926 resultados para Electron ion interaction pseudo potential(EIIP)
Die Erzeugung von Elektronenstrahlen hoher Intensität (I$geq$2,mA) und hoher Spinpolarisation (P$geq$85%) ist für die Experimente an den geplanten glqq Linac Ringgrqq Electron--Ion--Collidern (z.B. eRHIC am Brookhaven National Laboratory) unabdingbar, stellt aber zugleich eine enorme Herausforderung dar. Die Photoemission aus ce{GaAs}--basierten Halbleitern wie z.B. den in dieser Arbeit untersuchten GaAlAs/InGaAlAs Quanten--Übergittern zeichnet sich zwar durch eine hohe Brillanz aus, die geringe Quantenausbeute von nur ca. 1% im Bereich maximaler Polarisation erfordert jedoch hohe Laserintensitäten von mehreren Watt pro $text{cm}^{2}$, was erhebliche thermische Probleme verursacht. rnrnIn dieser Arbeit konnte zunächst gezeigt werden, dass die Lebensdauer einer Photokathode mit steigender Laserleistung bzw. Temperatur exponentiell abnimmt. Durch Einbringen eines DBR--Spiegels zwischen die aktive Zone der Photokathode und ihr Substrat wird ein Großteil des ungenutzten Laserlichts wieder aus dem Kristall herausreflektiert und trägt somit nicht zur Erwärmung bei. Gleichzeitig bildet der Spiegel zusammen mit der Grenzfläche zum Vakuum eine Resonator--Struktur aus, die die aktive Zone umschließt. Dadurch kommt es für bestimmte Wellenlängen zu konstruktiver Interferenz und die Absorption in der aktiven Zone erhöht sich. Beide Effekte konnten durch vergleichenden Messungen an Kathoden mit und ohne DBR--Spiegel nachgewiesen werden. Dabei ergibt sich eine gute Übereinstimmung mit der Vorhersage eines Modells, das auf der dielektrischen Funktion der einzelnen Halbleiterstrukturen beruht. Von besonderer praktischer Bedeutung ist, dass die DBR--Kathode für einen gegebenen Photoemissions-strom eine um einen Faktor $geq$,3{,}5 kleinere Erwärmung aufweist. Dies gilt über den gesamten Wellenlängenbereich in dem die Kathode eine hohe Strahlpolarisation (P$>$80%) produzieren kann, auch im Bereich der Resonanz.rnAus zeitaufgelösten Messungen der Ladungsverteilung und Polarisation lassen sich sowohl Rückschlüsse über die Transportmechanismen im Inneren einer Kathode als auch über die Beschaffenheit ihrer Oberfläche ziehen. Im Rahmen dieser Dissertation konnte die Messgeschwindigkeit der verwendeten Apparatur durch den Einbau eines schnelleren Detektors und durch eine Automatisierung der Messprozedur entscheidend vergrößert und die resultierende Zeitauflösung mit jetzt 1{,}2 Pikosekunden annähernd verdoppelt werden.rnrnDie mit diesen Verbesserungen erhaltenen Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sich der Transport der Elektronen in Superlattice--Strukturen stark vom Transport in den bisher untersuchten Bulk--Kristallen unterscheidet. Der Charakter der Bewegung folgt nicht dem Diffusionsmodell, sondern gibt Hinweise auf lokalisierte Zustände, die nahe der Leitungsbandunterkante liegen und Elektronen für kurze Zeit einfangen können. Dadurch hat die Impulsantwort einer Kathode neben einem schnellen Abfall des Signals auch eine größere Zeitkonstante, die selbst nach 30,ps noch ein Signal in der Größenordnung von ca. 5textperthousand der Maximalintensität erzeugt.
Mechanical thrombectomy in ischemic stroke is of increasing interest as it is a promising strategy for fast and efficient recanalization. Several thrombectomy devices have been introduced to the armentarium of mechanical thrombectomy. Currently, new devices are under development and are continuously added to the neurointerventional tool box. Each device advocated so far has a different design and mechanical properties in terms of thrombus-device interaction. Therefore, a systematic evaluation under standardized conditions in vivo of these new devices is needed. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficiency, thrombus-device interaction, and potential complications of the novel Phenox CRC for distal mechanical thrombectomy in vivo. The device was evaluated in an established animal model in the swine. Recanalization rate, thromboembolic events, vasospasm, and complications were assessed. Radiopaque thrombi (2 cm length) were used for the visualization of thrombus-device interaction during retrieval. The Phenox CRC (4 mm diameter) was assessed in 15 vessel occlusions. For every occlusion a maximum of 3 retrieval attempts were performed. Complete recanalization (TICI 3/TIMI 3) was achieved in 86.7% of vessel occlusions. In 66.7% (10/15), the first retrieval attempt was successful, and in 20% (3/15), the second attempt led to complete recanalization of the parent artery. In 2 cases (13.3%) thrombus retrieval was not successful (TICI 0/TIMI 0). In 1 case (6.7%) a minor embolic event occurred in a small side branch. No distal thromboembolic event was observed during the study. Thrombus-device interaction illustrated the entrapment of the thrombus by the microfilaments and the proximal cage of the device. No significant thrombus compression was observed. No vessel perforation, dissection, or fracture of the device occurred. In this small animal study, the Phenox CRC was a safe and effective device for mechanical thrombectomy. The unique design with a combination of microfilaments and proximal cage reduces thrombus compression with a consequently high recanalization and low complication rate.
The response of liquid xenon to low-energy electronic recoils is relevant in the search for dark-matter candidates which interact predominantly with atomic electrons in the medium, such as axions or axionlike particles, as opposed to weakly interacting massive particles which are predicted to scatter with atomic nuclei. Recently, liquid-xenon scintillation light has been observed from electronic recoils down to 2.1 keV, but without applied electric fields that are used in most xenon dark-matter searches. Applied electric fields can reduce the scintillation yield by hindering the electron-ion recombination process that produces most of the scintillation photons. We present new results of liquid xenon's scintillation emission in response to electronic recoils as low as 1.5 keV, with and without an applied electric field. At zero field, a reduced scintillation output per unit deposited energy is observed below 10 keV, dropping to nearly 40% of its value at higher energies. With an applied electric field of 450 V/cm, we observe a reduction of the scintillation output to about 75% relative to the value at zero field. We see no significant energy dependence of this value between 1.5 and 7.8 keV. With these results, we estimate the electronic-recoil energy thresholds of ZEPLIN-III, XENON10, XENON100, and XMASS to be 2.8, 2.5, 2.3, and 1.1 keV, respectively, validating their excellent sensitivity to low-energy electronic recoils.
One of the most critical aspects of G Protein Coupled Receptors (GPCRs) regulation is their rapid and acute desensitization following agonist stimulation. Phosphorylation of these receptors by GPCR kinases (GRK) is a major mechanism of desensitization. Considerable evidence from studies of rhodopsin kinase and GRK2 suggests there is an allosteric docking site for the receptor distinct from the GRK catalytic site. While the agonist-activated GPCR appears crucial for GRK activation, the molecular details of this interaction remain unclear. Recent studies suggested an important role for the N- and C-termini and domains in the small lobe of the kinase domain in allosteric activation; however, neither the mechanism of action of that site nor the RH domain contributions have been elucidated. To search for the allosteric site, we first indentified evolutionarily conserved sites within the RH and kinase domains presumably deterministic of protein function employing evolutionary trace (ET) methodology and crystal structures of GRK6. Focusing on a conserved cluster centered on helices 3, 9, and 10 in the RH domain, key residues of GRK5 and 6 were targeted for mutagenesis and functional assays. We found that a number of double mutations within helices 3, 9, and 10 and the N-terminus markedly reduced (50–90%) the constitutive phosphorylation of the β-2 Adrenergic Receptor (β2AR) in intact cells and phosphorylation of light-activated rhodopsin (Rho*) in vitro as compared to wild type (WT) GRK5 or 6. Based on these results, we designed peptide mimetics of GRK5 helix 9 both computationally and through chemical modifications with the goal of both confirming the importance of helix 9 and developing a useful inhibitor to disrupt the GPCR-GRK interaction. Several peptides were found to block Rho* phosphorylation by GRK5 including the native helix 9 sequence, Peptide Builder designed-peptide preserving only the key ET residues, and chemically locked helices. Most peptidomimetics showed inhibition of GRK5 activity greater than 80 % with an IC50 of ∼ 30 µM. Alanine scanning of helix 9 has further revealed both essential and non-essential residues for inhibition. Importantly, substitution of Arg 169 by an alanine in the native helix 9-based peptide gave an almost complete inhibition at 30 µM with an IC50 of ∼ 10 µM. In summary we report a previously unrecognized crucial role for the RH domain of GRK5 and 6, and the subsequent identification of a lead peptide inhibitor of protein-protein interaction with potential for specific blockade of GPCR desensitization. ^
It is known that the Camassa–Holm (CH) equation describes pseudo-spherical surfaces and that therefore its integrability properties can be studied by geometrical means. In particular, the CH equation admits nonlocal symmetries of “pseudo-potential type”: the standard quadratic pseudo-potential associated with the geodesics of the pseudo-spherical surfaces determined by (generic) solutions to CH, allows us to construct a covering π of the equation manifold of CH on which nonlocal symmetries can be explicitly calculated. In this article, we present the Lie algebra of (first-order) nonlocal π-symmetries for the CH equation, and we show that this algebra contains a semidirect sum of the loop algebra over sl(2,R) and the centerless Virasoro algebra. As applications, we compute explicit solutions, we construct a Darboux transformation for the CH equation, and we recover its recursion operator. We also extend our results to the associated Camassa–Holm equation introduced by J. Schiff.
Efeitos da polarização eletrostática de eletrodos na periferia de tokamaks têm sido investigados em pequenos tokamaks e mesmo em alguns tokamaks de grande porte. Em geral as experiências são realizadas em condições em que bifurcação do campo elétrico radial é obtida, processo este identificado como modo H de polarização. No Tokamak TCABR, as experiências indicam que o confinamento aumenta para tensões aplicadas até +300 volts, atingindo um máximo de duas vezes o tempo de confinamento do modo L, mas sem bifurcação. Indícios de bifurcação foram notados com +400 V de polarização, mas a descarga termina devido à excitação da atividade MHD, ainda sob investigação. No presente trabalho, a pesquisa é aprofundada com a utilização de uma sonda de Langmuir com 18 pinos dispostos em duas fileiras sob a forma de um ancinho (rake probe) o que permite a medição da temperatura, densidade e flutuação de potencial ao longo do raio menor na periferia do Tokamak. A resolução temporal desse sistema é de cerca de 0,5 ms, para a temperatura, e 5 microssegundos para densidade e potencial flutuante do plasma. Outra sonda eletrostática com 5-pinos na mesma posição radial, mas em diferentes posições poloidal e toroidal foi usada para medições de turbulência e transporte de partículas. Os efeitos da polarização foram investigados e indicam que os níveis de turbulência e transporte começam a diminuir entre +150 e +200 V e para +300 V chegam a atingir uma quase supressão. Nesse mesmo intervalo de tensão a densidade começa a aumentar e para +300 V chega a ser um fator de aproximadamente 2. Quanto ao perfil de temperatura a variação é pouco significativa, mas as incertezas das medidas são maiores. Esses dados são compatíveis com a criação de uma barreira de transporte na região entre o eletrodo em r = 17 cm e o limitador em a = 18 cm. Além disso, o campo elétrico radial mostra forte cisalhamento nessa região. Tomando o início da subida do potencial flutuante como origem de uma escala de tempo, o atraso temporal do início da subida da densidade de elétrons e o atraso do início do decréscimo do transporte de partículas foram medidos. Os resultados são 50 microssegundos para a densidade de elétrons e 60 microssegundos para o transporte de partículas. A questão dos limiares de potência é discutida no texto. Os dados desta experiência indicam que o campo elétrico radial desempenha o papel principal para a melhoria do confinamento.
The marked decline in tree island cover across the Everglades over the last century, has been attributed to landscape-scale hydrologic degradation. To preserve and restore Everglades tree islands, a clear understanding of tree island groundwater-surface water interactions is needed, as these interactions strongly influence the chemistry of shallow groundwater and the location and patterns of vegetation in many wetlands. The goal of this work was to define the relationship between groundwater-surface water interactions, plant-water uptake, and the groundwater geochemical condition of tree islands. Groundwater and surface water levels, temperature, and chemistry were monitored on eight constructed and one natural tree island in the Everglades from 2007–2010. Sap flow, diurnal water table fluctuations and stable oxygen isotopes of stem, ground and soil water were used to determine the effect of plant-water uptake on groundwater-surface water interactions. Hydrologic and geochemical modeling was used to further explore the effect of plant-groundwater-surface water interactions on ion concentrations and potential mineral formation.^
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The Baccharis oreophila Malme belongs to the Asteraceae family. In Brazil are reported 120 species of Baccharis, most located in the South and Southeast regions, the latter presents the highest prevalence, especially in the state of São Paulo. Asteraceae is well known for the production of essential oils, which are liquid, volatile and aromatic substances produced by plants specialized for metabolism possess antibacterial, antifungal, and antioxidant properties. Thus, this study aimed, perform chemical and evaluate the antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of essential oil from dried leaves of B. oreophila collected in winter in Piraquara, Paraná. Obtaining essential oil was given by hydrodistillation in Clevenger apparatus, in triplicate, and the analysis was done using a gas chromatograph coupled to mass spectrometry GC / MS. The identification of the components was made based on retention indices calculated from the co-injection of a series of n-alkanes, followed by comparison of their mass spectra with literature. The antimicrobial activity was assessed by disk diffusion method and microdilution. The antioxidant activity was evaluated by the methods DPPH equivalent Trolox, ABTS and FRAP equivalent Trolox equivalent ferrous sulfate. The essential oil showed 0.47% yield. They identified 57 components (89.38%), 1.51% were classified as hydrogenated monoterpenes, oxygenated monoterpenes 15.14%, 34.84% and 37.87% hydrogenated sesquiterpenes sesquiterpenes oxygenates. As the major components were detected kusimono (16.37%), spathulenol (16.12%), the δ-cadinene (5.68%) and bicyclogermacrene (4.09%). The antimicrobial activity of essential oil was performed for the microorganisms Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923, Candida albicans ATCC 18804 and Candida tropicalis ATCC 13803, the results showed that the essential oil showed activity against S. aureus Inhibitory Concentration minimum (CIM) 1250 g/mL. In the evaluation of antioxidant activity essential oil showed antioxidant potential for the three methods evaluated, with values of 1,468 m.mol.L-1, 7.126 m.mol.L-1 and 45.515 m.mol.L-1 for ABTS, DPPH and FRAP, respectively. These results demonstrate that the essential oil of B. oreophila showed antimicrobial potential against S. aureus and interesting antioxidant activity, especially for the reducing power of iron ion, demonstrating their potential for future industrial applications. It is important to emphasize that were not observed in the literature reports highlighting such biological properties of B. oreophila oil.
Crop models are simplified mathematical representations of the interacting biological and environmental components of the dynamic soil–plant–environment system. Sorghum crop modeling has evolved in parallel with crop modeling capability in general, since its origins in the 1960s and 1970s. Here we briefly review the trajectory in sorghum crop modeling leading to the development of advanced models. We then (i) overview the structure and function of the sorghum model in the Agricultural Production System sIMulator (APSIM) to exemplify advanced modeling concepts that suit both agronomic and breeding applications, (ii) review an example of use of sorghum modeling in supporting agronomic management decisions, (iii) review an example of the use of sorghum modeling in plant breeding, and (iv) consider implications for future roles of sorghum crop modeling. Modeling and simulation provide an avenue to explore consequences of crop management decision options in situations confronted with risks associated with seasonal climate uncertainties. Here we consider the possibility of manipulating planting configuration and density in sorghum as a means to manipulate the productivity–risk trade-off. A simulation analysis of decision options is presented and avenues for its use with decision-makers discussed. Modeling and simulation also provide opportunities to improve breeding efficiency by either dissecting complex traits to more amenable targets for genetics and breeding, or by trait evaluation via phenotypic prediction in target production regions to help prioritize effort and assess breeding strategies. Here we consider studies on the stay-green trait in sorghum, which confers yield advantage in water-limited situations, to exemplify both aspects. The possible future roles of sorghum modeling in agronomy and breeding are discussed as are opportunities related to their synergistic interaction. The potential to add significant value to the revolution in plant breeding associated with genomic technologies is identified as the new modeling frontier.
Developments in theory and experiment have raised the prospect of an electronic technology based on the discrete nature of electron tunnelling through a potential barrier. This thesis deals with novel design and analysis tools developed to study such systems. Possible devices include those constructed from ultrasmall normal tunnelling junctions. These exhibit charging effects including the Coulomb blockade and correlated electron tunnelling. They allow transistor-like control of the transfer of single carriers, and present the prospect of digital systems operating at the information theoretic limit. As such, they are often referred to as single electronic devices. Single electronic devices exhibit self quantising logic and good structural tolerance. Their speed, immunity to thermal noise, and operating voltage all scale beneficially with junction capacitance. For ultrasmall junctions the possibility of room temperature operation at sub picosecond timescales seems feasible. However, they are sensitive to external charge; whether from trapping-detrapping events, externally gated potentials, or system cross-talk. Quantum effects such as charge macroscopic quantum tunnelling may degrade performance. Finally, any practical system will be complex and spatially extended (amplifying the above problems), and prone to fabrication imperfection. This summarises why new design and analysis tools are required. Simulation tools are developed, concentrating on the basic building blocks of single electronic systems; the tunnelling junction array and gated turnstile device. Three main points are considered: the best method of estimating capacitance values from physical system geometry; the mathematical model which should represent electron tunnelling based on this data; application of this model to the investigation of single electronic systems. (DXN004909)
L'Electron-Ion Collider è un futuro acceleratore di particelle che approfondirà la nostra conoscenza riguardo l'interazione forte tramite la collisione di elettroni con nuclei e protoni. Uno dei progetti attualmente considerati per la costruzione del rivelatore, il dual-radiator RICH, prevede l'impiego di due radiatori Cherenkov, sui quali verranno montati dei fotorivelatori per rilevare l'emissione della luce Cherenkov e risalire alla massa delle particelle. L'opzione di base per questi rivelatori sono i sensori al silicio SiPM. Questo lavoro di tesi si basa sullo studio delle prestazioni di un prototipo per l'acquisizione dei dati rilevati dai SiPM che sfrutta l'effetto termoelettrico per raffreddare la zona in cui sono situati i sensori. L'analisi dei dati acquisiti ha portato alla conclusione che le prestazioni del prototipo sono confrontabili con quelle misurate all'interno di una camera climatica quando si trovano alla stessa temperatura.
The present work describes the crystal structure, vibrational spectra, and theoretical calculations of ammonium salts of 3,5-bis-(dicyanomethylene)cyclopentane-1,2,4-trionate, (NH(4))(2)(C(11)N(4)O(3)) [(NH(4))(2)CV], also known as ammonium croconate violet. This compound crystallizes in triclinic P (1) over bar and contains two water molecules per unit formula. The crystal packing is stabilized by hydrogen bonds involving water molecules and ammonium cations, giving rise to a 3D polymeric arrangement. In this structure, a pi-stacking interaction is not observed, as the smaller centroid-centroid distance is 4.35 angstrom. Ab initio electronic structure calculations under periodic boundary conditions were performed to predict vibrational and electronic properties. The vibrational analysis was used to assist the assignments of the Raman and infrared bands. The solid structure was optimized and characterized as a minimum in the potential-energy surface. The stabilizing intermolecular hydrogen bonds in the crystal Structure were characterized by difference charge-density analysis. The analysis of the density of states of (NH(4))(2)CV gives an energy gap of 1.4 eV with a significant contribution of carbon and nitrogen 2p states for valence and conduction bands.
The diagrammatic strong-coupling perturbation theory (SCPT) for correlated electron systems is developed for intersite Coulomb interaction and for a nonorthogonal basis set. The construction is based on iterations of exact closed equations for many - electron Green functions (GFs) for Hubbard operators in terms of functional derivatives with respect to external sources. The graphs, which do not contain the contributions from the fluctuations of the local population numbers of the ion states, play a special role: a one-to-one correspondence is found between the subset of such graphs for the many - electron GFs and the complete set of Feynman graphs of weak-coupling perturbation theory (WCPT) for single-electron GFs. This fact is used for formulation of the approximation of renormalized Fermions (ARF) in which the many-electron quasi-particles behave analogously to normal Fermions. Then, by analyzing: (a) Sham's equation, which connects the self-energy and the exchange- correlation potential in density functional theory (DFT); and (b) the Galitskii and Migdal expressions for the total energy, written within WCPT and within ARF SCPT, a way we suggest a method to improve the description of the systems with correlated electrons within the local density approximation (LDA) to DFT. The formulation, in terms of renormalized Fermions LIDA (RF LDA), is obtained by introducing the spectral weights of the many electron GFs into the definitions of the charge density, the overlap matrices, effective mixing and hopping matrix elements, into existing electronic structure codes, whereas the weights themselves have to be found from an additional set of equations. Compared with LDA+U and self-interaction correction (SIC) methods, RF LDA has the advantage of taking into account the transfer of spectral weights, and, when formulated in terms of GFs, also allows for consideration of excitations and nonzero temperature. Going beyond the ARF SCPT, as well as RF LIDA, and taking into account the fluctuations of ion population numbers would require writing completely new codes for ab initio calculations. The application of RF LDA for ab initio band structure calculations for rare earth metals is presented in part 11 of this study (this issue). (c) 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.