926 resultados para Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay


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Closteroviruslike particles, designated as grapevine corky bark-associated virus (GCBaV), were purified from mature leaves and stem phloem tissue of a corky bark-affected grapevine that had indexed negative for other grapevine viruses. Electron microscopy of purified preparations revealed the presence of flexuous rod-shaped viruslike particles that were about 13 nm in diameter and between 1,400 and 2,000 nm long, with a helical pitch of 3.4 nm. In purified preparations, the GCBaV particles degraded within a few weeks, unlike grapevine leafroll associated virus (GLRaV), which was stable for more than 1 mo under the same storage condition. The molecular weight of the coat protein of GCBaV was 24,000. A large dsRNA molecule (about 15.3 kbp), along with lower molecular weight species, was detected in tissues of corky bark-diseased grapevines, but not in healthy grapevines. Polyclonal antisera were produced in rabbits against purified or partially purified virus preparations. In direct enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), antisera to GCBaV did not react to the serologically distinct types (II and III) of the long closteroviruses associated with grapevine leafroll disease and grapevine virus A (GVA), and vice versa. This antiserum also reacted in ELISA with other corky bark-affected grapevines. Our data suggest that closteroviruslike particles, designated as GCBaV, may be the causal agent of corky bark disease. However, definitive proof is still lacking. The inclusion of GCBaV in the group of closteroviruses with citrus tristeza virus is proposed.


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The accumulation and perpetuation of viral pathogens over generations of clonal propagation in crop species such as sweet potato, Ipomoea batatas,inevitably result in a reduction in crop yield and quality. This study was conducted at Bundaberg, Australia to compare the productivity of field-derived and pathogen-tested (PT)clones of 14 sweet potato cultivars and the yield benefits of using healthy planting materials. The field-derived clonal materials were exposed to the endemic viruses, while the PT clones were subjected to thermotherapy and meristem-tip culture to eliminate viral pathogens. The plants were indexed for viruses using nitrocellulose membrane-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and graft-inoculations onto Ipomoea setosa. A net benefit of 38% in storage root yield was realised from using PT materials in this study.Conversely, in a similar study previously conducted at Kerevat, Papua New Guinea (PNG), a net deficit of 36% was realised. This reinforced our finding that the response to pathogen testing was cultivar dependent and that the PNG cultivars in these studies generally exhibited increased tolerance to the endemic viruses present at the respective trial sites as manifested in their lack of response from the use of PT clones. They may be useful sources for future resistance breeding efforts. Nonetheless, the potential economic gain from using PT stocks necessitates the use of pathogen testing on virus-susceptible commercial cultivars.


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Objective: To quantify the levels of proteoglycan 4 (PRG4) expression by subpopulations of chondrocytes from superficial, middle, and deep layers of normal bovine calf cartilage in various culture systems. Methods: Bovine calf articular cartilage discs or isolated cells were used in I of 3 systems of chondrocyte culture: explant, monolayer, or transplant, for 1-9 days. PRG4 expression was quantified by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay of spent medium and localized by immunohistochemistry at the articular surface and within chondrocytes in explants and cultured cells. Results: Superficial chondrocytes secreted much more PRG4 than did middle and deep chondrocytes in all cultures. The pattern of PRG4 secretion into superficial culture medium varied with the duration of culture, decreasing with time in explant culture (from similar to25 mug/cm(2)/day on days 0-1 to similar to3 mug/cm(2)/day on days 5-9), while increasing in monolayer culture (from similar to1 pg/cell/day on days 0-1 to similar to7 pg/cell/day on days 7-9) and tending to increase in transplant culture (reaching similar to2 mug/cm(2)/day by days 7-9). In all of the culture systems, inclusion of ascorbic acid stimulated PRG4 secretion, and the source of PRG4 was immunolocalized to superficial cells. Conclusion: The results described here indicate that the phenotype of PRG4 secretion by chondrocytes in culture is generally maintained, in that PRG4 is expressed to a much greater degree by chondrocytes from the superficial zone than by those from the middle and deep zones. The marked up-regulation of PRG4 synthesis by ascorbic acid may have implications for cartilage homeostasis and prevention of osteoarthritic disease. Transplanting specialized cells that secrete PRG4 to a surface may impart functional lubrication and be generally applicable to many tissues in the body.


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In summary, these results imply that the relationship of adiponectin with lipoproteins is more complex than previously predicted using other methods of lipoprotein fractionation. Higher correlation of adiponectin was shown with large lipoprotein particle size, independent of the apolipoprotein content. Given the small population studied, we could not assess the influence of mild risk factors for venous thrombosis, such as obesity, on the analysis of the results. Thus, we can only state that adiponectin levels appear not to be a strong risk factor for VTE. It is possible that adiponectin deficiency may contribute indirectly to the etiology of VTE by enhancing the inflammatory state. © 2006 International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis.


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Activated protein C resistance (APCR), the most common risk factor for venous thrombosis, is the result of a G to A base substitution at nucleotide 1691 (R506Q) in the factor V gene. Current techniques to detect the factor V Leiden mutation, such as determination of restriction length polymorphisms, do not have the capacity to screen large numbers of samples in a rapid, cost- effective test. The aim of this study was to apply the first nucleotide change (FNC) technology, to the detection of the factor V Leiden mutation. After preliminary amplification of genomic DNA by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), an allele-specific primer was hybridised to the PCR product and extended using fluorescent terminating dideoxynucleotides which were detected by colorimetric assay. Using this ELISA-based assay, the prevalence of the factor V Leiden mutation was determined in an Australian blood donor population (n = 500). A total of 18 heterozygotes were identified (3.6%) and all of these were confirmed with conventional MnlI restriction digest. No homozygotes for the variant allele were detected. We conclude from this study that the frequency of 3.6% is compatible with others published for Caucasian populations. In addition, the FNC technology shows promise as the basis for a rapid, automated DNA based test for factor V Leiden.


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Background Prevention and control of ovine enzootic abortion (OEA) can be achieved by application of a live vaccine. In this study, five sheep flocks with different vaccination and infection status were serologically tested using a competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (cELISA) specific for Chlamydophila (Cp.) abortus over a two-year time period. Results Sheep in Flock A with recent OEA history had high antibody values after vaccination similar to Flock C with natural Cp. abortus infections. In contrast, OEA serology negative sheep (Flock E) showed individual animal-specific immunoreactions after vaccination. Antibody levels of vaccinated ewes in Flock B ranged from negative to positive two and three years after vaccination, respectively. Positive antibody values in the negative control Flock D (without OEA or vaccination) are probably due to asymptomatic intestinal infections with Cp. abortus. Excretion of the attenuated strain of Cp. abortus used in the live vaccine through the eye was not observed in vaccinated animals of Flock E. Conclusion The findings of our study indicate that, using serology, no distinction can be made between vaccinated and naturally infected sheep. As a result, confirmation of a negative OEA status in vaccinated animals by serology cannot be determined.


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Background: Cabergoline is an ergotamine derivative that increases the expression of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) in vitro. We recently showed that GDNF in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) reduces the motivation to consume alcohol. We therefore set out to determine whether cabergoline administration decreases alcohol-drinking and -seeking behaviors via GDNF. Methods: Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay (ELISA) were used to measure GDNF levels. Western blot analysis was used for phosphorylation experiments. Operant self-administration in rats and a two-bottle choice procedure in mice were used to assess alcohol-drinking behaviors. Instrumental performance tested during extinction was used to measure alcohol-seeking behavior. The [35S]GTPγS binding assay was used to assess the expression and function of the dopamine D2 receptor (D2R). Results: We found that treatment of the dopaminergic-like cell line SH-SY5Y with cabergoline and systemic administration of cabergoline in rats resulted in an increase in GDNF level and in the activation of the GDNF pathway. Cabergoline treatment decreased alcohol-drinking and -seeking behaviors including relapse, and its action to reduce alcohol consumption was localized to the VTA. Finally, the increase in GDNF expression and the decrease in alcohol consumption by cabergoline were abolished in GDNF heterozygous knockout mice. Conclusions: Together, these findings suggest that cabergoline-mediated upregulation of the GDNF pathway attenuates alcohol-drinking behaviors and relapse. Alcohol abuse and addiction are devastating and costly problems worldwide. This study puts forward the possibility that cabergoline might be an effective treatment for these disorders. © 2009 Society of Biological Psychiatry.


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Background: The regulation of plasminogen activation is a key element in controlling proteolytic events in the extracellular matrix. Our previous studies had demonstrated that in inflamed gingival tissues, tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) is significantly increased in the extracellular matrix of the connective tissue and that interleukin 1β (IL-1β) can up regulate the level of t-PA and plasminogen activator inhibitor-2 (PAI-2) synthesis by human gingival fibroblasts. Method: In the present study, the levels of t-PA and PAI-2 in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) were measured from healthy, gingivitis and periodontitis sites and compared before and after periodontal treatment. Crevicular fluid from106 periodontal sites in 33 patients were collected. 24 sites from 11 periodontitis patients received periodontal treatment after the first sample collection and post-treatment samples were collected 14 days after treatment. All samples were analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for t-PA and PAI-2. Results: The results showed that significantly high levels of t-PA and PAI-2 in GCF were found in the gingivitis and periodontitis sites. Periodontal treatment led to significant decreases of PAI-2, but not t-PA, after 14 days. A significant positive linear correlation was found between t-PA and PAI-2 in GCF (r=0.80, p<0.01). In the healthy group, different sites from within the same subject showed little variation of t-PA and PAI-2 in GCF. However, the gingivitis and periodontitis sites showed large variation. These results suggest a good correlation between t-PA and PAI-2 with the severity of periodontal conditions. Conclusion: This study indicates that t-PA and PAI-2 may play a significant rôle in the periodontal tissue destruction and tissue remodeling and that t-PA and PAI-2 in GCF may be used as clinical markers to evaluate the periodontal diseases and assess treatment.


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Background: We have previously shown the high prevalence of oral anti-human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV-16) antibodies in women with HPV-associated cervical neoplasia. It was postulated that the HPV antibodies were initiated after HPV antigenic stimulation at the cervix via the common mucosal immune system. The present study aimed to further evaluate the effectiveness of oral fluid testing for detecting the mucosal humoral response to HPV infection and to advance our limited understanding of the immune response to HPV. Methods: The prevalence of oral HPV infection and oral antibodies to HPV types 16, 18 and 11 was determined in a normal, healthy population of children, adolescents and adults, both male and female, attending a dental clinic. HPV types in buccal cells were determined by DNA sequencing. Oral fluid was collected from the gingival crevice of the mouth by the OraSure method. HPV-16, HPV-18 and HPV-11 antibodies in oral fluid were detected by virus-like particle-based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. As a reference group 44 women with cervical neoplasia were included in the study. Results: Oral HPV infection was h ighest in children (9/114, 7.9%), followed by adolescents (4/78, 5.1%), and lowest in normal adults (4/116, 3.5%). The predominant HPV type found was HPV-13 (7/22, 31.8%) followed by HPV-32 (5/22, 22.7%). The prevalence of oral antibodies to HPV-16, HPV-18 and HPV-11 was low in children and increased substantially in adolescents and normal adults. Oral HPV-16 IgA was significantly more prevalent in women with cervical neoplasia (30/44, 68.2%) than the women from the dental clinic (18/69, 26.1% P = 0.0001). Significantly more adult men than women displayed oral HPV-16 IgA (30/47 compared with 18/69, OR 5.0, 95% CI 2.09-12.1, P < 0.001) and HPV-18 IgA (17/47 compared with 13/69, OR 2.4, 95% CI 0.97-6.2, P = 0.04). Conclusion: The increased prevalence of oral HPV antibodies in adolescent individuals compared with children was attributed to the onset of sexual activity. The increased prevalence of oral anti-HPV IgA in men compared with women was noteworthy considering reportedly fewer men than women make serum antibodies, and warrants further investigation. © 2006 Marais et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Surveys were conducted in the Philippines from 1995 to 1997 to examine relationships between production environment variables (agroecosystem, synchrony of planting, and varieties planted) and the occurrence of rice tungro disease epidemics using correspondence analyses. The sites covered were Isabela, Nueva Ecija, North Cotabato, and Bohol provinces as well as Bicol region. Tungro disease incidence in farmers’ fields was assessed visually based on typical symptoms. In addition, leaf samples were collected from each field and indexed serologically by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the presence of Rice tungro bacilliform (RTBV) and Rice tungro spherical (RTSV) viruses. Thus, relationships between the production environment variables and four disease variables — visual incidence and double RTBV and RTSV, single RTSV, and single RTBV infections — were examined. A higher association was observed between site and varieties planted as well as site and synchrony of planting than between site and agroecosystem or site and disease variables (visual incidence, double RTBV and RTSV and single RTSV infections). Disease variables depended on both varieties planted and synchrony of planting and correspondence analysis revealed that the low disease incidence in Nueva Ecija was associated with synchronous planting while the high disease incidence in Isabela was associated with the planting of susceptible varieties and asynchronous planting. Such findings suggest that the relationship between the last two factors at a given site is critical to predicting tungro occurrence. Moreover, correspondence analysis of the relationship among disease variables revealed that tungro incidence is associated with not only double RTBV and RTSV infections but also single RTSV infections. Implications of these results on tungro epidemiology and management are discussed.


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Endothelin-1 (ET-1) is a potent vasoactive peptide and a hypoxia-inducible angiogenic growth factor associated with the development and growth of solid tumours. This study evaluated the expression of big endothelin-1 (big ET-1), a stable precursor of ET-1, and ET-1 in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Big ET-1 expression was evaluated in paraffin-embedded tissue sections from 10 NSCLC tumours using immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridisation. The production of big ET-1 and ET-1 was studied in six established NSCLC cell lines. The plasma concentrations of big ET-1 were measured in 30 patients with proven NSCLC prior to chemotherapy by means of a sandwich enzyme-linked immunoassay and compared to levels in 20 normal controls. Big ET-1 immunostaining was detected in the cancer cells of all tumours studied. Using in situ hybridisation, tumour cell big ET-1 mRNA expression was demonstrated in all samples. All six NSCLC cell lines expressed ET-1, with big ET-1 being detected in three. The median big ET-1 plasma level in patients with NSCLC was 5.4 pg/mL (range 0-22.7 pg/mL) and was significantly elevated compared to median big ET-1 plasma levels in controls, 2.1 pg/mL (1.2-13.4 pg/mL) (p=0.0001). Furthermore, patients with plasma big ET-1 levels above the normal range (upper tertile) had a worse outcome (p=0.01). In conclusion, big ET-1/ET-1 is expressed by resected NSCLC specimens and tumour cell lines. Plasma big ET-1 levels are elevated in NSCLC patients compared to controls with levels >7.8 pg/mL being associated with a worse outcome. The development of selective ET-1 antagonists such as Atrasentan indicates that ET-1 may be a therapeutic target in NSCLC. © 2004 Wichtig Editore.


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Background IL-20 is a pleiotrophic member of the IL-10 family and plays a role in skin biology and the development of haematopoietic cells. Recently, IL-20 has been demonstrated to have potential anti-angiogenic effects in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) by down regulating COX-2. Methods The expression of IL-20 and its cognate receptors (IL-20RA/B and IL-22R1) was examined in a series of resected fresh frozen NSCLC tumours. Additionally, the expression and epigenetic regulation of this family was examined in normal bronchial epithelial and NSCLC cell lines. Furthermore, the effect of IL-20 on VEGF family members was examined. Results The expression of IL-20 and its receptors are frequently dysregulated in NSCLC. IL-20RB mRNA was significantly elevated in NSCLC tumours (p < 0.01). Protein levels of the receptors, IL-20RB and IL-22R1, were significantly increased (p < 0.01) in the tumours of NSCLC patients. IL-20 and its receptors were found to be epigenetically regulated through histone post-translational modifications and DNA CpG residue methylation. In addition, treatment with recombinant IL-20 resulted in decreased expression of the VEGF family members at the mRNA level. Conclusions This family of genes are dysregulated in NSCLC and are subject to epigenetic regulation. Whilst the anti-angiogenic properties of IL-20 require further clarification, targeting this family via epigenetic means may be a viable therapeutic option in lung cancer treatment. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Early detection, clinical management and disease recurrence monitoring are critical areas in cancer treatment in which specific biomarker panels are likely to be very important in each of these key areas. We have previously demonstrated that levels of alpha-2-heremans-schmid-glycoprotein (AHSG), complement component C3 (C3), clusterin (CLI), haptoglobin (HP) and serum amyloid A (SAA) are significantly altered in serum from patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the lung. Here, we report the abundance levels for these proteins in serum samples from patients with advanced breast cancer, colorectal cancer (CRC) and lung cancer compared to healthy controls (age and gender matched) using commercially available enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kits. Logistic regression (LR) models were fitted to the resulting data, and the classification ability of the proteins was evaluated using receiver-operating characteristic curve and leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV). The most accurate individual candidate biomarkers were C3 for breast cancer [area under the curve (AUC) = 0.89, LOOCV = 73%], CLI for CRC (AUC = 0.98, LOOCV = 90%), HP for small cell lung carcinoma (AUC = 0.97, LOOCV = 88%), C3 for lung adenocarcinoma (AUC = 0.94, LOOCV = 89%) and HP for squamous cell carcinoma of the lung (AUC = 0.94, LOOCV = 87%). The best dual combination of biomarkers using LR analysis were found to be AHSG + C3 (AUC = 0.91, LOOCV = 83%) for breast cancer, CLI + HP (AUC = 0.98, LOOCV = 92%) for CRC, C3 + SAA (AUC = 0.97, LOOCV = 91%) for small cell lung carcinoma and HP + SAA for both adenocarcinoma (AUC = 0.98, LOOCV = 96%) and squamous cell carcinoma of the lung (AUC = 0.98, LOOCV = 84%). The high AUC values reported here indicated that these candidate biomarkers have the potential to discriminate accurately between control and cancer groups both individually and in combination with other proteins. Copyright © 2011 UICC.


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Background: To directly assess tumor oxygenation in resectable non - small cell lung cancers (NSCLC) and to correlate tumor pO2 and the selected gene and protein expression to treatment outcomes. Methods: Twenty patients with resectable NSCLC were enrolled. Intraoperative measurements of normal lung and tumor pO2 were done with the Eppendorf polarographic electrode. All patients had plasma osteopontin measurements by ELISA. Carbonic anhydrase-IX (CA IX) staining of tumor sections was done in the majority of patients (n = 16), as was gene expression profiling (n = 12) using cDNA microarrays. Tumor pO2 was correlated with CA IX staining, osteopontin levels, and treatment outcomes. Results: The median tumor pO2 ranged from 0.7 to 46 mm Hg (median, 16.6) and was lower than normal lung pO2 in all but one patient. Because both variables were affected by the completeness of lung deflation during measurement, we used the ratio of tumor/normal lung (T/L) pO2 as a reflection of tumor oxygenation. The median T/L pO 2 was 0.13. T/L pO2 correlated significantly with plasma osteopontin levels (r = 0.53, P = 0.02) and CA IX expression (P = 0.006). Gene expression profiling showed that high CD44 expression was a predictor for relapse, which was confirmed by tissue staining of CD44 variant 6 protein. Other variables associated with the risk of relapse were T stage (P = 0.02), T/L pO2 (P = 0.04), and osteopontin levels (P = 0.001). Conclusions: Tumor hypoxia exists in resectable NSCLC and is associated with elevated expression of osteopontin and CA IX. Tumor hypoxia and elevated osteopontin levels and CD44 expression correlated with poor prognosis. A larger study is needed to confirm the prognostic significance of these factors. © 2006 American Association for Cancer Research.


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Purpose: To identify a 15-KDa novel hypoxia-induced secreted protein in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC) and to determine its role in malignant progression. Methods: We used surface-enhanced laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (SELDI-TOF-MS) and tandem MS to identify a novel hypoxia-induced secreted protein in FaDu cells. We used immunoblots, real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assay to confirm the hypoxic induction of this secreted protein as galectin-1 in cell lines and xenografts. We stained tumor tissues from 101 HNSCC patients for galectin-1, CA IX (carbonic anhydrase IX, a hypoxia marker) and CDS (a T-cell marker). Expression of these markers was correlated to each other and to treatment outcomes. Results: SELDI-TOF studies yielded a hypoxia-induced peak at 15 kDa that proved to be galectin-1 by MS analysis. Immunoblots and PCR studies confirmed increased galectin-1 expression by hypoxia in several cancer cell lines. Plasma levels of galectin-1 were higher in tumor-bearing severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) mice breathing 10% O 2 compared with mice breathing room air. In HNSCC patients, there was a significant correlation between galectin-1 and CA IX staining (P = .01) and a strong inverse correlation between galectin-1 and CDS staining (P = .01). Expression of galectin-1 and CDS were significant predictors for overall survival on multivariate analysis. Conclusion: Galectin-1 is a novel hypoxia-regulated protein and a prognostic marker in HNSCC. This study presents a new mechanism on how hypoxia can affect the malignant progression and therapeutic response of solid tumors by regulating the secretion of proteins that modulate immune privilege. © 2005 by American Society of Clinical Oncology.