938 resultados para Early family.
This case study focuses on non-verbal behaviour in father-mother-infant triads. Analyses were done on transitional moments during which the partners exchanged an active role for a participant-observer role, or vice versa. Transitions are known to be crucial moments for revealing familial transactional mechanisms. Our sample was comprised of six non-clinical families, characterized by different types of functional or problematic alliances (which is the degree of coordination between the partners). Our methodology included micro-analysis of body and gaze formations, facial expressions, and so on. Data were analysed using the research package 'THEME' for the detection of hidden patterns. Different types of non-verbal patterns were found, which may be prototypes corresponding to the different types of alliance. The patterns of the families with high alliances had a more elaborate construction and were more efficient for the concluding of transitions than the patterns of families with low alliances, which were either elementary or laborious. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2006 APA, all rights reserved) (journal abstract)
A family history of coronary artery disease (CAD), especially when the disease occurs at a young age, is a potent risk factor for CAD. DNA collection in families in which two or more siblings are affected at an early age allows identification of genetic factors for CAD by linkage analysis. We performed a genomewide scan in 1,168 individuals from 438 families, including 493 affected sibling pairs with documented onset of CAD before 51 years of age in men and before 56 years of age in women. We prospectively defined three phenotypic subsets of families: (1) acute coronary syndrome in two or more siblings; (2) absence of type 2 diabetes in all affected siblings; and (3) atherogenic dyslipidemia in any one sibling. Genotypes were analyzed for 395 microsatellite markers. Regions were defined as providing evidence for linkage if they provided parametric two-point LOD scores >1.5, together with nonparametric multipoint LOD scores >1.0. Regions on chromosomes 3q13 (multipoint LOD = 3.3; empirical P value <.001) and 5q31 (multipoint LOD = 1.4; empirical P value <.081) met these criteria in the entire data set, and regions on chromosomes 1q25, 3q13, 7p14, and 19p13 met these criteria in one or more of the subsets. Two regions, 3q13 and 1q25, met the criteria for genomewide significance. We have identified a region on chromosome 3q13 that is linked to early-onset CAD, as well as additional regions of interest that will require further analysis. These data provide initial areas of the human genome where further investigation may reveal susceptibility genes for early-onset CAD.
The corpus callosum (CC) is the major commissure that bridges the cerebral hemispheres. Agenesis of the CC is associated with human ciliopathies, but the origin of this default is unclear. Regulatory Factor X3 (RFX3) is a transcription factor involved in the control of ciliogenesis, and Rfx3-deficient mice show several hallmarks of ciliopathies including left-right asymmetry defects and hydrocephalus. Here we show that Rfx3-deficient mice suffer from CC agenesis associated with a marked disorganisation of guidepost neurons required for axon pathfinding across the midline. Using transplantation assays, we demonstrate that abnormalities of the mutant midline region are primarily responsible for the CC malformation. Conditional genetic inactivation shows that RFX3 is not required in guidepost cells for proper CC formation, but is required before E12.5 for proper patterning of the cortical septal boundary and hence accurate distribution of guidepost neurons at later stages. We observe focused but consistent ectopic expression of Fibroblast growth factor 8 (Fgf8) at the rostro commissural plate associated with a reduced ratio of GLIoma-associated oncogene family zinc finger 3 (GLI3) repressor to activator forms. We demonstrate on brain explant cultures that ectopic FGF8 reproduces the guidepost neuronal defects observed in Rfx3 mutants. This study unravels a crucial role of RFX3 during early brain development by indirectly regulating GLI3 activity, which leads to FGF8 upregulation and ultimately to disturbed distribution of guidepost neurons required for CC morphogenesis. Hence, the RFX3 mutant mouse model brings novel understandings of the mechanisms that underlie CC agenesis in ciliopathies.
Failure to thrive in a girl born into a family affected by familial dysalbuminemic hyperthyroxinemia
Autosomal dominant familial dysalbuminemic hyperthyroxinemia (FDH)is characterized by modified human serum albumin (HSA) inducing asubstantially higher affinity for thyroxine (T4). Histidin or prolinsubstitution on residue R218 produces localized conformationalchanges of HSA creating additional room for T4 binding, leadingto 14-20 fold normal total T4 (TT4) levels. Affected individuals areconsidered euthyroid. Our patient is an 18 months-old swiss girl bornto a mother known for the rare R218P mutation in the HSA gene.She presented with severe failure to thrive (height -2.92 SD, weight-3.6 SD), habitual hip dislocation without anatomical anomaly, latefontanelle closing and protruding ears. Psychomotor development isslightly retarded. Thyroid function testing confirmed extremely high TT4(1446.0 nmol/l) levels, which are similar to her brother's values (1534.4nmol/l and 1757.6 nmol/l respectively). Free T4 seems slightly elevated(26 pmol/l), probably due to methodological reasons. TSH (0.92 mU/l),free T3 (4.4 pmol/l) and thyroxin binding globulin (32 mg/l) are withinthe normal range. Her two half-brothers, affected by the samemutation, are now 18.7 (P1) and 16.6 (P2) years old and wereoriginally described by S. Pannain et al. in 2000. Both werecharacterized by growth retardation (-2.1 and -2.2 SD) before the ageof 4 years. P1 has reached a normal adult height (-0.4 SD) and P2has caught up to normal growth (-0.68 SD) with moderate bonematuration delay. Pubertal development and anterior pituitary functionare adequate. Primary growth and developmental retardation in thefirst years of life with adequate catch-up seem to be a distinctcharacteristic in FDH with R218P mutation. Hip dislocation is typicallyseen in other situations associated to thyroid disorders, like Downsyndrome. These findings might be explained by altered early thyroidhormone utilization in children with FDH.
Highly diverse radiolarian faunas of latest Maastrichtian to early Eocene age have been recovered from the low latitude realm in order to contribute to the clarification of radiolarian taxonomy, construct a zonation based on a discrete sequence of co-existence intervals of species ranging from the late Paleocene to early Eocene and to describe a rich low latitude latest Cretaceous to late Paleocene fauna. 225 samples of late Paleocene to early Eocene age have been collected from ODP Leg 171 B-Hole 1051 A (Blake Nose), DSDP Leg 43-Site 384 (Northwest Atlantic) and DSDP Leg 10-Sites 86, 94, 95, 96. Sequences consist of mainly pelagic oozes and chalks, with some clay and ash layers. A new imaging technique is devised to perform (in particular on topotypic material) both transmitted light microscopy and SEM imaging on individual radiolarian specimens. SEM precedes transmitted light imaging. Radiolarians are adhered to a cover slip (using nail varnish) which is secured to a stub using conductive levers. Specimens are then photographed in low vacuum (40-50Pa; 0.5mbar), which enables charge neutralization by ionized molecules of the chamber atmosphere. Thus gold coating is avoided and subsequently this allows transmitted light imaging to follow. The conductive levers are unscrewed and the cover slip is simply overturned and mounted with Canada balsam. In an attempt towards a post-Haeckelian classification, the initial spicule (Entactinaria), micro- or macrosphere (Spumellaria) and initial spicule and cephalis (Nassellaria) have been studied by slicing Entactinaria and Spumellaria, and by tilting Nassellaria in the SEM chamber. A new genus of the family Coccodiscidae is erected and Spongatractus HAECKEL is re-located to the subfamily Axopruinae. The biochronology has been carried out using the Unitary Association Method (Guex 1977, 1991). A database recording the occurrences of 112 species has been used to establish a succession of 22 Unitary Associations. Each association is correlated to chronostratigraphy via calcareous microfossils that were previously studied by other authors. The 22 UAs have been united into seven Unitary Associations Zones (UAZones) (JP10- JE4). The established zones permit to distinguish supplementary subdivisions within the existing zonation. The low-latitude Paleocene radiolarian zonation established by Sanfilippo and Nigrini (1998a) is incomplete due to the lack of radiolarian-bearing early Paleocene sediments. In order to contribute to the study of sparsely known low latitude early Paleocene faunas, 80 samples were taken from the highly siliceous Guayaquil Formation (Ecuador). The sequence consists of black cherts, shales, siliceous limestones and volcanic ash layers. The carbonate content increases up section. Age control is supplied by sporadic occurrences of silicified planktonic foraminifera casts. One Cretaceous zone and seven Paleocene zones have been identified. The existing zonation for the South Pacific can be applied to the early-early late Paleocene sequence, although certain marker species have significantly shorter ranges (notably Buryella foremanae and B. granulata). Despite missing marker species in the late Paleocene, faunal distribution correlates reasonably to the Low-Latitude zonation. An assemblage highly abundant in Lithomelissa, Lophophaena and Cycladophora in the upper RP6 zone (correlated by the presence of Pterocodon poculum, Circodiscus circularis, Pterocodon? sp. aff. P. tenellus and Stylotrochus nitidus) shows a close affinity to contemporaneous faunas reported from Site 1121, Campbell Plateau. Coupled with a high diatom abundance (notably Aulacodiscus spp. and Arachnoidiscus spp.), these faunas are interpreted as reflecting a period of enhanced biosiliceous productivity during the late Paleocene. The youngest sample is void of radiolarians, diatoms and sponge spicules yet contains many pyritized infaunal benthic foraminifera which are akin to the midway-type fauna. The presence of this fauna suggests deposition in a neritic environment. This is in contrast to the inferred bathyal slope depositional environment of the older Paleocene sediments and suggests a shoaling of the depositional environment which may be related to a coeval major accretionary event. RESUME DE LA THESE Des faunes de radiolaires de basses latitudes très diversifiées d'âge Maastrichtien terminal à Eocène inférieur, ont été étudiées afin de contribuer à la clarification de leur taxonomie, de construire une biozonation basée sur une séquence discrète d'intervalles de coexistence des espèces d'age Paléocène supérieur à Eocène inférieur et de décrire une riche faune de basse latitude allant du Crétacé terminal au Paléocène supérieur. L'étude de cette faune contribue particulièrement à la connaissance des insaisissables radiolaires de basses latitudes du Paléocène inférieur. 225 échantillons d'âge Paléocène supérieur à Eocène inférieur provenant des ODP Leg 171B-Site 1051A (Blake Nose), Leg DSDP 43-Site 384 (Atlantique Nord -Ouest) et des DSDP Leg 10 -Sites 86, 94, 95, 96, ont été étudiés. Ces séquences sont constituées principalement de « ooze » et de « chalks »pélagiques ainsi que de quelques niveaux de cendres et d'argiles. Une nouvelle technique d'imagerie a été conçue afin de pouvoir prendre conjointement des images en lumière transmise et au Microscope Electronique à Balayage (MEB) de spécimens individuels. Ceci à été particulièrement appliqué à l'étude des topotypes. L'imagerie MEB précède l'imagerie en lumière transmise. Les radiolaires sont collés sur une lame pour micropaléontologie (au moyen de vernis à ongles) qui est ensuite fixée à un porte-objet à l'aide de bras métalliques conducteurs. Les spécimens sont ensuite photographiés en vide partiel (40-50Pa; 0.5mbar), ce qui permet la neutralisation des charges électrostatiques dues à la présence de molécules ionisées dans l'atmosphère de la chambre d'observation. Ainsi la métallisation de l'échantillon avec de l'or n'est plus nécessaire et ceci permet l'observation ultérieure en lumière transmise. Les bras conducteurs sont ensuite dévissés et la lame est simplement retournée et immergée dans du baume du Canada. Dans une approche de classification post Haeckelienne, le spicule initial (Entactinaires), la micro- ou macro -sphère (Spumellaires) et le spicule initial et cephalis (Nassellaires) ont été étudiés. Ceci a nécessité le sectionnement d'Entactinaires et de Spumellaires, et de pivoter les Nassellaires dans la chambre d'observation du MEB. Un nouveau genre de la Famille des Coccodiscidae a été érigé et Spongatractus HAECKEL à été réassigné à la sous-famille des Axopruninae. L'analyse biostratigraphique à été effectuée à l'aide de la méthode des Associations Unitaires {Guex 1977, 1991). Une base de données enregistrant les présences de 112 espèces à été utilisée poux établir une succession de 22 Associations Unitaires. Chaque association est corrélée à la chronostratigraphie au moyen de microfossiles calcaires précédemment étudiés par d'autres auteurs. Les 22 UAs ont été combinées en sept Zones d'Associations Unitaires (UAZones) (JP10- JE4). Ces Zones permettent d'insérer des subdivisions supplémentaires dans la zonation actuelle. La zonation de basses latitudes du Paléocène établie par Sanfilippo et Nigrini (1998a) est incomplète due au manque de sédiments du Paléocène inférieur contenant des radiolaires. Afin de contribuer à l'étude des faunes peu connues des basses latitudes du Paléocène inférieur, 80 échantillons ont été prélevés d'une section siliceuse de la Formation de Guayaquil (Equateur). La séquence est composée de cherts noirs, de shales, de calcaires siliceux et de couches de cendres volcaniques. La fraction carbonatée augmente vers le haut de la section. Des contraintes chronologiques sont fournies par la présence sporadique de moules de foraminifères planctoniques. Une zone d'intervalles du Crétacé et sept du Paléocène ont été mises en évidence. Bien que certaines espèces marqueur ont des distributions remarquablement plus courtes (notamment Buryella foremanae et B. granulata), la zonation existante pour le Pacifique Sud est applicable à la séquence d'age Paléocène inférieure à Paléocène supérieur basal étudiée. Malgré l'absence d'espèces marqueur du Paléocène supérieur, la succession faunistique se corrèle raisonnablement avec la zonation pour les basses latitudes. Un assemblage contenant d'abondants représentant du genre Lithomelissa, Lophophaena et Cycladophora dans la zone RP6 (correlée par la présence de Pterocodon poculum, Circodiscus circularis, Pterocodon? sp. aff. P. tenellus et Stylotrochus nitidus) montre une grande similitude avec certaines faunes issues des hauts latitudes et d'age semblable décrites par Hollis (2002, Site 1121, Campbell Plateau). Ceci, en plus d'une abondance importante en diatomés (notamment Aulacodiscus spp. et Arachnoidiscus spp.) nous mènent à interpréter cette faune comme témoin d'un épisode de productivité biosiliceuse accrue dans le Paléocène supérieur. L'échantillon le plus jeune, dépourvu de radiolaires, de diatomés et de spicules d'éponge contient de nombreux foraminifères benthiques infaunaux pyritisés. Les espèces identifiées sont caractéristiques d'une faune de type midway. La présence de ces foraminifères suggère un environnement de type néritique. Ceci est en contraste avec l'environnement de pente bathyale caractérisent les sédiments sous-jacent. Cette séquence de diminution de la tranche d'eau peut être associée à un événement d'accrétion majeure. RESUME DE LA THESE (POUR LE GRAND PUBLIC) Les radiolaires constituent le groupe de plancton marin le plus divers et le plus largement répandu de l'enregistrement fossile. Un taux d'évolution rapide et une variation géographique considérable des populations font des radiolaires un outil de recherche sans égal pour la biostratigraphie et la paléocéanographie. Néanmoins, avant de pouvoir les utiliser comme outils de travail, il est essentiel d'établir une solide base taxonomique. L'étude des Radiolaires peut impliquer plusieurs techniques d'extraction, d'observation et d'imagerie qui sont dépendantes du degré d'altération diagénétique des spécimens. Le squelette initial, qu'il s'agisse d'un spicule initial (Entactinaria), d'une micro- ou macro -sphère (Spumellaria) ou d'un spicule initial et d'un cephalis (Nassellaria), est l'élément le plus constant au cours de l'évolution et devrait représenter le fondement de la systématique. Des échantillons provenant de carottes de basses latitudes du Deep Sea Drilling Project et de l' Ocean Drilling ont été étudiés. De nouvelles techniques d'imagerie et de sectionnement ont été développées sur des topotypes de radiolaires préservés en opale, dans le but d'étudier les caractéristiques de leur squelette initial qui n'étaient pas visibles dans leur illustration originale. Ceci aide entre autre à comparer des spécimens recristallisés en quartz, provenant de terrains accrétés, avec les holotypes en opale de la littérature. La distribution des espèces étudiés a fourni des données biostratigraphiques qui ont été compilées à l'aide de la méthode des Associations Unitaires (Guez 1977, 1991). Il s'agit d'un modèle mathématique déterministe conçu pour exploiter la totalité de l'assemblage plutôt que de se confiner à l'utilisation de taxons marqueurs individuels. Une séquence de 22 Associations Unitaires a été établie pour la période allant du Paléocène supérieur à l'Éocène inférieur. Chaque Association Unitaire a été corrélée à l'échelle de temps absolue à l'aide de microfossiles calcaires. Les 22 UAs ont été combinées en sept Zones d'Associations Unitaires (JP10- JE4). Ces Zones permettent d'insérer des subdivisions supplémentaires dans la zonation actuelle. Les radiolaires du Paléocène inférieur à moyen des basses latitudes sont rares. Les meilleures sections connues se trouvent dans les hautes latitudes (Nouvelle Zélande). Quelques assemblages épars ont été mentionnés par le passé en Californie, en Équateur et en Russie. Une séquence siliceuse de 190 mètres dans la Formation de Guayaquil (Équateur), s'étendant du Maastrichtien supérieur au Paléocène supérieur, a fourni des faunes relativement bien préservées. L'étude de ces faunes a permis de mettre en évidence la première séquence complète de radiolaires de basses latitudes dans le Paléocène inférieure. Huit zones allant du Crétacé terminal au Paléocène supérieur ont pu être appliqués et la présence de foraminifères planctoniques a fournie plusieurs points d'attache chronologiques. Dans le Paléocène supérieur, un riche assemblage contenant d'abondants diatomés et radiolaires ayant des similitudes faunistiques marquantes avec des assemblages de hautes latitudes de Nouvelle Zélande, témoigne d'un épisode de productivité biosiliceuse accrue pendant cette période. Étant donné que la pointe du continent sud-américain et l'Antarctique étaient plus proches au cours du Paléocène, ce phénomène peut être expliqué par le transport, le long de la côte ouest de l'Amérique du Sud, d'eaux riches en nutriments en provenance de l'Océan Antarctique. Suite à cet épisode, l'enregistrement en radiolaires est interrompu. Ceci peut être associé à des événements tectoniques régionaux qui ont eu pour effet de diminuer la tranche d'eau relative, rendant l'environnement plus favorable aux foraminifères benthiques qui sont abondamment présents dans l'échantillon le plus jeune de la séquence.
PURPOSE: Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most frequent disorders in childhood and adolescence. Both neurocognitive and environmental factors have been related to ADHD. The current study contributes to the documentation of the predictive relation between early attachment deprivation and ADHD. METHOD: Data were collected from 641 adopted adolescents (53.2 % girls) aged 11-16 years in five countries, using the DSM oriented scale for ADHD of the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) (Achenbach and Rescorla, Manual for the ASEBA school-age forms and profiles. University of Vermont, Research Center for Children, Youth and Families, Burlington, 2001). The influence of attachment deprivation on ADHD symptoms was initially tested taking into consideration several key variables that have been reported as influencing ADHD at the adoptee level (age, gender, length of time in the adoptive family, parents' educational level and marital status), and at the level of the country of origin and country of adoption (poverty, quality of health services and values). The analyses were computed using the multilevel modeling technique. RESULTS: The results showed that an increase in the level of ADHD symptoms was predicted by the duration of exposure to early attachment deprivation, estimated from the age of adoption, after controlling for the influence of adoptee and country variables. The effect of the age of adoption was also demonstrated to be specific to the level of ADHD symptoms in comparison to both the externalizing and internalizing behavior scales of the CBCL. CONCLUSION: Deprivation of stable and sensitive care in infancy may have long-lasting consequences for children's development.
• Promotes access to regular preventive health care services for children through contracts with 22 agencies covering all of Iowa’s 99 counties • Fosters age appropriate growth and development by promoting early identification of children’s health concerns and referral for diagnosis and treatment • Assists families to establish medical and dental homes for their children • Targets low income families – children on Medicaid and those who are uninsured and under insured • Strives to meet family needs and remove barriers to accessing health care by linking families to community-based, culturally appropriate services
Infants use their social competence very early to communicate not only in dyads but also in triads, in particular in the triangle they form with their mother and father. The development of this triangular communication is largely shaped by the ways the parents support or undermine each other in relation to their child. Whereas triangular communication is facilitated in "two for one" alliances, it is recruited in the service of regulating the parents' conflicts in "two against one" coalitions. These processes are manifest in toddlerhood and may be traced back to the coparenting alliance in formation during pregnancy.
The inhibition of phosphatidic acid phosphatase (PAP) activity by propanolol indicates that diacylglycerol (DAG) is required for the formation of transport carriers at the Golgi and for retrograde trafficking to the ER. Here we report that the PAP2 family member lipid phosphate phosphatase 3 (LPP3, also known as PAP2b) localizes in compartments of the secretory pathway from ER export sites to the Golgi complex. The depletion of human LPP3: (i) reduces the number of tubules generated from the ER-Golgi intermediate compartment and the Golgi, with those formed from the Golgi being longer in LPP3-silenced cells than in control cells; (ii) impairs the Rab6-dependent retrograde transport of Shiga toxin subunit B from the Golgi to the ER, but not the anterograde transport of VSV-G or ssDsRed; and (iii) induces a high accumulation of Golgi-associated membrane buds. LPP3 depletion also reduces levels of de novo synthesized DAG and the Golgi-associated DAG contents. Remarkably, overexpression of a catalytically inactive form of LPP3 mimics the effects of LPP3 knockdown on Rab6-dependent retrograde transport. We conclude that LPP3 participates in the formation of retrograde transport carriers at the ER-Golgi interface, where it transitorily cycles, and during its route to the plasma membrane.
The Albian amber from Spain presently harbors the greatest number and diversity of amber adult fossil snakeflies (Raphidioptera). Within Baissopteridae, Baissoptera? cretaceoelectrasp. n., from the Peñacerrada I outcrop (Moraza, Burgos), is the first amber inclusion belonging to the family and described from western Eurasia, thus substantially expanding the paleogeographical range of the family formerly known from the Cretaceous of Brazil and eastern Asia. Within the family Mesoraphidiidae, Necroraphidia arcuatagen. et sp. n. and Amarantoraphidia ventolinagen. et sp. n. are described from the El Soplao outcrop (Rábago, Cantabria), whereas Styporaphidia? hispanicasp. n. and Alavaraphidia imperterritagen. et sp. n. are describedfrom Peñacerrada I. In addition, three morphospecies are recognized from fragmentary remains. The following combinations are restored: Yanoraphidia gaoi Ren, 1995, stat. rest., Mesoraphidia durlstonensis Jepson, Coram and Jarzembowski, 2009, stat. rest., and Mesoraphidia heteroneura Ren, 1997, stat. rest. The singularity of this rich paleodiversity could be due to the paleogeographic isolation of the Iberian territory and also the prevalence of wildfires during the Cretaceous.
BACKGROUND: Two major sources of heterogeneity of mood disorders that have been demonstrated in clinical, family and genetic studies are the mood disorder subtype (i.e. bipolar (BPD) and major depressive disorder (MDD)) and age of onset of mood episodes. Using a prospective high-risk study design, our aims were to test the specificity of the parent-child transmission of BPD and MDD and to establish the risk of psychopathology in offspring in function of the age of onset of the parental disorder. METHODS: Clinical information was collected on 208 probands (n=81 with BPD, n=64 with MDD, n=63 medical controls) as well as their 202 spouses and 372 children aged 6-17 years at study entry. Parents and children were directly interviewed every 3 years (mean duration of follow-up=10.6 years). Parental age of onset was dichotomized at age 21. RESULTS: Offspring of parents with early onset BPD entailed a higher risk of BPD HR=7.9(1.8-34.6) and substance use disorders HR=5.0(1.1-21.9) than those with later onset and controls. Depressive disorders were not significantly increased in offspring regardless of parental mood disorder subtype or age of onset. LIMITATIONS: Limited sample size, age of onset in probands was obtained retrospectively, age of onset in co-parents was not adequately documented, and a quarter of the children had no direct interview. CONCLUSIONS: Our results provide support for the independence of familial aggregation of BPD from MDD and the heterogeneity of BPD based on patterns of onset. Future studies should further investigate correlates of early versus later onset BPD.
Proteases are important for regulating multiple tumorigenic processes, including angiogenesis, tumor growth, and invasion. Elevated protease expression is associated with poor patient prognosis across numerous tumor types. Several multigene protease families have been implicated in cancer, including cysteine cathepsins. However, whether individual family members have unique roles or are functionally redundant remains poorly understood. Here we demonstrate stage-dependent effects of simultaneously deleting cathepsin B (CtsB) and CtsS in a murine pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor model. Early in tumorigenesis, the double knockout results in an additive reduction in angiogenic switching, whereas at late stages, several tumorigenic phenotypes are unexpectedly restored to wild-type levels. We identified CtsZ, which is predominantly supplied by tumor-associated macrophages, as the compensatory protease that regulates the acquired tumor-promoting functions of lesions deficient in both CtsB and CtsS. Thus, deletion of multiple cathepsins can lead to stage-dependent, compensatory mechanisms in the tumor microenvironment, which has potential implications for the clinical consideration of selective versus pan-family cathepsin inhibitors in cancer.
To understand the natural history of cervical human papillomavirus (HPV)-infections, more information is needed on their genotype-specific prevalence, acquisition, clearance, persistence and progression. This thesis is part of the prospective Finnish Family HPV study. 329 pregnant women (mean age 25.5 years) were recruited during the third trimester of pregnancy and were followed up for 6 years. The outcomes of cervical HPV infections were evaluated among all the mothers participating in the study. Generalized estimating equation (GEE)-models and Poisson regression were used to estimate the risk factors of type-specific acquisition, clearance, persistence and progression of Species 7 and 9 HPV-genotypes. Independent protective factors against incident infections were higher number of life-time sexual partners, initiation of oral contraceptive use after age 20 years and becoming pregnant during FU. Older age and negative oral HR-HPV DNA status at baseline were associated with increased clearance, whereas higher number of current sexual partners decreased the probability of clearance. Early onset of smoking, practicing oral sex and older age increased the risk of type-specific persistence, while key predictors of CIN/SIL were persistent HR-HPV, abnormal Pap smear and new sexual partners. HPV16, together with multiple-type infections were the most frequent incident genotypes, most likely to remain persistent and least likely to clear. Collectively, LR-HPV types showed shorter incidence and clearance times than HR-HPV types. In multivariate models, different predictors were associated with these main viral outcomes, and there is some tentative evidence to suggest that oral mucosa might play a role in controlling some of these outcomes.
Allergic diseases including food allergy and eczema in an infant in combination with the everyday activities of caring for a family will pose challenges to parents. Only fragments of these challenges are revealed to health care professionals. Families have varying mental, social and economic resources to help them care for an allergic infant, and all such resources are important in determining how families succeed in meeting these challenges and the quality of the infant’s care. This study evaluated the whole burden to the family caused by an infant's allergic disease during the first 24 months of life. As the primary caregiver during this period is usually the mother, her perspective was considered important. Ecocultural theory, which considers families as capable of modifying the positive and negative forces facing them, was taken as the frame of reference. Data were collected as part of an ongoing prospective mother-infant study, and the methods included severity scoring of atopic dermatitis, dietary records, health-related quality of life measurements and assessments of the use of health care services and medications for treating the infant’s eczema, food allergy and asthma. Interviews with mothers were analysed by deductive content analysis on the basis of ecocultural theory and the family empowerment model. The theme “Living an ordinary family life” guided the organization of family activities essential for treating the infant's food allergy and eczema. These activities were sources of both strain and support for the mothers, the allergy-related supporting factors being the mother’s own knowledge of the allergy, hopes for an improvement in the infant’s condition, social support and work. An infant’s food allergy at the age of one year caused considerable strain for the mother in cases where the introduction of new foods into the child’s diet was delayed. This delay was still causing the mother additional strain when the child was 24 months of age. The infants waking at night at the ages of 12 and 24 months because of itching related to eczema caused strain for the mothers. The infants’ health-related quality of life was impaired at ages of 6 and 12 months compared with healthy infants. The principal reasons for impairments were itching, scratching and sleep disturbances at 6 and 12 months and treatment difficulties at 6 months. Problems with getting to sleep were reported at all stages irrespective of eczema and were also present in healthy infants. The economic impact of the treatment of allergic diseases on families during the first 24 months was 131 EUR (2006 value) in cases of eczema and 525 EUR in cases of food allergy. From the societal perspective, the costs of food allergy were a median of 3183 EUR (range 628–11 560 EUR) and of eczema a median of 275 EUR (range 94–1306 EUR). These large variations in costs in food allergy and eczema indicate that disease varies greatly . In conclusion, food allergy and eczema cause extra activities and costs to families which arrange these disease-related activities in such a way that they support the leading family theme “Living an ordinary family life”. Health care professionals should consider this thematic character of family life and disease-related activities in order to ensure that new treatments are sustainable, meaningful and tailored to daily activities. In addition, those mothers who are experiencing difficulties with food allergic infants or infants with eczema should be recognized early and provided with individual encouragement and support from health clinics. In the light of the present results, early detection of symptoms and effective parental guidance can contribute to the well-being and health-related quality of life of the child and family.
Seven selection indexes based on the phenotypic value of the individual and the mean performance of its family were assessed for their application in breeding of self-pollinated plants. There is no clear superiority from one index to another although some show one or more negative aspects, such as favoring the selection of a top performing plant from an inferior family in detriment of an excellent plant from a superior family