Studies on host-parasite relationships have commonly reported that parasitized hosts undergo changes in their behavioural and life history traits. How do these changes affect the fitness of the hosts? What are the ecological and evolutionary drivers of these changes? These open questions are crucial to predict the parasite spread amongst hosts. Surprisingly, mosquito vectors of diseases to humans and animals have long been seen as passive parasite transporters, being unaffected by the infection though they also function as hosts. Natural parasite-vector interactions are therefore poorly documented in the literature. In this thesis, we seek to address the role of wild vectors in the epidemiology of avian Plasmodium, the etiological agents of malaria in birds. We first conducted avian malaria surveys in field-caught mosquitoes to identify the natural vectors in our temperate study area. We report that ornithophilic Culex pipiens primarily act as a vector for Plasmodium vaughani in spring, this parasite species being progressively replaced by P. relictum along with the season. Season-related factors may thus shape the mosquitoes' vectorial capacity. We then used experimental approaches to determine the effect of avian malaria on wild, naturally infected C. pipiens. We show that infected mosquitoes incur unavoidable physiological costs associated with parasite exploitation, these costs being expressed as a reduced survival under nutritionally stressed conditions only. These results are of significant importance for the epidemiology of avian malaria since seasonal changes in climate may likely influence food quality and quantity available to the mosquitoes. The host-selection preferences of the vectors with respect to the malaria-infection status of their bird hosts largely determine the disease spreading. In a second laboratory experiment, we thus offered wild C. pipiens the opportunity to choose between uninfected and naturally infected great tits, Parus major. We show that host-seeking mosquitoes have innate orientation preferences for uninfected birds. This suggests that avian malaria parasites exert strong selective pressures on their vectors, pushing them to evolve anti-parasite behaviours. We lastly investigated the links between malaria-associated symptoms in birds and resulting attractiveness to the mosquitoes. We show that experimentally malaria-infected canaries, Serinus canaria, suffer severe haematocrit reduction at peak parasitaemia and reduced basal metabolic rate later in the course of the infection. However, no links between infection and bird attractiveness to the mosquitoes were shown in an experiment using canaries as live bait for mosquito trap in the field. These links may have been masked by confounding environmental factors. Using a system where the vectors, parasites and hosts co-occur in sympatry, this thesis illustrates that vectors are not always Plasmodium permissive, which opposes to the traditional view that malaria parasites should have little effect on their vectors. The way that the vectors respond to the parasite threat is largely determined by the environmental conditions. This may have major implications for the epidemiology of avian malaria. - Les études portant sur les relations hôtes-parasites mentionnent souvent que les hôtes parasités subissent des modifications de leurs traits d'histoire de vie ou bien comportementaux. Comment ces changements affectent-ils la valeur sélective des hôtes et celle de leurs parasites ? Quels sont les déterminants de ces modifications ? Ces questions sont d'un grand intérêt en épidémiologie. Pour autant, les moustiques vecteurs de maladies infectieuses ont longtemps été perçus comme de simples transporteurs de parasites, n'étant pas affectés par ces derniers. Cette thèse porte sur le rôle des vecteurs dans l'épidémiologie des Plasmodium aviaires, agents étiologiques de la malaria chez les oiseaux. Dans le but d'identifier les vecteurs naturels de malaria aviaire dans notre zone d'étude, nous avons tout d'abord collecté des moustiques sur le terrain, puis déterminé leur statut infectieux. Nous rapportons que les moustiques Culex pipiens sont principalement impliqués dans la transmission de Plasmodium vaughani au printemps, cette espèce de parasite étant progressivement remplacée par P. relictum au fil de la saison de transmission. Nous avons ensuite conduit une expérience visant à déterminer l'effet de la malaria aviaire sur des C. pipiens sauvages, naturellement infectés. Nous montrons que des coûts sont associés à l'infection pour les moustiques. Ces coûts occasionnent une diminution de la survie des vecteurs seulement lorsque ceux-ci sont privés de ressources nutritionnelles. Des changements saisonniers de climats pourraient affecter la quantité et la qualité des ressources disponibles pour les vecteurs et donc, leur aptitude à transmettre l'infection. Les traits comportementaux des moustiques vecteurs, tels que la recherche et le choix d'un hôte pour se nourrir, sont d'une importance majeure pour la dispersion de la malaria. Pour cela, nous avons offert à des C. pipiens sauvages l'opportunité de choisir simultanément entre une mésange charbonnière (Parus major) saine et une autre naturellement infectée. Nous montrons que les moustiques s'orientent préférentiellement vers des mésanges saines. Les Plasmodium aviaires exerceraient donc de fortes pressions de sélection sur leurs vecteurs, favorisant ainsi l'évolution de comportements d'évitement des parasites. Enfin nous avons cherché à identifier de potentiels liens entre symptômes de l'infection malarique chez les oiseaux et attractivité de ces derniers pour les moustiques. Nous montrons que des canaris (Serinus canaria) expérimentalement infectés sont fortement anémiés au moment du pic infectieux et que leur métabolisme basai diminue plus tard au cours de l'infection. Toutefois, aucun lien entre le statut infectieux et l'attractivité des canaris pour les moustiques n'a pu être montré lors d'une expérience réalisée en nature. Il se peut que ces liens aient été masqués par des facteurs environnementaux confondants. Dans son ensemble, cette thèse illustre que, contrairement aux idées reçues, les vecteurs de malaria aviaire ne sont pas toujours permissifs avec leurs parasites. L'environnement apparaît aussi comme un facteur déterminant dans la réponse des vecteurs face à la menace d'infection malarique. Cela pourrait fortement affecter l'épidémiologie de la malaria aviaire.
¿El tratamiento mediante la inducción miofascial disminuye la espasticidad en los pacientes con Parálisis Cerebral Espástica (PCE) mientras son intervenidos con un tratamiento convencional? Objetivos: Comprobar si la inducción miofascial disminuye la espasticidad en pacientes con parálisis cerebral espástica (PCE) y así mismo prevenir las complicaciones musculoesqueléticas y aumentar el rango de movilidad articular. Metodología: Ensayo controlado clínico aleatorizado que recoge un total de 96 casos de PCE con Grado l, ll y lll de afectación según la Escala de clasificación Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM). Se asignará de forma aleatoria y equitativamente 48 sujetos al grupo control aplicándose el tratamiento convencional y 48 sujetos al grupo experimental, donde la inducción miofascial se complementará con tratamiento convencional. Durante 3 meses se llevará a cabo el plan de intervención, 2 días a la semana en ambos grupos. Los datos serán analizados a través de las siguientes escalas: el tono muscular (Escala de Ashworth Modificada, Escala de Tardieu, Test pendular Wartenberg) funcionalidad y actividad (Gross Motor Function Classification System, Gross Motor Function Mesurement, Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory), valoración neurológica (National Institute of NEurological Disordes and Stroke Scale) y la satisfacción del paciente (Questionnaire on Pain Caused by Spasticity). Estos datos serán extraidos el primer día, el último y 3 meses más tarde a modo de seguimiento. Durante el plan de intervención también se realizarán valoraciones semanales y mensuales.
Short-term synaptic depression (STD) is a form of synaptic plasticity that has a large impact on network computations. Experimental results suggest that STD is modulated by cortical activity, decreasing with activity in the network and increasing during silent states. Here, we explored different activity-modulation protocols in a biophysical network model for which the model displayed less STD when the network was active than when it was silent, in agreement with experimental results. Furthermore, we studied how trains of synaptic potentials had lesser decay during periods of activity (UP states) than during silent periods (DOWN states), providing new experimental predictions. We next tackled the inverse question of what is the impact of modifying STD parameters on the emergent activity of the network, a question difficult to answer experimentally. We found that synaptic depression of cortical connections had a critical role to determine the regime of rhythmic cortical activity. While low STD resulted in an emergent rhythmic activity with short UP states and long DOWN states, increasing STD resulted in longer and more frequent UP states interleaved with short silent periods. A still higher synaptic depression set the network into a non-oscillatory firing regime where DOWN states no longer occurred. The speed of propagation of UP states along the network was not found to be modulated by STD during the oscillatory regime; it remained relatively stable over a range of values of STD. Overall, we found that the mutual interactions between synaptic depression and ongoing network activity are critical to determine the mechanisms that modulate cortical emergent patterns.
Neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy is a critical cerebral event occurring around birth with high mortality and neurological morbidity associated with long-term invalidating sequelae. In view of the great clinical importance of this condition and the lack of very efficacious neuroprotective strategies, it is urgent to better understand the different cell death mechanisms involved with the ultimate aim of developing new therapeutic approaches. The morphological features of three different cell death types can be observed in models of perinatal cerebral hypoxia-ischemia: necrotic, apoptotic and autophagic cell death. They may be combined in the same dying neuron. In the present review, we discuss the different cell death mechanisms involved in neonatal cerebral hypoxia-ischemia with a special focus on how autophagy may be involved in neuronal death, based: (1) on experimental models of perinatal hypoxia-ischemia and stroke, and (2) on the brains of human neonates who suffered from neonatal hypoxia-ischemia.
OBJETIVO: Este trabalho analisa as conseqüências da irradiação-X no desenvolvimento do sistema nervoso de fetos de ratos. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: O trabalho foi constituído de 10 Rattus norvegicus albinos, Wistar, fêmeas, grávidas, com idade de oito semanas. Cinco ratas fêmeas constituíram o grupo controle e outras cinco tiveram suas regiões abdominais expostas por 30 segundos a uma dose de 0,3 Gy proveniente de um aparelho odontológico Gnatus de 70 kV e 10 mA. No 17º dia gestacional, ambos os grupos foram submetidos a histerectomia. As seções selecionadas foram examinadas para análise cerebral comparativa entre os grupos. RESULTADOS: O exame clínico revelou não haver diferenças morfológicas entre os grupos controle e experimental e nenhum dos animais apresentou anormalidades grosseiras. Vinte e sete por cento dos animais do grupo experimental apresentaram hemorragia cerebral moderada e 73% apresentaram hemorragia severa e danos no tecido nervoso. Nenhum animal do grupo controle apresentou hemorragia cerebral ou danificações de tecido nervoso. CONCLUSÃO: Estas evidências demonstram que pequenas doses de radiação-X podem causar hemorragias cerebrais e, conseqüentemente, lesão tecidual nervosa.
The complement system is a major effector of innate immunity that has been involved in stroke brain damage. Complement activation occurs through the classical, alternative and lectin pathways. The latter is initiated by mannose-binding lectin (MBL) and MBL-associated serine proteases (MASPs). Here we investigated whether the lectin pathway contributes to stroke outcome in mice and humans.
Cerebral energy dysfunction has emerged as an important determinant of prognosis following traumatic brain injury (TBI). A number of studies using cerebral microdialysis, positron emission tomography, and jugular bulb oximetry to explore cerebral metabolism in patients with TBI have demonstrated a critical decrease in the availability of the main energy substrate of brain cells (i.e., glucose). Energy dysfunction induces adaptations of cerebral metabolism that include the utilization of alternative energy resources that the brain constitutively has, such as lactate. Two decades of experimental and human investigations have convincingly shown that lactate stands as a major actor of cerebral metabolism. Glutamate-induced activation of glycolysis stimulates lactate production from glucose in astrocytes, with subsequent lactate transfer to neurons (astrocyte-neuron lactate shuttle). Lactate is not only used as an extra energy substrate but also acts as a signaling molecule and regulator of systemic and brain glucose use in the cerebral circulation. In animal models of brain injury (e.g., TBI, stroke), supplementation with exogenous lactate exerts significant neuroprotection. Here, we summarize the main clinical studies showing the pivotal role of lactate and cerebral lactate metabolism after TBI. We also review pilot interventional studies that examined exogenous lactate supplementation in patients with TBI and found hypertonic lactate infusions had several beneficial properties on the injured brain, including decrease of brain edema, improvement of neuroenergetics via a "cerebral glucose-sparing effect," and increase of cerebral blood flow. Hypertonic lactate represents a promising area of therapeutic investigation; however, larger studies are needed to further examine mechanisms of action and impact on outcome.
OBJETIVO: Estudar as alterações hemodinâmicas e as repercussões sobre o sistema nervoso central ocasionados pela síndrome do compartimento abdominal. MÉTODO: Utilizou-se cães sem raça definida submetidos à anestesia geral e monitorização das pressões arterial média(PAM), intracraniana(PIC), de perfusão cerebral(PPC), da artéria pulmonar(PAP) e venosa central(PVC), do débito cardíaco(DC) e da freqüência cardíaca(FC). Aumentou-se a pressão intra-abdominal(PIA) para níveis de 10,20,30 e 40cmH2O . Após atingir-se nível PIA=40cmH2O realizou-se a descompressão cirúrgica da cavidade abdominal. Em cada etapa realizou-se a medida dos parâmetros PIA, PIC, PAM, PPC, PVC e DC. RESULTADOS: Observou-se que o aumento da PIA causou as seguintes alterações fisiológicas: aumento progressivo da PIC; aumento da PAM até PIA=20cmH2O e diminuição progressiva da mesma após PIA= 40cmH2O; aumento da PPC até PIA=10cmH2O e diminuição progressiva da mesma após PIA= 30cmH2O; aumento progressivo da PVC; diminuição progressiva do DC após PIA= 30cmH2O; Após a descompressão da cavidade, notou-se o retorno da PIC, PAM, PPC, PVC e do DC para valores próximos aos dos iniciais (antes do aumento da PIA). CONCLUSÕES: Concluímos que o aumento da PIA provocou alterações nos sistemas cardiovascular e nervoso central, que foram revertidas após a descompressão cirúrgica da cavidade abdominal.
Coelhos são susceptíveis à infecção pelo herpes-vírus bovino tipo 5 (BHV-5) e freqüentemente desenvolvem enfermidade neurológica aguda fatal após inoculação intranasal. A cinética da invasão do sistema nervoso central (SNC) de coelhos pelo BHV-5 foi estudada através de pesquisa de vírus em secções do SNC a diferentes intervalos pós-inoculação. Após inoculação intranasal, o vírus foi inicialmente detectado no bulbo olfatório às 48h, seguido do córtex olfatório às 48/72h. Às 72/96h o vírus foi detectado também no gânglio trigêmeo, ponte e córtex cerebral. Dois experimentos foram realizados para avaliar a importância do sistema olfatório na invasão do SNC de coelhos pelo BHV-5. No primeiro experimento, coelhos foram inoculados com duas amostras do BHV-5 no saco conjuntival. Coelhos inoculados por essa via também desenvolveram a enfermidade neurológica, porém com menor freqüência com curso clínico tardio. No segundo experimento, doze coelhos foram submetidos à ablação cirúrgica do bulbo olfatório e posteriormente inoculados com o BHV-5 pela via intranasal. Onze de 12 coelhos controle (91,6%), não submetidos à cirurgia, desenvolveram a doença neurológica, contra quatro de 12 (33,3%) dos animals submetidos à remoção cirúrgica do bulbo olfatório. Esses resultados demonstram que o sistema olfatório constitui-se na principal via de acesso do BHV-5 ao encéfalo de coelhos após inoculação intranasal. No entanto, o desenvolvimento de infecção neurológica em coelhos inoculados pela via conjuntival e em coelhos sem o bulbo olfatório indica que o BHV-5 pode utilizar outras vias para invadir o SNC, provavelmente as fibras sensoriais e autonômicas que compõe o nervo trigêmeo. Os efeitos da imunização com vírus homólogo (BHV-5) e heterólogo (BHV-1) na proteção à infecção neurológica foram investigados. Cinco entre 10 coelhos (50%) imunizados com o BHV-5 apresentaram sinais neurológicos discretos e transitórios e um morreu após o desafio com o BHV-5. Curiosamente, o grau de proteção foi superior nos coelhos imunizados com o BHV-1: apenas dois animais apresentaram sinais clínicos passageiros e recuperaram-se. Portanto, proteção da enfermidade neurológica pelo BHV-5 em coelhos pode ser obtida por imunização com o BHV-5 ou BHV-1, provavelmente devido à extensa reatividade sorológica cruzada entre esses vírus. Estudos adicionais em coelhos podem auxiliar no esclarecimento da patogênese e resposta imunológica a infecção pelo BHV-5.
Administrou-se Sida carpinifolia L.f. secada à sombra e moída, em doses diárias de 11 a 30g/kg/dia, para sete ovinos. Um animal foi encontrado morto aos 18 e outro morreu apresentando sinais clínicos aos 53 dias do início do experimento. Outros quatro animais adoeceram e foram eutanasiados aos 30, 45, 75 e 100 dias do experimento. O fornecimento de S. carpinifolia foi interrompido em um ovino ao 80º dia do experimento, e o animal foi eutanasiado 70 dias após. Todos os animais foram necropsiados. O consumo variou entre 11 e 30 g/kg/dia da planta seca. As principais alterações clínicas iniciaram a partir do 20º dia com emaciação progressiva e leve diarréia. Os sinais neurológicos iniciaram no 25º dia e eram caracterizados por ataxia com dismetria, tremores da cabeça, posturas atípicas, quedas freqüentes, lentidão dos movimentos, dificuldade em apreender e deglutir os alimentos. Esses sinais clínicos se acentuavam quando os animais eram forçados a se movimentar. O ovino que parou de consumir Sida carpinifolia, recuperou-se clinicamente e 11 dias após a interrupção não apresentava mais alterações clínicas. Na necropsia havia aumento de volume dos linfonodos mesentéricos em cinco dos sete ovinos. Ao exame histológico as alterações mais significativas estavam presentes no sistema nervoso central e constavam de distensão e vacuolização citoplasmáticas afetando principalmente as células de Purkinje do cerebelo, os neurônios do córtex cerebral, do tálamo, do mesencéfalo e dos cornos ventrais da medula espinhal. Também foram observados esferóides axonais mais freqüentes na camada granular do cerebelo. A vacuolização citoplasmática foi observada também no epitélio dos ácinos pancreáticos e dos túbulos renais, nas células foliculares da tireóide, nos hepatócitos e macrófagos de órgãos linfóides. As lesões ultra-estruturais observadas foram vacuolizações citoplasmáticas, algumas envoltas por membranas, em neurônios de Purkinje do cerebelo e nas células foliculares da tireóide. O ovino que permaneceu 70 dias sem consumir S. carpinifolia não apresentou alterações histológicas.
Em uma propriedade no município de Roseira Velha, São Paulo, com histórico de doença cardíaca, abortos e sinais nervosos em bovinos, associados à ingestão de Tetrapterys multiglandulosa, foi observada fibrose cardíaca em um bezerro de uma semana de idade que apresentava apatia, fraqueza e insuficiência respiratória. Os objetivos desse trabalho foram determinar se a espécie ovina é sensível à intoxicação por T. multiglandulosa, descrever as alterações clínicas e patológicas da intoxicação e avaliar a utilização dessa espécie como modelo experimental para a intoxicação. Para determinar a toxicidade de T. multiglandulosa a ser utilizada em ovinos, foi realizado um experimento prévio em um bovino, sendo administrado 22g por kg de peso vivo (g/kg/pv) da planta verde durante 9 dias. Após 9 dias de ingestão o animal apresentou sinais nervosos e no 12º dia foi eutanasiado. Na necropsia não foram observadas lesões. No estudo histológico observou-se vacuolização (status spongiosus, espongiose) da camada profunda da substância cinzenta do córtex cerebral e da substância branca subcortical. Para a reprodução da enfermidade em ovinos foram utilizados 6 ovinos, machos, divididos em 3 grupos de 2 animais cada. Os Ovinos 1 e 2 do Grupo 1 receberam doses diárias de 6 g/kg/pv da planta seca por um período de 30 dias; os Ovinos 3 e 4 do Grupo 2 receberam doses diárias de 3 g/kg/pv por um período de 60 dias; e os Ovinos 5 e 6 do Grupo 3 serviram como controle. O Ovino 1 foi sacrificado aos 30 dias de administração da planta. Apresentou somente arritmia cardíaca e não foram observadas lesões significativas na necropsia. Os Ovinos 2, 3 e 4 apresentaram arritmia a partir dos dias 9, 12 e 18 do início do experimento, respectivamente. A partir do 52º dia iniciaram a apresentar depressão, relutância em locomover-se e incoordenação. Esses sinais foram se agravando e os ovinos foram sacrificados, com sinais clínicos acentuados, aos 60, 70 e 80 dias após o início do experimento, respectivamente. Na necropsia apresentaram hidropericárdio, ascite, hidrotórax, fígado em noz moscada e miocárdio endurecido e esbranquiçado, especialmente no septo interventricular e ventrículo esquerdo. Microscopicamente, o coração dos Ovinos 2, 3 e 4 apresentava áreas de fibrose associadas a infiltrado inflamatório mononuclear. Não foram observadas lesões cardíacas no coração do Ovino 1. No cérebro e tronco encefálico de todos os animais que receberam a planta observou-se espongiose, principalmente na camada profunda da córtex e da substância branca subcortical. No cerebelo observou-se espongiose da substância branca e na medula cervical havia espongiose da substância branca e espongiose discreta da substância cinzenta. Essa lesões eram discretas no Ovino 1 e moderadas a acentuadas nos Ovinos 2, 3 e 4. Na microscopia eletrônica da substância branca cerebelar foi observado que o status spongiosus observado na microscopia de luz é causado por edema intramielínico. Os dois ovinos do grupo controle, sacrificados aos 80 dias após o início do experimento, não apresentaram sinais clínicos nem lesões macroscópicas ou histológicas significativas.
Malaria remains the most prevalent and devastating parasitic disease worldwide. Vaccination is considered to be an approach that will complement other strategies for prevention and control of the disease in the future. In the last 10 years, intense studies aimed at the development of a malaria vaccine have provided important knowledge of the nature of the host immunological mechanisms of protection and their respective target antigens. It became well established that protective immune responses can be generated against the distinct stages of Plasmodium. However, in general, protective immune responses are directed at stage-specific antigens. The elucidation of the primary structure of these antigens made possible the generation of synthetic and recombinant proteins that are being extensively used in experimental immunizations against the infection. Today, several epitopes of limited polymorphism have been described and protective immunity can be generated by immunization with them. These epitopes are being tested as primary candidates for a subunit vaccine against malaria. Here we critically review the major roadblocks for the development of a malaria vaccine and provide some insight on how these problems are being solved
Fibronectin (FN), a large family of plasma and extracellular matrix (ECM) glycoproteins, plays an important role in leukocyte migration. In normal central nervous system (CNS), a fine and delicate mesh of FN is virtually restricted to the basal membrane of cerebral blood vessels and to the glial limitans externa. Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), an inflammatory CNS demyelinating disease, was induced in Lewis rats with a spinal cord homogenate. During the preclinical phase and the onset of the disease, marked immunolabelling was observed on the endothelial luminal surface and basal lamina of spinal cord and brainstem microvasculature. In the paralytic phase, a discrete labelling was evident in blood vessels of spinal cord and brainstem associated or not with an inflammatory infiltrate. Conversely, intense immunolabelling was present in cerebral and cerebellar blood vessels, which were still free from inflammatory cuffs. Shortly after clinical recovery minimal labelling was observed in a few blood vessels. Brainstem and spinal cord returned to normal, but numerous inflammatory foci and demyelination were still evident near the ventricle walls, in the cerebral cortex and in the cerebellum. Intense expression of FN in brain vessels ascending from the spinal cord towards the encephalon preceded the appearance of inflammatory cells but faded away after the establishment of the inflammatory cuff. These results indicate an important role for FN in the pathogenesis of CNS inflammatory demyelinating events occurring during EAE.
Policosanol is a mixture of higher aliphatic primary alcohols isolated from sugar cane wax, whose main component is octacosanol. An inhibitory effect of policosanol on platelet aggregation and cerebral ischemia in animal models has been reported. Thus, the objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of policosanol on cerebral ischemia induced by unilateral carotid ligation and bilateral clamping and recirculation in Mongolian gerbils. Policosanol (200 mg/kg) administered immediately after unilateral carotid ligation and at 12- or 24-h intervals for 48 h significantly inhibited mortality and clinical symptoms when compared with controls, whereas lower doses (100 mg/kg) were not effective. Control animals showed swelling (tissue vacuolization) and necrosis of neurons in all areas of the brain studied (frontal cortex, hippocampus, striatum and olfactory tubercle), showing a similar injury profile. In the group treated with 200 mg/kg policosanol swelling and necrosis were significantly reduced when compared with the control group. In another experimental model, comparison between groups showed that the brain water content of control gerbils (N = 15) was significantly higher after 15 min of clamping and 4 h of recirculation than in sham-operated animals (N = 13), whereas policosanol (200 mg/kg) (N = 19) significantly reduced the edema compared with the control group, with a cerebral water content identical to that of the sham-operated animals. cAMP levels in the brain of control-ligated Mongolian gerbils (N = 8) were significantly lower than those of sham-operated animals (N = 10). The policosanol-treated group (N = 10) showed significantly higher cAMP levels (2.68 pmol/g of tissue) than the positive control (1.91 pmol/g of tissue) and similar to those of non-ligated gerbils (2.97 pmol/g of tissue). In conclusion, our results show an anti-ischemic effect of policosanol administered after induction of cerebral ischemia, in two different experimental models in Mongolian gerbils, suggesting a possible therapeutic effect in cerebral vascular disorders.
Acute cerebral hemorrhage (ACH) is an important clinical problem that is often monitored and studied with expensive devices such as computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and positron emission tomography. These devices are not readily available in economically underdeveloped regions of the world, emergency departments, and emergency zones. We have developed a less expensive tool for non-contact monitoring of ACH. The system measures the magnetic induction phase shift (MIPS) between the electromagnetic signals on two coils. ACH was induced in 6 experimental rabbits and edema was induced in 4 control rabbits by stereotactic methods, and their intracranial pressure and heart rate were monitored for 1 h. Signals were continuously monitored for up to 1 h at an exciting frequency of 10.7 MHz. Autologous blood was administered to the experimental group, and saline to the control group (1 to 3 mL) by injection of 1-mL every 5 min. The results showed a significant increase in MIPS as a function of the injection volume, but the heart rate was stable. In the experimental (ACH) group, there was a statistically significant positive correlation of the intracranial pressure and MIPS. The change of MIPS was greater in the ACH group than in the control group. This high-sensitivity system could detect a 1-mL change in blood volume. The MIPS was significantly related to the intracranial pressure. This observation suggests that the method could be valuable for detecting early warning signs in emergency medicine and critical care units.