736 resultados para Ecossistema aquático


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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As matas ciliares representam importante ecossistema na natureza, formando um ecótono entre o ambiente aquático e o ambiente terrestre apresenta elevada diversidade tanto da flora quanto da fauna sendo importantes corredores ecológicos para diversas espécies. Além da sua importância ecológica as matas ciliares apresentam importante papel na manutenção da quantidade e qualidade da água, essenciais para nossa sobrevivência. Para que projetos de conservação e recuperação das florestas ciliares ocorram com sucesso, trabalhos envolvendo a população através da educação ambiental são de grande importância, principalmente quanto se trata de corpos d’agua que atravessam a cidade como é o caso do Ribeirão Lavapés


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Os micro-organismos probióticos são utilizados em vários produtos alimentícios ou em suplementos alimentares. Simuladores intestinais representam uma opção de realização de estudos com a microbiota intestinal. O simulador do ecossistema microbiano humano (SEMH) consiste em uma sucessão de cinco reatores conectados que representam as diferentes partes do trato gastrointestinal humano com seus respectivos valores de pH, tempo de residência e capacidade volumétrica. O SEMH foi utilizado para estudar o efeito do Enterococcus faecium CRL 183 e do Lactobacillus acidophilus CRL 1014 sobre a microbiota intestinal nativa. Inicialmente, o inóculo preparado com fezes humanas foi introduzido nos três reatores, responsáveis por simular o cólon ascendente, transverso e descendente. Após duas semanas de estabilização foi adicionado, diariamente, durante quatro semanas, E. faecium CRL 183 e L. acidophilus CRL 1014 contendo 108 UFC/mL nos três compartimentos que simulam o cólon ascendente, transverso e descendente. Após as quatro semanas de tratamento o sistema permaneceu durante duas semanas sem adição de probióticos. Durante todo o experimento, foi realizado semanalmente a composição da microbiota intestinal baseada na enumeração de bactérias aeróbias e anaeróbias totais, Enterococcus spp., Lactobacillus spp., Bifidobacterium spp., Enterobactérias e Clostridium spp. Semanalmente, também, foram realizadas análises de ácidos graxos de cadeia curta (acetato, butirato e propionato) e amônia. Através da análise microbiológica observou-se alterações significativas na composição da microbiota do SEMH no decorrer do período do experimento. Alterações significativas também foram observadas na concentração de amônia e de AGCC, podendo assim observar a influência da inoculação de probióticos na microbiota nativa e os metabólitos produzidos por ela


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The research aims to analyze the main changes in the concepts of the processes of production and consumption of news content information. The theoretical framework used will be the new consequent social, economic and technological paradigms of the current scenario of convergence of platforms, content and languages. The research aims to investigate the changes in the macro environment of journalistic production and, therefore, examine whether the local flow of news content meets the requirements of a new public consumption target set by the new Brazilian generations, composed of young people influenced by the cultures of computing, audiovisual communication and also by economic and cultural globalization. As expansion of the analyzes sought to verify the impact of these changes in the current models of traditional media, as well as the interference caused and trends in models of existing production. Also a case study is performed on this production flow in comparison with current market research of Jornal da Cidade (JC) of the city of Bauru (SP), the main media of the Grupo Comunicação. The intent of the approach will be to establish some preambles to assist in bringing the theory with the practical impacts on journalistic production, its agents, institutions and the workplace


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The knowledge of the dynamics of soil seed bank and seed rain is fundamental to understand the forest succession process, as well as for its conservation and restoration. This paper aimed at studying the role of the soil seed bank and seed rain in the dynamics of a riparian tropical seasonal forest fragment located on the hinterland of São Paulo State. The seed rain was studied by 30 litter traps installed at 50 cm from the floor, with an area of 50 cm x 50 cm. Between November of 2008 and October of 2009, 11364 seeds of 82 species belonging to 33 different families were collected. The deposition density of seeds was 126.27 individuals.m². With the data obtained from this research, the two seasons couldn’t be differed from each other hence 2009 was an atypical year considering the precipitation, which was constantly elevated. For the soil seed bank, fifty superficial soil samples will be taken at the end of both the rainy and dry seasons. The germination method was applied for the data analysis. It was observed a predominance of herbaceous habit species, with an average of 71% of the germinations in both seasons. The Sφrensen similarity index between the seasons was low (0,27). The density and species diversity were higher after the rainy season, unlike other published researches


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Currently there are numerous social projects scattered through out the country, including the sport, for the most part, aimed at children and teens considered at social vulnerability. These projects end up having as main guiding sports, these in turn take several purposes, among them, the sport recreation/socialization and professionalization of sport, which often end up being worked disassociated from one of another, forgetting that, in the same place, these different purposes can live therefore are the subjects that give meaning to their practice. In this sense, this research sought to understand the meanings that the participants in a social sports project water polo attribute to the practice. This project happens in a provincial city of São Paulo, serving about 2.300 children and teens and has as main objectives the social inclusion and training of high-performance athlete. The research, qualitative approach was characterized by an exploratory study and used the interview as collection technique. The study included 40 children and adolescents attending the project, as well as two social workers and two physical education teachers that working on the project. The results showed that there is a convergence between participants, teachers and social workers regarding their expectations regarding the project, but we identified another bias that goes against the practice of leisure, in showing that in the same place if can find to the two purposes of the sport, even this


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The present study aimed to analyze the performance of 'boost' among water polo athletes. Twelve athletes (13,9  1,08 years, 169,0  6,0 cm and 59,5  13,5 kg of bodyweight) were under went to anthropometric assessment, body composition and maximum concentric strength of lower limbs. The jump test in the water was done by 'boost' and scaled to jump height. According to the results of strength (Leg Press 45: 157,08  43,30 kg Leg Extension: 72,08  12,86 kg), anthropometry (arm circumf.: 26,04  3,25 cm, thigh circumf.: 50,47  7,65 cm, sholder circumf.: 95,97  8,00 cm, elbow diam.: 4,74  0,51 cm, wrist diam.: 3,21  0,34 cm, knee diam.: 7,89  0,58 cm, biacromial diam.: 37,49  3,81 cm and bi-iliac diam.: 25,43  4,34 cm) and body composition (BMI: 20,74  4,00 kg / m² and% fat: 8,45  4,28), only stature showed a linear correlation (r= 0,595) to the values of vertical jump (height: 47,80  4,35 cm) performance. This anthropometric variable was one able to influence the height of performance by modifying it self, perhaps by maturity. However maturity may be an implicity feature of performance, since force is a concerned effect of the growth. Otherwise technique could play a mains role to the performance of the 'boost'. It can be conclude that possibly is advantageous for water polo athlete be higher and more mature for the realization of 'boost', and the training directed for the technique, but is necessary muscle fitness for the holder


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This study assessed the effects of Water training on the lipid profile and left ventricular structures in hyperlipidemic mice. Twenty-eight male LDLr-/- mice were randomly separated into 4 groups: sedentary, fed a standard diet (C); exercising, fed a standard diet (C+TRE); sedentary, fed a hyperlipidic diet (C+HL); and exercising, fed a hyperlipidic diet (E+HL). The exercising mice trained daily for 60 minutes during 60 days. After 48 hours of the end of the training period and 12 hours of rest fasting the animals were underwent euthanasia and the blood was collected for measuring the plasma levels of triglycerides, total cholesterol and its fractions (LDL, HDL, VLDL). The heart was removed and the left ventricle was weighed fresh to calculate the ratio left-ventricle weight (mg)/body weight (g). The results showed that the training was more effective in improving lipid plasma levels when combined with a balanced diet, thereby confirming that it is essential to associate physical exercise and diet. The training protocol resulted in eccentric left ventricular hypertrophy in the standard-diet group and decreased interstitial collagen deposition in the myocardium of the high-fat-diet animals, which may indicate an improved diastolic function with consequent improvement in the systolic function. It was concluded that regular moderate aerobic exercise induce beneficial and prophylactic adaptations to heart which promoted a better health condition and prevention to diseases.


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The purpose of this paper is to discuss the concept of e-sports (or electronic sports) in sports journalism in transmedia context. To achieve this goal are performed refl ections on the current concept of sport, the strong presence of game culture in contemporary society and their implications in the media ecosystem through the presentation of an on-line platform for electronic sports, called Twitch. Th is thread moves into a new media ecosystem created in interdisciplinary sphere that encompasses sports and media & technology. In this environment sports and video games seek merge into the concept of e-sport (electronic sport), a phenomenon of contemporary digital culture.


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Este trabalho aborda a natação para a pessoa com deficiência (PCD), tendo como objetivo verificar o nível de desempenho aquático de participantes do projeto de ensino de natação adaptada. Destacamos o intuito de avaliar a perspectiva de início de um treinamento paralímpico em natação. Foram analisados 14 usuá- rios da Sorri-Bauru, vinculados a um programa de iniciação, quanto ao seu nível de desempenho na água. Verificamos que a grande maioria ainda encontra-se em fase inicial da aprendizagem dos estilos, onde a respiração e a autonomia no meio líquido ainda necessitam ser amplamente dominadas. Porém, a partir dos resultados é possível propor o início do processo de treinamento criando um vínculo entre a PCD e o professor/técnico e que sejam respeitadas as limitações e potencialidades dos participantes.


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A quick setup of the digital environment that occurs in these first decades of the twentyfirst century has involved the use of electronic devices for consume content both at home, at work and on the go (ComScore, 2011). The emergence of this vast multiplatform digital landscape impels to know of individual and complementary use of these devices with ubiquitous nature or not. The widespread adoption of smartphones, tablets and other connected devices via internet makes users / consumers of these devices to feed a diet based on a constant flow of digital content across different platforms. The objective of this paper is to describe the role of television in the context of the Media Ecology which is established by the "digital omnivores" a new group of consumers whose name, according Canavilhas (2013, p.03), "is related with the platforms that consumers use to access the Internet, but also to the type of individual and multiplatform consumption they do.”


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)