871 resultados para Effect of mating status and sex


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Phytophthora nicotianae is a devastating root and stem pathogen of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) in South Africa. Growers strive to control the resulting disease, known as black shank, with metalaxyl treatments and resistant cultivars. The aim of this study was to consider whether development of metalaxyl resistance in P. nicotianae has contributed to poor disease control and if recently developed cultivars with high levels of resistance require metalaxyl for effective control. One hundred and thirty-two isolates of P. nicotianae were screened for sensitivity to metalaxyl. P. nicotianae isolates from most tobacco farms were metalaxyl sensitive. Growth of most isolates was inhibited completely at 1.0 μg a.i./ml. However, isolates from the MKTV tobacco producing area showed EC50 values ranging from 1.02 μg a.i./ml to 3.57 μg a.i./ml. Twenty-one tobacco cultivars were planted and treated with and without metalaxyl in two different growing seasons to evaluate their resistance to P. nicotianae and the value of using metalaxyl. Hicks was the most susceptible cultivar. Vuma/3/46, LK30/40/60-1, and LK33/60 exhibited the greatest resistance to P. nicotianae. Use of metalaxyl in combination with moderately resistant cultivars such as NC60 × TL33 and LK10/80/60 effectively reduced black shank in the field. Resistant cultivars were healthy and no significant difference between metalaxyl treated and untreated plants was observed.


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Whole macadamia kernels were immersed in water (specific gravity 1.00 g/cm(3)), brine (SG 1.02 g/cm(3)) and ethanol solution (SG 0.97 g/cm(3)) for 30 or 60 s, re-dried to 1.0-1.5% moisture (wet basis) and stored under vacuum for 0, 4 and 12 months. Immersion in water had no effect on the quality or shelf life of kernels, as measured by sensory evaluation and analysis of the kernel oil. Immersion in brine and ethanol solutions changed the flavour of kernels, but had no effect on shelf life or kernel oil stability over 12 months storage. Water flotation to separate kernels based on differences in oil content is therefore feasible, but microbiological concerns need to be investigated.


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The effect of the solid and dissolved organic matter fractions, mineral composition and ionic strength of the soil solution on the sorption behaviour of pesticides were studied. A number of soils, chosen so as to have different clay mineral and organic carbon content, were used to study the sorption of the pesticides atrazine (6-chloro-N-2-ethyl-N-4-isopropyl-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-diamine), 2,4-D ((2,4-dichlorophenoxy) acetic acid), isoproturon (3-(4-isopropylphenyl)1,1-dimethylurea) and paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium) in the presence of low and high levels of dissolved organic carbon and different background electrolytes. The sorption behaviour of atrazine, isoproturon and paraquat was dominated by the solid state soil components and the presence of dissolved organic matter had little effect. The sorption of 2,4-D was slightly affected by the soluble organic matter in the soil. However, this effect may be due to competition for adsorption sites between the pesticide and the soluble organic matter rather than due to a positive interaction between the pesticide and the soluble fraction of soil organic matter. It is concluded that the major factor governing the sorption of these pesticides is the solid state organic fraction with the clay mineral content also making a significant contribution. The dissolved organic carbon fraction of the total organic carbon in the soil and the ionic strength of the soil solution appear to have little or no effect on the sorption/transport characteristics of these pesticides over the range of concentrations studied. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Despite extensive research since pathogenicity was first established in 1919, no cultural or chemical control strategy has proven effective against Fusarium wilt of bananas. The efficacy of cultural control is attributed to the suppression of pathogen activity. Yet, amending naturally infested soil with aged chicken manure has been shown to enhance disease severity, without any change in the activity of the pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Foc) in the soil. In this study, the effect of amending soil with composted sawdust, and of solarising soil, was compared with the effect of amending soil with chicken manure. Bioassays comparing the activity of Foc in the soil with the extent of invasion of banana pseudostem tissue by Foc were used to investigate why strategies targetting pathogen survival have not proven successful in controlling this disease. The enhancement of Foc invasion of the banana plantlets was reproduced with the addition of chicken manure to the naturally infested soil. However, changes in the activity of Foc in the soil were not associated with changes in the frequency of invasion of the plantlets. Invasion of banana pseudostems in the sawdust and solarisation treatments was not significantly different from invasion in the respective control treatments, despite a reduction in the activity of Foc in the sawdust-amended soil and an enhancement in the solarised soil. Moreover, the increase in Foc activity in the solarised soil recorded during the bioassays occurred despite the effectiveness of solarisation in reducing the survival of Foc in pre-colonised banana root tips buried in the soil. Changes in the frequency of invasion were associated with changes in the availability of mineral nitrogen, particularly ammonium N. These results suggest that the physiological response of banana cultivars to ammonium N may be associated with their susceptibility to Fusarium wilt. Accordingly, cultural strategies for controlling Panama disease will only be effective if they enhance the ability of the host to resist invasion.


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Two varieties of adzuki beans (Vigna angularis), Bloodwood and Erimo, were stored at temperatures of 10, 20 or 30degreesC, and relative humidities (RH) 40 or 65%, and samples were analysed at 0, 1.5, 3 and 6 months. Storage at 30degreesC for > 1.5 months caused a significant decrease in the a(star) and b(star) colour values and darkening of the seed coat. Beans stored at 65% RH had lower L-star but higher a(star) and b(star) colour values than those stored at 40% RH. Bloodwood and Erimo samples showed similar trends in colour during storage. The best storage conditions for the preservation of the adzuki colour were 10degreesC and 65% RH. The Australian beans had lower L-star, a(star) and b(star) colour values than Japanese Erimo-shouzu beans and storage increased the difference.


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Two varieties of adzuki grown in Australia, Bloodwood and Erimo, were stored for up to 6 months at three temperatures (10, 20 and 30 degreesC), and two relative humidities (RH; 40 and 65%). The amount of cell wall material increased with time under all storage conditions. This increase was greatest at 30 degreesC and 40% RH. Storage time and conditions did not affect the total pectin levels in the cell wall. Erimo constantly exhibited a higher total pectin level than Bloodwood. The Bloodwood soluble pectin, Ca++ and Mg++ and Erimo Ca++ in the cell wall remained stable during storage, while the Erimo soluble pectin and Mg++ exhibited a slight decrease at 20 and 30 degreesC after 3 months of storage. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This work reports on the influence of polarization and morphology of electroactive poly(vinylidene fluoride), PVDF, on the biological response of myoblast cells. Non-poled, ‘‘poled +’’ and “poled-“ -PVDF were prepared in the form of films. Further, random and aligned electrospun -PVDF fiber mats were also prepared. It is demonstrated that negatively charged surfaces improve cell adhesion and proliferation and that the directional growth of the myoblast cells can be achieved by the cell culture on oriented fibers. Therefore, the potential application of electroative materials for muscle regeneration is demonstrated.


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Siderophore production by Bacillus megaterium was detected, in an iron-deficient culture medium, during the exponential growth phase, prior to the sporulation, in the presence of glucose; these results suggested that the onset of siderophore production did not require glucose depletion and was not related with the sporulation. The siderophore production by B. megaterium was affected by the carbon source used. The growth on glycerol promoted the very high siderophore production (1,182 μmol g−1 dry weight biomass); the opposite effect was observed in the presence of mannose (251 μmol g−1 dry weight biomass). The growth in the presence of fructose, galactose, glucose, lactose, maltose or sucrose, originated similar concentrations of siderophore (546–842 μmol g−1 dry weight biomass). Aeration had a positive effect on the production of siderophore. Incubation of B. megaterium under static conditions delayed and reduced the growth and the production of siderophore, compared with the incubation in stirred conditions.


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The effect of the colour group on the morbidity due to Schistosoma mansoni was examined in two endemic areas situated in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Of the 2773 eligible inhabitants, 1971 (71.1%) participated in the study: 545 (27.6%) were classified as white, 719 (36.5%) as intermediate and 707 (35.9%) as black. For each colour group, signs and symptoms of individuals who eliminated S.mansoni eggs (cases) were compared to those who did not present eggs in the faeces (controls). The odds ratios were adjusted by age, gender, previous treatment for schistosomiasis, endemic area and quality of the household. There was no evidence of a modifier effect of colour on diarrhea, bloody faeces or abdominal pain. A modifier effect of colour on hepatomegaly was evident among those heaviest infected (> 400 epg): the adjusted odds ratios for palpable liver at the middle clavicular and the middle sternal lines were smaller among blacks (5.4 and 6.5, respectively) and higher among whites (10.6 and 12.9) and intermediates (10.4 and 10.1, respectively). These results point out the existence of some degree of protection against hepatomegaly among blacks heaviest infected in the studied areas.


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The total antioxidant capacity (TAC) of 28 flavoured water samples was assessed by ferric reducing antioxidant potential (FRAP), oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC), trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC) and total reactive antioxidant potential (TRAP) methods. It was observed that flavoured waters had higher antioxidant activity than the corresponding natural ones. The observed differences were attributed to flavours, juice and vitamins. Generally, higher TAC contents were obtained on lemon waters and lower values on guava and raspberry flavoured waters. Lower and higher TACs were obtained by TRAP and ORAC method, respectively. Statistical analysis suggested that vitamins and flavours increased the antioxidant content of the commercial waters.


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This study aims to assess the association between schistosomiasis and hookworm infection with hemoglobin levels of schoolchildren in northern Mozambique. Through a cross-sectional survey, 1,015 children from five to 12 years old in the provinces of Nampula, Cabo Delgado and Niassa were studied. Hookworm infection and urinary schistosomiasis were diagnosed, through Ritchie and filtration methods, with a prevalence of 31.3% and 59.1%, respectively. Hemoglobin levels were obtained with a portable photometer (Hemocue®). The average hemoglobin concentration was 10.8 ± 1.42 g/dL, and 62.1% of the children presented levels below 11.5 g/dL, of which 11.8% of the total number of children had hemoglobin levels below 9 g/dL. A multiple linear regression analysis demonstrated negative interactions between hemoglobin levels and ancylostomiasis, this being restricted to the province of Cabo Delgado (β = -0.55; p < 0.001) where an independent interaction between hemoglobin levels and urinary schistosomiasis was also observed (β = -0.35; p = 0.016). The logistical regression model indicated that hookworm infection represents a predictor of mild (OR = 1.87; 95% CI = 1.17-3.00) and moderate/severe anemia (OR = 2.71; 95% CI = 1.50 - 4.89). We concluded that, in the province of Cabo Delgado, hookworm and Schistosoma haematobium infections negatively influence hemoglobin levels in schoolchildren. Periodical deworming should be considered in the region. Health education and improvements in sanitary infrastructure could achieve long-term and sustainable reductions in soil-transmitted helminthiases and schistosomiasis prevalence rates.


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SUMMARY The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of the protein-calorie malnutrition in BALB/c isogenic mice infected with Lacazia loboi, employing nutritional and histopathological parameters. Four groups were composed: G1: inoculated with restricted diet, G2: not inoculated with restricted diet, G3: inoculated with regular diet, G4: not inoculated with regular diet. Once malnutrition had been imposed, the animals were inoculated intradermally in the footpad and after four months, were sacrificed for the excision of the footpad, liver and spleen. The infection did not exert great influence on the body weight of the mice. The weight of the liver and spleen showed reduction in the undernourished groups when compared to the nourished groups. The macroscopic lesions, viability index and total number of fungi found in the footpads of the infected mice were increased in G3 when compared to G1. Regarding the histopathological analysis of the footpad, a global cellularity increase in the composition of the granuloma was observed in G3 when compared to G1, with large numbers of macrophages and multinucleated giant cells, discrete numbers of lymphocytes were present in G3 and an increase was observed in G1. The results suggest that there is considerable interaction between Jorge Lobo's disease and nutrition.