868 resultados para Equality and Difference


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This paper presents findings from research on young adults in the UK from diverse religious backgrounds. Utilizing questionnaires, interviews, and video diaries it assesses how religious young adults understood and managed the tensions in popular discourse between gender equality as an enshrined value and aspirational narrative, and religion as purportedly instituting gender inequality. We show that, despite varied understandings, and the ambivalence and tension in managing ideal and practice, participants of different religious traditions and genders were committed to gender equality. Thus, they viewed gender-unequal practices within their religious cultures as an aberration from the essence of religion. In this way, they firmly rejected the dominant discourse that religion is inherently antithetical to gender equality.


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This article presents a case study of the recent reform of the United Kingdom Equalities and Human Rights Commission, to address a critical gap in the literature on national human rights institutions (NHRIs) concerning the power of governments to exert control over these institutions through reform processes. Through this analysis, the article demonstrates, first, that NHRIs are affected by contextual factors not only related to the popularity of the human rights agenda but also to wider policy agendas which impact on their status and functions; and second, that attempts by government to exert more administrative control can be significantly problematic for the operational independence of NHRIs.


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Focusing on the Nordic context, this article highlights complexities between gender equality discourse established at the societal level and discursive practice in organizations, particularly in relation to management, managing and managers. This research task is carried out by deconstructing a management text, and grounding the deconstruction in critical feminist literature. This analysis illustrates how managerial discourse is challenged and questioned by pro-egaliterian arguments in the Nordic context. However, it also demonstrates the pervasiveness of the gendered elements in managerial discourse, which relies on specific conceptions of parenthood where motherhood is constructed as problematic whereas fatherhood remains absent – and thus unproblematic. It is suggested that the ‘Nordic case’ provides a fruitful basis for similar studies in other societal contexts in Europe.


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One view of early childhood education concerns the preparation of young children for their future lives. It is arguedin this paper that issues of preparing young children for future should be addressed in terms of living in the contextof increasing globalization. The paper is based on the academic experiences of young children in China, Americaand New Zealand. The idea is to identify congruence and differences in academic experiences of young children inthese countries and set them in the context of globalization. Drawing on the perspective of transworld experience inglobalization, the paper places diverse learning experiences of young children in an interconnected world.Contemporary early childhood education needs to change in ways that capture contemporary realties.The papertakes the view that a more globally interconnected approach to learning of young children is a contemporary realityin early childhood education. This has implications for attempts to bring out into the open diverse ways ofchildren’s learning and development. These attempts constitute an essential basis on which to provoke thinkingabout the significance of shifting early childhood education from a local orientation to a more encompassing viewof global practice.


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El artículo elabora una crítica a la teoría de la justicia distributiva formulada por John Rawls haciendo énfasis en los principios de la igualdad y de la diferencia. De manera paralela, analiza las tesis feministas y las perspectivas desarrolladas por Iris Marion Young y Nancy Fraser con el objeto de señalar los principales límites de la propuesta de Rawls.


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O direito ao acesso à educação escolar compreende-se como alicerce para que a pessoa com deficiência possa verdadeiramente tornar-se um cidadão na construção dos ideários democráticos, participação na vida econômica e política. Dados apresentados pelo IBGE sobre o aspecto educacional das pessoas com deficiência no ensino superior é bastante preocupante. Mediante Censo realizado pelo MEC, alunos com deficiência matriculados nas universidades representam apenas 0,1% do total. A CR/1988 instituiu o Estado Democrático de Direito, cuja implementação fática está condicionada à busca de uma igualdade substancial, onde o acesso à educação é uma ferramenta e um direito fundamental para emancipação social, cultural, e econômica, inclusive, desse segmento e na tutela da dignidade humana. Ações afirmativas fazem-se necessárias a essas pessoas, no sentido de corrigir desigualdades, balizada pela educação inclusiva que concatena com a ideia de universidade inclusiva e de uma sociedade também inclusiva, caminhando justamente na intenção de corrigir desigualdades de oportunidades, buscando dirimir a ótica excludente do atual estágio social. Este estudo analisa fatos e concepções dos alunos com deficiência e de um docente da UFPE, sob a ótica de que a educação escolar inclusiva constitui paradigma educacional fundamentado na concepção de que igualdade e diferença são valores indissociáveis na construção de uma sociedade mais justa e solidária.


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Este artigo trata da questão do Feminismo no Brasil e das políticas feministas em relação à reprodução, seus impasses e avanços. Trata destas políticas sob a ótica das teorias de gênero, que analisam os paradoxos das reivindicações da igualdade universal com base nas diferenças. Busca elementos para compreender estas questões nas sociedades democráticas emergentes do sul, no caso específico, na sociedade brasileira.


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Includes bibliography


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The present research focuses on two countries differing in their policies of gender equality and gender-fair language use. Content analyses of schoolbooks investigate the gender-fair language use and the depiction of gender stereotypes in them.


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The aim of this paper is to provide a contemporary summary of statistical and non-statistical meta-analytic procedures that have relevance to the type of experimental designs often used by sport scientists when examining differences/change in dependent measure(s) as a result of one or more independent manipulation(s). Using worked examples from studies on observational learning in the motor behaviour literature, we adopt a random effects model and give a detailed explanation of the statistical procedures for the three types of raw score difference-based analyses applicable to between-participant, within-participant, and mixed-participant designs. Major merits and concerns associated with these quantitative procedures are identified and agreed methods are reported for minimizing biased outcomes, such as those for dealing with multiple dependent measures from single studies, design variation across studies, different metrics (i.e. raw scores and difference scores), and variations in sample size. To complement the worked examples, we summarize the general considerations required when conducting and reporting a meta-analysis, including how to deal with publication bias, what information to present regarding the primary studies, and approaches for dealing with outliers. By bringing together these statistical and non-statistical meta-analytic procedures, we provide the tools required to clarify understanding of key concepts and principles.


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This paper intervenes in critical discussions about the representation of homosexuality. Rejecting the ‘manifest content’ of films, it turns to cultural history to map those public discourses which close down the ways in which films can be discussed. With relation to The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, it examines discussions of the film in Australian newspapers (both queer and mainstream) and finds that while there is disagreement about the interpretation to be made of the film, the terms within which those interpretations can be made are quite rigid. A matrix based on similarity, difference and value provides a series of positions and a vocabulary (transgression, assimilation, positive images and stereotypes) through which to make sense of this film. The article suggests that this matrix, and the idea that similarity and difference provide a suitable axis for making sense of homosexual identity, are problematic in discussing homosexual representation.


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Examines issues of sameness, difference, equality, and democracy in present public school systems, focusing on the question of (dis)ability and implications of rethinking (dis)ability as an ontological issue before its inscription as an educational one concerning the politics of inclusion. The paper analyzes old and new discourses of eugenics as quality control of national populations. (Contains references.) (SM)


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A rich source of Japanese jurisprudence on sexual equality underlies Japan's emerging law against sexual harassment. With no law specifically outlawing sexual harassment, academics and the courts have invoked the principle of sexual equality to support their conclusion that Japanese law carries an implicit prohibition against acts of sexual harassment. In developing a legal case against sexual harassment, Japanese courts and academic commentators have introduced novel constructions of equality. The key innovations include relational equality, inherent equality and quantifiable equality. In presenting some of these Japanese contributions to equality jurisprudence, the hope is that feminist discourse on equality can take place in a broader context-a context that does not ignore the Eastern cultural experience.