926 resultados para Epoxy adhesive
Introduction: The aim of the study was to evaluate the radiopacity, solubility, flow, film thickness, setting time, and adaptation to the root canal walls of 3 epoxy resin based sealers: AH Plus, Acroseal, and Adseal. Methods: Physical tests were performed following American National Standards Institute/American Dental Association`s requirements. For interfacial adaptation analysis, 30 maxillary canines were shaped by using Pro Taper instruments. The specimens were divided into 3 groups (n = 10): group 1, AH Plus; group 2, Acroseal; and group 3, Adseal. The sealers were mixed with rhodamine B dye, and the canals were filled by using the lateral compaction technique. The percentage of gaps and voids area was calculated at 2, 4, and 6 mm levels from the apex. Statistical evaluation was performed by using analysis of variance for physical analysis and nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn tests for interfacial adaptation (P<.05). Results: No statistical differences were found for adaptation, percentage of voids, solubility, flow, and film thickness among the sealers (P>.05). AH Plus was significantly more radiopaque (P<.05). For the setting time, there were statistical differences among all the studied sealers (P<.05). Conclusions: AH Plus, Acroseal, and Adseal presented similar root canal adaptation, solubility, flow, and film thickness. Statistical differences were found for radiopacity and setting time (P<.05). (J Endod 2011;37:1417-1421)
Objective: As resin-modified glass-ionomer cement (RMGIC) is an adhesive material, its association to dentin bonding agents (DBAs) was previously proposed. This study investigated the adjunctive behavior of an RMGIC with etch-and-rinse bonding systems under in situ/ex vivo cariogenic challenge. Method and Materials: Bovine enamel blocks (3 3 2 mm) were randomly assigned to group VP, Vitremer + its own primer (3M ESPE); group VSB, Vitremer + Single Bond (3M ESPE); and group VPB, Vitremer + Prime & Bond 2.1 (Dentsply). Two blocks of each group were randomly placed in an acrylic palatal appliance, so each appliance included six blocks. Volunteers (n = 10) wore these appliances according to given instructions to promote a sucrose challenge eight times/day for 15 days. After this period, the blocks were removed from the devices and cleaned, and demineralization was assessed through longitudinal microhardness analysis (Knoop indenter, 25 g/5 s). Data were submitted to three-way ANOVA and Tukey test (P < .05). Results: No treatment was able to completely avoid demineralization. All materials showed a statistically significant difference in mineral loss when the microhardness on the outer enamel was compared with deeper regions (P < .05). Conclusion: Association of the tested RMGICs with etch-and-rinse DBAs did not seem to be more beneficial against caries than the conventional treatment with RMGIC. (Quintessence Int 2010; 41: e192-e199)
Objectives: This study tested the following null hypotheses: (1) there is no difference in resin-dentine bond strength when an experimental glutaraldehyde primer solution is added prior to bonding procedures and (2) there is no difference in resin-dentine bond strength when experimental glutaraldehyde/adhesive system is applied under dry or wet demineralized dentine conditions. Methods: Extracted human maxillary third molars were selected. Flat, mid-coronal dentine was exposed for bonding and four groups were formed. Two groups were designated for the dry and two for the wet dentine technique: DRY: (1) Group GD: acid etching + glutaraldehyde primer (primer A) + HEMA/ethanol primer (primer B)-under dried dentine + unfilled resin; (2) Group D: the same as GD, except for primer A application; WET: (3) Group GW: the same as GD, but primer B was applied under wet dentine condition; (4) Group W: the same as GW, except for primer A application. The bonding resin was light-cured and a resin core was built up on the adhesive layer. Teeth were then prepared for microtensile bond testing to evaluate bond strength. The data obtained were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey`s test (alpha = 0.05). Results: Glutaraldehyde primer application significantly improved resin-dentine bond strength. No significant difference was observed when the same experimental adhesive system was applied under either dry or wet dentine conditions. These results allow the first null hypothesis to be rejected and the second to be accepted. Conclusion: Glutaraldehyde may affect demineralized dentine properties leading to improved resin bonding to wet and dry substrates. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective: The aim of this in vitro study was to analyze the effect of glass-ionomer cement as a liner on the dentin/resin adhesive interface of lateral walls of occlusal restorations after thermocycling. Materials and Methods: Occlusal cavities were prepared in 60 human molars, divided into six groups: no liner (1 and 4); glass-ionomer cement (GIC, Ketac Molar Easymix, 3M ESPE) (2 and 5); and resin-modified glass-ionomer cement (RMGIC, Vitrebond, 3M ESPE) (3 and 6). Resin composite (Filtek Z250, 3M ESPE) was placed after application of an adhesive system (Adper Single Bond 2, 3M ESPE) that was mixed with a fluorescent reagent (Rhodamine B) to allow confocal microscopy analysis. Specimens of groups 4, 5 and 6 were thermocycled (5 degrees C-55 degrees C) with a dwell time of 30 seconds for 5000 cycles. After this period, teeth were sectioned in approximately 0.8-mm slices. One slice of each tooth was randomly selected for confocal microscopy analysis. The other slices were sectioned into 0.8 nun x 0.8 mm beams, which were submitted to microtensile testing (MPa). Data were analyzed using two-way ANOVA and Tukey test (p < 0.05). Results: There was no detectedstatistical difference on bond strength among groups (alpha < 0.05). Confocal microscopy analysis showed a higher mean gap size in group 4(12.5 mu m) and a higher percentage of marginal gaps in the thermocycled groups. The RNIGIC liner groups showed the lowest percentage of marginal gaps. Conclusions: Lining with RMGIC resulted in less gap formation at the dentin/resin adhesive interface after artificial aging. RMGIC or GIC liners did not alter the microtensile bond strength of adhesive system/resin composite to dentin on the lateral walls of Class I restorations.
Statement of the Problem: Adhesive systems can spread differently onto a substrate and, consequently, influence bonding. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of differently oriented dentin surfaces and the regional variation of specimens on adhesive layer thickness and microtensile bond strength (MTBS). Materials and Methods: Twenty-four molars were sectioned mesiodistally to expose flat buccal and lingual halves. Standardized drop volumes of adhesive systems (Single Bond [SB] and Prime & Bond 2.1 [PB2.1]) were applied to dentin according to the manufacturer`s instructions. Teeth halves were randomly divided into groups: 1A-SB/parallel to gravity; 1B-SB/perpendicular to gravity; 2A-PB2.1/parallel to gravity; and 2B-PB2.1/perpendicular to gravity. The bonded assemblies were stored in 37 degrees C distilled water for 24 hours and then sectioned to obtain dentin sticks (0.8 mm(2)). The adhesive layer thickness was determined in a light microscope (x200), and after 48 hours the specimens were subjected to MTBS test. Data were analyzed by one-way and two-way analysis of variance and Student-Newman-Keuls tests. Results: Mean values (MPa +/- SD) of MTBS were: 39.1 +/- 12.9 (1A); 32.9 +/- 12.4 (1B); 52.9 +/- 15.2 (2A); and 52.3 +/- 16.5 (2B). The adhesive systems` thicknesses (mu m +/- SD) were: 11.2 +/- 2.9 (1A); 18.1 +/- 7.3 (1B); 4.2 +/- 1.8 (2A); and 3.9 +/- 1.3 (2B). No correlation between bond strength and adhesive layer thickness for both SB and PB2.1 (r = -0.224, p = 0.112 and r = 0.099, p = 0.491, respectively) was observed. Conclusions: The differently oriented dentin surfaces and the regional variation of specimens on the adhesive layer thickness are material-dependent. These variables do not influence the adhesive systems` bond strength to dentin. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE Adhesive systems have different viscosities and spread differently onto a substrate, influencing the bond strength and also the adhesive layer thickness. Adhesive thickness does not influence dentin bond strength, but it may impair adequate solvent evaporation, polymer conversion, and may also determine water sorption and adhesive degradation over time. In the literature, many studies have shown that the adhesive layer is a permeable membrane and can fail over timebecause ofits continuous plasticizing and degradation when in contact with water. Therefore, avoiding thick adhesive layers may minimize these problems and provide long-term success for adhesive restorations.
Objective: To evaluate, through the application of different dentin bonding systems, the influence of wetness on shear bond strength in enamel. Methods: This study evaluated three etch-and-rinse adhesive systems (Scotchbond MP [used with and without primer]; Singlebond; and Prime&Bond 2.1) and two self-etching adhesive systems (Clearfil SE Bond; and Xeno IV). Flat bovine enamel surfaces were either air-dried for 30 seconds or blotted with absorbent paper after acid-etching for the conventional bonding agents or before the application of self-etching bonding agents. The resin composite EsthetX was bonded to flat surfaces that had been treated with one of the adhesives, following the manufacturer`s instructions. After being stored in water at 37 degrees C for one week, bonded specimens were broken in shear. Data were evaluated with two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Student-Newman-Keuls tests (alpha=0.05). For comparing each condition individually, regardless of the adhesive or wetness condition, a one-way ANOVA and a Student-Newman-Keuls test (alpha=0.05) were applied. Results: The two-way ANOVA showed significant differences among adhesive systems. An interaction effect was also observed (p < 0.05), but wetness did not influence shear bond strength (p=0.98). The one-way ANOVA showed that the all-in-one adhesive was the only material influenced by the presence of water at the enamel`s surface. Conclusion: The all-in-one adhesive behaved differently depending on whether the enamel surface was dry or wet.
Objective: To evaluate the performance of All Bond SE used in a one- or two-step protocol in a 24-month randomized clinical study. Methods: Thirty-three patients with two similarly sized non-carious cervical lesions participated in this study. A total of 66 restorations were placed, half using the one-step All Bond SE protocol (SE-1) and the other half using the two-step All Bond SE protocol (SE-2). The restorations were evaluated at baseline and after 6, 12 and 24 months following the modified USPHS criteria and analyzed by the McNemar`s test and Fisher`s exact test (alpha=0.05). Results: After 24 months, six SE-1 and four SE-2 restorations were rated as Bravo in marginal discoloration The retention rates for SE-1 and SE-2 were 84.8% and 90.9%, respectively, after 24 months. Compared to baseline, the retention rate for SE-1 was statistically lower. Conclusions: All Bond SE used in the one- or two-step protocol resulted in high retention rates after 24 months.
Introduction: This study assessed in vitro the physicochemical properties of 2 methacrylate resin-based sealers (Epiphany SE and Hybrid Root SEAL), comparing the results with a well-established epoxy resin-based sealer (AH Plus). Methods: Five samples of each material were used for each test (setting time, flow, radiopacity, dimensional change after setting, and solubility) according to American National Standards Institute/American Dental Association (ANSI/ADA) Specification 57. The samples were assigned to 3 groups: I, AH Plus; II, Epiphany SE; and III, Hybrid Root SEAL. The distilled and deionized water used at the solubility test was submitted to atomic absorption spectrometry to observe the presence of Ca2+, K+, Ni2+, and Zn2+ ions. In addition, the surface morphology of the specimens was analyzed by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Statistical analysis was performed by using one-way analysis of variance and Tukey-Kramer test (P < .05). Results: Flow, radiopacity, and solubility of all sealers were in accordance with ANSI/ADA. The setting time of Hybrid Root SEAL did not agree with ANSUADA requirements. The dimensional change of all sealers was greater than the values considered acceptable by ANSI/ADA. The spectrometry analysis showed significant Ca2+ ions release for AH Plus. In SEM analysis, Hybrid Root SEAL presented spherical monomers with inferior size than AH Plus and Epiphany SE. Conclusions: It might be concluded that physicochemical properties of the tested sealers conformed to ANSI/ADA (2000) standardization, except for the setting time of Hybrid Root SEAL and the dimensional change of all sealers, which did not fulfill the ANSI/ADA requirements. (J Endod 2010;36:1531-1536)
The Epiphany (TM) Sealer is a new dual-curing resin-based sealer and has been introduced as an alternative to gutta-percha and traditional root canal sealers. The canal filling is claimed to create a seal with the dentinal tubules within the root canal system producing a `monoblock` effect between the sealer and dentinal tubules. Therefore, considering the possibility to incorporate the others adhesive systems, it is important to study the bond strength of the resulting cement. Forty-eight root mandibular canines were sectioned 8-mm below CEJ. The dentine discs were prepared using a tapered diamond bur and irrigated with 1% NaOCl and 17% EDTA. Previous the application Epiphany (TM) Sealer, the Epiphany (TM) Primer, AdheSE, and One Up Bond F were applied to the root canal walls. The LED and QTH (Quartz Tungsten Halogen) were used to photo-activation during 45 s with power density of 400 and 720 mW/cm(2), respectively. The specimens were performed on a universal testing machine at a cross-head speed of 1 mm/min until bond failure occurred. The force was recorded and the debonding values were used to calculate Push-out bond strength. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey`s post-hoc tests showed significant statistical differences (P < 0.05) to Epiphany (TM) Sealer/Epiphany (TM) Primer/QTH and EpiphanyTM Sealer/AdheSE/QTH, which had the highest mean values of bond strength. The efficiency of resin-based filling materials are dependent the type of light curing unit used including the power density, the polymerization characteristics of these resin-based filling materials, depending on the primer/adhesive used.
Objectives: To evaluate the bonding interface in experimentally weakened roots reinforced with adhesive restorative materials and quartz fibre posts, varying the light-exposure time of the composite resin used for root reinforcement. Methods: Twelve extracted human maxillary incisors teeth were used. The crowns were removed and the roots were endodontically treated. After post space preparation, the roots were assigned to four groups. The thickness of the root dentine was reduced and adhesively restored with composite resin light-activated through a translucent fibre post for either 40 s (group 1), 80 s (group 2) or 120 s (group 3). In the case of control (group 4), the roots were not weakened. One day after post cementation, the specimens were sectioned transversally in three slices and processed for scanning electron microscopic analysis to observe bonding interface formation, quality of the hybrid layer and density of resin tags using a four-step scale method. Results: Formation of a hybrid layer and resin tags were evident in all groups. There was no statistically (p > 0.05) significant difference between the regions analysed in each group (Friedman test) and between groups in each section depth (Kruskal-Wallis test). Furthermore, comparison of the flared/reinforced groups showed that the different time;; used for composite resin cure did not affect the results significantly (Kruskal-Wallis test, p = 0.2139). Conclusions: Different light-exposure times used for composite resin polymerisation during root canal reinforcement did not affect significantly the formation and quality of the dentine/adhesive/composite resin bonding interface. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background: It remains unclear as to whether or not dental bleaching affects the bond strength of dentin/resin restoration. Purpose: To evaluated the bond strength of adhesive systems to dentin submitted to bleaching with 38% hydrogen peroxide (HP) activated by LED-laser and to assess the adhesive/dentin interfaces by means of SEM. Study design: Sixty fragments of dentin (25 mm(2)) were included and divided into two groups: bleached and unbleached. HP was applied for 20 s and photoactivated for 45 s. Groups were subdivided according to the adhesive systems (n = 10): (1) two-steps conventional system (Adper Single Bond), (2) two-steps self-etching system (Clearfil standard error (SE) Bond), and (3) one-step self-etching system (Prompt L-Pop). The specimens received the Z250 resin and, after 24 h, were submitted to the bond strength test. Additional 30 dentin fragments (n = 5) received the same surface treatments and were prepared for SEM. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey`s test (alpha = 0.05). Results: There was significant strength reduction in bleached group when compared to unbleached group (P < 0.05). Higher bond strength was observed for Prompt. Single Bond and Clearfil presented the smallest values when used in bleached dentin. SEM analysis of the unbleached specimens revealed long tags and uniform hybrid layer for all adhesives. In bleached dentin, Single Bond provided open tubules and with few tags, Clearfil determined the absence of tags and hybrid layer, and Prompt promoted a regular hybrid layer with some tags. Conclusions: Prompt promoted higher shear bond strength, regardless of the bleaching treatment and allowed the formation of a regular and fine hybrid layer with less deep tags, when compared to Single Bond and Clearfil. Microsc. Res. Tech. 74:244-250, 2011. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Purpose: To evaluate the bond strength of glass fiber posts to intraradicular dentin when cemented with self-etching and self-adhesive resin cements. Materials and Methods: Forty-eight single-rooted human teeth were decoronated, endodontically treated, post-space prepared and divided into 8 groups (n = 6). The glass fiber posts used were: Exacto (EA) (Angelus) and everStick (ES) (StichTeck), which were cemented with two self-adhesive resin cements: BisCem (BIS) (Bisco) and Rely-X Unicem (UNI) (3M/ESPE), and two self-etching resin cements: Esthetic Cementing System NAC100 (NAC) (Kuraray) and Panavia-F (PAN) (Kuraray). Specimens were thermocycled between 5 degrees C and 55 degrees C for 1000 cycles and stored in water at 37 degrees C for 1 month. Four 1-mm-thick (in cross section) rods were obtained from the cervical region of the roots. Specimens were then subjected to microtensile testing in a special machine (BISCO; Schaumburg, IL, USA) at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min. Microtensile bond strength (mu TBS) data were analyzed with two-way ANOVA and Tukey`s tests. Results: Means (and SD) of mu TBS (MPa) were: EA/PAN: 10.3 (4.1), EA/NAC: 14 (5.1) EA/BIS: 16.4 (4.8), EA/UNI: 19.8 (5.1), ES/PAN: 25.9 (6.1), ES/NAC: 29.1 (7), ES/BIS: 28.9 (6), ES/UNI: 30.5 (6.6). ANOVA indicated significant differences among the groups (p < 0.001). Mean mu TBS values obtained with ES post were significantly higher than those obtained with EA (p < 0.001). For EA, Tukey`s test indicated that higher mu TBS means were obtained with the self-adhesive resin cements (BIS and UNI), which were statistically significantly different (p < 0.05) from values obtained with the self-etching resin cements (PAN and NAC). Different cements had no significant effects on the bond strength values of ES post (p > 0.05). mu TBS values obtained with ES post were significantly higher than those obtained with EA post irrespective of the resin cement used. Conclusion: everStick posts resulted in the highest mean mu TBS values with all cements. Self-adhesive cements performed well in terms of bond strength.
This study continues the collection of data on the anterior adhesive areas and secretions of monopisthocotylean monogenean (flatworm) parasites and begins an investigation of their phylogenetic usefulness. Here, two species of parasitic worms from an elasmobranch, Troglocephalus rhinobatidis (Monocotylidae: Dasybatotreminae) and Neoheterocotyle rhinobatidis (Monocotylidae: Heterocotylinae), are compared and contrasted. It has been suggested in recent literature that these two taxa are more closely related than is currently recognised. Our data support this view. Both species have multiple apertures on the ventral anterior margin through which adhesive is secreted. Two types of secretion exit from multiple adjacent duct endings terminating in each aperture: rod-shaped (S1) and spherical-shaped (S2) bodies. S1 bodies of both species show nano-banding of similar size and are membrane bound. Ultrastructure of the glands, ducts, duct endings and secreted adhesive is similar for both species, but aperture shape differs. Away from the adhesive areas, tegumental inclusions are found to differ between the two species and another, apparently non-adhesive, secretion is found in N. rhinobatidis.
The microwave and thermal cure processes for the epoxy-amine systems N,N,N',N'-tetraglycidyl-4,4'-diaminodiphenyl methane (TGDDM) with diaminodiphenyl sulfone (DDS) and diaminodiphenyl methane (DDM) have been investigated. The DDS system was studied at a single cure temperature of 433 K and a single stoichiometry of 27 wt% and the DDM system was studied at two stoichiometries, 19 and 32 wt%, and a range temperatures between 373 and 413 K. The best values the kinetic rate parameters for the consumption of amines have been determined by a least squares curve Ft to a model for epoxy-amine cure. The activation energies for the rate parameters for the MY721/DDM system were determined as was the overall activation energy for the cure reaction which was found to be 62 kJ mol(-1). No evidence was found for any specific effect of the microwave radiation on the rate parameters, and the systems were both found to be characterized by a negative substitution effect. Copyright (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.