Aragão, Amblyomma pseudoconcolor Aragão, Amblyomma scalpturatum Neumann, Amblyomma nodosum Neumann, Amblyomma ovale Koch, and Amblyomma tigrinum Koch. Dragging from grasslands yielded negative results compared with the high concentration of ticks that were collected from leaves in the forests.