1000 resultados para Educação Estudo e ensino
This paper addresses the democratic school management within the school organizations. For this, initially made brief remarks on labor relations, the development of administrative and organizational theories. Later, we reflect on how the se labor relations are organized in the educational environment and what education theoretical contributions to the development of school management in Brazil. Therefore, we discuss the Brazilian educational policies that postulate and legitimate democratic school management. Studies of everyday guided the theoretical basis of this work, we wonder what school subject dealing with the discourse of democratic and participative management. Forward the hypothesis that participatory management should be a prominent space in schools, the aim of this study was to investigate the school management of a municipal school of Youth and Adult Education, which brings in your organization pedagogical foundation and educational principles espoused by Paul Freire. The specific objectives of the study are: a) to investigate and describe how is the organization's management of school youth and adults; b) understand the role of managers; c) check how teachers and administrators understand the process of managing this school. From a methodological point of view the daily life of the studies led this work to procedures and qualitative analysis of ethnographic referring to practices that have occurred in adult education school along with the theoretical foundation. Participated in this research members of the school management group and four teachers of Youth and Adult Education rooms. The results obtained showed that dialogue and democracy go together, that the school is an organization with different world views, which need to be primarily present in the identity of the schools. It was also possible to find different democratic practices in the management and organization of the Educational Center that make school subjects become...
This study aims to analyze the implementation of mediation in the school environment of So Paulo State Education Network through the figure of Teacher School and Community Mediator (PMEC). Mediation arises, as an alternative and effective method for conflict resolution from existing interpersonal relationships at school. The methodology used was the exploratory and empirical research literature on the subject mediation and the analysis of the resolutions of the Secretariat of So Paulo State Education establishing the School Protection System (SPE) and made possible the performance of the PMEC within that environment. Authors like Bonaf-Schmitt (2010); Caetano, Freire and Ferreira (2009); Calcaterra (2002); Freire (2010); Jares (2002); Lederach (1996); Littlejohn and Domenici (1999); Morgado and Oliveira (2009); Torremorell (2008) and Vecchi and Greco (1999) were selected in order to provide greater familiarity with the subject mediation and conflict mediation later in the school environment. The concept of mediation, mediation templates and profiles of mediators will be explained as well as PMEC function features as regards the selection methods training main assisted cases, assignments that are stipulated by the guiding documents and what actually happens in daily practice verified the reports obtained through a semi-structured interview. Finally, we present the PMEC situation regarding the review by the leaders and attended school community and the acceptance of their work within that environment
This paper addresses the democratic school management within the school organizations. For this, initially made brief remarks on labor relations, the development of administrative and organizational theories. Later, we reflect on how the se labor relations are organized in the educational environment and what education theoretical contributions to the development of school management in Brazil. Therefore, we discuss the Brazilian educational policies that postulate and legitimate democratic school management. Studies of everyday guided the theoretical basis of this work, we wonder what school subject dealing with the discourse of democratic and participative management. Forward the hypothesis that participatory management should be a prominent space in schools, the aim of this study was to investigate the school management of a municipal school of Youth and Adult Education, which brings in your organization pedagogical foundation and educational principles espoused by Paul Freire. The specific objectives of the study are: a) to investigate and describe how is the organization's management of school youth and adults; b) understand the role of managers; c) check how teachers and administrators understand the process of managing this school. From a methodological point of view the daily life of the studies led this work to procedures and qualitative analysis of ethnographic referring to practices that have occurred in adult education school along with the theoretical foundation. Participated in this research members of the school management group and four teachers of Youth and Adult Education rooms. The results obtained showed that dialogue and democracy go together, that the school is an organization with different world views, which need to be primarily present in the identity of the schools. It was also possible to find different democratic practices in the management and organization of the Educational Center that make school subjects become...
This study aims to analyze the implementation of mediation in the school environment of So Paulo State Education Network through the figure of Teacher School and Community Mediator (PMEC). Mediation arises, as an alternative and effective method for conflict resolution from existing interpersonal relationships at school. The methodology used was the exploratory and empirical research literature on the subject mediation and the analysis of the resolutions of the Secretariat of So Paulo State Education establishing the School Protection System (SPE) and made possible the performance of the PMEC within that environment. Authors like Bonaf-Schmitt (2010); Caetano, Freire and Ferreira (2009); Calcaterra (2002); Freire (2010); Jares (2002); Lederach (1996); Littlejohn and Domenici (1999); Morgado and Oliveira (2009); Torremorell (2008) and Vecchi and Greco (1999) were selected in order to provide greater familiarity with the subject mediation and conflict mediation later in the school environment. The concept of mediation, mediation templates and profiles of mediators will be explained as well as PMEC function features as regards the selection methods training main assisted cases, assignments that are stipulated by the guiding documents and what actually happens in daily practice verified the reports obtained through a semi-structured interview. Finally, we present the PMEC situation regarding the review by the leaders and attended school community and the acceptance of their work within that environment
O presente relatrio foi elaborado no mbito das Unidades Curriculares de Prtica Educativa I e II do Mestrado em Educação Pr-Escolar (EPE) e Ensino do 1. Ciclo do Ensino Bsico (CEB), ministrado na Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politcnico de Coimbra. Este trabalho representa o caminho percorrido nos estgios realizados em contexto de Educação Pr-Escolar e de Ensino do 1 Ciclo do Ensino Bsico (CEB). Tem como objetivo apresentar e descrever as aprendizagens e competncias adquiridas nas prticas pedaggicas supervisionadas, ao longo do percurso formativo realizado nos dois contextos educativos. A escolha do ttulo Educação, Aprendizagem e Ensino, um mundo em sintonia traduz, para mim, o que considero fundamental para o desenvolvimento da criana. So trs dimenses que definem a estrutura do desenvolvimento acadmico do ser humano.
O trabalho visa apresentar as discussoes de gnero que surgiram durante a prtica de esportes de rede, raquete e rebatida durante as intervenoes nas aulas de Educaao Fsica. As discussoes foram realizadas ao final de 11 aulas com turmas do ensino mdio do IFSULDEMINAS. Sendo assim, o objetivo do presente trabalho averiguar as relaoes de poder nas aulas de educaao fsica a partir da intervenao pedaggica com esportes de rede, raquete e rebatida
O trabalho visa apresentar as discussoes de gnero que surgiram durante a prtica de esportes de rede, raquete e rebatida durante as intervenoes nas aulas de Educaao Fsica. As discussoes foram realizadas ao final de 11 aulas com turmas do ensino mdio do IFSULDEMINAS. Sendo assim, o objetivo do presente trabalho averiguar as relaoes de poder nas aulas de educaao fsica a partir da intervenao pedaggica com esportes de rede, raquete e rebatida
O trabalho visa apresentar as discussoes de gnero que surgiram durante a prtica de esportes de rede, raquete e rebatida durante as intervenoes nas aulas de Educaao Fsica. As discussoes foram realizadas ao final de 11 aulas com turmas do ensino mdio do IFSULDEMINAS. Sendo assim, o objetivo do presente trabalho averiguar as relaoes de poder nas aulas de educaao fsica a partir da intervenao pedaggica com esportes de rede, raquete e rebatida
Este trabalho consiste no relato de experincias ensino-aprendizagem realizadas ao longo da Unidade Curricular de Prtica do Ensino Supervisionada, do mestrado em Ensino da Educação Musical no Ensino Bsico, na Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politcnico de Bragana. Dividido por duas partes, no sentido de delinear uma correlao direta entre o pressuposto terico e a sua materializao prtica, tem como objetivo a demonstrao de competncias pedaggico-profissionais adquiridas e desenvolvidas nos 1., 2. e 3. ciclos do referido nvel formativo, reconhecendo o processo de ensino aos discentes e a produo musical dos mesmos, bem como valorizando os preceitos utilizados nos trs ciclos de ensino bsico. Das experincias de ensino-aprendizagem procedeu-se a uma anlise crtica que poder suscitar interesse de investigadores e futuros mestrandos na rea Educação Musical.
As diferentes transformaes tecnolgicas, cientficas, sociais e culturais colocam cada vez mais desafios ao contexto educativo. Partindo desta perspetiva e assente nos contributos epistemolgicos de Schafer (1969), Paynter (1991) e Chapuis (2001), o presente Relatrio de Estgio Profissional pretende mostrar as experincias de ensino e aprendizagem desenvolvidas ao longo dos trs ciclos do Ensino Bsico. Face aos objetivos intrnsecos prtica pedaggica nos diferentes ciclos do Ensino Bsico, a componente emprica teve a sua base no modelo de investigao-ao. Da anlise de todos os dados recolhidos emergiram indicadores relevantes que as atividades didticas implementadas desempenharam um papel fundamental no desenvolvimento do saber ser e saber fazer. De salientar, que estas atividades permitiram uma proximidade e disponibilidade de todos os alunos para a prtica vocal e instrumental e melhoraram o seu contentamento relativo disciplina de Expresso/Educação Musical.
Relatrio Final do Projecto Janelas Curriculares de Educação Popular no Ensino Superior Universitrio, promovido pela Universidade Tlio Espanca da Universidade de vora entre 1 de Setembro de 2014 a 31 de Agosto de 2016 e financiado pelo Programa Gulbenkian Qualificao das Novas Geraes/Projetos de desenvolvimento do ensino superior/Projetos inovadores no domnio educativo 2014.
Em 2009, a Universidade de vora criou a Universidade Popular Tlio Espanca (UPTE/U), no sentido de aumentar a sua interao com a regio em que se encontra localizada (Alentejo), aproveitando o seu potencial cultural, cientfico e tecnolgico e mobilizando os seus recursos humanos. Desde essa data, a UPTE/U tem vindo a concretizar um projeto educativo assente na criao e disponibilizao de atividades educativas em contextos no formais de aprendizagem, nos quais ocorre um encontro entre a comunidade acadmica e a comunidade local e entre os conhecimentos cientficos e os saberes experienciais.
Ao de divulgao do projeto Janelas Curriculares de Educação Popular no Ensino Superior Universitrio Transforme as suas experincias de aprendizagem acadmica em oportunidades de aprendizagem para outros.
I Colquio Educação Popular e Ensino Superior, realizado no Colgio do Esprito Santo da Universidade de vora, a 15 de Dezembro de 2014.