964 resultados para Education, Nursing -- methods


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Depuis l’adoption de la Loi 90 en 2002, la Loi sur les infirmières et infirmiers (LII, article 36) confère une autonomie élargie aux infirmières en reconnaissant, notamment, leur compétence et leur responsabilité à l’égard de l’évaluation clinique qui est représentée dans cette loi comme l’assise de l’exercice infirmier (Pellerin, 2009; OIIQ, 2010). La collecte des données constitue une étape fondamentale du processus d’évaluation clinique (Dillon, 2007; Doyon, Brûlé & Cloutier, 2002; Pellerin, 2009; Weber & Kelley, 2007). L’infirmière d’urgence a une responsabilité majeure à l’égard de la collecte des données. En effet, elle œuvre auprès de clientèles de tous âges qui présentent des problèmes de santé variés, aigus et parfois urgents et doit souvent intervenir, sur la base de son évaluation clinique, avant qu’un diagnostic n’ait été établi ou que le patient n’ait été vu par le médecin (Newberry & Criddle, 2005). Or, malgré toute l’importance que revêtent dorénavant l’évaluation clinique et la collecte des données au sens de la loi, ce rôle de l’infirmière semble tarder à s’actualiser dans la pratique clinique. Le but de cette étude qualitative descriptive consiste à explorer les perceptions d’infirmières, de gestionnaires en soins infirmiers et d’infirmières ressources cliniques d’urgence relativement à la réalisation de la collecte des données. La norme clinique « collecte des données » (assessment) de l’Emergency Nurses Association (1999) constitue le cadre de référence de l’étude. Cinq entrevues individuelles semi-dirigées de 60 minutes ainsi qu’un groupe de discussion de 90 minutes ont été réalisés auprès d’infirmières d’urgence. Un deuxième groupe de discussion a également réuni deux gestionnaires en soins infirmiers et deux infirmières ressources cliniques de l’urgence. Les données recueillies ont été analysées selon l’approche proposée par Miles et Huberman (2003). Les résultats obtenus démontrent que les infirmières considèrent la collecte des données comme un aspect fondamental de leur pratique à l’urgence, qui contribue à améliorer la qualité et la sécurité des soins dispensés. Or, les résultats révèlent également que leur compréhension de la collecte des données est variable, que leur pratique est aléatoire et largement influencée par le modèle biomédical. Plusieurs facteurs influencent la pratique des infirmières relativement à la collecte des données notamment : la conception individuelle de la collecte des données et du rôle infirmier, les relations et l’interaction avec les membres de l’équipe des soins infirmiers et les autres professionnels ainsi que le soutien de l’organisation et des gestionnaires en soins infirmiers. Ce dernier facteur semble prépondérant dans le contexte de l’urgence et démontre que le soutien des gestionnaires et des infirmières ressources cliniques influence de façon importante la pratique dans les milieux cliniques. Cette étude propose des pistes de réflexion sur la formation académique, la formation continue, l’administration des soins infirmiers et la collaboration interprofessionnelle qui pourraient faciliter l’actualisation du rôle des infirmières à l’égard de la collecte des données et de l’évaluation clinique afin d’améliorer la qualité des soins dispensés à l’urgence.


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Objetivo. Establecer la prevalencia de Desordenes Musculo Esqueléticos(DME) y su asociación con factores ergonómicos (postura, manipulación de carga y trabajo repetitivo) en trabajadores administrativos de una Institución Educativa de Nivel Superior (IENS). Métodos. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal a 146 trabajadores de una IENS de la ciudad de Neiva (Huila), entre Abril y Mayo de 2015. Para la recolección de la información se utilizaron dos instrumentos: un instrumento para la caracterización sociodemográfica y ocupacional y el cuestionario estandarizado para identificar daños y exposición a riesgos ergonómicos en el trabajo (ERGOPAR). Resultados. El 90,4 % de los trabajadores presentaron molestia o dolor en alguna de las áreas del cuerpo, dentro de las cuales las más afectadas fueron las zonas del Cuello, hombros y/o espalda dorsal con el 79,9%, la espalda lumbar con el 65,8% y las manos y/o muñecas con el 49,3%. Conclusiones. Se encontró una asociación entre la exposición a factores ergonómicos y la presencia de DME, indicando que las posturas de trabajo forzadas o prolongadas y la manipulación de cargas representan un alto riesgo biomecánica para los trabajadores, lo cual se puede ver reflejado a mediano o largo plazo con el desarrollo de trastornos o enfermedades que pueden llegar a ser incapacitantes para los trabajadores, afectando su calidad de vida y su productividad laboral.


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21 ENFERMAGEM, VALORES E APRENDIZAGEM ISILDA MARIA OLIVEIRA CARVALHO RIBEIRO Centro de Estudos em Educação e Formação (CEEF), Universidade Lusófona do Porto/ Centro de Estudos e Intervenção em Educação e Formação (CeiEF), ULHT Resumo Este trabalho enquadra-se na área da Aprendizagem dos Valores no Curso de Licenciatura em Enfermagem (CLE). Através desta reflexão, e em consonância com os objetivos traçados, privilegiamos o paradigma misto, ou seja, na investigação que pretendemos realizar, utilizaremos uma abordagem multimétodo, para que o estudo possa sair enriquecido. O estudo decorrerá numa Escola Superior de Enfermagem da Região Este trabalho enquadra-se na área da Aprendizagem dos Valores no Curso de Licenciatura em Enfermagem (CLE). A pertinência em estudar esta temática encontra-se na constatação da nossa prática profissional e na atividade como docente em ensino teórico-prático, espaço em que os valores e o sentido humano, no cuidar da pessoa como ser traduzem, muitas vezes, um certo esquecimento da sua dignidade. É aqui que o nosso interesse e motivação encontram a razão da preocupação e da responsabilidade pela formação do profissional competente, como autêntico cidadão de valores. A educação em enfermagem deverá ter uma conduta moral onde se pretende refletir, à luz dos princípios éticos e morais, o fundamento dos valores das nossas ações, de forma a tornarmos a prática mais consciente e refletida. Além de incidir necessariamente nos conhecimentos científicos e instrumentais, a formação deve privilegiar o desenvolvimento de capacidades como: capacidade de negociação, espírito crítico e equipa, criatividade, pensamento ético consolidado numa conduta de valores. Pretende-se, com esta comunicação, reproduzir o percurso realizado e refletir sobre a importância da aprendizagem dos valores no Curso de Norte e nas respetivas instituições hospitalares onde decorre o estágio de integração à vida profissional (IVP). Os participantes do estudo são os estudantes inscritos no 1º e 4º ano (sendo estes os que frequentam estágio IVP) e por docentes da referida escola que orientam ou tenham orientado estágios de IVP e responsáveis por órgãos como: o Conselho Técnico-Científico, o Conselho Pedagógico e Associação de Estudantes. Desenvolveremos o trabalho de campo recorrendo às seguintes fontes de colheita de dados: análise documental, observação participante, entrevistas, questionário e utilização da escala de valores: Rokeach Value Survy – RVS (Rokeach, 1973); Focus Group, constituído por peritos na área, cuja finalidade consiste numa discussão objetiva, conduzida ou moderada que introduz um assunto a um grupo de peritos e direciona a discussão sobre o tema, de uma maneira não estruturada e natural. Uma das vertentes fundamentais do estudo consistirá na concretização de triangulações múltiplas. Pretendemos que este projeto na sua concretização permita identificar novos valores a incluir ou excluir do Código Deontológico que orienta o exercício da profissão. Deseja-se enviar os resultados como proposta para o Conselho Jurisdicional, que apreciará e decidirá sobre a proposta de alteração.


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This collection of fourteen essays by renowned scholars in the field of Holocaust studies seeks to reflect on the experience of teaching and researching this complicated and emotional topic. Contained within are the pioneering stories of those presently engaged in the work of Holocaust education. Separately, they represent a variety of disciplines and orientations. Collectively, they give evidence of the strong commitment to continue this important work, and the moral and ethical demands such teaching, writing, and research place upon all who engage in it. Different perspectives from historical, philosophical, and religious frameworks come together to create a unique contribution to the literature on the Holocaust. Educators discuss what they teach, their methodologies and theoretical orientations and reflect on their own journeys that brought them to this field. The unique nature of these stories bring needed background to the field of Holocaust studies and also serve to inspire others to enlarge their thinking and understanding of previous work on this topic. The stories of these committed Holocaust educators will serve to inspire a new generation of thinkers, writers, and activists to engage in such work. In reading their stories, their collective commitment to make a difference today and tomorrow shines through. This volume will be a valuable resource for courses in the Holocaust, contemporary post-Holocaust realities, as well as courses in genocide. Scholars and anyone with an interest in enriching their understanding of the Holocaust will find much within to inspire them and provoke new ideas.


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After many years of debate in the UK about the need for a degree-level qualification in social work, the arguments for a minimum degree-level qualification were accepted. The requirements for the degree in England were developed drawing on work from a number of sources, including a benchmark statement for undergraduate degrees in social work and focus groups with stakeholders. The new degree in England, launched in 2003, involves one extra year’s study; improvements in the qualifying standard for social work; and specific curriculum and entrance requirements. At the time of launching the degree, the government department responsible for funding (Department of Health) commissioned a three-year evaluation of the implementation of the new degree to establish whether the new qualifying level leads to improvements in the qualified workforce. The aim of the evaluation is to describe the experiences of those undertaking the degree, collect the views of the various stakeholders about the effectiveness of the degree and measure the impact of a degree-level qualification on those entering the workforce. This article, written by the team undertaking the evaluation of the England degree, explores the reasons for the methodological approach adopted and the issues that have arisen in setting up the research.


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The literature review is fundamental to the doctoral enterprise of academic disciplines, yet research into how the doctoral literature review is learned, taught or experienced is limited. Responding to an apparent under-examination of the literature review as a critical feature of doctoral learning, this thesis investigates the doctoral literature review process as experienced by American and Australian doctoral candidates, doctoral supervisors and academic librarians. The research followed a qualitative approach shaped by two questions: "How is the doctoral literature review process learned?" and, "What is learned by doing a doctoral literature review?" Data were generated from in-depth interviews conducted with 42 participants in education, nursing and the physical and biological sciences. Critical literacy, critical pedagogy and critical information literacy provided frameworks for interpreting participants‘ experiences and perspectives on literature reviewing practices, disciplinary influences and mutually associated doctoral literacies.

The doctoral literature review is traditionally considered to be two segregated events—literature seeking and writing in an academic genre. The study findings challenge this perspective, proposing instead that doctoral literature reviewing is a complex, comprehensive process characterised by interdependent activities in a cycle of gathering, reflecting upon and synthesising literatures. Moreover, these findings indicate that, by engaging with disciplinary literatures and the literature review process, doctoral researchers become familiar with an array of critical doctoral literacies—disciplinary literacy, information literacy and reading and writing literacies. Thus, the doctoral literature review can be conceptualised as a pedagogy through which candidates acquire the lived practices and craft skills of disciplinary-specific research; learn to manage large bodies of information, literature and knowledge; and learn to read and write as scholars in their disciplines.

This project reconceptualises traditional perspectives on doctoral literature reviewing and recommends further exploration into its pedagogical potential. By approaching the doctoral literature review as a pedagogical process, the inquiry attempts to unpack literacies embedded within the doctoral enterprise, thereby exposing them as explicit aspects of doctoral learning. Becoming aware of the interrelatedness of critical doctoral literacies can mobilise supervisors, librarians and candidates to exploit the literature review process more fully. Ultimately, this research contributes to an international focus on a central feature of the doctorate and, as such, more broadly informs and supports doctoral pedagogy, particularly for those involved in American and Australian doctoral education.


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For cardiac surgical patients, the immediate 2-hour recovery period is distinguished by potentially life-threatening haemodynamic instability. To ensure optimum patient outcomes, nurses of varying levels of experience must make rapid and accurate decisions in response to episodes of haemodynamic instability. Decision complexity, nurses’ characteristics, and environmental characteristics, have each been found to influence nurses' decision making in some form. However, the effect of the interplay between these influences on decision outcomes has not been investigated. The aim of the research reported in this thesis was to explore variability in critical care nurses' haemodynamic decision making as a function of interplay between haemodynamic decision complexity, nurses' experience, and specific environmental characteristics by applying a naturalistic decision making design. Thirty-eight nurses were observed recovering patients in the immediate 2-hour period after cardiac surgery. A follow-up semi-structured interview was conducted. A naturalistic decision making approach was used. An organising framework for the goals of therapy related to maintaining haemodynamic stability after cardiac surgery was developed to assist the observation and analysis of practice. The three goals of therapy were the optimisation of cardiovascular performance, the promotion of haemostasia, and the reestablishment of normothermia. The research was conducted in two phases. Phase One explored issues related to observation as method, and identified emergent themes. Phase Two incorporated findings of Phase 1, investigating the variability in nurses' haemodynamic decision making in relation to the three goals of therapy. The findings showed that patients had a high acuity after cardiac surgery and suffered numerous episodes of haemodynamic instability during the immediate 2-hour recovery period. The quality of nurses' decision making in relation to the three goals of therapy was influenced by the experience of the nurse and social interactions with colleagues. Experienced nurses demonstrated decision making that reflected the ability to recognise subtle changes in haemodynamic cues, integrate complex combinations of cues, and respond rapidly to instability. The quality of inexperienced nurses' decision making varied according to the level and form of decision support as well as the complexity of the task. When assistance was provided by nursing colleagues during the reception and recovery of patients, the characteristics of team decision making were observed. Team decision making in this context was categorised as either integrated or non integrated. Team decision making influenced nurses' emotions and actions and decision making practices. Findings revealed nurses' experience affected interactions with other team members and their perceptions of assuming responsibility for complex patients. Interplay between decision complexity, nurses' experience, and the environment in which decisions were made influenced the quality of nurses' decision making and created an environment of team decision making, which, in turn, influenced nurses' emotional responses and practice outcomes. The observed variability in haemodynamic decision making has implications for nurse education, nursing practice, and system processes regarding patient allocation and clinical supervision.


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This small-scale study carried out in a Melbourne metropolitan hospital explored patients’ and their carers’ perceptions of information, adequacy of information, and their utilization of information concerning post-discharge care received from health professionals during their stay in hospital. The research design consisted of two stages. Stage one involved a qualitative approach using focused interviews of five pairs of patients and their carers, 2 weeks after discharge from hospital. Five main themes emerged from the content analysis of the interview transcripts: information given by health professionals to patients and carers, patients’ and carers’ psychological well-being, activities of daily living, caring tasks of the patients, and community linkages. A quantitative approach was used for stage two involving two sets of questionnaires, one for the patient and one for the carer, developed from the themes identified in stage one. A pilot study was conducted on three pairs of patients and their carers, 2 weeks after discharge from hospital. The main study consisted of a convenience sample of 40 pairs of patients and their carers who completed the questionnaires 2 weeks post-discharge. Data analysis of stage two of the study consisted of descriptive statistics and cross-tabulations. The main findings suggested that carers received very little information from health professionals concerning their patients’ health problems and care at home. The carers’ health and employment states were often not considered in their patients’ discharge plan. Carers who were present with their patients when they received information concerning post-discharge care experienced a decrease in anxiety during their patients’ convalescence at home, greater satisfaction with the information they received, and their patients experienced fewer medical problems post-discharge. The implications for nursing practice and research include recommendations for a more effective system of discharge planning, and further research to include a larger population with a more varied group of participants.


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Form a working group of renal vascular access nurses to develop peer reviewed, accessible, evidence based e-leaning modules related to vascular access principles and practice.

Key messages
Vascular access training and guidelines are often unit specific but the core principles of vascular access care are generally transferable. The vascular access e-learning module aims to utilize resources to minimize wasted time developing and keeping multiple individual vascular access training packages up to date.
Vascular access education is delivered from a variety of resources such as educators, senior staff and vascular access nurses. This e-learning module allows renal units the opportunity to provide a national learning package with general consensus on terminology and up to date evidence based practice.
Recently there has been a rise in the use of ultrasound to assess and perform image guided cannulation in vascular access to improve patient outcomes. There is only a small window of opportunity to provide education in ultrasound use. This module will provide education on this and other aspects of vascular access practices and patient care.

Implications for clinical practice
Implications include access to standardized learning packages based on current evidence based practice, eencouraging the utilization of new technology (e.g. Ultrasound observation and interpretation of results), reinforcing the underpinning knowledge of anatomy and physiology of vascular access, standardizing practice benefits to patients and nurses moving between dialysis units, improving accessibility by transitioning learning to smart phones and tablets and providing an opportunity for international collaboration related to vascular access e-learning concepts.


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Constata-se, com freqüência, que planos e projetos bem elaborados, com recursos suficiente e adequados, não conseguem ser implementados com sucesso, ainda que tenha havido uma previa e cuidadosa identificação dos elementos que poderiam ter influência no processo de implementação. Isto decorre do fato de que qualquer implementação seria ê afetada por inumeros eventos imprevisíveis, o que" a torna uma tarefa imensamente difícil, mesmo sob as melhores condições. Nesta dissertação, um estudo de caso, abordamos a implementação da Política de Terminalidade Antecipada no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Há alguns anos atrás, o Rio de Janeiro lançou-se ã implementação da Política de Terminalidade Antecipada buscando adequar currículos, metodos e duração da educação básica ã sociedade agrícola do interior do Estado. Tal Política foi iniciada em condições aparentemente as mais auspiciosas e parecia não envolver nenhum elemento dramático. Prudentemente, decidiu-se concentrar a implementação, num primeiro momento, em Cordeiro e municípios vizinhos. Com base no experimento, a Política seria extendida a outras áreas do Estado. Previa-se, no decorrer da implementação, uma ação integrada das Secretarias de Estado de Agricultura, de Educaçao e Cultura, e de Saude. O processo de implementação desenvolveu-se durante dois Governos Estaduais sucessivos e está entrando em um terceiro.