389 resultados para Electrophysiology.


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MOTIVATION: Although many network inference algorithms have been presented in the bioinformatics literature, no suitable approach has been formulated for evaluating their effectiveness at recovering models of complex biological systems from limited data. To overcome this limitation, we propose an approach to evaluate network inference algorithms according to their ability to recover a complex functional network from biologically reasonable simulated data. RESULTS: We designed a simulator to generate data representing a complex biological system at multiple levels of organization: behaviour, neural anatomy, brain electrophysiology, and gene expression of songbirds. About 90% of the simulated variables are unregulated by other variables in the system and are included simply as distracters. We sampled the simulated data at intervals as one would sample from a biological system in practice, and then used the sampled data to evaluate the effectiveness of an algorithm we developed for functional network inference. We found that our algorithm is highly effective at recovering the functional network structure of the simulated system-including the irrelevance of unregulated variables-from sampled data alone. To assess the reproducibility of these results, we tested our inference algorithm on 50 separately simulated sets of data and it consistently recovered almost perfectly the complex functional network structure underlying the simulated data. To our knowledge, this is the first approach for evaluating the effectiveness of functional network inference algorithms at recovering models from limited data. Our simulation approach also enables researchers a priori to design experiments and data-collection protocols that are amenable to functional network inference.


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BACKGROUND: Utilization of cardiac services varies across regions and hospitals, yet little is known regarding variation in the intensity of outpatient cardiac care across cardiology physician practices or the association with clinical endpoints, an area of potential importance to promote efficient care. METHODS AND RESULTS: We included 7 160 732 Medicare beneficiaries who received services from 5635 cardiology practices in 2012. Beneficiaries were assigned to practices providing the plurality of office visits, and practices were ranked and assigned to quartiles using the ratio of observed to predicted annual payments per beneficiary for common cardiac services (outpatient intensity index). The median (interquartile range) outpatient intensity index was 1.00 (0.81-1.24). Mean payments for beneficiaries attributed to practices in the highest (Q4) and lowest (Q1) quartile of outpatient intensity were: all cardiac payments (Q4 $1272 vs Q1 $581; ratio, 2.2); cardiac catheterization (Q4 $215 vs Q1 $64; ratio, 3.4); myocardial perfusion imaging (Q4 $253 vs Q1 $83; ratio, 3.0); and electrophysiology device procedures (Q4 $353 vs Q1 $142; ratio, 2.5). The adjusted odds ratios (95% CI) for 1 incremental quartile of outpatient intensity for each outcome was: cardiac surgical/procedural hospitalization (1.09 [1.09, 1.10]); cardiac medical hospitalization (1.00 [0.99, 1.00]); noncardiac hospitalization (0.99 [0.99, 0.99]); and death at 1 year (1.00 [0.99, 1.00]). CONCLUSION: Substantial variation in the intensity of outpatient care exists at the cardiology practice level, and higher intensity is not associated with reduced mortality or hospitalizations. Outpatient cardiac care is a potentially important target for efforts to improve efficiency in the Medicare population.


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A screw microdrive is described that attaches to the grid system used for recording single neurons from brains of awake behaving monkeys. Multiple screwdrives can be mounted on a grid over a single cranial opening. This method allows many electrodes to be implanted chronically in the brain and adjusted as needed to maintain isolation. rights reserved.


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Impulse control, an executive process that restrains inappropriate actions, is impaired in numerous psychiatric conditions. This thesis reports three experiments that utilized a novel animal model of impulse control, the response inhibition (RI) task, to examine the substrates that underlie learning this task. In the first experiment, rats were trained to withhold responding on the RI task, and then euthanized for electrophysiological testing. Training in the RI task increased the AMPA/NMDA ratio at the synapses of pyramidal neurons in the prelimbic, but not infralimbic, region of the medial prefrontal cortex. This enhancement paralleled performance as subjects underwent acquisition and extinction of the inhibitory response. AMPA/NMDA was elevated only in neurons that project to the ventral striatum. Thus, this experiment identified a synaptic correlate of impulse control. In the second experiment, a separate group of rats were trained in the RI task prior to electrophysiological testing. Training in the RI task produced a decrease in membrane excitability in prelimbic, but not infralimbic, neurons as measured by maximal spiking evoked in response to increasing current injection. Importantly, this decrease was strongly correlated with successful inhibition in the task. Fortuitously, subjects trained in an operant control condition showed elevated infralimbic, but not prelimbic, excitability, which was produced by learning an anticipatory signal that predicted imminent reward availability. These experiments revealed two cellular correlates of performance, corresponding to learning two different associations under distinct task conditions. In the final experiment, rats were trained on the RI task under three conditions: Short (4-s), long (60-s), or unpredictable (1-s to 60-s) premature phases. These conditions produced distinct errors on the RI task. Interestingly, amphetamine increased premature responding in the short and long conditions, but decreased premature responding in the unpredictable condition. This dissociation may arise from interactions between amphetamine and underlying cognitive processes, such as attention, timing, and conditioned avoidance. In summary, this thesis showed that learning to inhibit a response produces distinct synaptic, cellular, and pharmacological changes. It is hoped that these advances will provide a starting point for future therapeutic interventions of disorders of impulse control.


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The human ether-a-go-go-related gene (hERG) encodes the pore-forming subunit of the rapidly activating delayed rectifier potassium channel (IKr) that is important for cardiac repolarization. Previously, we have discovered that hERG channels rapidly internalize in low extracellular K+ ([K+]o). In cell culture, this process is driven by the endocytic protein, caveolin-1 (Cav1), which is an integral player in the caveolae-dependant endocytosis pathway. However, in the heart, Caveolin-3 (Cav3) is, in fact, the predominant form in the myocyte, and thus may play a direct role in regulating hERG expression in the heart. Thus, I hypothesize that this reduction of hERG conductance in cardiac myocytes derives from the presence of Cav3, which is integral regulator of hERG homeostasis innately in the heart. To investigate the effect of Cav3 on hERG, I overexpressed Cav3 in human embryonic kidney 293 (HEK-293) cells stably expressing hERG channels. Cav3 overexpression significantly and specifically decreased both the hERG current amplitude and the mature channel expression in normal culture conditions. Co-immunoprecipitation analysis and confocal imaging demonstrated an association between hERG and Cav3 in HEK cells as well as rat and rabbit cardiomyocytes. Mechanistically, I discovered that Cav3 possesses a faster turnover rate compared to Cav1, and can enhance hERG degradation through up-regulating mature channel ubiquitination via the ubiquitin ligase, NEDD4-2. Knockdown of Cav3 in neonatal cardiac myocytes also enhanced hERG expression. My data indicate that Cav3 participates in hERG trafficking, and is an important regulator of hERG channel homeostasis in cardiac myocytes. This information provides a platform for future intervention of the hERG-induced type-2 long QT syndrome (LQTS).


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Brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is a member of the family of neurotrophins and binds to the tropomyosin-related kinase B (TrkB) receptor. Like other neurotrophic factors, BDNF is involved in the development and differentiation of neurons. Recently, studies have suggested important roles for BDNF in the regulation of energy homeostasis. The paraventricular nucleus (PVN) is critical for normal energy balance contains high levels of both BDNF and TrkB mRNA. Studies have shown that microinjections of BDNF into the PVN increase energy expenditure, suggesting BDNF plays a role in energy homeostasis through direct actions in this hypothalamic nucleus. We used male Sprague-Dawley rats to perform whole-cell current-clamp experiments from PVN neurons in slice preparation. BDNF was bath applied at a concentration of 2nM and caused depolarizations in 54% of neurons (n = 25; mean change in membrane potential: 8.9 ± 1.2 mV), hyperpolarizations in 23% (n = 11; mean change in membrane potential: -6.7 ± 1.4 mV), while the remaining cells tested were unaffected. Previous studies showing effects of BDNF on γ-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) mediated neurotransmission in PVN led us to examine if these BDNF-mediated changes in membrane potential were maintained in the presence of tetrodotoxin (TTX) sodium channel blocker (N = 9; 56% depolarized, 22% hyperpolarized, 22% non-responders) and bicuculline (GABAA antagonist) (N = 12; 42% depolarized, 17% hyperpolarized, 41% non-responders), supporting the conclusion that these effects on membrane potential were postsynaptic. We also evaluated the effects of BDNF on these neurons across varying physiologically relevant extracellular glucose concentrations. At 10 mM 23% (n = 11; mean: -6.7 ± 1.4 mV) of PVN neurons hyperpolarized in response to BDNF treatment, whereas at 0.2 mM glucose, 71% showed hyperpolarizing effects (n = 12; mean: -6.3 ± 2.8 mV). Our findings reveal that BDNF has direct impacts on PVN neurons and that these neurons are capable of integrating multiple sources of metabolically relevant input. Our analysis regarding glucose concentrations and their effects on these neurons’ response to other metabolic signals emphasizes the importance of using physiologically relevant conditions for study of central pathways involved in the regulation of energy homeostasis.


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Background and aim: Within the gastrointestinal tract, vagal afferents regulate satiety and food intake via chemical and mechanical mechanisms. Cysteinyl Leukotrienes (CysLTs) are lipid mediators that are believed to regulate food intake and body weight. However, the involvement of vagal afferents in this effect remains to be established. Conversely, Glucagon like peptide-1 (GLP-1) is a satiety and incretin peptide hormone. The effect of obesity on GLP-1 mediated gut-brain signaling has yet to be investigated. Since intestinal vagal afferents’ activity is reduced during obesity, it is intriguing to investigate their responses to GLP-1 in such conditions. Methods: Extracellular recordings were performed on intestinal afferents from normal C57Bl6, low fat fed (LFF), and high fat fed (HFF) mice. To examine the effect on neuronal calcium signaling, calcium-imaging experiments were performed on isolated nodose ganglion neurons. Food intake experiments were conducted using LFF and HFF mice. Oral glucose tolerance tests (OGTT) were carried out. Whole cell patch clamp recordings were performed on nodose ganglion neurons from A) normal C57Bl mice to test the effect of CysLTs on membrane excitability, B) LFF and HFF mice to examine GLP-1 effect on membrane excitability during obesity. c-Fos immunohistochemical techniques were performed to measure the level of neuronal activation in the brainstem of both LFF and HFF mice in response to Ex-4. Results: CysLTs increased intestinal afferent firing rate and mechanosensitivity. In single nodose neuron experiments, CysLTs increased excitability. The GLP-1 agonist Ex-4 significantly decreased food intake in LFF but not HFF mice. However, Ex-4 markedly attenuated the rise in blood glucose in both LFF and HFF mice. The observed increase in nerve firing and mechanosensitivity following the application of GLP-1 and Ex-4 was abolished in HFF mice. Cell membrane excitability was significantly increased by Ex-4 in nodose from LFF but not HFF mice. Ex-4 significantly increased the number of activated neurons in the NTS area of LFF mice but not in their HFF counterparts. Conclusion: The previous observations indicate that the role CysLTs play in regulating satiety is likely to be vagally mediated. Also that satiety, but not incretin, effects of GLP-1 are impaired during obesity.


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Late age-related maculopathy (ARM) is responsible for the majority of blind registrations in the Western world among persons over 50 years of age. It has devastating effects on quality of life and independence and is becoming a major public health concern. Current treatment options are limited and most aim to slow progression rather than restore vision; therefore, early detection to identify those patients most suitable for these interventions is essential. In this work, we review the literature encompassing the investigation of visual function in ARM in order to highlight those visual function parameters which are affected very early in the disease process. We pay particular attention to measures of acuity, contrast sensitivity (CS), cone function, electrophysiology, visual adaptation, central visual field sensitivity and metamorphopsia. We also consider the impact of bilateral late ARM on visual function as well as the relationship between measures of vision function and self-reported visual functioning. Much interest has centred on the identification of functional changes which may predict progression to neovascular disease; therefore, we outline the longitudinal studies, which to date have reported dark-adaptation time, short-wavelength cone sensitivity, colour-match area effect, dark-adapted foveal sensitivity, foveal flicker sensitivity, slow recovery from glare and slower foveal electroretinogram implicit time as functional risk factors for the development of neovascular disease. Despite progress in this area, we emphasise the need for longitudinal studies designed in light of developments in disease classification and retinal imaging, which would ensure the correct classification of cases and controls, and provide increased understanding of the natural course and progression of the disease and further elucidate the structure-function relationships in this devastating disorder.


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Introduction : Insulation defects with externalized conductors have been reported in the St. Jude Riata(®) family of defibrillation leads (St. Jude Medical, Sylmar, CA, USA). The objective of the Northern Ireland Riata(®) lead screening program was to identify insulation defects and externalized conductors by systematic fluoroscopic and electrical assessment in a prospectively defined cohort of patients. We sought to estimate the prevalence, identify risk factors, and determine the natural history of this abnormality. Methods : All patients with a Riata(®) lead under follow-up at the Royal Victoria Hospital were invited for fluoroscopic imaging and implantable cardioverter-defibrillator lead parameter checks. Fluoroscopic images were read independently by two cardiologists and the presence of externalized conductors was classified as positive, negative, or borderline. Results: One hundred and sixty-five of 212 patients with a Riata lead were evaluated by fluoroscopy and lead parameter measurements. The mean duration after implantation was 3.98+/-1.43 years. After screening 25 (15%) patients were classified as positive, 137 (83%) negative, and three (1.8%) borderline. Time since implantation (P = 0.001), presence of a single coil lead (P = 0.042), and patient age (P = 0.034) were significantly associated with externalized conductors. The observed rate of externalized conductors was 26.9% for 8-French and 4.7% for 7-French leads. No leads that were identified prospectively with externalized conductors had electrical abnormalities. Seven of 25 (28%) patients had a defective lead extracted by the end of this screening period. Conclusion: A significant proportion (15%) of patients with a Riata lead had an insulation breach 4 years after implantation. High-resolution fluoroscopic imaging in at least two orthogonal views is required to identify this abnormality. (PACE 2012;35:1498-1504).


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Background and Purpose: The aim of the study was to determine whether KCNQ channels are functionally expressed in bladder smooth muscle cells (SMC) and to investigate their physiological significance in bladder contractility. 

Experimental Approach: KCNQ channels were examined at the genetic, protein, cellular and tissue level in guinea pig bladder smooth muscle using RT-PCR, immunofluorescence, patch-clamp electrophysiology, calcium imaging, detrusor strip myography, and a panel of KCNQ activators and inhibitors. 

Key Results: KCNQ subtypes 1-5 are expressed in bladder detrusor smooth muscle. Detrusor strips typically displayed TTX-insensitive myogenic spontaneous contractions that were increased in amplitude by the KCNQ channel inhibitors XE991, linopirdine or chromanol 293B. Contractility was inhibited by the KCNQ channel activators flupirtine or meclofenamic acid (MFA). The frequency of Ca2+-oscillations in SMC contained within bladder tissue sheets was increased by XE991. Outward currents in dispersed bladder SMC, recorded under conditions where BK and KATP currents were minimal, were significantly reduced by XE991, linopirdine, or chromanol, and enhanced by flupirtine or MFA. XE991 depolarized the cell membrane and could evoke transient depolarizations in quiescent cells. Flupirtine (20M) hyperpolarized the cell membrane with a simultaneous cessation of any spontaneous electrical activity. 

Conclusions and Implications: These novel findings reveal the role of KCNQ currents in the regulation of the resting membrane potential of detrusor SMC and their important physiological function in the control of spontaneous contractility in the guinea pig bladder.


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• PURPOSE: To evaluate retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) atrophy in patients with Stargardt disease using autofluorescence imaging (AF). • DESIGN: Retrospective observational case series. • METHODS: Demographics, best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA), AF images, and electrophysiology responses (group 1, macular dysfunction; group 2, macula + cone dysfunction; group 3, macula + cone-rod dysfunction) were evaluated at presentation and follow-up in a group of 12 patients (24 eyes) with Stargardt disease. The existence, development, and rate of enlargement of areas of RPE atrophy over time were evaluated using AF imaging. A linear regression model was used to investigate the effects of AF and electrophysiology on rate of atrophy enlargement and BCVA, adjusting for age of onset and duration of disease. • RESULTS: Eight male and 4 female patients (median age 42 years; range 24-69 years) were followed for a median of 41.5 months (range 13-66 months). All 12 patients had reduced AF compatible with RPE atrophy at presentation and in all patients the atrophy enlarged during follow-up. The mean rate of atrophy enlargement for all patients was 1.58 mm /y (SD 1.25 mm /y; range 0.13-5.27 mm /y). Only the pattern of functional loss present as detected by electrophysiology was statistically significantly associated with the rate of atrophy enlargement when correcting for other variables (P <.001), with patients in group 3 (macula + cone-rod dysfunction) having the fastest rate of atrophy enlargement (1.97 mm /y, SD 0.70 mm /y) (group 1 [macula] 1.09 mm /y, SD 0.53 mm /y; group 2 [macula + cone] 1.89 mm /y, SD 2.27 mm /y). • CONCLUSION: Variable rates of atrophy enlargement were observed in patients with Stargardt disease. The pattern of functional loss detected on electrophysiology was strongly associated with the rate of atrophy enlargement over time, thus serving as the best prognostic indicator for patients with this inherited retinal disease. © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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BACKGROUND: The airway epithelium is exposed to a range of physical and chemical irritants in the environment that are known to trigger asthma. Transient receptor potential (TRP) cation channels play a central role in sensory responses to noxious physical and chemical stimuli. Recent genetic evidence suggests an involvement of transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1), one member of the vanilloid subfamily of TRP channels, in the pathophysiology of asthma. The functional expression of TRPV1 on airway epithelium has yet to be elucidated.

OBJECTIVE: In this study we examined the molecular, functional, and immunohistochemical expression of TRPV1 in asthmatic and healthy airways.

METHODS: Bronchial biopsy specimens and bronchial brushings were obtained from healthy volunteers (n = 18), patients with mild-to-moderate asthma (n = 24), and patients with refractory asthma (n = 22). Cultured primary bronchial epithelial cells from patients with mild asthma (n = 4), nonasthmatic coughers (n = 4), and healthy subjects (n = 4) were studied to investigate the functional role of TRPV1.

RESULTS: Quantitative immunohistochemistry revealed significantly more TRPV1 expression in asthmatic patients compared with healthy subjects, with the greatest expression in patients with refractory asthma (P = .001). PCR and Western blotting analysis confirmed gene and protein expression of TRPV1 in cultured primary bronchial epithelial cells. Patch-clamp electrophysiology directly confirmed functional TRPV1 expression in all 3 groups. In functional assays the TRPV1 agonist capsaicin induced dose-dependent IL-8 release, which could be blocked by the antagonist capsazepine. Reduction of external pH from 7.4 to 6.4 activated a capsazepine-sensitive outwardly rectifying membrane current.

CONCLUSIONS: Functional TRPV1 channels are present in the human airway epithelium and overexpressed in the airways of patients with refractory asthma. These channels might represent a novel therapeutic target for the treatment of uncontrolled asthma.