908 resultados para Empreendimentos turísticos


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We seek consistency empirical and analytical rigor to the concept of touristification in the course of the contemporary arrangements of subjectivity and urbanity stations through a landscape of social (dis)encounters between residents and foreigners living in the capital of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal. In the last three decades the city has become a major destination country for national and international tourism, making tourism an important monitor of choreography in search of synchrony between cities and subjectivities, orchestrated by the cyclical crises and the relentless battle for systemic capitalistic expansion and survival. We proceed with an ethnographic and cartographic inspiration in Ponta Negra, where the waterfront redevelopment in 2000 conducted by the government, influenced the implementation of various establishments, services and practices related to the construction of Natal s major industry hub of tourism and entertainment. We proposed an arch-genealogy of touristification inspared on Michel Foucault analytical perspective, increased by authors in confluence or in different theoretical and methodological approaches, among which stand out Karl Marx, Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri. The reflections that initially turned to the advancement of the sphere of consumerism as the issue capable of articulating the developmental trajectory of the capitalist system and the practice of tourism, promoting some effects (un)desirable in the conflictual dynamics of the condition of the district of Ponta Negra, territory each again (re) produces the designs to meet the consumption by affluent portion of the population and foreign, encountering social exclusion and inclusion differentiated a growing trend. We go forward with an analysis of the "liberation of desire" phenomenal features of the process of producing subjective, providing a breakdown of the recent world s financial crisis initially, but proved social and political crisis also, through a plot derived from the operation of real estate speculation, which Natal is mainly caught through touristification, showing the outlines of a generalized crisis in establishing a new order buoyed by the emergence of a context "biopolitical" since it is a major route that uses the capital to survive and expand, while guiding the process of "strategic beautification" held in Ponta Negra, problematized by us. We conclude by assessing the appropriateness of proposing on further analysis to explore the establishment of a "new social ontology in terms of interference touristification ongoing and the constitution of a "new order" local/global, away from that characterize a system's capitalist overcoming, try to give emphasis in the current stage of the radicalization of a capitalistic utopia


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Being available as a tourist destination is a necessary condition but not enough for the expansion and success of tourism activity. To be successful, tourism requires investment, inputs, appropriate planning and management, like any other economic activity. A fundamental goal of the destination management is to understand how the competitiveness of a tourist destination can be improved and sustained. Competitive position of tourism can be measured and assessed by various models. Evaluating the indicators of competitiveness of a tourist destination involves a multivariate analysis, ranging from issues directly related to tourism activity itself to the indirect factors. These are elements that are interrelated and that together will point out the competitive condition of this destination. From the definition and characterization of competitiveness, sustainability and management in the context of tourist destinations, understood as the main concepts of this study, we present the main theoretical and methodological models of assessment of competitiveness of tourist destinations in the literature and represent the state of the issue in the scientific treatment of the subject. These models, designed by researchers from several countries and applied in different tourist destinations, are confronted about their structure, indicators considered and localities in which they were applied. The aim of this study was to know and evaluate the condition of tourist competitiveness of the destination Pólo Costa das Dunas, from the constraints attributes of superior performance of the evaluation model of tourist competitiveness of destinations Competenible, suggested by Mazaro, and that suit the requirements of international market aware of the strength and importance of sustainability. The condition of competitiveness of tourist destination in Rio Grande do Norte Pólo Costa das Dunas was moderate. The competitive strengths and weaknesses of the destination Pólo Costa das Dunas revealed through the dozens of sustainable attributes of the model Competenible showed guidelines and initiatives that can be taken to guide strategic decisions related to their planning and management. Thus, this study should serve as support for strategic planning and long-term management of the sector and as a crucial tool for making decisions related to public policies, sectoral investments, monitor processes, strategic planning, direction and control of the local and regional tourism development of destinations


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This study aims to analyze tourist information provided by the official websites of the 2014 FIFA World Cup host cities. The framework developed by Díaz (2005) was applied to analyze different aspects, such as: local tourist information, tourist services distribution, communication and interaction between website and users, and website foreign language versions. This dissertation describes how society and tourism are related by analyzing the consequences of technological evolution in the travel and tourism sector, showing the importance of the use of information and communication technology to provide accurate, upto- date and low-cost information to tourist destinations. Because of the nature of the study, the research subjects are the 12 Brazilian host cities represented by their respective official webpages (cities, states and convention bureaus), and also Brazil s official website, totalizing 36 elements to be analyzed. The methodology has been characterized as descriptive and exploratory with quantitative analysis, and also using desk research and survey literature review. In order to analyze the data collected, parametric and nonparametric statistics tests were used, such as: variance analysis (ANOVA and KRUSKAL-WALLIS) to measure means variance between groups combined with multiple comparison tests (Tukey and Games Howell); nonparametric correlations tests (Kendall s Tau b); and cluster analyses. Finally, Microsoft Excel was used to collect data and SPSS for managing data through quantitative analyses tests. Overall, the websites of the south region showed better results than the other Brazilian regions. Despite this result, the data analysis demonstrated that the available tourist information are incomplete as it was verified that tourist host cities websites are unable to provide all the information needed for the web visitors to organize and plan their journey. This means that visitors have to look for more information in other sources


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The tourism industry is gaining representation by move and stimulate the economy, especially by allowing the generation of employment and income, thus allowing growth opportunities for localities where tourism develops. Therefore, the present study entitled determinants of competitiveness of tourist destinations applied to regional routes: an evaluation of the Route of Seridó/RN, discusses the issue of competitiveness in tourism and tries to understand the scenery of this Route. The main objective of the study is to assess the conditions of competitiveness in the Route of Seridó/RN according to benchmarks and global determinants of competitiveness for tourist destinations. The study has also as specifics objectives: define dimensions of the reference model for use in evaluating the competitiveness of the Route of Seridó/RN; identify levels of governance and competitiveness in the municipalities that make up the sample set above the Route, and analyze to what extent the competitiveness of the Route correspond to the global reference of competitiveness of tourism destinations. Regarding the methodology, it is a search for an exploratory- descriptive and used a combination of quantitative and qualitative research method as expected and required in the implementation of the evaluation tool called Compet&enible Model. For data collection, it has been taken technical visits and also analysis of documents and materials. Data analysis was based on the records and documents and the use of simple descriptive statistics for the scores of the elements offered by Compet&enible Model. The results allowed us to know the real conditions of competitiveness of the Seridó/RN Route forward to the attributes of tourist destinations for global competitiveness: the dimension I, Governance, reached 17 points, classified as "in structuring" and dimension II, Competitiveness, reached 10 points, ranking "weak". These results highlight the need for greater involvement of the actors in the supply chain of tourism in Polo Seridó/RN for the actions, programs and projects are put into practice. It is expected that tourism is considered an important activity for the local and global development, serving as a reference for the future management of Seridó/RN Route, guiding new policy guidelines, planning and organization to better competitiveness


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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The competition among tourist destinations environmental generates the emergent need to find different strategies to close down if the purpose of delight and retain their visitants. A customer satisfaction, loyalty and the development of attachment to place form a solid compound in search of promotion a tourist destination. This study presents the general objective analysis of the relationship between attachment to place, satisfaction and loyalty of visitors, in the archipelago of Fernando de Noronha / PE. Therefore, a model will be used as reference, where they will be analyzed various constructs related to attachment to place, satisfaction and loyalty, as well as the relations between them. The methodology used in the study consists of an exploratory, descriptive, where the sample is random and consists of individuals who visited Fernando de Noronha on a pre-defined period of ten days. Based on a sample table, we defined a quantitative equivalent of 246 questionnaires, which will be applied when the visitor leaves the destination, the departure lounge of airport. A proposal focuses on the possibility to get results able to understand the subjective and intriguing relationship that involves the triad attachment to place, satisfaction and loyalty, trying to thus provide subsidies for optimizing environmental tourist destination


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Photography is a resourse of the most used and effective marketing, besides being an polysemic art, boundless sense; this allows for different readings. Nevertheless, there are those who, through the control and supervision, try to organize its meaning, such as the marketing companies. Others, such as artists, are the responsibility of the observers to give their work some understanding. Resorting a photographic iconography of the tourist attractions of the city of João Pessoa in Brazil from 2005 to 2010. This survey selected images published in catalogs supported by the Fundo de Incentivo a Cultura (FIC) and the Empresa Paraibana de Turismo (PBTUR). The central idea of this qualitative research is the assumption that, in general, tourists crave, even unconsciously, a reality of a tourist attraction motivated by photographic image conveyed the travel market, meanwhile, emphasizes that the art market, the same attraction is exposed and uncovered. Thus it is argued, by photos, such as environmental and sociocultural characteristics are commodified by these organs that have different purposes is not exclusive, given that the FIC supports art and PBTUR sponsors the tourism. Beyond the iconography used for cataloging and photographic analysis, interviews were conducted by the method of visual narratives in ordes to approximate the data with the view of tourists and photographers. In that resulted in a refletion on the current imagistic process involving the release of the tourist destinations in order to be allowed on a critical reading of photographic production and market resources to marketing and promoting the art of the city. It was observed that both the art and photography marketing acquire different symbolic values with respect to their markets promoted by the catalogs analyzed.


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Cet article rassemble des concepts, des théories et des données afin de comprendre comment ils articulent les nouvelles formes de gouvernance du territoire, à travers les stratégies institutionnelles et organisationnelles des acteurs locaux à mobiliser les actifs spécifiques des territoires dans les projets de développement local. Cette étude propose une base théorique pour les études appliquées à essayer de comprendre comment exprimer les organisations et institutions, ses acteurs et ses agents dans l'environnement de la structure de gouvernance territoriale, étant donné les cours divers secteurs socio-spatiale et territoriale au Brésil. Ainsi, les arrangements productifs locaux (APL) et Tours apparaissent comme des stratégies novatrices pour la gouvernance territoriale étant donné le caractère de sa propre configuration de la relation entre l'Etat, privées et autres institutions sociales.


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This work was developed aiming to evaluate the environmental impacts of the public use in natural touristic attractive at Altinópolis city (SP), using the Visitor Impact Management method (VTM). In each analyzed natural resource a specific questionnaire was elaborated in accordance with the appropriate pointers that allowed to determinate environmental quality of each point. The results indicated that only two tourist areas need special attention for their preservation. Minimization methods, monitoring and educational practices are proposals in order to tourist practices be made with environmental responsibility.


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Foodborne and waterborne diseases are spread by the consumption of food or water contaminated with bacteria and/or their toxins, viruses, parasites or chemicals. The aim of the research reported here was to establish the spectrum of etiologic agents of foodborne outbreaks at 15 tourist resorts in three geographic regions of the State of Sao Paulo (Brazil). The study was based on the cases reported to the Epidemic Surveillance Center (CVE) of the Public Health Authority of the State of São Paulo (SES), from 2002 to 2005. The tourist centers were chosen at random in three regions of the state (Capital, Interior and Coast) and offered the following attractions: events, agribusiness, cultural history, shopping, town center, gastronomy, health and leisure, sun and sea. Among the bacteria, the results showed that Salmonella spp. were most frequently associated with outbreaks, followed by Shigella spp., enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium perfringens, Bacillus cereus and Campylobacter spp. Viruses (Rotavirus and Hepatitis A) played a part in many of the cases, while the frequency of parasites and worm infestations was low in the foodborne disease outbreaks at these resorts. The mixed foods (rice, beans, liver, potatoes, barbecue, juice), fish and poultry were the three commonest vehicles implicated in the outbreaks.


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La mayor disponibilidad de tiempo libre y de ingresos personales, no sólo en los países desarrollados, sino también de los emergentes, ha generado una demanda que, los armadores de naves han sabido capitalizar mediante la oferta de servicios de cruceros en un segmento de la industria turística que observa un aumento exponencial.En la búsqueda de destinos alternativos para los cruceros turísticos, en años recientes los países del Cono Sur del continente, han recibido en la temporada veraniega noviembre-marzo una cantidad alentadora de naves de turismo y pasajeros, lo que permite vislumbrar la incorporación definitiva de la subregión al circuito internacional de los cruceros turísticos. Para ello, sin embargo, será necesario invertir en facilidades portuarias y terminales de pasajeros, lo cual representa una oportunidad para la participación privada en la provisión y explotación de esas facilidades.


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La presente edición del Boletín revisa las principales tendencias del comercio de bienes y servicios en los países de la Asociación de Estados del Caribe (AEC) en el 2004. Se destaca la fuerte recuperación del comercio de bienes y la robusta expansión del comercio de servicios, subrayándose el aumento del peso de los servicios en las exportaciones totales de las economías menores del Caribe, hasta más de un 80%.Un análisis detallado del comportamiento del componente turismo, especialmente en los viajes, indicó que en el 2004 se produjo un auge en la llegada de cruceros, situación que plantea en algunas islas un verdadero desafío para garantizar la permanencia del flujo de turistas y para aprovechar las principales ventajas comparativas - sol, mar y playas-, y los encadenamientos posibles con el resto de la economía como el turismo hotelero, los restaurantes, los centros de negocios y diversión, las excursiones guiadas, el transporte, yates, entre otros. En algunas islas, la proporción de pasajeros de crucero por habitantes es particularmente elevada, llegando a representar un factor importante de cerca de 11 turistas por cada habitante para Bahamas, 8 para Aruba, 7 para Antigua y Barbuda y 5 para Dominica, y alrededor de 4 para una muestra de once países.Uno de los principales retos para varias islas caribeñas es capitalizar en dichos encadenamientos mediante el desarrollo de un turismo sustentable que minimice los posibles impactos adversos sobre el medioambiente y la normalidad ciudadana.