996 resultados para Elbe Channel, German Bight


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Bodenformen an der Sohle von Flüssen, Küstenzonen und flachen Schelfen sind wichtige skalenübergreifende Elemente der Küstendynamik in ihren Eigenschaften als Transportkörper von Sedimenten und ihrer Wirkung auf die Strömungsdynamik als Rauheitselemente. Neben vielen neueren Studien über die Entstehung, Gestalt und Dynamik von Bodenformen in vergleichsweise kleinen Untersuchungsgebieten ist die Arbeit von ULRICH (1973) über die Verteilung von Bodenformen in der Deutschen Bucht bis heute die einzige verfügbare zusammenhängende Darstellung für die deutsche Nordseeküste. Die analogen Karten und die Darstellung der Klassifizierung in Buchstabenkürzeln macht sie für heutige quantitative Analysen schwer zugänglich. Hier wurden diese Karten digitalisiert und Eigenschaften der Bodenformen rekonstruiert und interpretiert. Das Ergebnis ist eine Zusammenstellung digitaler Karten eines vollständigen - und eines auf steile, hydrodynamisch wirksame Bodenformen reduzierten Datensatzes der Minimal, Maximalund Mittelwerte von Höhen, Längen und Steilheiten von Bodenformen in der Deutschen Bucht. Die Datensätze stehen der Allgemeinheit in der Datenbank Pangaea zur Verfügung. Bedforms in rivers, coastal zones and shallow shelf seas are important cross-scale elements of coastal dynamics in their function as sediment transport agent and in their effect on the flow dynamics as roughness elements. In addition to many recent studies on the origin, shape and dynamics of bedforms in relatively small study areas the work of ULRICH (1973) on the classification of bedform types in the German Bight is until today the only available coherent representation of the spatial distribution of bedforms for the whole German coastal sea. The analogue maps and the coded classification makes them difficult to access for quantitative analyses. Here these maps were digitized and properties of the bedforms were reconstructed and interpreted. Resulting digital maps of the whole and a reduced dataset on steep bedforms contain minimum, maximum and average values of heights, lengths and steepness of bedform types in the German Bight. The data sets are available to the public in the database Pangaea.


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At 24 stations in the Weser Estuary and the German Bight the Most Probable Numbers (MPN/g dry wt. sediment) of nitrate-dissimilating (= denitrifying) and of nitrate plus nitrite-dissimilating bacteria were recorded. The numbers of nitrite-dissimilating bacteria, i. e. denitrifiers not capable of reducing nitrate to nitrite, were calculated by subtraction of the MPN for nitrate-dissimilating from the MPN of nitrate plus nitrite-dissimilating bacteria. By determining the percentages of these bacteria in relation to the number of the heterotrophs, the ecological importance of denitrification, especially the nitrite dissimilation, was estimated. The results showed the MPN of nitrate-dissimilating bacteria to be in the range of 0-156 (up to 0.8 % of heterotrophic bacteria). An exception was the sediment of one station with a MPN of 1849, or 5.2 % of the heterotrophs. The amounts of nitrite-dissimilating bacteria were between 0 and 2352 (up to 13 % of heterotrophic bacteria). In the estuary the numbers of nitrate-dissimilating and of nitrite-dissimilating bacteria showed a decreasing tendency with distance from Bremerhaven. The highest numbers were found in the Weser off Bremerhaven and also at 3 stations in the German Bight, south of the Isle of Helgoland.


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The trends of malformation prevalence in embryos of dab, Limanda limanda, in the southern North Sea after the year 1990 mirrored the drop in major pollutants in the rivers draining into the German Bight. Despite this general decline we detected a pollution event in the southern North Sea in winter 1995/1996 employing the prevalence of malformations in dab embryos as an indicator. An abrupt rise in malformation prevalence in the embryos of dab, corresponded to a dramatic increase in DDT levels in parent fish from the same area, indicating a hitherto unnoticed introduction of considerable quantities of DDT into the system. This input could be traced back to discharges of unknown origen into the River Elbe.


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