935 resultados para Enterprise application integration (Computer systems)
This article presents the implementation of a distributed system of virtual reality, through the integration of services offered by the CORBA platform (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) and by the environment of development of 3D graphic applications in real time, the WorldToolkit, of Sense8. The developed application for the validation of this integration is that of a virtual city, with an emphasis on its traffic ways, vehicles (movable objects) and buildings (immovable objects). In this virtual world, several users can interact, each one controlling his/her own car. Since the modelling of the application took into consideration the criteria and principles of the Transport Engineering, the aim is to use it in the planning, project and construction of traffic ways for vehicles. The system was structured according to the approach client/server utilizing multicast communication among the participating nodes. The chosen implementation for the CORBA was the Iona's ORBIX software. The performance results obtained are presented and discussed in the end.
Most of architectures proposed for developing Distributed Virtual Environment (DVE) allow limited number of users. To support the development of applications using the internet infrastructure, with hundred or, perhaps, thousands users logged simultaneously on DVE, several techniques for managing resources, such as bandwidth and capability of processing, must be implemented. The strategy presented in this paper combines methods to attain the scalability required, In special the multicast protocol at application level.
This article presents considerations about viability on reutilize existing web based e-Learning systems on Interactive Digital TV environment according to Digital TV standard adopted in Brazil. Considering the popularity of Moodle system in academic and corporative area, such system was chosen as a foundation for a survey into its properties to create a specification of an Application Programming Interface (API) for convergence to t-Learning characteristics that demands efforts in interface design area due the fact that computer and TV concepts are totally different. This work aims to present studies concerning user interface design during two stages: survey and detail of functionalities from an e-Learning system and how to adapt them for the Interactive TV regarding usability context and Information Architecture concepts.
This paper deals with results of a research and development (R&D) project in cooperation with Electric Power Distribution Company in São Paulo (Brazil) regarding the development and experimental analysis of a new concept of power drive system suitable for application in traction systems of electrical vehicles pulled by electrical motors, which can be powered by urban DC or AC distribution networks. The proposed front-end structure is composed by five boost power cells in interleaving connection, operating in discontinuous conduction mode as AC-DC converter, or as DC-DC converter, in order to provide the proper DC output voltage range required by DC or AC adjustable speed drivers. Therefore, when supplied by single-phase AC distribution networks, and operating as AC-DC converter, it is capable to provide high power factor, reduced harmonic distortion in the input current, complying with the restrictions imposed by the IEC 61000-3-4 standards resulting in significant improvements for the trolleybuses systems efficiency and for the urban distribution network costs. Considering the compliance with input current restrictions imposed by IEC 61000-3-4 standards, two digital control strategies were evaluated. The digital controller has been implemented using a low cost FPGA (XC3S200) and developed totally using a hardware description language VHDL and fixed point arithmetic. Experimental results from a 15 kW low power scale prototype operating in DC and AC conditions are presented, in order to verify the feasibility and performance of the proposed system. © 2009 IEEE.
Abstract Background The study and analysis of gene expression measurements is the primary focus of functional genomics. Once expression data is available, biologists are faced with the task of extracting (new) knowledge associated to the underlying biological phenomenon. Most often, in order to perform this task, biologists execute a number of analysis activities on the available gene expression dataset rather than a single analysis activity. The integration of heteregeneous tools and data sources to create an integrated analysis environment represents a challenging and error-prone task. Semantic integration enables the assignment of unambiguous meanings to data shared among different applications in an integrated environment, allowing the exchange of data in a semantically consistent and meaningful way. This work aims at developing an ontology-based methodology for the semantic integration of gene expression analysis tools and data sources. The proposed methodology relies on software connectors to support not only the access to heterogeneous data sources but also the definition of transformation rules on exchanged data. Results We have studied the different challenges involved in the integration of computer systems and the role software connectors play in this task. We have also studied a number of gene expression technologies, analysis tools and related ontologies in order to devise basic integration scenarios and propose a reference ontology for the gene expression domain. Then, we have defined a number of activities and associated guidelines to prescribe how the development of connectors should be carried out. Finally, we have applied the proposed methodology in the construction of three different integration scenarios involving the use of different tools for the analysis of different types of gene expression data. Conclusions The proposed methodology facilitates the development of connectors capable of semantically integrating different gene expression analysis tools and data sources. The methodology can be used in the development of connectors supporting both simple and nontrivial processing requirements, thus assuring accurate data exchange and information interpretation from exchanged data.
Sustainable computer systems require some flexibility to adapt to environmental unpredictable changes. A solution lies in autonomous software agents which can adapt autonomously to their environments. Though autonomy allows agents to decide which behavior to adopt, a disadvantage is a lack of control, and as a side effect even untrustworthiness: we want to keep some control over such autonomous agents. How to control autonomous agents while respecting their autonomy? A solution is to regulate agents’ behavior by norms. The normative paradigm makes it possible to control autonomous agents while respecting their autonomy, limiting untrustworthiness and augmenting system compliance. It can also facilitate the design of the system, for example, by regulating the coordination among agents. However, an autonomous agent will follow norms or violate them in some conditions. What are the conditions in which a norm is binding upon an agent? While autonomy is regarded as the driving force behind the normative paradigm, cognitive agents provide a basis for modeling the bindingness of norms. In order to cope with the complexity of the modeling of cognitive agents and normative bindingness, we adopt an intentional stance. Since agents are embedded into a dynamic environment, things may not pass at the same instant. Accordingly, our cognitive model is extended to account for some temporal aspects. Special attention is given to the temporal peculiarities of the legal domain such as, among others, the time in force and the time in efficacy of provisions. Some types of normative modifications are also discussed in the framework. It is noteworthy that our temporal account of legal reasoning is integrated to our commonsense temporal account of cognition. As our intention is to build sustainable reasoning systems running unpredictable environment, we adopt a declarative representation of knowledge. A declarative representation of norms will make it easier to update their system representation, thus facilitating system maintenance; and to improve system transparency, thus easing system governance. Since agents are bounded and are embedded into unpredictable environments, and since conflicts may appear amongst mental states and norms, agent reasoning has to be defeasible, i.e. new pieces of information can invalidate formerly derivable conclusions. In this dissertation, our model is formalized into a non-monotonic logic, namely into a temporal modal defeasible logic, in order to account for the interactions between normative systems and software cognitive agents.
In vielen Bereichen der industriellen Fertigung, wie zum Beispiel in der Automobilindustrie, wer- den digitale Versuchsmodelle (sog. digital mock-ups) eingesetzt, um die Entwicklung komplexer Maschinen m ̈oglichst gut durch Computersysteme unterstu ̈tzen zu k ̈onnen. Hierbei spielen Be- wegungsplanungsalgorithmen eine wichtige Rolle, um zu gew ̈ahrleisten, dass diese digitalen Pro- totypen auch kollisionsfrei zusammengesetzt werden k ̈onnen. In den letzten Jahrzehnten haben sich hier sampling-basierte Verfahren besonders bew ̈ahrt. Diese erzeugen eine große Anzahl von zuf ̈alligen Lagen fu ̈r das ein-/auszubauende Objekt und verwenden einen Kollisionserken- nungsmechanismus, um die einzelnen Lagen auf Gu ̈ltigkeit zu u ̈berpru ̈fen. Daher spielt die Kollisionserkennung eine wesentliche Rolle beim Design effizienter Bewegungsplanungsalgorith- men. Eine Schwierigkeit fu ̈r diese Klasse von Planern stellen sogenannte “narrow passages” dar, schmale Passagen also, die immer dort auftreten, wo die Bewegungsfreiheit der zu planenden Objekte stark eingeschr ̈ankt ist. An solchen Stellen kann es schwierig sein, eine ausreichende Anzahl von kollisionsfreien Samples zu finden. Es ist dann m ̈oglicherweise n ̈otig, ausgeklu ̈geltere Techniken einzusetzen, um eine gute Performance der Algorithmen zu erreichen.rnDie vorliegende Arbeit gliedert sich in zwei Teile: Im ersten Teil untersuchen wir parallele Kollisionserkennungsalgorithmen. Da wir auf eine Anwendung bei sampling-basierten Bewe- gungsplanern abzielen, w ̈ahlen wir hier eine Problemstellung, bei der wir stets die selben zwei Objekte, aber in einer großen Anzahl von unterschiedlichen Lagen auf Kollision testen. Wir im- plementieren und vergleichen verschiedene Verfahren, die auf Hu ̈llk ̈operhierarchien (BVHs) und hierarchische Grids als Beschleunigungsstrukturen zuru ̈ckgreifen. Alle beschriebenen Verfahren wurden auf mehreren CPU-Kernen parallelisiert. Daru ̈ber hinaus vergleichen wir verschiedene CUDA Kernels zur Durchfu ̈hrung BVH-basierter Kollisionstests auf der GPU. Neben einer un- terschiedlichen Verteilung der Arbeit auf die parallelen GPU Threads untersuchen wir hier die Auswirkung verschiedener Speicherzugriffsmuster auf die Performance der resultierenden Algo- rithmen. Weiter stellen wir eine Reihe von approximativen Kollisionstests vor, die auf den beschriebenen Verfahren basieren. Wenn eine geringere Genauigkeit der Tests tolerierbar ist, kann so eine weitere Verbesserung der Performance erzielt werden.rnIm zweiten Teil der Arbeit beschreiben wir einen von uns entworfenen parallelen, sampling- basierten Bewegungsplaner zur Behandlung hochkomplexer Probleme mit mehreren “narrow passages”. Das Verfahren arbeitet in zwei Phasen. Die grundlegende Idee ist hierbei, in der er- sten Planungsphase konzeptionell kleinere Fehler zuzulassen, um die Planungseffizienz zu erh ̈ohen und den resultierenden Pfad dann in einer zweiten Phase zu reparieren. Der hierzu in Phase I eingesetzte Planer basiert auf sogenannten Expansive Space Trees. Zus ̈atzlich haben wir den Planer mit einer Freidru ̈ckoperation ausgestattet, die es erlaubt, kleinere Kollisionen aufzul ̈osen und so die Effizienz in Bereichen mit eingeschr ̈ankter Bewegungsfreiheit zu erh ̈ohen. Optional erlaubt unsere Implementierung den Einsatz von approximativen Kollisionstests. Dies setzt die Genauigkeit der ersten Planungsphase weiter herab, fu ̈hrt aber auch zu einer weiteren Perfor- mancesteigerung. Die aus Phase I resultierenden Bewegungspfade sind dann unter Umst ̈anden nicht komplett kollisionsfrei. Um diese Pfade zu reparieren, haben wir einen neuartigen Pla- nungsalgorithmus entworfen, der lokal beschr ̈ankt auf eine kleine Umgebung um den bestehenden Pfad einen neuen, kollisionsfreien Bewegungspfad plant.rnWir haben den beschriebenen Algorithmus mit einer Klasse von neuen, schwierigen Metall- Puzzlen getestet, die zum Teil mehrere “narrow passages” aufweisen. Unseres Wissens nach ist eine Sammlung vergleichbar komplexer Benchmarks nicht ̈offentlich zug ̈anglich und wir fan- den auch keine Beschreibung von vergleichbar komplexen Benchmarks in der Motion-Planning Literatur.
This paper presents our ongoing work on enterprise IT integration of sensor networks based on the idea of service descriptions and applying linked data principles to them. We argue that using linked service descriptions facilitates a better integration of sensor nodes into enterprise IT systems and allows SOA principles to be used within the enterprise IT and within the sensor network itself.
Introduction: The aim of this systematic review was to analyze the dental literature regarding accuracy and clinical application in computer-guided template-based implant dentistry. Materials and methods: An electronic literature search complemented by manual searching was performed to gather data on accuracy and surgical, biological and prosthetic complications in connection with computer-guided implant treatment. For the assessment of accuracy meta-regression analysis was performed. Complication rates are descriptively summarized. Results: From 3120 titles after the literature search, eight articles met the inclusion criteria regarding accuracy and 10 regarding the clinical performance. Meta-regression analysis revealed a mean deviation at the entry point of 1.07 mm (95% CI: 0.76-1.22 mm) and at the apex of 1.63 mm (95% CI: 1.26-2 mm). No significant differences between the studies were found regarding method of template production or template support and stabilization. Early surgical complications occurred in 9.1%, early prosthetic complications in 18.8% and late prosthetic complications in 12% of the cases. Implant survival rates of 91-100% after an observation time of 12-60 months are reported in six clinical studies with 537 implants mainly restored immediately after flapless implantation procedures. Conclusion: Computer-guided template-based implant placement showed high implant survival rates ranging from 91% to 100%. However, a considerable number of technique-related perioperative complications were observed. Preclinical and clinical studies indicated a reasonable mean accuracy with relatively high maximum deviations. Future research should be directed to increase the number of clinical studies with longer observation periods and to improve the systems in terms of perioperative handling, accuracy and prosthetic complications.
Background Patients' health related quality of life (HRQoL) has rarely been systematically monitored in general practice. Electronic tools and practice training might facilitate the routine application of HRQoL questionnaires. Thorough piloting of innovative procedures is strongly recommended before the conduction of large-scale studies. Therefore, we aimed to assess i) the feasibility and acceptance of HRQoL assessment using tablet computers in general practice, ii) the perceived practical utility of HRQoL results and iii) to identify possible barriers hindering wider application of this approach. Methods Two HRQoL questionnaires (St. George's Respiratory Questionnaire SGRQ and EORTC QLQ-C30) were electronically presented on portable tablet computers. Wireless network (WLAN) integration into practice computer systems of 14 German general practices with varying infrastructure allowed automatic data exchange and the generation of a printout or a PDF file. General practitioners (GPs) and practice assistants were trained in a 1-hour course, after which they could invite patients with chronic diseases to fill in the electronic questionnaire during their waiting time. We surveyed patients, practice assistants and GPs regarding their acceptance of this tool in semi-structured telephone interviews. The number of assessments, HRQoL results and interview responses were analysed using quantitative and qualitative methods. Results Over the course of 1 year, 523 patients filled in the electronic questionnaires (1–5 times; 664 total assessments). On average, results showed specific HRQoL impairments, e.g. with respect to fatigue, pain and sleep disturbances. The number of electronic assessments varied substantially between practices. A total of 280 patients, 27 practice assistants and 17 GPs participated in the telephone interviews. Almost all GPs (16/17 = 94%; 95% CI = 73–99%), most practice assistants (19/27 = 70%; 95% CI = 50–86%) and the majority of patients (240/280 = 86%; 95% CI = 82–91%) indicated that they would welcome the use of electronic HRQoL questionnaires in the future. GPs mentioned availability of local health services (e.g. supportive, physiotherapy) (mean: 9.4 ± 1.0 SD; scale: 1 – 10), sufficient extra time (8.9 ± 1.5) and easy interpretation of HRQoL results (8.6 ± 1.6) as the most important prerequisites for their use. They believed HRQoL assessment facilitated both communication and follow up of patients' conditions. Practice assistants emphasised that this process demonstrated an extra commitment to patient centred care; patients viewed it as a tool, which contributed to the physicians' understanding of their personal condition and circumstances. Conclusion This pilot study indicates that electronic HRQoL assessment is technically feasible in general practices. It can provide clinically significant information, which can either be used in the consultation for routine care, or for research purposes. While GPs, practice assistants and patients were generally positive about the electronic procedure, several barriers (e.g. practices' lack of time and routine in HRQoL assessment) need to be overcome to enable broader application of electronic questionnaires in every day medical practice.
Current advanced cloud infrastructure management solutions allow scheduling actions for dynamically changing the number of running virtual machines (VMs). This approach, however, does not guarantee that the scheduled number of VMs will properly handle the actual user generated workload, especially if the user utilization patterns will change. We propose using a dynamically generated scaling model for the VMs containing the services of the distributed applications, which is able to react to the variations in the number of application users. We answer the following question: How to dynamically decide how many services of each type are needed in order to handle a larger workload within the same time constraints? We describe a mechanism for dynamically composing the SLAs for controlling the scaling of distributed services by combining data analysis mechanisms with application benchmarking using multiple VM configurations. Based on processing of multiple application benchmarks generated data sets we discover a set of service monitoring metrics able to predict critical Service Level Agreement (SLA) parameters. By combining this set of predictor metrics with a heuristic for selecting the appropriate scaling-out paths for the services of distributed applications, we show how SLA scaling rules can be inferred and then used for controlling the runtime scale-in and scale-out of distributed services. We validate our architecture and models by performing scaling experiments with a distributed application representative for the enterprise class of information systems. We show how dynamically generated SLAs can be successfully used for controlling the management of distributed services scaling.
In recent years, development of information systems (IS) has rapidly changed towards increasing division of labor between firms. Two trends are emerging. First, client companies increasingly outsource software development to external service providers. Second, the formerly oligopolistic enterprise application software industry has started to disintegrate into focal partnership networks – so called platform ecosystems. Despite the increasing prominence of IS outsourcing and platform ecosystems, many of these inter-organizational partnerships fail to achieve expected benefits. Ineffective governance and control frequently plays a pivotal role in producing these failures. While designing effective governance and control mechanisms is always challenging, inter-organizational software development projects are often business-critical and exhibit additional dynamics and uncertainty. As a consequence governance and control have to be adapted over time. The three research projects included in this book provide a better understanding of how and why governance and control can be effectively adapted over time. The implications for successful management of inter-organizational software development projects are highly relevant for theory and practice.
Cloud Computing has evolved to become an enabler for delivering access to large scale distributed applications running on managed network-connected computing systems. This makes possible hosting Distributed Enterprise Information Systems (dEISs) in cloud environments, while enforcing strict performance and quality of service requirements, defined using Service Level Agreements (SLAs). {SLAs} define the performance boundaries of distributed applications, and are enforced by a cloud management system (CMS) dynamically allocating the available computing resources to the cloud services. We present two novel VM-scaling algorithms focused on dEIS systems, which optimally detect most appropriate scaling conditions using performance-models of distributed applications derived from constant-workload benchmarks, together with SLA-specified performance constraints. We simulate the VM-scaling algorithms in a cloud simulator and compare against trace-based performance models of dEISs. We compare a total of three SLA-based VM-scaling algorithms (one using prediction mechanisms) based on a real-world application scenario involving a large variable number of users. Our results show that it is beneficial to use autoregressive predictive SLA-driven scaling algorithms in cloud management systems for guaranteeing performance invariants of distributed cloud applications, as opposed to using only reactive SLA-based VM-scaling algorithms.
Population growth is always increasing, and thus the concept of smart and cognitive cities is becoming more important. Developed countries are aware of and working towards needed changes in city management. However, emerging countries require the optimization of their own city management. This chapter illustrates, based on a use case, how a city in an emerging country can quickly progress using the concept of smart and cognitive cities. Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, is chosen for the test case. More than half of the population of Nairobi lives in slums with poor sanitation, and many slum inhabitants often share a single toilet, so the proper functioning and reliable maintenance of toilets are crucial. For this purpose, an approach for processing text messages based on cognitive computing (using soft computing methods) is introduced. Slum inhabitants can inform the responsible center via text messages in cases when toilets are not functioning properly. Through cognitive computer systems, the responsible center can fix the problem in a quick and efficient way by sending repair workers to the area. Focusing on the slum of Kibera, an easy-to-handle approach for slum inhabitants is presented, which can make the city more efficient, sustainable and resilient (i.e., cognitive).
The technological advances in last decades have transformed the external resources of Vocational Counseling, Occupational Information and assessment of clients. Most computer systems follow a behaviorist-cognitive approach. However, the use of vocational counseling software is not exclusive to one conceptual approach. Computers are introduced in education from primary school; counselors and other educators are expected to use those systems. The attitude of counselors ranges from enthusiastic acceptance to complete refusal. Many counselors fear that computers will replace them. An underlying theory holds that counseling is based on the counselor-client interaction. A computer- client interaction cannot be considered vocational counseling. Counseling has five basic aims: prevention, assistance, education and development, service of diverse groups and research. The most relevant trends in computer-based counseling are: tests and questionnaires based on computers, adaptive development, computarized information, vocational counseling systems and research. Basic aims and the potential role of computers in achieving them are discussed. Present vocational counselors can use the technology of computers to link the past of our profession to its promising future. In view of these premises we have developed two computer systems that assist the vocational counseling process: "Professional Interests Questionnaire, Computer Version", and "Computer-based System of Vocational Counseling".