955 resultados para Educational strategies


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In recent decades, the debate surrounding the consequences of the HIV has passed by great changes. Earlier, prevention campaigns focused risk groups then risk behaviors and ultimately vulnerability. Furthermore, over the years, the dimensions of HIV that emerged in the social environment are these: internalization, heterosexualization, impoverishment and feminization. Based on these contexts, the composition of this study comprises two papers: the former has the overall objective to analyze the epidemiology and incidence of HIV in Brazilian regions in the period from 1980 to 2012; the latter, it aims to find out whether there is the relationship among safe practices, knowledge and perception of women residents in Manaus and Boa Vista cities on the infection by HIV. In paper 1, it was used information from the Health Ministry, as a data source. Besides, it was developed an exploratory and spatial analysis of incidence rates and relative proportion of notified cases. In paper 2, was used as a source of data, the research "Evaluating the process of spatial and epidemic diffusion of HIV in the federal units of Brazil-Northern Region" in 2008. Furthermore, Statistical Techniques of Cluster Analysis, Analysis of Variance, Chi-Square and Logistic Regression were applied. In this paper, it was found that, in Brazilian Regions, the prevalence of reported cases occurred among heterosexuals in men 20-40 year age group and residing in metropolitan areas. It was observed a significant spatial correlation of the incidence rate of reported cases of HIV. It was also noted by the results that have good knowledge and awareness about HIV does not imply, essentially, in a safe sexual intercourse. These results have shown the need public policies geared to the guiding of society, based in educational strategies aiming both information about the virus and its prevention, as well as public awareness for safe sex practices or in stable or not intercourses


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El trabajo analiza el uso del campus virtual bajo la plataforma Moodle que se ha instituido en el marco de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina. El mismo se emplea desde el año 2007 en el Departamento de Bibliotecología como apoyo a la enseñanza presencial de la disciplina. También se ha ido adoptando en otras carreras y departamento docentes dependientes de la institución. Se delinean cuatro modelos en base a los usos didácticos que se implementan desde las distintas cátedras: tradicional, de aplicación práctica, participativo e híbrido. Se realiza un balance sobre la experiencia pedagógica y didáctica, indicando las innovaciones y limitaciones de la misma


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El trabajo analiza el uso del campus virtual bajo la plataforma Moodle que se ha instituido en el marco de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina. El mismo se emplea desde el año 2007 en el Departamento de Bibliotecología como apoyo a la enseñanza presencial de la disciplina. También se ha ido adoptando en otras carreras y departamento docentes dependientes de la institución. Se delinean cuatro modelos en base a los usos didácticos que se implementan desde las distintas cátedras: tradicional, de aplicación práctica, participativo e híbrido. Se realiza un balance sobre la experiencia pedagógica y didáctica, indicando las innovaciones y limitaciones de la misma


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El trabajo analiza el uso del campus virtual bajo la plataforma Moodle que se ha instituido en el marco de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina. El mismo se emplea desde el año 2007 en el Departamento de Bibliotecología como apoyo a la enseñanza presencial de la disciplina. También se ha ido adoptando en otras carreras y departamento docentes dependientes de la institución. Se delinean cuatro modelos en base a los usos didácticos que se implementan desde las distintas cátedras: tradicional, de aplicación práctica, participativo e híbrido. Se realiza un balance sobre la experiencia pedagógica y didáctica, indicando las innovaciones y limitaciones de la misma


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The aim of this investigation is to analyze the use of the blog as an educational resource for the development of the mathematical communication in secondary education. With this aim, four aspects are analyzed: organization of mathematical thinking through communication; communication of mathematical thinking; analysis and evaluation of the strategies and mathematical thought of others; and expression of mathematical ideas using mathematical language. The research was conducted from a qualitative approach on an exploratory level, with the case study method of 4 classrooms of second grade of secondary education in a private school in Lima. The observational technique of 20 publications in the blog of the math class was applied; a study of a focal group with a sample of 9 students with different levels of academic performance; and an interview with the academic coordinator of the school was conducted. The results show that the organization of mathematical thinking through communication is carried out in the blog in a written, graphical and oral way through explanations, schemes and videos. Regarding communication of mathematical thinking, the blog is used to describe concepts, arguments and mathematical procedures with words and examples of the students. The analysis and evaluation of the strategies and mathematical thinking is performed through comments and debates about the publications. It was also noted that the blog does not facilitate the use of mathematical language to express mathematical ideas, since it does not allow direct writing of symbols nor graphic representation.


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We examined prevention of surgical site infection (SSI) in a tertiary teaching hospital in northeast Brazil, from January 1994 to December 2003. The survey included 5,742 patients subjected to thoracic, urologic, vascular and general surgery. The criteria for diagnosing SSI were those of the Centers for Disease Control, USA, and the variables of the National Nosocomial Infection Surveillance risk index were used. Data analysis revealed that anesthetic risk scores, wound class and duration of surgery were significantly associated with SSI. A total of 296 SSIs were detected among the 5,742 patients (5.1%). The overall incidence of SSI was 8.8% in 1994; it decreased to 3.3% in 2003. In conclusion, the use of educational strategies, based on guidelines for SSI prevention reduced SSI incidence. Appropriate management of preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative incision care, and a surveillance system based on international criteria, were useful in reducing SSI rates in our hospital


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We examined prevention of surgical site infection (SSI) in a tertiary teaching hospital in northeast Brazil, from January 1994 to December 2003. The survey included 5,742 patients subjected to thoracic, urologic, vascular and general surgery. The criteria for diagnosing SSI were those of the Centers for Disease Control, USA, and the variables of the National Nosocomial Infection Surveillance risk index were used. Data analysis revealed that anesthetic risk scores, wound class and duration of surgery were significantly associated with SSI. A total of 296 SSIs were detected among the 5,742 patients (5.1%). The overall incidence of SSI was 8.8% in 1994; it decreased to 3.3% in 2003. In conclusion, the use of educational strategies, based on guidelines for SSI prevention reduced SSI incidence. Appropriate management of preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative incision care, and a surveillance system based on international criteria, were useful in reducing SSI rates in our hospital


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Résumé : La réussite et la persévérance des étudiants inscrits en formation générale adulte est un enjeu social et éducatif au Québec. La diversité et la fragilité de cette clientèle en est un second. Pour l’enseignant dans ce contexte, il est essentiel que des stratégies pédagogiques renforçant l’estime de soi et permettant la différenciation étayent son intervention. Cependant, celui-ci se sent parfois démuni. Des informations sur le parcours scolaire antérieur des étudiants qui lui sont confiés et sur les défis à relever pour chacun lui permettraient d’être plus proactif quant aux risques de décrochage. Un portrait-questionnaire a été élaboré pour répondre au besoin de ces enseignants qui veulent mieux connaître leurs élèves pour mieux les accompagner. Il peut devenir un point d’ancrage pour une relation éducative éclairée et collaborative. Des entrevues interrogeant des enseignants sur leurs perceptions avant l’élaboration de l’outil puis après sa mise à l’essai nous informent sur la pertinence et le gain possible de cette démarche.


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Background: Allergic disorders are not usually life-threatening conditions but they impair the person’s ability to function. It thus adversely affects the psychological wellbeing and quality of life. These implications of allergic disorders can be minimized if strategies are planned for its early identification followed by appropriate interventions. Objectives: To find out the prevalence and risk factors of allergic disorders. Methods: Data was collected by house to house survey among participants aged 18 years and above using a standardized allergy assessment questionnaire. Results: Mean age of the 400 participants was 42.8±14.7 years. Majority 105(26.2%) were in the age group 36 to 45 years. Majority were females 287(71.7%) and were house wives 217(54.2%). Majority of participants were of upper socio economic class 98(44.7%) out of 219 and majority were from urban areas 326(81.5%). The prevalence of allergy among participants was found to be 115(28.7%). Out of these 115, 37(32.2%) had possibility of allergy, 60(52.2%) had probability of allergy and the rest 18(15.6%) had very high likelihood for allergy. People residing in semi urban areas had increased risk of allergy (p=0.024) than those from urban areas. The prevalence of asthma was 30(7.5%) and skin allergy was 23(5.8%). Most common precipitating factors for allergy were dust exposure 103(25.8%) followed by seasonal changes 71(17.8%). Family history of allergy was associated with allergy among participants (p<0.001). Usage of firewood was associated with symptoms of respiratory allergy among participants (p=0.01). Conclusion: The study revealed some important determinants of allergic disorders which have important implications to frame appropriate prevention and health educational strategies.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Educação Pré-Escolar, Escola Superior de Educação e Comunicação, Universidade do Algarve, 2016


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La existencia de un hilo conductor entre distintas corrientes del feminismo histórico español, desde los presupuestos del laicismo, ha sido ya puesta de manifiesto. En este artículo se intenta analizar dicho proceso desde la educación femenina, lo que permite incorporar nuevas protagonistas al universo femenino laico. El debate sobre religión-laicismo, moral y emancipación de las mujeres subyace al interés por la instrucción femenina. Las estrategias educativas emprendidas en las escuelas neutras y laicas, frente al modelo de la Iglesia católica, se plasman en la implantación de una educación mixta o en la coeducación. Se subraya asimismo la pluralidad de formas de entender el racionalismo y el laicismo, desde la religiosidad de espiritistas y masonas del siglo XIX al ateísmo de las anarquistas del siglo XX.


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Rapport de stage présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures et postdoctorales en vue de l’obtention du grade Maîtrise ès sciences (M.sc) en sciences infirmières, option formation


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Rapport de stage présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures et postdoctorales en vue de l’obtention du grade Maîtrise ès sciences (M.sc) en sciences infirmières, option formation


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El cáncer colorrectal es un serio problema de salud pública a nivel mundial. Evidencias epidemiológicas han sugerido que al menos el 50% de la enfermedad puede ser prevenida mediante un estilo de vida saludable. Las intervenciones educativas surgen como una herramienta clave de movilización social para la prevención y han sido sugeridas desde las autoridades nacionales para el control del cáncer en el país.


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Este Relatório corresponde à Unidade Curricular da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada (PES), do Curso de Mestrado em Ensino de Artes Visuais no 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e Secundário, desenvolvida no ano lectivo 2009/2010, e tem como objectivo principal a auto-reflexão sobre a prática de ensino efectivada, pois a dimensão reflexiva é um factor fundamental na formação de professores. É importante estar-se actualizado na reunião de um conjunto de conhecimentos e competências que permitam exercer correctamente a actividade profissional docente, mas não menos relevante é a capacidade de se saber reflectir e auto-avaliar, enquanto professor, transmissor de saberes para uma melhoraria do ensino dos jovens e também das metodologias e estratégias educativas requeridas. ABSTRACT: Report of Supervised Teaching Practice conducted by Cátia Marisa Barrenho Casquinha, No.2 in the Group of Évora, André de Resende Integrated Primary School and Gabriel Pereira High School, for the specialty master’s degree in Visual Arts Education in the 3rd Cycle Elementary and Secondary Education. This report corresponds to Supervised Teaching Practice (PES) curricular unit of the Master Course in Teaching Visual Arts at the 3 rd Cycle of Basic and Secondary Education, developed in 2009/2010, and has as main objective self-reflection on teaching practice considering the reflective dimension as a key factor in teacher education. It is important to be updated on a set of knowledge and competences to properly exercise teaching professional activity, but not least is the ability to reflect and learn self-assessment practices as a teacher, transmitter of knowledge, in order to improve youngster education and also the required methodologies and educational strategies.