889 resultados para Economics, General|Economics, Finance|Economics, Theory
This thesis entitled Geometric algebra and einsteins electron: Deterministic field theories .The work in this thesis clarifies an important part of Koga’s theory.Koga also developed a theory of the electron incorporating its gravitational field, using his substitutes for Einstein’s equation.The third chapter deals with the application of geometric algebra to Koga’s approach of the Dirac equation. In chapter 4 we study some aspects of the work of mendel sachs (35,36,37,).Sachs stated aim is to show how quantum mechanics is a limiting case of a general relativistic unified field theory.Chapter 5 contains a critical study and comparison of the work of Koga and Sachs. In particular, we conclude that the incorporation of Mach’s principle is not necessary in Sachs’s treatment of the Dirac equation.
It is shown here that the angular relation equations between direct and reciprocal vectors are very similar to the angular relation equations in Euler's theorem. These two sets of equations are usually treated separately as unrelated equations in different fields. In this careful study, the connection between the two sets of angular equations is revealed by considering the cosine rule for the spherical triangle. It is found that understanding of the correlation is hindered by the facts that the same variables are defined differently and different symbols are used to represent them in the two fields. Understanding the connection between different concepts is not only stimulating and beneficial, but also a fundamental tool in innovation and research, and has historical significance. The background of the work presented here contains elements of many scientific disciplines. This work illustrates the common ground of two theories usually considered separately and is therefore of benefit not only for its own sake but also to illustrate a general principle that a theory relevant to one discipline can often be used in another. The paper works with chemistry related concepts using mathematical methodologies unfamiliar to the usual audience of mainstream experimental and theoretical chemists.
The increasing availability of social statistics in Latin America opens new possibilities in terms of accountability and incentive mechanisms for policy makers. This paper addresses these issues within the institutional context of the Brazilian educational system. We build a theoretical model based on the theory of incentives to analyze the role of the recently launched Basic Education Development Index (Ideb) in the provision of incentives at the sub-national level. The first result is to demonstrate that an education target system has the potential to improve the allocation of resources to education through conditional transfers to municipalities and schools. Second, we analyze the local government’s decision about how to allocate its education budget when seeking to accomplish the different objectives contemplated by the index, which involves the interaction between its two components, average proficiency and the passing rate. We discuss as well policy issues concerning the implementation of the synthetic education index in the light of this model arguing that there is room for improving the Ideb’s methodology itself. In addition, we analyze the desirable properties of an ideal education index and we argue in favor of an ex-post relative learning evaluation system for different municipalities (schools) based on the value added across different grades
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo subsidiar o investidor de Fundos de Investimento Imobiliário na escolha de uma carteira de aplicação de FIIs, visando obter performance igual ou superior ao índice de referência do setor (IFIX). Tal subsídio é constituído, inicialmente, por uma metodologia que considera que o conceito de Carteira Eficiente (Risco/Retorno) preconizada por Markowitz pode trabalhar em conjunto com a dimensão do conceito das Finanças Comportamentais, liderada por Daniel Kahneman, constituindo as bases de orientação do investidor. Acrescentamos o caminho metodológico com as indicações, sugeridas por Bazerman e Moore, no processo de tomada de decisão, que reduza os efeitos de heurísticas e vieses.
Portland-polymers composites are promising candidates to be used as cementing material in Northeastern oil wells of Brazil containing heavy oils submitted to steam injection. In this way, it is necessary to evaluate its degradation in the commonly acidizind agents. In addition, to identify how aggressive are the different hostile environments it is an important contribution on the decision of the acidic systems to be used in. It was investigated the performance of the Portland-polymer composites using powdered polyurethane, aqueous polyurethane, rubber tire residues and a biopolymer, those were reinforced with polished carbon steel SAE 1045 to make the electrochemical measurements. HCl 15,0 %, HCl 6,0 % + HF 1,5 % (soft mud acid), HCl 12,0 % + HF 3,0 % (regular mud acid) and HAc 10 % + HF 1,5 % were used as degrading environment and electrolytes. The more aggressive acid solution to the plain Portland hardened cement paste was the regular mud acid, that showed loss of weight around 23.0 %, followed by the soft mud acid, the showed 11.0 %, 15.0 % HCl with 7,0 % and, at last the 10.0 % HAc plus HF 1.5 % with just 1.0 %. The powdered polyurethane-composite and the aqueous polyurethane one showed larger durability, with reduction around 87.0 % on the loss of weight in regular mud acid. The acid attack is superficial and it occurs as an action layer, where the degraded layer is responsible for the decrease on the kinetic of the degrading process. This behavior can be seen mainly on the Portland- aqueous polyurethane composite, because the degraded layer is impregnated with chemically modified polymer. The fact of the acid attack does not have influence on the compressive strength or fratography of the samples, in a general way, confirms that theory. The mechanism of the efficiency of the Portland-polymers composites subjected to acid attack is due to decreased porosity and permeability related with the plain Portland paste, minor quantity of Ca+2, element preferentially leached to the acidic solution, wave effect and to substitute part of the degrading bulk for the polymeric one. The electrolyte HAc 10 % + HF 1,5 % was the least aggressive one to the external corrosion of the casing, showing open circuit potentials around +250 mV compared to -130 mV to the simulated pore solution to the first 24 hours immersion. This behavior has been performed for two months at least. Similar corrosion rates were showed between both of the electrolytes, around 0.01 μA.cm-2. Total impedance values, insipient arcs and big polarization resistance capacitive arcs on the Nyquist plots, indicating passivity process, confirm its efficiency. In this way, Portlandpolymers composites are possible solutions to be succeed applied to oilwell cementing concomitant submitted to steam injection and acidizing operation and the HAc 10,0 % + HF 1,5 % is the less aggressive solution to the external corrosion of the casing
The dissertation, which is based on the deductive method, by using general concepts of the theory of the administrative participation in the administrative process, addresses the importance of strengthening administrative and procedural activities of citizen involvement in public administration for the administrative consolidation of democracy in Brazil. The emergence of Administrative Law has particular importance for the understanding of its institutions and, of course, for the different fields of public administration. The authoritarian profile of this area of law still exists as a clear recollection of their origin, mainly based on a relationship of superiority of the state over the individuals. Indeed, does not even modern constitutionalism could print a true democracy administrative, since the constitutions were not properly observed by the Government. Furthermore, only the process of constitutionalization of administrative law legal relations took a more democratic profile. That is, the creation of an environment of dialogue with civil society is a recent achievement of the Brazilian government. As the administrative process involves dilemmas and solutions of state action, because it is revealed the expression government, the strengthening of institutions and principles related to the administrative procedure is important for role in making a more participatory relationship between state and citizen. Thus, administrative participation can be considered not only a mechanism of control and legitimacy of state action, but also for improvement and reduction of administrative costs, as a requirement of the principle of efficiency. The objective of this investigation is to assert as the administrative legal relation, the administrative legality, the administrative jurisdiction, the processuality administrative, the consensuality administrative and administrative justice, together with administrative participation, can contribute to a more democratic role of the Public Administration and, therefore, more dialogic and consolidator of the fundamental rights of citizens. Therefore, we highlight the importance of the administrative process and administrative participation as mechanisms for improving public policy and thus as a means of reducing administrative costs mediate the state
Pós-graduação em Economia - FCLAR
Topics include: Semicontinuity, equicontinuity, absolute continuity, metric spaces, compact spaces, Ascoli’s theorem, Stone Weierstrass theorem, Borel and Lebesque measures, measurable functions, Lebesque integration, convergence theorems, Lp spaces, general measure and integration theory, Radon- Nikodyn theorem, Fubini theorem, Lebesque-Stieltjes integration, Semicontinuity, equicontinuity, absolute continuity, metric spaces, compact spaces, Ascoli’s theorem, Stone Weierstrass theorem, Borel and Lebesque measures, measurable functions, Lebesque integration, convergence theorems, Lp spaces, general measure and integration theory, Radon-Nikodyn theorem, Fubini theorem, Lebesque-Stieltjes integration.
We study the coincidence theory of maps between two manifolds of the same dimension from an axiomatic viewpoint. First we look at coincidences of maps between manifolds where one of the maps is orientation true, and give a set of axioms such that characterizes the local index (which is an integer valued function). Then we consider coincidence theory for arbitrary pairs of maps between two manifolds. Similarly we provide a set of axioms which characterize the local index, which in this case is a function with values in Z circle plus Z(2). We also show in each setting that the group of values for the index (either Z or Z circle plus Z(2)) is determined by the axioms. Finally, for the general case of coincidence theory for arbitrary pairs of maps between two manifolds we provide a set of axioms which characterize the local Reidemeister trace which is an element of an abelian group which depends on the pair of functions. These results extend known results for coincidences between orientable differentiable manifolds. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In my PhD thesis I propose a Bayesian nonparametric estimation method for structural econometric models where the functional parameter of interest describes the economic agent's behavior. The structural parameter is characterized as the solution of a functional equation, or by using more technical words, as the solution of an inverse problem that can be either ill-posed or well-posed. From a Bayesian point of view, the parameter of interest is a random function and the solution to the inference problem is the posterior distribution of this parameter. A regular version of the posterior distribution in functional spaces is characterized. However, the infinite dimension of the considered spaces causes a problem of non continuity of the solution and then a problem of inconsistency, from a frequentist point of view, of the posterior distribution (i.e. problem of ill-posedness). The contribution of this essay is to propose new methods to deal with this problem of ill-posedness. The first one consists in adopting a Tikhonov regularization scheme in the construction of the posterior distribution so that I end up with a new object that I call regularized posterior distribution and that I guess it is solution of the inverse problem. The second approach consists in specifying a prior distribution on the parameter of interest of the g-prior type. Then, I detect a class of models for which the prior distribution is able to correct for the ill-posedness also in infinite dimensional problems. I study asymptotic properties of these proposed solutions and I prove that, under some regularity condition satisfied by the true value of the parameter of interest, they are consistent in a "frequentist" sense. Once I have set the general theory, I apply my bayesian nonparametric methodology to different estimation problems. First, I apply this estimator to deconvolution and to hazard rate, density and regression estimation. Then, I consider the estimation of an Instrumental Regression that is useful in micro-econometrics when we have to deal with problems of endogeneity. Finally, I develop an application in finance: I get the bayesian estimator for the equilibrium asset pricing functional by using the Euler equation defined in the Lucas'(1978) tree-type models.
In this work I reported recent results in the field of Statistical Mechanics of Equilibrium, and in particular in Spin Glass models and Monomer Dimer models . We start giving the mathematical background and the general formalism for Spin (Disordered) Models with some of their applications to physical and mathematical problems. Next we move on general aspects of the theory of spin glasses, in particular to the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model which is of fundamental interest for the work. In Chapter 3, we introduce the Multi-species Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model (MSK), we prove the existence of the thermodynamical limit and the Guerra's Bound for the quenched pressure together with a detailed analysis of the annealed and the replica symmetric regime. The result is a multidimensional generalization of the Parisi's theory. Finally we brie y illustrate the strategy of the Panchenko's proof of the lower bound. In Chapter 4 we discuss the Aizenmann-Contucci and the Ghirlanda-Guerra identities for a wide class of Spin Glass models. As an example of application, we discuss the role of these identities in the proof of the lower bound. In Chapter 5 we introduce the basic mathematical formalism of Monomer Dimer models. We introduce a Gaussian representation of the partition function that will be fundamental in the rest of the work. In Chapter 6, we introduce an interacting Monomer-Dimer model. Its exact solution is derived and a detailed study of its analytical properties and related physical quantities is performed. In Chapter 7, we introduce a quenched randomness in the Monomer Dimer model and show that, under suitable conditions the pressure is a self averaging quantity. The main result is that, if we consider randomness only in the monomer activity, the model is exactly solvable.
Violence comes in many forms and occurs in many different circumstances for many different reasons. Is it really possible to develop a single theory that can explain all these disparate acts? In this paper, we argue it is. We will make the case that acts of violence are essentially moral actions and therefore can, and should, be analysed and explained as such. We will maintain that all acts of violence can be explained within the general framework of a theory of moral action. We will present just such a theory – Situational Action Theory – and demonstrate how it can be applied to the explanation and study of violence.
Também conhecida por inúmeras outras denominações, como sistemismo e abordagem sistêmica, a Teoria Geral dos Sistemas, proposta pelo austríaco e biólogo, Ludwig Von Bertalanffy, teve sua construção entre os anos 20 e 30, embora tenha apenas sido publicada e veiculada somente anos mais tarde. Importante ressaltar que seu maior propósito foi o de colocar fim no cartesianismo que permeava a ciência da época, na tentativa de demonstrar que algumas realidades careciam de análises mais holísticas e subjetivas. Assim, o presente trabalho possui como seu maior objetivo, o interesse em apresentar o postulado de referida teoria e, da mesma maneira, refletir acerca de suas proposições, demonstrando como fora aceita pelas inúmeras áreas do conhecimento e, por conseqüência, pelos estudos do Turismo. Especificamente, toda a discussão do artigo busca apresentá-la como método pertinente para a análise da atividade turística, dada sua complexidade. Para tanto, para a consecução do estudo, utilizou-se basicamente de análise bibliográfica relacionada à temática, tanto em sua forma geral como específica às discussões do turismo, já que não foi interesse do mesmo se aprofundar no que concerne à sua aplicabilidade. Como resultados gerados a partir das reflexões, tem-se que mesmo não sendo utilizada como método fim de análise, não se pode omitir o fato de que a Teoria Geral dos Sistemas pode servir de base para outras técnicas de análise, da mesma maneira que os estudos, embora avancem, parecem não acompanhar o próprio dinamismo da atividade.
Summary. Negotiating in the Council of the European Union poses some challenges that are common to most international negotiations but there are other dimensions that are a lot more specific. In order to understand better the specific nature of negotiations on a European level and to develop some practical guidelines for European negotiators, it is important to situate European negotiations in the more general context of the theory on international relations and to remember that European negotiations are governed by the general principles which characterise the negotiation theory. This working document has three objectives; after having reminded ourselves of the fundamental principles that govern European negotiations, it aims to provide a general foundation, which in turn will be useful for preparing most negotiations within the Council. A series of practical recommendations will then be made in order to contribute to the strategic thinking of the negotiator responsible for defending the interests of his or her Member State within the Council.