976 resultados para ESCHERICHIA-COLI-CELLS
Les topoisomérases (topos) de type IA jouent un rôle primordial dans le maintien et l’organisation du génome. Cependant, les mécanismes par lesquels elles contrôlent cette stabilité génomique sont encore à approfondir. Chez E. coli, les deux principales topoisomérases de type IA sont la topo I (codée par le gène topA) et la topo III (codée par le gène topB). Il a déjà été montré que les cellules dépourvues des topos I et III formaient de très longs filaments dans lesquels les chromosomes ne sont pas bien séparés. Comme ces défauts de ségrégation des chromosomes sont corrigés par l’inactivation de la protéine RecA qui est responsable de la recombinaison homologue, il a été émis comme hypothèse que les topoisomérases de type IA avaient un rôle dans la résolution des intermédiaires de recombinaison afin de permettre la séparation des chromosomes. D’autre part, des études réalisées dans notre laboratoire démontrent que le rôle majeur de la topoisomérase I est d’empêcher la formation des R-loops durant la transcription, surtout au niveau des opérons rrn. Ces R-loops on été récemment identifiés comme des obstacles majeurs à l’avancement des fourches de réplication, ce qui peut provoquer une instabilité génomique. Nous avons des évidences génétiques montrant qu’il en serait de même chez nos mutants topA. Tout récemment, des études ont montré le rôle majeur de certaines hélicases dans le soutien aux fourches de réplication bloquées, mais aussi une aide afin de supprimer les R-loops. Chez E. coli, ces hélicases ont été identifiées et sont DinG, Rep et UvrD. Ces hélicases jouent un rôle dans la suppression de certains obstacles à la réplication. Le but de ce projet était de vérifier l’implication de ces hélicases chez le mutant topA en utilisant une approche génétique. Étonnamment, nos résultats montrent que la délétion de certains de ces gènes d’hélicases a pour effet de corriger plutôt que d’exacerber des phénotypes du mutants topA qui sont liés à la croissance et à la morphologie des nucléoides et des cellules. Ces résultats sont interprétés à la lumière de nouvelles fonctions attribuées aux topoisomérases de types IA dans la stabilité du génome.
Le surenroulement de l’ADN est important pour tous les processus cellulaires qui requièrent la séparation des brins de l’ADN. Il est régulé par l’activité enzymatique des topoisomérases. La gyrase (gyrA et gyrB) utilise l’ATP pour introduire des supertours négatifs dans l’ADN, alors que la topoisomérase I (topA) et la topoisomérase IV (parC et parE) les éliminent. Les cellules déficientes pour la topoisomérase I sont viables si elles ont des mutations compensatoires dans un des gènes codant pour une sous-unité de la gyrase. Ces mutations réduisent le niveau de surenroulement négatif du chromosome et permettent la croissance bactérienne. Une de ces mutations engendre la production d'une gyrase thermosensible. L’activité de surenroulement de la gyrase en absence de la topoisomérase I cause l’accumulation d’ADN hyper-surenroulé négativement à cause de la formation de R-loops. La surproduction de la RNase HI (rnhA), une enzyme qui dégrade l’ARN des R-loops, permet de prévenir l’accumulation d’un excès de surenroulement négatif. En absence de RNase HI, des R-loops sont aussi formés et peuvent être utilisés pour déclencher la réplication de l’ADN indépendamment du système normal oriC/DnaA, un phénomène connu sous le nom de « constitutive stable DNA replication » (cSDR). Pour mieux comprendre le lien entre la formation de R-loops et l’excès de surenroulement négatif, nous avons construit un mutant conditionnel topA rnhA gyrB(Ts) avec l’expression inductible de la RNase HI à partir d’un plasmide. Nous avons trouvé que l’ADN des cellules de ce mutant était excessivement relâché au lieu d'être hypersurenroulé négativement en conditions de pénurie de RNase HI. La relaxation de l’ADN a été montrée comme étant indépendante de l'activité de la topoisomérase IV. Les cellules du triple mutant topA rnhA gyrB(Ts) forment de très longs filaments remplis d’ADN, montrant ainsi un défaut de ségrégation des chromosomes. La surproduction de la topoisomérase III (topB), une enzyme qui peut effectuer la décaténation de l’ADN, a corrigé les problèmes de ségrégation sans toutefois restaurer le niveau de surenroulement de l’ADN. Nous avons constaté que des extraits protéiques du mutant topA rnhA gyrB(Ts) pouvaient inhiber l’activité de surenroulement négatif de la gyrase dans des extraits d’une souche sauvage, suggérant ainsi que la pénurie de RNase HI avait déclenché une réponse cellulaire d’inhibition de cette activité de la gyrase. De plus, des expériences in vivo et in vitro ont montré qu’en absence de RNase HI, l’activité ATP-dépendante de surenroulement négatif de la gyrase était inhibée, alors que l’activité ATP-indépendante de cette enzyme demeurait intacte. Des suppresseurs extragéniques du défaut de croissance du triple mutant topA rnhA gyrB(Ts) qui corrigent également les problèmes de surenroulement et de ségrégation des chromosomes ont pour la plupart été cartographiés dans des gènes impliqués dans la réplication de l’ADN, le métabolisme des R-loops, ou la formation de fimbriae. La deuxième partie de ce projet avait pour but de comprendre les rôles des topoisomérases de type IA (topoisomérase I et topoisomérase III) dans la ségrégation et la stabilité du génome de Escherichia coli. Pour étudier ces rôles, nous avons utilisé des approches de génétique combinées avec la cytométrie en flux, l’analyse de type Western blot et la microscopie. Nous avons constaté que le phénotype Par- et les défauts de ségrégation des chromosomes d’un mutant gyrB(Ts) avaient été corrigés en inactivant topA, mais uniquement en présence du gène topB. En outre, nous avons démontré que la surproduction de la topoisomérase III pouvait corriger le phénotype Par- du mutant gyrB(Ts) sans toutefois corriger les défauts de croissance de ce dernier. La surproduction de topoisomérase IV, enzyme responsable de la décaténation des chromosomes chez E. coli, ne pouvait pas remplacer la topoisomérase III. Nos résultats suggèrent que les topoisomérases de type IA jouent un rôle important dans la ségrégation des chromosomes lorsque la gyrase est inefficace. Pour étudier le rôle des topoisomérases de type IA dans la stabilité du génome, la troisième partie du projet, nous avons utilisé des approches génétiques combinées avec des tests de « spot » et la microscopie. Nous avons constaté que les cellules déficientes en topoisomérase I avaient des défauts de ségrégation de chromosomes et de croissance liés à un excès de surenroulement négatif, et que ces défauts pouvaient être corrigés en inactivant recQ, recA ou par la surproduction de la topoisomérase III. Le suppresseur extragénique oriC15::aph isolé dans la première partie du projet pouvait également corriger ces problèmes. Les cellules déficientes en topoisomérases de type IA formaient des très longs filaments remplis d’ADN d’apparence diffuse et réparti inégalement dans la cellule. Ces phénotypes pouvaient être partiellement corrigés par la surproduction de la RNase HI ou en inactivant recA, ou encore par des suppresseurs isolés dans la première partie du projet et impliques dans le cSDR (dnaT18::aph et rne59::aph). Donc, dans E. coli, les topoisomérases de type IA jouent un rôle dans la stabilité du génome en inhibant la réplication inappropriée à partir de oriC et de R-loops, et en empêchant les défauts de ségrégation liés à la recombinaison RecA-dépendante, par leur action avec RecQ. Les travaux rapportés ici révèlent que la réplication inappropriée et dérégulée est une source majeure de l’instabilité génomique. Empêcher la réplication inappropriée permet la ségrégation des chromosomes et le maintien d’un génome stable. La RNase HI et les topoisomérases de type IA jouent un rôle majeur dans la prévention de la réplication inappropriée. La RNase HI réalise cette tâche en modulant l’activité de surenroulement ATP-dependante de la gyrase, et en empêchant la réplication à partir des R-loops. Les topoisomérases de type IA assurent le maintien de la stabilité du génome en empêchant la réplication inappropriée à partir de oriC et des R-loops et en agissant avec RecQ pour résoudre des intermédiaires de recombinaison RecA-dépendants afin de permettre la ségrégation des chromosomes.
The survival of Escherichia coli in tropical estuarine water has been studied under controlled laboratory conditions using microcosms. The survival has been assessed in terms of various self purifying factors of the natural waters such as biological, chemical and physical factors. The biological factors considered included competition from other microorganisms, predation by protozoa and coliphages. The suitability of the chemical composition of estuarine water has been studied under chemical factors and negative impact of sunlight has been studied under physical factors. The results revealed that sunlight exerted maximum negative impact, followed by biotic factors contained in the estuarine water. However, the chemical composition of the estuarine water is found to be suitable for the growth and survival of E. coli. The injury exerted by each of the above factors was also evaluated by using a selective and non-selective medium in conjunction. It was found that sunlight resulted in 100% injury of the cells as the cells failed to develop in a selective medium. While, sunlight resulted in the extinction of 90% of the E. coli cells within the first two hours of exposure, biotic factors took nearly 24 hours to remove the same amount of population.
Microcosm studies have been carried out to find out the relative survival of Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium in a tropical estuary. Survival has been assessed in relation to the important self-purifying parameters such as biotic factors contained in the estuarine water, toxicity due to the dissolved organic and antibiotic substances in the water and the sunlight. The results revealed that sunlight is the most important inactivating factor on the survival of E. coli and S. typhimurium in the estuarine water. While the biological factors contained in the estuarine water such as protozoans and bacteriophages also exerted considerable inactivation of these organisms, the composition of the water with all its dissolved organic and inorganic substances was not damaging to the test organisms. Results also indicated better survival capacity of E. coli cells under all test conditions when compared to S. typhimurium
The aim of this work was to examine a possible association between resistance of two Escherichia coli strains to high hydrostatic pressure and the susceptibility of their cell membranes to pressure-induced damage. Cells were exposed to pressures between 100 and 700 MPa at room temperature (~20C) in phosphate-buffered-saline. In the more pressure-sensitive strain E. coli 8164, loss of viability occurred at pressures between 100 MPa and 300 MPa and coincided with irreversible loss of membrane integrity as indicated by uptake of propidium iodide (PI) and leakage of protein of molecular mass between 9 and 78 kDa from the cells. Protein release increased to a maximum at 400 MPa then decreased, possibly due to intracellular aggregation at the higher pressures. In the pressure-resistant strain E. coli J1, PI was taken up during pressure treatment but not after decompression indicating that cells were able to reseal their membranes. Loss of viability in strain J1 coincided with the transient loss of membrane integrity between approximately 200 MPa and 600 MPa. In E. coli J1 leakage of protein occurred before loss of viability and the released protein was of low molecular mass, between 8 and 11 kDa and may have been of periplasmic origin. In these two strains differences in pressure resistance appeared to be related to differences in the ability of their membranes to withstand disruption by pressure. However it appears that transient loss of membrane integrity during pressure can lead to cell death irrespective of whether cells can reseal their membranes afterwards.
Aims: The aim was to evaluate (i) the resistance of Escherichia coli BJ4 to citral in a buffer system as a function of citral concentration, treatment medium pH, storage time and initial inoculum size, (ii) the role of the sigma factor RpoS on citral resistance of E. coli, (iii) the role of the cell envelope damage in the mechanism of microbial inactivation by citral, and (iii) possible synergistic effects of mild heat treatment and pulsed-electric fields (PEF) treatment combined with citral. Methods and Results: The initial inoculum size greatly affected the efficacy of citral against E. coli cells. Exposure to 200 µl l-1of citral at pH 4.0 for 24 h at 20 ºC caused the inactivation of more than 5 log10 cycles of cells starting at an inoculum size of 106 or 107 CFU ml-1, whereas increasing the cell concentration to 109 CFU ml-1 caused less than 1 log10 cycle of inactivation. E. coli showed higher resistance to citral at pH 4.0 than pH 7.0. The rpoS null mutant strain E. coli BJ4L1 was less resistant to citral than the wild-type strain. Occurrence of sublethal injury to both, the cytoplasmic and outer membranes was demonstrated by adding sodium chloride or bile salts to the recovery media. The majority of sublethally-injured cells by citral required energy and lipid synthesis for repair. A strongly synergistic lethal effect was shown by mild heat treatment combined with citral but the presence of citral during the application of a PEF treatment did not show any advantage. Conclusions: This work confirms that cell envelope damage is an important event in citral inactivation of bacteria, and it describes the key factors on the inactivation of E. coli cells by citral. Significance and Impact of Study: Knowledge about the mechanism of microbial inactivation by citral helps establish successful combined preservation treatments.
This work investigated the role of rpoS in the development of increased cell envelope resilience and enhanced pressure resistance in stationary phase cells of Escherichia coli. Loss of both colony-forming ability and membrane integrity, measured as uptake of propidium iodide (PI), occurred at lower pressures in E. coli BW3709 (rpoS) than in the parental strain (BW2952). The rpoS mutant also released much higher concentrations of protein under pressure than the parent. We propose that RpoS-regulated functions are responsible for the increase in membrane resilience as cells enter stationary phase and that this plays a major role in the development of pressure resistance. Strains from the Keio collection with mutations in two RpoS-regulated genes, cfa (cyclopropane fatty acyl phospholipid synthase) and osmB (outer membrane lipoprotein), were significantly more pressure-sensitive and took up more PI than the parent strains with cfa having the greatest effect. Mutations in the bolA morphogene and other RpoS-regulated lipoprotein genes (osmC, osmE, osmY and ybaY) had no effect on pressure resistance. The cytoplasmic membranes of the rpoS mutant failed to reseal after pressure treatment and strains with mutations in osmB and nlpI (new lipoprotein) were also somewhat impaired in the ability to reseal their membranes. The cfa mutant, though pressure-sensitive, was unaffected in membrane resealing implying that the initial transient permeabilization event is critical for loss of viability rather than the failure to reseal. The enhanced pressure sensitivity of polA, recA and xthA mutants suggested that DNA may be a target of oxidative stress in pressure-treated cells.
P>Type III secretion (T3S) plays a pivotal role in the colonization of ruminant hosts by Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC). The T3S system translocates effector proteins into host cells to promote bacterial attachment and persistence. The repertoire and variation in prophage regions underpins differences in the pathogenesis and epidemiology of EHEC strains. In this study, we have used a collection of deletions in cryptic prophages and EHEC O157 O-islands to screen for novel regulators of T3S. Using this approach we have identified a family of homologous AraC-like regulators that indirectly repress T3S. These prophage-encoded secretion regulator genes (psr) are found exclusively on prophages and are associated with effector loci and the T3S activating Pch family of regulators. Transcriptional profiling, mutagenesis and DNA binding studies were used to show that these regulators usurp the conserved GAD acid stress resistance system to regulate T3S by increasing the expression of GadE (YhiE) and YhiF and that this regulation follows attachment to bovine epithelial cells. We further demonstrate that PsrA and effectors encoded within cryptic prophage CP933-N are required for persistence in a ruminant model of colonization.
Escherichia fergusonii has been associated with a wide variety of intestinal and extra-intestinal infections in both humans and animals but, despite strong circumstantial evidence, the degree to which the organism is responsible for the pathologies identified remains uncertain. Thirty isolates of E fergusonii collected between 2003 and 2004 were screened using an Escherichia coli virulence gene array to test for the presence of homologous virulence genes in E. fergusonii. The iss (increased serum survival) gene was present in 13/30 (43%) of the test strains and the prfB (P-related fimbriae regulatory) and ireA (siderophore receptor IreA) genes were also detected jointly in 3/30 (10%) strains. No known virulence genes were detected in 14/30 (47%) of strains. Following confirmatory PCR and sequence analysis, the E. fergusonii prfB, iss and ireA genes shared a high degree of sequence similarity to their counterparts in E. coli, and a particular resemblance was noted with the E. coli strain APEC O1 pathogenicity island. In tissue culture adherence assays, nine E. fergusonii isolates associated with HEp-2 cells with a 'localised adherence' or 'diffuse adherence' phenotype, and they proved to be moderately invasive. The E fergusonii isolates in this study possess both some phenotypic and genotypic features linked to known pathotypes of E coli, and support existing evidence that strains of E fergusonii may act as an opportunistic pathogens, although their specific virulence factors may need to be explored. Crown Copyright (c) 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157 : H7 is a bacterial pathogen that can cause haemorrhagic colitis and haemolytic uremic syndrome. In the primary reservoir host, cattle, the terminal rectum is the principal site of E. coli O157 colonization. In this study, bovine terminal rectal primary epithelial cells were used to examine the role of H7 flagella in epithelial adherence. Binding of a fliC(H7) mutant O157 strain to rectal epithelium was significantly reduced as was binding of the flagellated wild-type strain following incubation with H7-specific antibodies. Complementation of fliC(H7) mutant O157 strain with fliC(H7) restored the adherence to wild-type levels; however, complementation with fliC(H6) did not restore it. High-resolution ultrastructural and imunofluorescence studies demonstrated the presence of abundant flagella forming physical contact points with the rectal epithelium. Binding to terminal rectal epithelium was specific to H7 by comparison with other flagellin types tested. In-cell Western assays confirmed temporal expression of flagella during O157 interaction with epithelium, early expression was suppressed during the later stages of microcolony and attaching and effacing lesion formation. H7 flagella are expressed in vivo by individual bacteria in contact with rectal mucosa. Our data demonstrate that the H7 flagellum acts as an adhesin to bovine intestinal epithelium and its involvement in this crucial initiating step for colonization indicates that H7 flagella could be an important target in intervention strategies.
Aims: To investigate the effect of the oxidative stress of ozone on the microbial inactivation, cell membrane integrity and permeability and morphology changes of Escherichia coli. Methods and Results: Escherichia coli BW 25113 and its isogenic mutants in soxR, soxS, oxyR, rpoS and dnaK genes were treated with ozone at a concentration of 6 lg ml)1 for a period up to 240 s. A significant effect of ozone exposure on microbial inactivation was observed. After ozonation, minor effects on the cell membrane integrity and permeability were observed, while scanning electron microscopy analysis showed slightly altered cell surface structure. Conclusions: The results of this study suggest that cell lysis was not the major mechanism of microbial inactivation. The deletion of oxidative stress–related genes resulted in increased susceptibility of E. coli cells to ozone treatment, implying that they play an important role for protection against the radicals produced by ozone. However, DnaK that has previously been shown to protect against oxidative stress did not protect against ozone treatment in this study. Furthermore, RpoS was important for the survival against ozone. Significance and Impact of the Study: This study provides important information about the role of oxidative stress in the responses of E. coli during ozonation.
Sections of kidney, trachea, ileum, colon, rectum and rumen were removed at post mortem from a neonatal calf and, with the exception of the rumen, primary cell lines were established for each of the cell types. The adherence of enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) serotype O157:H7, enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) serotype O111, E. coli K12 (a laboratory adapted non-pathogenic strain) and Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium was assayed on each cell type. For all adherence assays on all cell lines, EHEC O157:H7 adhered to a significantly greater extent than the other bacteria. S. Typhimurium and EPEC O111 adhered to a similar extent to one another, whereas E. coli K12 was significantly less adherent by 100-fold. In all cell types, > 10% of adherent S. Typhimurium bacteria invaded, whereas c. 0.01-0.1% of adherent EHEC O157:H7 and EPEC O111 bacteria invaded, although they are regarded as non-invasive. EHEC O157 generated actin re-arrangements in all cell types as demonstrated by fluorescent actin staining (FAS) under densely packed bacterial micro-colonies. EPEC O111 readily generated the localised adherent phenotype on bovine cells but generated only densely packed micro-colonies on HEp-2 cells. The intensity of actin re-arrangements induced in bovine cells by EPEC O111 was less than that induced by EHEC O157:H7. The intimate attachment on all cell types by both EHEC O157:H7 and EPEC O111 was clearly demonstrated by scanning electron microscopy.
Attaching and effacing (AE) lesions were observed in the caecum, proximal colon and rectum of one of four lambs experimentally inoculated at 6 weeks. of age with Escherichia coli O157:H7. However, the attached bacteria did not immunostain with O157-specific antiserum. Subsequent bacteriological analysis of samples from this animal yielded two E. coli O115:H- strains, one from the colon (CO) and one from the rectum (RC), and those bacteria forming the AE lesions were shown to be of the O115 serogroup by immunostaining. The O115:H(-)isolates formed microcolonies and attaching and effacing lesions, as demonstrated by the fluorescence actin staining test, on HEp-2 tissue culture cells. Both isolates were confirmed by PCR to encode the epsilon (epsilon) subtype of intimin. Supernates of both O115:H- isolates induced cytopathic effects on Vero cell monolayers, and PCR analysis verified that both isolates encoded EAST1, CNF1 and CNF2 toxins but not Shiga-like toxins. Both isolates harboured similar sized plasmids but-PCR analysis indicated that only one of the O115:H- isolates (CO) possessed the plasmid-associated virulence determinants ehxA and etpD. Neither strain possessed the espP, katP or bfpA plasmid-associated virulence determinants. These E. coli O115:H- strains exhibited a novel combination of virulence determinants and are the first isolates found to possess both CNF1 and CNF2.
Escherichia coli O86:K61 has long been associated with outbreaks of infantile diarrhea in humans and with diarrheal disease in many animal species. Studies in the late 1990s identified E. coli 086:K61 as the cause of mortality in a variety of wild birds, and in this study, 34 E. coli 086:K61 isolates were examined. All of the isolates were nonmotile, but most elaborated at least two morphologically distinct surface appendages that were confirmed to be type I and curli fimbriae. Thirty-three isolates were positive for the eaeA gene encoding a gamma type of intimin. No phenotypic or genotypic evidence was obtained for elaboration of Shiga-like toxins, but most isolates possessed the gene coding for the cytolethal distending toxin. Five isolates were selected for adherence assays performed with tissue explants and HEp-2 cells, and four of these strains produced attaching and effacing lesions on HEp-2 cells and invaded the cells, as determined by transmission electron microscopy. Two of the five isolates were inoculated orally into 1-day-old specific-pathogen-free chicks, and both of these isolates colonized, invaded, and persisted well in this model. Neither isolate produced attaching and effacing lesions in chicks, although some pathology was evident in the alimentary tract. No deaths were recorded in inoculated chicks. These findings are discussed in light of the possibility that wild birds are potential zoonotic reservoirs of attaching and effacing E. coli.
Shiga-toxigenic Escherichia coli O157:H7 (STEC O157:H7) is associated with potentially fatal human disease, and a persistent reservoir of the organism is present in some farm animal species, especially cattle and sheep. The mechanisms of persistent colonisation of the ruminant intestine by STEC O157:H7 are poorly understood but may be associated with intimate adherence to eukaryotic cells. Intimate adherence, as evidenced by induction of attaching-effacing (AE) lesions by STEC O157, has been observed in 6-day-old conventional lambs after deliberate oral infection but not in older animals. Thus, the present study used a ligated intestinal loop technique to investigate whether STEC O157:H7 and other attaching-effacing E. coli may adhere intimately to the sheep large intestinal mucosa. To do this, four STEC O157:H7 strains, one STEC 026:K60:H11 and one Shiga toxin-negative E. coli O157:H7 strain, suspended in either phosphate-buffered saline or Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium, were inoculated into ligated spiral colon loops of each of two lambs. The loops were removed 6 h after inoculation, fixed and examined by light and electron microscopy. AE lesions on the intestinal mucosa were produced by all the inoculated strains. However, the lesions were sparse and small, typically comprising bacterial cells intimately adhered to a single enterocyte, or a few adjacent enterocytes. There was little correlation between the extent of intimate adherence in this model and the bacterial cell density, pre-inoculation growth conditions of the bacteria or the strain tested.