822 resultados para Ensino de alunos com deficiência visual


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SANTOS, Christiane Gomes; ALMEIDA, Edson Marques. Estudo do usuário com deficiência visual: um importante instrumento sócio-inclusivo de pesquisa e formação para o profissional de biblioteconomia perante as necessidades informacionais de pessoas com deficiência. In: SEMINÁRIO DE PESQUISA DO CCSA, 16., 2010, Rio Grande do Norte. Anais eletrônicos... Natal: UFRN, 2010. Disponível em:


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Expõe considerações a respeito dos portadores de necessidades especiais, das pessoas com deficiência, um enfoque parcial sobre as doenças degenerativas da visão, e uma atenção especial para as pessoas com deficiência visual, objeto de estudo da pesquisa desenvolvida. Estabelece um resgate da evolução dos métodos que possibilitaram a essas pessoas registrar e decodificar informações na forma escrita até o surgimento do Sistema Braille. Destaca ainda os suportes e as formas de registro da informação no mencionado sistema, e aponta nominalmente os novos recursos decorrentes do advento das novas tecnologias.


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This paper aims at studying how circular dance can afford to sight-disabled peoples movement and how they can learn to cope with the deep movement of relation, consciousness, appropriation and communion with the world. Inside circular dance, a cosmic metaphor, is inscribed the movement of the world, which tells and changes amorously the human history. In the works of Paulo Freire and Maurice Merleau-Ponty one can find the necessary support to discuss, as long as possible, movement and existence. Research-action is used as a methodological approach whose empirical center is placed on the Institute of Education and Rehabilitation of Blind, in Natal, which shelters eight sightdisabled adults. The research s data reveal that the practice of circular dance concurs to enlarge the movement of the research s subjects, to develop a more accurate perception of their selves and of their own capacities, as well as improve the relations Me/Others, Me/World, which require a context of differences. The study has revealed that the practice of dance develops a better perception of the limits and surpasses as a human condition and, in consequence, the discovery of one s own body and the other s body as a resource of lessons and representations of the self and of the world. It lets out the development of a new way of thinking and coping with discrimination surrounding the disabled persons. In movement, in circular dance, the barrier between sight disablement and vision loses force.


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This study evaluates the level of accessibility for people with visual impairment (blindness and low vision) hotels in the city of Natal-RN, Brazil, and provides principles, guidelines and means of projective make hotels accessible, to promote comfort, autonomy and security of these people. We used a qualitative research methodology and quantitative trait descriptive, analytical and interpretive. Was taken as a base for field studies Ergonomic Analysis of Work, beginning with a study of the demands of accessibility of hotels and analyzing the modeling activity in these establishments through the application of interactional and observational techniques, such as film, photographic records, conversational actions and observation protocols. A protocol was developed and applied to evaluate the compliance of accessibility of hotels in the face of Brazilian technical standard NBR 9050 (2004). We used methods of Cognitive Task Analysis (CTA) associated with simulated activities to identify the processes of decision making and analyzing the observables of the activities performed by people with visual impairment (POS). Interviews were conducted with people who are blind and low vision in various cities in order to meet accessibility difficulties they faced in hotels and recommendations for improvement that they indicate. The mapping results showed that of 16 hotels 4 and 5 star studied in Natal-RN, reached only 7% of the 50 items of the protocol, while none of them reached 70% of the items. About the results obtained in simulated activities and analyzed from the ATC, we saw that the hotel where it was performed this step shows a need to adequately address the guests with visual impairments


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Learning strategies can be understood as a planned sequence of procedures or activities, selected in order to facilitate the acquisition, storage and use of information. Although important to the learning process, the knowledge on these strategies is still insufficient, especially with regard to students with visual impairments. Therefore, this study aimed to characterize learning strategies used by blind and sighted students, registered in elementary education in schools and special institutions. Were participants 23 teachers, male and female, aged between 26 and 51 years, and 102 students, of whom 25 were blind and 77 seers, of both genders, registered on the 3rd to the 9th grade of elementary school, aged 7 to 16 years old. The instruments used were: field diary (students and teachers); structured questionnaire (teachers); sociodemographic questionnaire, interview and Assessment Scale of Learning Strategies for Elementary School (students). Initially were made observations in the classroom and the teachers received the questionnaires, with instructions for completion. Then were made the interviews with blind students and the scale was administered with these and with the seers. All instruments were administered individually. We conducted content analysis of the questionnaires with teachers and the interviews with blind students. The scale of strategies and sociodemographic questionnaire were analyzed with the help of descriptive and inferential statistics. It was noticed that the blind students use few learning strategies in the classroom, regardless of city, series, sex or age. It was found that teachers didn t receive training to deal with blind students, either during graduation or after have completed it, in such a way that few of them were able to inform about the learning strategies the students use, and demonstrated low ability to deal with these inefficiencies. It was also found that the blind and the sighted use cognitive and metacognitive strategies during learning, but those used by the blind seem to be more basic, low complexity, given that the seers have achieved higher scores on all subscales. We conclude that the repertoire of learning strategies for blind students is inflexible, requiring increments so that they can achieve significant results. It is important that teachers receive training to understand the learning strategies and how they positively influence learning


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O estudo descreve as prevalências de deficiências segundo características demográficas e sócio-econômicas, bem como as suas causas. A pesquisa utilizou dados de inquéritos de base populacional realizados em áreas do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, em 2002 e 2003, com amostragem estratificada por conglomerados. Os entrevistados que referiram deficiências foram a população estudada segundo as variáveis que compõem o banco de dados. A prevalência de alguma deficiência foi de 110,8 ; deficiência visual, 62 ; deficiência auditiva, 44 e a deficiência física de 13,3 . As prevalências das deficiências variaram com a idade; sexo e escolaridade. A prevalência de deficiências auditiva e física foi maior entre os homens. A principal causa das deficiências foi a doença. As causas externas também foram umas das principais causadoras de incapacidades. As deficiências aumentaram com a idade, foram mais prevalentes em mulheres e em pessoas com menor escolaridade, sendo sua principal causa as doenças e as causas externas.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi demonstrar se um programa de navegação pode ajudar indivíduos com deficiência visual a melhorar a acurácia na orientação dinâmica. Nove participantes com deficiência visual retornaram a um ponto de partida após percorrer rotas em linha reta e triangular. Pré e pós-avaliações foram feitas entre um período de 4 meses, durante o qual o treinamento com navegação foi realizado. Entre pré e pós-teste, erros relativos de desvios angulares (ERDA) foram diferentes apenas na tarefa em linha reta. O valor de ERDA foi maior na tarefa em linha reta possivelmente por causa da magnitude do giro inicial antes de retornar ao ponto de partida (i.e., 180º) em contraste com a tarefa triângulo (i.e., 45º). Conclui-se que, em tarefas de orientação, os erros no desvio angular dependem da amplitude do giro inicial ao retornar para o ponto de partida. Ainda, a acurácia na manutenção da direção é influenciada por um treinamento específico com navegação.


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The identification of the level of school participation of disabled students is crucial for monitoring the inclusive educational process. It requires the use of measuring instruments that provide functionality before school specific demands, and that at the same time can motivate the teacher to reflect on his judgment about the performance of students with disabilities. School Function Assessment (SFA) is a tool that helps recognize the special needs of students with disabilities according to parameters of functionality and participation. Thus, this study analyzed the influence of the use of SFA on the teacher's judgment of student participation and performance. Eight teachers responded regarding the participation of nine students with disabilities through the use of the SFA and a questionnaire. The results indicated that, for five teachers, SFA helped with the perception of the student's participation, focusing on the activity demand and brought reflections on: the need of evaluation not just in the classroom, co-relation between the degree of disability and the participation of the student, understanding of the specificities of the performance, importance of the adaptation to neutralize incapacity and the importance of the focus deviation from the disability toward functionality.


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The computer is present in everyday school life and using it with educational software must be mediated and planned in order for this resource to contribute to student learning, including those with intellectual disabilities (ID). Therefore, the aim was to propose specific computer activities for students with ID using educational software, and to quantify and analyze the technical and pedagogical strategies used. The participants were six students with ID enrolled in two public schools. To collect information we used observation protocols and a field journal. Data were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively, based on the concepts of mediation and the zone of proximal development of cultural-historical theory. The results indicated that when the content developed in the computer classes were compatible with the proposed activities in the classroom, students with ID had opportunities to experience different activities that enable them to be successful. We noted that what enabled them to understand and correctly perform the proposed activities were the teaching strategies. Thus, we consider that technical knowledge about educational software and pedagogical knowledge about content that is being worked on, are insufficient to ensure that the proposed activity will contribute to the development of students with ID.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT