994 resultados para Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli


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Limitations in quality bedding material have resulted in the growing need to re-use litter during broiler farming in some countries, which can be of concern from a food-safety perspective. The aim of this study was to compare the Campylobacter levels in ceca and litter across three litter treatments under commercial farming conditions. The litter treatments were (a) the use of new litter after each farming cycle; (b) an Australian partial litter re-use practice; and (c) a full litter re-use practice. The study was carried out on two farms over two years (Farm 1, from 2009–2010 and Farm 2, from 2010–2011), across three sheds (35,000 to 40,000 chickens/shed) on each farm, adopting three different litter treatments across six commercial cycles. A random sampling design was adopted to test litter and ceca for Campylobacter and Escherichia coli, prior to commercial first thin-out and final pick-up. Campylobacter levels varied little across litter practices and farming cycles on each farm and were in the range of log 8.0–9.0 CFU/g in ceca and log 4.0–6.0 MPN/g for litter. Similarly the E. coli in ceca were ∼log 7.0 CFU/g. At first thin-out and final pick-up, the statistical analysis for both litter and ceca showed that the three-way interaction (treatments by farms by times) was highly significant (P < 0.01), indicating that the patterns of Campylobacter emergence/presence across time vary between the farms, cycles and pickups. The emergence and levels of both organisms were not influenced by litter treatments across the six farming cycles on both farms. Either C. jejuni or C. coli could be the dominant species across litter and ceca, and this phenomenon could not be attributed to specific litter treatments. Irrespective of the litter treatments in place, cycle 2 on Farm 2 remained campylobacter-free. These outcomes suggest that litter treatments did not directly influence the time of emergence and levels of Campylobacter and E. coli during commercial farming.


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The vacuolating autotransporter (AT) toxin (Vat) contributes to Uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) fitness during systemic infection. Here we characterised Vat and investigated its regulation in UPEC. We assessed the prevalence of vat in a collection of 45 UPEC urosepsis strains and showed that it was present in 31 (68%) of the isolates. The isolates containing the vat gene corresponded to three major E. coli sequence types (ST12, 73 and 95) and these strains secreted the Vat protein. Further analysis of the vat genomic locus identified a conserved gene located directly downstream of vat that encodes a putative MarR-like transcriptional regulator, which we termed vatX. The vat-vatX genes were present in the UPEC reference strain CFT073 and RT-PCR revealed both genes are co-transcribed. Over-expression of vatX in CFT073 led to a 3-fold increase in vat gene transcription. The vat promoter region contained three putative nucleation sites for the global transcriptional regulator H-NS; thus the hns gene was mutated in CFT073 (to generate CFT073hns). Western blot analysis using a Vat-specific antibody revealed a significant increase in Vat expression in CFT073hns compared to wild-type CFT073. Direct H-NS binding to the vat promoter region was demonstrated using purified H-NS in combination with electrophoresis mobility shift assays. Finally, Vat-specific antibodies were detected in plasma samples from urosepsis patients infected by vat-containing UPEC strains, demonstrating Vat is expressed during infection. Overall, this study has demonstrated that Vat is a highly prevalent and tightly regulated immunogenic SPATE secreted by UPEC during infection.


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Escherichia coli sequence type 131 (ST131) have emerged as a pandemic lineage of important multidrug resistant pathogens worldwide. Despite many studies examining the epidemiology of ST131, only a few studies to date have investigated the capacity of ST131 strains to form biofilms. Some of these studies have reported contrasting findings, with no specific ST131 biofilm-promoting factors identified. Here we examined a diverse collection of ST131 isolates for in vitro biofilm formation in different media and assay conditions, including urine from healthy adult women. We found significant differences among strains and assay conditions, which offers an explanation for the contrasting findings reported by previous studies using a single condition. Importantly, we showed that expression of type 1 fimbriae is a critical determinant for biofilm formation by ST131 strains and that inhibition of the FimH adhesin significantly reduces biofilm formation. We also offer direct genetic evidence for the contribution of type 1 fimbriae in biofilm formation by the reference ST131 strain EC958, a representative of the clinically dominant H30-Rx ST131 subgroup. This is the first study of ST131 biofilm formation in biologically relevant conditions and paves the way for the application of FimH inhibitors in treating drug resistant ST131 biofilm infections.


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Cells of every living organism on our planet − bacterium, plant or animal − are organized in such a way that despite differences in structure and function they utilize the same metabolic energy represented by electrochemical proton gradient across a membrane. This gradient of protons is generated by the series of membrane bound multisubunit proteins, Complex I, II, III and IV, organized in so-called respiratory or electron transport chain. In the eukaryotic cell it locates in the inner mitochondrial membrane while in the bacterial cell it locates in the cytoplasmic membrane. The function of the respiratory chain is to accept electrons from NADH and ubiquinol and transfer them to oxygen resulting in the formation of water. The free energy released upon these redox reactions is converted by respiratory enzymes into an electrochemical proton gradient, which is used for synthesis of ATP as well as for many other energy dependent processes. This thesis is focused on studies of the first member of the respiratory chain − NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase or Complex I. This enzyme has a boot-shape structure with hydrophilic and hydrophobic domains, the former of which has all redox groups of the protein, the flavin and eight to nine iron-sulfur clusters. Complex I serves as a proton pump coupling transfer of two electrons from NADH to ubiquinone to the translocation of four protons across the membrane. So far the mechanism of energy transduction by Complex I is unknown. In the present study we applied a set of different methods to study the electron and proton transfer reactions in Complex I from Escherichia coli. The main achievement was the experiment that showed that the electron transfer through the hydrophilic domain of Complex I is unlikely to be coupled to proton transfer directly or to conformational changes in the protein. In this work for the first time properties of all redox centers of Complex I were characterized in the intact purified bacterial enzyme. We also probed the role of several conserved amino acid residues in the electron transfer of Complex I. Finally, we found that highly conserved amino acid residues in several membrane subunits form a common pattern with a very prominent feature – the presence of a few lysines within the membrane. Based on the experimental data, we suggested a tentative principle which may govern the redox-coupled proton pumping in Complex I.


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Obtaining pure mRNA preparations from prokaryotes has been difficult, if not impossible, for want of a poly(A) tail on these messages, We have used poly(A) polymerase from yeast to effect specific polyadenylation of Escherichia coli polysomal mRNA in the presence of magnesium and manganese, The polyadenylated total mRNA, which could be subsequently purified by binding to and elution from oligo(dT) beads, had a size range of 0.4-4.0 kb. We have used hybridization to a specific plasmid-encoded gene to further confirm that the polyadenylated species represented mRNA, Withdrawal of Mg2+ from the polyadenylation reaction rRNA despite the presence of Mn2+, indicating the vital role of Mg2+ in maintaining the native structure of polysomes, Complete dissociation of polysomes into ribosomal subunits resulted in quantitative polyadenylation of both 16S and 23S rRNA species, Chromosomal lacZ gene-derived messages were quantitatively recovered in the oligo(dT)-bound fraction, as demonstrated by RT-PCR analysis, Potential advantages that accrue from the availability of pure total mRNA from prokaryotes is discussed.


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The coat protein gene of physalis mottle tymovirus (PhMV) was over expressed in Escherichia coli using pET-3d vector. The recombinant protein was found to self assemble into capsids in vivo. The purified recombinant capsids had an apparent s value of 56.5 S and a diameter of 29(±2) nm. In order to establish the role of amino and carboxy-terminal regions in capsid assembly, two amino-terminal deletions clones lacking the first 11 and 26 amino acid residues and two carboxy-terminal deletions lacking the last five and ten amino acid residues were constructed and overexpressed. The proteins lacking N-terminal 11 (PhCPN1) and 26 (PhCPN2) amino acid residues self assembled into T = 3 capsids in vivo, as evident from electron microscopy, ultracentrifugation and agarose gel electrophoresis. The recombinant, PhCPN1 and PhCPN2 capsids were as stable as the empty capsids formed in vivo and encapsidated a small amount of mRNA. The monoclonal antibody PA3B2, which recognizes the epitope within region 22 to 36, failed to react with PhCPN2 capsids while it recognized the recombinant and PhCPN1 capsids. Disassembly of the capsids upon treatment with urea showed that PhCPN2 capsids were most stable. These results demonstrate that the N-terminal 26 amino acid residues are not essential for T = 3 capsid assembly in PhMV. In contrast, both the proteins lacking the C-terminal five and ten amino acid residues were present only in the insoluble fraction and could not assemble into capsids, suggesting that these residues are crucial for folding and assembly of the particles.


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F4 fimbriae of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) are highly stable multimeric structures with a capacity to evoke mucosal immune responses. With these characters F4 offer a unique model system to study oral vaccination against ETEC-induced porcine postweaning diarrhea. Postweaning diarrhea is a major problem in piggeries worldwide and results in significant economic losses. No vaccine is currently available to protect weaned piglets against ETEC infections. Transgenic plants provide an economically feasible platform for large-scale production of vaccine antigens for animal health. In this study, the capacity of transgenic plants to produce FaeG protein, the major structural subunit and adhesin of F4 fimbria, was evaluated. Using the model plant tobacco, the optimal subcellular location for FaeG accumulation was examined. Targeting of FaeG into chloroplasts offered a superior accumulation level of 1% of total soluble proteins (TSP) over the other investigated subcellular locations, namely, the endoplasmic reticulum and the apoplast. Moreover, we determined whether the FaeG protein, when isolated from its fimbrial background and produced in a plant cell, would retain the key properties of an oral vaccine, i.e. stability in gastrointestinal conditions, binding to porcine intestinal F4 receptors (F4R), and inhibition of the F4-possessing (F4+) ETEC attachment to F4R. The chloroplast-derived FaeG protein did show resistance against low pH and proteolysis in the simulated gastrointestinal conditions and was able to bind to the F4R, subsequently inhibiting the F4+ ETEC binding in a dose-dependent manner. To investigate the oral immunogenicity of FaeG protein, the edible crop plant alfalfa was transformed with the chloroplast-targeting construct and equally to tobacco plants, a high-yield FaeG accumulation of 1% of TSP was obtained. A similar yield was also obtained in the seeds of barley, a valuable crop plant, when the FaeG-encoding gene was expressed under an endosperm-specific promoter and subcellularly targeted into the endoplasmic reticulum. Furthermore, desiccated alfalfa plants and barley grains were shown to have a capacity to store FaeG protein in a stable form for years. When the transgenic alfalfa plants were administred orally to weaned piglets, slight F4-specific systemic and mucosal immune responses were induced. Co-administration of the transgenic alfalfa and the mucosal adjuvant cholera toxin enhanced the F4-specific immune response; the duration and number of F4+ E. coli excretion following F4+ ETEC challenge were significantly reduced as compared with pigs that had received nontransgenic plant material. In conclusion, the results suggest that transgenic plants producing the FaeG subunit protein could be used for production and delivery of oral vaccines against porcine F4+ ETEC infections. The findings here thus present new approaches to develop the vaccination strategy against porcine postweaning diarrhea.


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Extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli (ExPEC) represent a diverse group of strains of E. coli, which infect extraintestinal sites, such as the urinary tract, the bloodstream, the meninges, the peritoneal cavity, and the lungs. Urinary tract infections (UTIs) caused by uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC), the major subgroup of ExPEC, are among the most prevalent microbial diseases world wide and a substantial burden for public health care systems. UTIs are responsible for serious morbidity and mortality in the elderly, in young children, and in immune-compromised and hospitalized patients. ExPEC strains are different, both from genetic and clinical perspectives, from commensal E. coli strains belonging to the normal intestinal flora and from intestinal pathogenic E. coli strains causing diarrhea. ExPEC strains are characterized by a broad range of alternate virulence factors, such as adhesins, toxins, and iron accumulation systems. Unlike diarrheagenic E. coli, whose distinctive virulence determinants evoke characteristic diarrheagenic symptoms and signs, ExPEC strains are exceedingly heterogeneous and are known to possess no specific virulence factors or a set of factors, which are obligatory for the infection of a certain extraintestinal site (e. g. the urinary tract). The ExPEC genomes are highly diverse mosaic structures in permanent flux. These strains have obtained a significant amount of DNA (predictably up to 25% of the genomes) through acquisition of foreign DNA from diverse related or non-related donor species by lateral transfer of mobile genetic elements, including pathogenicity islands (PAIs), plasmids, phages, transposons, and insertion elements. The ability of ExPEC strains to cause disease is mainly derived from this horizontally acquired gene pool; the extragenous DNA facilitates rapid adaptation of the pathogen to changing conditions and hence the extent of the spectrum of sites that can be infected. However, neither the amount of unique DNA in different ExPEC strains (or UPEC strains) nor the mechanisms lying behind the observed genomic mobility are known. Due to this extreme heterogeneity of the UPEC and ExPEC populations in general, the routine surveillance of ExPEC is exceedingly difficult. In this project, we presented a novel virulence gene algorithm (VGA) for the estimation of the extraintestinal virulence potential (VP, pathogenicity risk) of clinically relevant ExPECs and fecal E. coli isolates. The VGA was based on a DNA microarray specific for the ExPEC phenotype (ExPEC pathoarray). This array contained 77 DNA probes homologous with known (e.g. adhesion factors, iron accumulation systems, and toxins) and putative (e.g. genes predictably involved in adhesion, iron uptake, or in metabolic functions) ExPEC virulence determinants. In total, 25 of DNA probes homologous with known virulence factors and 36 of DNA probes representing putative extraintestinal virulence determinants were found at significantly higher frequency in virulent ExPEC isolates than in commensal E. coli strains. We showed that the ExPEC pathoarray and the VGA could be readily used for the differentiation of highly virulent ExPECs both from less virulent ExPEC clones and from commensal E. coli strains as well. Implementing the VGA in a group of unknown ExPECs (n=53) and fecal E. coli isolates (n=37), 83% of strains were correctly identified as extraintestinal virulent or commensal E. coli. Conversely, 15% of clinical ExPECs and 19% of fecal E. coli strains failed to raster into their respective pathogenic and non-pathogenic groups. Clinical data and virulence gene profiles of these strains warranted the estimated VPs; UPEC strains with atypically low risk-ratios were largely isolated from patients with certain medical history, including diabetes mellitus or catheterization, or from elderly patients. In addition, fecal E. coli strains with VPs characteristic for ExPEC were shown to represent the diagnostically important fraction of resident strains of the gut flora with a high potential of causing extraintestinal infections. Interestingly, a large fraction of DNA probes associated with the ExPEC phenotype corresponded to novel DNA sequences without any known function in UTIs and thus represented new genetic markers for the extraintestinal virulence. These DNA probes included unknown DNA sequences originating from the genomic subtractions of four clinical ExPEC isolates as well as from five novel cosmid sequences identified in the UPEC strains HE300 and JS299. The characterized cosmid sequences (pJS332, pJS448, pJS666, pJS700, and pJS706) revealed complex modular DNA structures with known and unknown DNA fragments arranged in a puzzle-like manner and integrated into the common E. coli genomic backbone. Furthermore, cosmid pJS332 of the UPEC strain HE300, which carried a chromosomal virulence gene cluster (iroBCDEN) encoding the salmochelin siderophore system, was shown to be part of a transmissible plasmid of Salmonella enterica. Taken together, the results of this project pointed towards the assumptions that first, (i) homologous recombination, even within coding genes, contributes to the observed mosaicism of ExPEC genomes and secondly, (ii) besides en block transfer of large DNA regions (e.g. chromosomal PAIs) also rearrangements of small DNA modules provide a means of genomic plasticity. The data presented in this project supplemented previous whole genome sequencing projects of E. coli and indicated that each E. coli genome displays a unique assemblage of individual mosaic structures, which enable these strains to successfully colonize and infect different anatomical sites.


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Sequence specific interaction between DNA and protein molecules has been a subject of active investigation for decades now. Here, we have chosen single promoter containing bacteriophage Delta D-III T7 DNA and Escherichia coli RNA polymerase and followed their recognition at the air-water interface by using the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) technique, where the movement of one of the reacting species is restricted by way of arraying them on an immobilized support. For the Langmuir monolayer studies, we used a RNA polymerase with a histidine tag attached to one of its subunits, thus making it an xcellent substrate for Ni(II) ions, while the SPR Studies were done using biotin-labeled DNA immobilized on a streptavidin-coated chip. Detailed analysis of the thermodynamic parameters as a function of concentration and temperature revealed that the interaction of RNA polymerase with T7 DNA is largely entropy driven (83 (+/- 12) kcal mol(-1)) with a positive enthalpy of 13.6 (+/- 3.6) kcal mol(-1), The free energy of reaction determined by SPR and Langmuir-Blodgett technique was -11 (+/- 2) and -15.6 kcal mol(-1), respectively. The ability of these methods to retain the specificity of the recognition process was also established.


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The bgl operon of Escherichia coil is transcriptionally inactive in wild-type cells. DNA insertion sequences (IS) constitute a major class of spontaneous mutations that activate the cryptic bgl promoter. In an attempt to study the molecular mechanism of activation mediated by insertion sequences, transcription of the bgl promoter was carried out in vitro. Stimulation of transcription is observed when a plasmid containing an insertionally activated bgl promoter is used as a template in the absence of proteins other than RNA polymerase. Deletions that remove sequences upstream of the bgl promoter, and insertion of a 1.2 kb DNA fragment encoding resistance to kanamycin, activate the promoter. Point mutations within a region of dyad symmetry upstream of the promoter, which has the potential to extrude into a cruciform structure under torsional stress, also lead to activation, Introduction of a sequence with dyad symmetry, upstream of an activated bgl promoter carrying a deletion of upstream sequences, results in a fourfold reduction in transcription, These results suggest that the cryptic nature of the bgl promoter is because of the presence of DNA structural elements near the promoter that negatively affect transcription.


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The type III secretion system (T3SS) encoded by the Salmonella pathogenicity island 2 (SPI2) has a central role in systemic infections by Salmonella enterica and for the intracellular phenotype. Intracellular S. enterica uses the SPI2-encoded T3SS to translocate a set of effector proteins into the host cell, which modify host cell functions, enabling intracellular survival and replication of the bacteria. We sought to determine whether specific functions of the SPI2-encoded T3SS can be transferred to heterologous hosts Salmonella bongori and Escherichia coli Mutaflor, species that lack the SPI2 locus and loci encoding effector proteins. The SPI2 virulence locus was cloned and functionally expressed in S. bongori and E. coli. Here, we demonstrate that S. bongori harboring the SPI2 locus is capable of secretion of SPI2 substrate proteins under culture conditions, as well as of translocation of effector proteins under intracellular conditions. An SPI2-mediated cellular phenotype was induced by S. bongori harboring the SPI2 if the sifA locus was cotransferred. An interference with the host cell microtubule cytoskeleton, a novel SPI2-dependent phenotype, was observed in epithelial cells infected with S. bongori harboring SPI2 without additional effector genes. S. bongori harboring SPI2 showed increased intracellular persistence in a cell culture model, but SPI2 transfer was not sufficient to confer to S. bongori systemic pathogenicity in a murine model. Transfer of SPI2 to heterologous hosts offers a new tool for the study of SPI2 functions and the phenotypes of individual effectors.


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We report here the formation of plasmid linear multimers promoted by the Red-system of phage lambda using a multicopy plasmid comprised of lambda red alpha and red beta genes, under the control of the lambda cI857 repressor. Our observations have revealed that the multimerization of plasmid DNA is dependent on the red beta and recA genes, suggesting a concerted role for these functions in the formation of plasmid multimers. The formation of multimers occurred in a recBCD+ sbcB+ xthA+ lon genetic background at a higher frequency than in the isogenic lon+ host cells. The multimers comprised tandem repeats of monomer plasmid DNA. Treatment of purified plasmid DNA with exonuclease III revealed the presence of free double-chain ends in the molecules. Determination of the size of multimeric DNA, by pulse field gel electrophoresis, revealed that the bulk of the DNA was in the range 50-240 kb, representing approximately 5-24 unit lengths of monomeric plasmid DNA. We provide a conceptual framework for Red-system-promoted formation and enhanced accumulation of plasmid linear multimers in lon mutants of E. coli.


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Anti-sigma factors Escherichia coli Rsd and bacteriophage T4 AsiA bind to the essential housekeeping sigma factor, sigma(70), of E. coli. Though both factors are known to interact with the C-terminal region of sigma(70), the physiological consequences of these interactions are very different. This study was undertaken for the purpose of deciphering the mechanisms by which E. coli Rsd and bacteriophage T4 AsiA inhibit or modulate the activity of E. coli RNA polymerase, which leads to the inhibition of E. coli cell growth to different amounts. It was found that AsiA is the more potent inhibitor of in vivo transcription and thus causes higher inhibition of E. coli cell growth. Measurements of affinity constants by surface plasmon resonance experiments showed that Rsd and AsiA bind to or 70 with similar affinity. Data obtained from in vivo and in vitro binding experiments clearly demonstrated that the major difference between AsiA and Rsd is the ability of AsiA to form a stable ternary complex with RNA polymerase. The binding patterns of AsiA and Rsd with sigma(70) studied by using the yeast two-hybrid system revealed that region 4 of sigma(70) is involved in binding to both of these anti-sigma factors; however, Rsd interacts with other regions of sigma(70) as well. Taken together, these results suggest that the higher inhibition of E. coli growth by AsiA expression is probably due to the ability of the AsiA protein to trap the holoenzyme RNA polymerase rather than its higher binding affinity to sigma(70).


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Translation initiation from the ribosomal P-site is the specialty of the initiator tRNAs (tRNA(fMet)). Presence of the three consecutive G-C base pairs (G29-C41, G30-C40 and G31-C39) in their anticodon stems, a highly conserved feature of the initiator tRNAs across the three kingdoms of life, has been implicated in their preferential binding to the P-site. How this feature is exploited by ribosomes has remained unclear. Using a genetic screen, we have isolated an Escherichia coli strain, carrying a G122D mutation in folD, which allows initiation with the tRNA(fMet) containing mutations in one, two or all the three G-C base pairs. The strain shows a severe deficiency of methionine and S-adenosylmethionine, and lacks nucleoside methylations in rRNA. Targeted mutations in the methyltransferase genes have revealed a connection between the rRNA modifications and the fundamental process of the initiator tRNA selection by the ribosome.


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Uracil DNA glycosylase (Ung)initiates the uracil excision repair pathway. We have earlier characterized the Y66W and Y66H mutants of Ung and shown that they are compromised by similar to 7- and similar to 170-fold, respectively in their uracil excision activities. In this study, fluorescence anisotropy measurements show that compared with the wild-type, the Y66W protein is moderately compromised and attenuated in binding to AP-DNA. Allelic exchange of ung in Escherichia coli with ung::kan, ungY66H:amp or ungY66W:amp alleles showed similar to 5-, similar to 3.0- and similar to 2.0-fold, respectively increase in mutation frequencies. Analysis of mutations in the rifampicin resistance determining region of rpoB revealed that the Y66W allele resulted in an increase in A to G (or T to C) mutations. However, the increase in A to G mutations was mitigated upon expression of wild-type Ung from a plasmid borne gene. Biochemical and computational analyses showed that the Y66W mutant maintains strict specificity for uracil excision from DNA. Interestingly, a strain deficient in AP-endonucleases also showed an increase in A to G mutations. We discuss these findings in the context of a proposal that the residency of DNA glycosylase(s) onto the AP-sites they generate shields them until recruitment of AP-endonucleases for further repair.