666 resultados para Employee Satisfaction
This paper considers how utilizing a model of job-related affect can be used to explain the processes through which perceived training and development influence employee retention. We applied Russell’s model of core affect to categorize four different forms of work attitude, and positioned these as mediators of the relationship between perceived training and development and intention to stay. Using data from 1,191 employees across seven organizations, multilevel analyses found that job satisfaction, employee engagement, and change-related anxiety were significantly associated with intention to stay, and fully mediated the relationship between perceived training and development and intention to stay. Contrary to our hypotheses, emotional exhaustion was not significantly associated with intention to stay nor acted as a mediator when the other attitudes were included. These findings show the usefulness of Russell’s model of core affect in explaining the link between training and development and employee retention. Moreover, the findings collectively suggest that studies examining employee retention should include a wider range of work attitudes that highlight pleasant forms of affect.
This article seeks to investigate associations between satisfaction with life and sociodemographic variables, health conditions, functionality, social involvement and social support among elderly caregivers and non-caregivers, as well as between satisfaction and the intensity of stress in the caregiver group. A sample of 338 caregivers was selected according to two items of the Brazilian version of the Elders Life Stress Inventory. A comparison-group of elderly non-caregivers was selected at random, with a similar gender, age and income profile. Data were derived from self-reported questionnaires and scales. Elderly caregivers with low levels of satisfaction and high levels of stress revealed more symptoms of insomnia, fatigue, diseases and worse IADL performance. Those with greater satisfaction and less stress revealed a good level of social support. Insomnia, depression and fatigue were associated with low satisfaction among caregivers, and with fatigue, depression and low social support among non-caregivers. It was considered relevant that instrumental, psychological and informative support can improve the quality of life and the quality of care provided by elderly caregivers, especially if they are affected by unfavorable health and psychosocial conditions and low satisfaction with life.
The objectives were to identify factors associated with decreased life satisfaction in community-dwelling elderly and describe such factors according to gender and age bracket. The study interviewed 2,472 elderly individuals 65 years or older without cognitive deficits suggestive of dementia, in probabilistic samples from seven Brazilian cities. All measures were self-reported except for functional performance, indicated by handgrip and gait speed. Women had more chronic diseases, worse functional performance, and greater social involvement when compared to men. The oldest participants showed worse functional performance and less social involvement when compared to the youngest. Low satisfaction was associated with three or more diseases, memory problems, low social involvement, low handgrip strength, and urinary incontinence. The authors conclude that health, functional performance, and social involvement interact with well-being, so interventions targeting these areas can favor quality of life for the elderly.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Com o objetivo de comparar a satisfação das mulheres com a experiência do parto em três modelos assistenciais, foi realizada pesquisa descritiva, com abordagem quantitativa, em dois hospitais públicos de São Paulo, um promovendo o modelo "Típico" e o outro com um centro de parto intra-hospitalar (modelo "CPNIH") e um peri-hospitalar (modelo "CPNPH"). A amostra foi constituída por 90 puérperas, 30 de cada modelo. A comparação entre os resultados referentes à satisfação das mulheres com o atendimento prestado pelos profissionais de saúde, com a qualidade da assistência e os motivos de satisfação e insatisfação, com a indicação ou recomendação dos serviços recebidos, com a sensação de segurança no processo e com as sugestões de melhorias, mostrou que o modelo CPHPH foi o melhor avaliado, vindo em seguida o CPNIH e por último o Típico. Conclui-se que o modelo peri-hospitalar de assistência ao parto deveria receber maior apoio do SUS, por se constituir em serviço em que as mulheres se mostram satisfeitas com a atenção recebida
The present study was designed to test the utility of a stress-coping model of employee adjustment to organisational change. Specifically, it was proposed that employee adjustment to this type of work stress would be influenced by the characteristics of the change situation, employees' appraisals of the situation, their coping strategies, and the extent of their personal resources. Data were collected from 140 middle managers and supervisors involved in a large-scale public sector integration. The results of the research provided some support for the proposed model: high levels of psychological distress were related to a reliance on informal sources of information, high appraised stress, low appraised certainty, and the use of avoidant rather than problem-focused strategies, whereas poor social functioning was associated with low self-esteem, high levels or disruption across the period of change, a reliance on informal sources of information, and the use of avoidant coping strategies. There was no evidence that coping strategies mediated the effects of the event characteristics, situational appraisals, and personal resources on adjustment; however, there was some evidence linking these variables to coping strategies, in particular, problem-focused coping. There was also some evidence to indicate that the experience of organisational change was different for managers and supervisors: levels of threat were higher for the managers than the supervisors, but there was no difference between the groups of employees in terms of adjustment.
This paper examines men's and women's levels of satisfaction with the domestic division of labour. In most households women continue to undertake the bulk of childcare and housework duties and consequently spend significantly greater amounts of time on domestic labour than men. Men report high levels of satisfaction with these arrangements, but surprisingly we find that almost half of our sample of women also report satisfaction with these arrangements. This finding has been reported in studies from several countries. Our paper attempts to explain this apparent paradox. Using data from a recent national survey in Australia we explore gender differences in levels of satisfaction with the domestic division of labour and examine women's levels of satisfaction with household work arrangements in relation to a number of factors such as labour force attachment, attitudes to Sender roles and husbands' participation in domestic labour. Our findings raise implications for the meaning of equity within the household.
Objective: To determine women's satisfaction with general practice services. Design: Cross-sectional postal questionnaire conducted during April to September 1996 (part of the baseline survey of the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health). Participants: Women aged 18-22 (n=14739), 45-49 (n=14013) and 70-74 (n=12941) years, randomly selected from the Medicare database, with oversampling of women from rural and remote areas. Main outcome measures: Frequency of use of general practice services; satisfaction with the most recent visit to a general practitioner (CP), prevalence of selected symptoms; preference for a female doctor. Results: The most recent visit to a GP was rated overall as good, very good or excellent by more than 80% of women, with increasing levels of satisfaction with increasing age of the women. However, satisfaction was lower for waiting room time and cost of the visit. A third of the young and middle-aged women living in rural and remote areas were dissatisfied with the cost of the visit. Young women were more likely to prefer a female doctor, and many were dissatisfied with their GP's skills at explaining their problem and giving them a chance to give an opinion and ask questions. The most prevalent symptoms for all women included headaches and tiredness, and many were not satisfied with the health services available to help them deal with these symptoms. Conclusions: Australian women have high levels of satisfaction with GP consultations. However, more effective strategies may be needed to improve communication with younger women, and there is an unmet need for services to help all women deal with some common symptoms. Dissatisfaction with cost of services and women's preference for female doctors have implications for future health policy.
This paper examines whether social support is a boundary-determining criterion in the job strain model of Karasek (1979). The particular focus is the extent to which different sources of social support, work overload and task control influence job satisfaction, depersonalization and supervisor assessments of work performance. Hypotheses are tested using prospective survey data from 80 clerical staff in a university setting. Results revealed 3-way interactions among levels of support (supervisor, co-worker, non-work), perceived task control and work overload on levels of work performance and employee adjustment (self-report). After controlling for levels of negative affect in all analyses, there was evidence that high levels of supervisor support mitigated against the negative effects of high strain jobs on levels of job satisfaction and reduced reported levels of depersonalization. Moreover, high levels of non-work support and co-worker support also mitigated against the negative effects of high strain jobs on levels of work performance. The results are discussed in terms of the importance of social support networks both at, and beyond, the work context.
In a dynamic atmosphere of competitiveness, customer satisfaction is a key factor in the long term success of a business relationship. From this perspective, the objective of the article was to evaluate the importance of attributes and customer satisfaction with Supermarkets in the Mid-Valley region of the ltajai/SC. Research methodology is characterized as descriptive, of the survey type, with a quantitative, cross section approach. The research instrument used was a questionnaire structured with open and closed questions, according to Lickert`s scale. By means of this, the degree of importance of supermarket attributes and the level of customer satisfaction with them were verified. In regard to the importance of the attributes, cleaning, parking, safety and variety of products are the most important, while the attributes Of purchase through the internet and taste samples are the least significant ones. The results of satisfaction point to the fact that the Supermarkets Big and Angeloni presented a greater degree of satisfaction in relation to the general average in practically all of the attributes, while Bistek presented the smallest degree of satisfaction, only surpassing the average in regard to the attribute of store lighting.
This Study examines the utility of satisfaction questionnaires in gauging the effectiveness of social work services in a paediatric hospital setting. Participants completed an empowerment scale before seeing a social worker. Approximately four weeks later, participants completed the empowerment scale again, at which time they also completed a satisfaction questionnaire. The difference between the pre- and post-test empowerment scores was compared with the satisfaction scores, and the influence of some demographic and intervention variables was examined. The results indicated that there was no significant relationship between participants' reported level of satisfaction with the social work service provided and the change in participants' empowerment scores before and after intervention. Most demographic and intervention. variables tested did not yield any significant associations with satisfaction or change in empowerment. However, it was found that those who received both counselling and practical assistance (rather than only one or the other) and those with a higher level of education were more likely to report an increase in their level of empowerment after receiving social work intervention. This study lends further support to the contention that satisfaction questionnaires alone may not provide reliable information with regard to the utility and effectiveness of paediatric hospital social work intervention.
The preset study adopted an intergroup approach to information sharing and communication in three organisational samples during change. In Study 1, employees from a public hospital (N = 142) completed a survey measuring perceptions of organisational communication and strength of identification with the work unit and the organisation as a whole. Consistent with predictions, team members rated communication from double ingroup members (same work unit/same occupational group) more favourably than communication from partial group members (same work unit/different occupational group). Also as predicted, work unit identification was related to favourable ratings of work unit communication across occupational groups, whereas occupational identification was related to favourable ratings of work unit communication within occupational groups. In Study 2, strength of identification with three organisational groups was associated with positive ratings of communication among employees from the same public hospital (N = 189) and a military organisation (N = 2119). Based on these results, intergroup strategies for the management of information sharing and organisational communication during change are discussed.
This paper explores differences between men and women in levels of work satisfaction, employing data from the Australian component of the International Project on Class Structure and Class Consciousness. While moment tend to be concentrated in low-status, low-paid positions, that is the secondary labour market, the data suggest that, in general, they are more satisfied with paid employment than men. Employment constraints are found to be a key factor in the observed differences in levels of work satisfaction. For both groups, however, it is clear that work satisfaction derives primarily from work-related factors.