973 resultados para Enterprise Service Bus
Il sistema di trasporto detto Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) è stato lanciato a Curitiba, in Brasile, nel 1974 per offrire un trasporto in bus efficiente ed efficace nella città in rapida espansione. Questa sperienza, insieme a quella di Ottawa (1983) e Quito (1994) ha dimostrato di essere una soluzione molto efficiente per il trasporto di massa. Per tutta l’Europa si sono iniziate a sviluppare esperienze simili, introducendo però un concetto diverso per quanto riguarda la qualità di servizio. Infatti sistemi come il “trunk network” nella Svezia, il Metrobus nella Germania oppure il BHNS (Bus à Aut. Niveau de Service) nella Francia trattano la qualità di servizio da una prospettiva più ampia che il BRT, dato che considerano aspetti come l’immagine ed il comfort oltre che velocità, frequenza e affidabilità. Questi nuovi sistemi BHLS (Buses with a High Quality of Service) consentono di combinare la qualità di servizio del tram con il costo basso e l’altà flessibilità dei sistema bus, fornendo soluzioni molto interessanti in termini di accessibilità e livelli di servizio, che permettono l’adattamento ai differenti contesti urbani (dimensione, popolazione, densità, ecc.). This article compares different European experiences with tramways and BHLS, especially from the economic point of view, considering their respective costs, benefits and advantages altogether.
En el marco del proyecto europeo FI-WARE, en el CoNWet Lab (laboratorio de la ETSI Informáticos de la UPM) se ha implementado la plataforma Web Wstore que es una implementación de referencia del Store Generic Enabler perteneciente a dicho proyecto. El objetivo de FI-WARE es crear la plataforma núcleo del Internet del Futuro (IoF) con la intención de incrementar la competitividad global europea en el mundo de las TI. El proyecto introduce una infraestructura innovadora para la creación y distribución de servicios digitales en internet. WStore ofrece a los proveedores de servicios la plataforma donde publicar sus ofertas y desde la cual los clientes podrán acceder ellas. Estos proveedores ofrecen servicios Web, aplicaciones, widgets y data sets del mismo modo que Google ofrece aplicaciones en la tienda online Google Play o Apple en el App Store. WStore está implementada actualmente como una plataforma Web, por lo que una organización que desee ofrecer el servicio de la store necesita instalar el software en un servidor propio y disponer de un dominio para ofrecer sus productos. El objetivo de este trabajo es migrar WStore a un entorno de computación en la nube de manera que con una única instancia se ofrezca el servicio a las organizaciones que deseen disponer de su propia plataforma, de la cual tendrán total control como si se encontrase en su propia infraestructura. Para esto se implementa una versión de WStore que será desplegada en una infraestructura cloud y ofrecida como Software as a Service. La implementación incluye una serie de módulos de código que se podrán añadir opcionalmente en el proceso de instalación si se desea que la instancia instalada sea Multitenant. Además, en este trabajo se estudian y prueban las herramientas que ofrece MongoDB para desplegar la plataforma Wstore Multitenant en una infraestructura cloud. Estas herramientas son replica sets y sharding que permiten desplegar una base de datos escalable y de alta disponibilidad. ---ABSTRACT---In the context of the European project FI-WARE, the CoNWeT Lab (IT Lab from ETSIINF UPM university) has been implemented the web platform WStore. WStore is a reference implementation of the Generic Enabler Store from FI-WARE project. The FI-WARE goal is to create the core platform of the Future Internet (IoF) with the intention of enhancing Europe's global competitiveness in IT technologies. FI-WARE introduces an innovative infrastructure for the creation and distribution of digital services over the Internet. WStore offers to service providers a platform to publicate offerings and where customers can access them. The providers offer web services, applications, widgets and data sets in the same way that Google offers online applications on Google Play or Apple on App Store plataforms. WStore is currently implemented as a web platform, so if an organization wants to offer the store service, it need to install the software on it’s own serves and have a domain to offer their products. The objective of this paper is to migrate WStore to a cloud computing environment where a single instance of the WStore is offered as a web service to organizations who want their own store. Customers (tenants) of the WStore web service will have total control over the software and WStore administration. The implementation includes several code modules that can be optionally added in the installation process to build a Multitenant instance. In addition, this paper review the tools that MongoDB provide for scalability and high availability (replica sets and sharding) with the purpose of deploying multi-tenant WStore on a cloud infrastructure.
In this paper, a mathematical programming model and a heuristically derived solution is described to assist with the efficient planning of services for a set of auxiliary bus lines (a bus-bridging system) during disruptions of metro and rapid transit lines. The model can be considered static and takes into account the average flows of passengers over a given period of time (i.e., the peak morning traffic hour) Auxiliary bus services must accommodate very high demand levels, and the model presented is able to take into account the operation of a bus-bridging system under congested conditions. A general analysis of the congestion in public transportation lines is presented, and the results are applied to the design of a bus-bridging system. A nonlinear integer mathematical programming model and a suitable approximation of this model are then formulated. This approximated model can be solved by a heuristic procedure that has been shown to be computationally viable. The output of the model is as follows: (a) the number of bus units to assign to each of the candidate lines of the bus-bridging system; (b) the routes to be followed by users passengers of each of the origin–destination pairs; (c) the operational conditions of the components of the bus-bridging system, including the passenger load of each of the line segments, the degree of saturation of the bus stops relative to their bus input flows, the bus service times at bus stops and the passenger waiting times at bus stops. The model is able to take into account bounds with regard to the maximum number of passengers waiting at bus stops and the space available at bus stops for the queueing of bus units. This paper demonstrates the applicability of the model with two realistic test cases: a railway corridor in Madrid and a metro line in Barcelona Planificación de los servicios de lineas auxiliares de autobuses durante las incidencias de las redes de metro y cercanías. El modelo estudia el problema bajo condiciones de alta demanda y condiciones de congestión. El modelo no lineal resultante es resuelto mediante heurísticas que demuestran su utilidad. Se demuestran los resultados en dos corredores de las ciudades de Barcelona y Madrid.
This paper reports the results of the assessment of a range of measures implemented in bus systems in five European cities to improve the use of public transport by increasing its attractiveness and enhancing its image in urban areas. This research was conducted as part of the EBSF project (European Bus System of the Future) from 2008 to 2012. New buses (prototypes), new vehicle and infrastructure technologies, and operational best practices were introduced, all of which were combined in a system approach. The measures were assessed using multicriteria analysis to simultaneously evaluate a certain number of criteria that need to be aggregated. Each criterion is measured by one or more key performance indicators (KPI) calculated in two scenarios (reference scenario, with no measure implemented; and project scenario, with the implementation of some measures), in order to evaluate the difference in the KPI performance between the reference and project scenario. The results indicate that the measures produce a greater benefit in issues related to bus system productivity and customer satisfaction, with the greatest impact on aspects of perceptions of comfort, cleanliness and quality of service, information to passengers and environmental issues. The study also reveals that the implementation of several measures has greater social utility than very specific and isolated measures.
The study of service quality and its implication for transport contracts has several approaches in research and practical applications, where the main emphasis is the consideration of quality from the user's point of view, thus obtaining a customer satisfaction index as a measurement of the overall quality with no further implications for service providers. The main aim of this paper is to estimate the real economic impact of improving quality attributes for a bus operator. An application of the activity-based costing methodology is developed for a bus contract in Madrid, using quality data from surveys together with economic and performance information, and focusing on headway as a quality variable. Results show the consistency and practicality of this methodology, overcoming simplifications from traditional procedures. This method is a powerful tool in quality-based contracting as well as for effective investment in transport quality under poverty funding constraints
Customer Satisfaction Surveys (CSS) have become an important tool for public transport planners, as improvements in the perceived quality of service lead to greater use of public transport and lower traffic pollution. Until now, Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) enhancements in public transport have traditionally included fleet management systems based on Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) technologies, which can be used to optimize routing and scheduling, and to feed real-time information into passenger information channels. However, surveys of public transport users could also benefit from the new information technologies. As most customers carry their smartphones when traveling, Quick Response (QR) codes open up the possibility of conducting these surveys at a lower cost.This paper contributes to the limited existing literature by developing the analysis of QR codes applied to CSS in public transport and highlighting their importance in reducing the cost of data collection and processing. The added value of this research is that it provides the first assessment of a real case study in Madrid (Spain) using QR codes for this purpose. This pilot experience was part of a research project analyzing bus service quality in the same case study, so the QR code survey (155 valid questionnaires) was validated using a conventional face-to-face survey (520 valid questionnaires). The results show clearly that, after overcoming a few teething troubles, this QR code application will ultimately provide transport management with a useful tool to reduce survey costs
Algumas empresas de transporte intermunicipal e interestadual de transporte rodoviário de passageiros, objetivando maiores lucros, têm se dedicado ao transporte de determinados tipos de cargas e encomendas, aproveitando-se do fato do bagageiro do ônibus ser uma oferta fixa para o transporte. No entanto, percebe-se algumas deficiências de caráter operacional que podem comprometer a qualidade e o custo do serviço prestado. Portanto, essa pesquisa tem por finalidade analisar o transporte de cargas executado por ônibus sob a ótica da qualidade e do custo. Partindo-se da adaptação do modelo clássico de Parasuraman, bem como da adoção de direcionadores de custo, de acordo com o método de custeio baseado em atividades, pretende-se apresentar como as principais atividades que compõem os processos do transporte rodoviário de cargas são afetadas durante a prestação do serviço. Para tanto, é apresentada uma análise crítica qualitativa que estabelece a forma como essas atividades são influenciadas pelos gaps do modelo de qualidade proposto e como as mesmas influenciam o custo operacional. Tal análise é resultado de duas pesquisas realizadas. A primeira pesquisa foi de profundidade numa empresa que atua no segmento. Foram obtidos alguns indicadores de desempenhos que são vitais para que as atividades sejam executadas de acordo com as conformidades previstas. A segunda pesquisa, via questionário, possibilitou identificar as principais expectativas dos clientes. Mesmo com o índice reduzido de respostas do questionário, foram levantados pontos que são extremamente fundamentais para a formação das expectativas dos clientes. Entre esses pontos destacam-se o tempo de atendimento, o treinamento dos funcionários e o cumprimento dos horários preestabelecidos. Dos processos que caracterizam o transporte de cargas, deve-se destacar o processo de entrega que além dos problemas provenientes da operação propriamente dita, sofre ainda a interferência, em algumas atividades, da participação direta do cliente e dos fatores externos da operação (ambiente não controlado).
Lee Black & Kenneth Black, architects.
"Report no. UMTA-CA-06-0098-81-1."
"UMTA Technical Assistance Program"--Cover.
Contract no. UT-90008.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Prepared by Transportation Systems Center.
Mode of access: Internet.