997 resultados para ENHANCED CATALYSIS


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Opening up a band gap and finding a suitable substrate material are two big challenges for building graphene-based nanodevices. Using state-of-the-art hybrid density functional theory incorporating long range dispersion corrections, we investigate the interface between optically active graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4) and electronically active graphene. We find an inhomogeneous planar substrate (g-C3N4) promotes electronrich and hole-rich regions, i.e., forming a well-defined electron−hole puddle, on the supported graphene layer. The composite displays significant charge transfer from graphene to the g-C3N4 substrate, which alters the electronic properties of both components. In particular, the strong electronic coupling at the graphene/g-C3N4 interface opens a 70 meV gap in g-C3N4-supported graphene, a feature that can potentially allow overcoming the graphene’s band gap hurdle in constructing field effect transistors. Additionally, the 2-D planar structure of g-C3N4 is free of dangling bonds, providing an ideal substrate for graphene to sit on. Furthermore, when compared to a pure g-C3N4 monolayer, the hybrid graphene/g-C3N4 complex displays an enhanced optical absorption in the visible region, a promising feature for novel photovoltaic and photocatalytic applications.


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Fire safety design is important to eliminate the loss of property and lives during fire events. Gypsum plasterboard is widely used as a fire safety material in the building industry all over the world. It contains gypsum (CaSO4.2H2O) and Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) and most importantly free and chemically bound water in its crystal structure. The dehydration of the gypsum and the decomposition of Calcium Carbonate absorb heat, which gives the gypsum plasterboard fire resistant qualities. Currently plasterboard manufacturers use additives such as vermiculite to overcome shrinkage of gypsum core and glass fibre to bridge shrinkage cracks and enhance the integrity of board during calcination and after the loss of paper facings in fires. Past research has also attempted to reduce the thermal conductivity of plasterboards using fillers. However, no research has been undertaken to enhance the specific heat of plasterboard and the points of dehydration using chemical additives and fillers. Hence detailed experimental studies of powdered samples of plasterboard mixed with chemical additives and fillers in varying proportions were conducted. These tests showed the enhancement of specific heat of plasterboard. Numerical models were also developed to investigate the thermal performance of enhanced plasterboards under standard fire conditions. The results showed that the use of these enhanced plasterboards in steel wall systems can significantly improve their fire performance. This paper presents the details of this research and the results that can be used to enhance the fire safety of steel wall systems commonly used in buildings.


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Vertically-aligned carbon nanotube (VACNT) membranes show very high permeation fluxes due to the inherent smooth and frictionless nature of the interior of the nanotubes. However, the hydrogen selectivities are all in the Knudsen range and are quite low. In this study we grew molecular sieve zeolite imidazolate frameworks (ZIFs) via secondary seeded growth on the VACNT membranes as a gas selective layer. The ZIF layer has a thickness of 5–6 μm and shows good contact with the VACNT membrane surface. The VACNT supported ZIF membrane shows much higher H2 selectivity than Ar (7.0); O2 (13.6); N2 (15.1) and CH4 (9.8). We conclude that tailoring metal–organic frameworks on the membrane surface can be an effective route to improve the gas separation performance of the VACNT membrane.


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This work experimentally examines the performance benefits of a regional CORS network to the GPS orbit and clock solutions for supporting real-time Precise Point Positioning (PPP). The regionally enhanced GPS precise orbit solutions are derived from a global evenly distributed CORS network added with a densely distributed network in Australia and New Zealand. A series of computational schemes for different network configurations are adopted in the GAMIT-GLOBK and PANDA data processing. The precise GPS orbit results show that the regionally enhanced solutions achieve the overall orbit improvements with respect to the solutions derived from the global network only. Additionally, the orbital differences over GPS satellite arcs that are visible by any of the five Australia-wide CORS stations show a higher percentage of overall improvements compared to the satellite arcs that are not visible from these stations. The regional GPS clock and Uncalibrated Phase Delay (UPD) products are derived using the PANDA real time processing module from Australian CORS networks of 35 and 79 stations respectively. Analysis of PANDA kinematic PPP and kinematic PPP-AR solutions show certain overall improvements in the positioning performance from a denser network configuration after solution convergence. However, the clock and UPD enhancement on kinematic PPP solutions is marginal. It is suggested that other factors, such as effects of ionosphere, incorrectly fixed ambiguities, may be the more dominating, deserving further research attentions.


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Here we report an ultrasensitive method for detecting bio-active compounds in biological samples by means of functionalised nanoparticles interrogated by surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS). This method is applicable to the recovery and detection of many diagnostically important peptidyl analytes such as insulin, human growth hormone, growth factors (IGFs) and erythropoietin (EPO), as well as many small molecule analytes and metabolites. Our method, developed to detect EPO, demonstrates its utility in a complex yet well defined biological system. Recombinant human EPO (rhEPO) and EPO analogues have successfully been used to treat anaemia in end-stage renal failure, chronic disorders and infections, cancer and AIDS. Current methods for EPO testing are lengthy, laborious and relatively insensitive to low concentrations. In our rapid screening methodology, gold nanoparticles were functionalised with anti-EPO antibodies to provide very high selectivity towards the EPO protein in urine. These “smart sensor” nanoparticles interact with and trap EPO. Subsequent SERS screening allows for the detection and quantisation of ultra trace amounts (<<10-15 M) of EPO in urine samples with minimal sample preparation. We present data showing that the SERS spectrum differentiates between human endogenous EPO and rhEPO in unpurified urine, and potentially distinguishes between purified EPO isoforms. The elimination of sample preparation and direct screening in biological fluids significantly reduces the time required by current methods. Antibody recognition against a variety of biological targets and the availability of portable commercial SERS analysers for rapid onsite testing suggest broad diagnostic applicability in a flexible analytical platform.


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Advances in mobile telephone technology and available dermoscopic attachments for mobile telephones have created a unique opportunity for consumer-initiated mobile teledermoscopy. At least 2 companies market a dermoscope attachment for an iPhone (Apple), forming a mobile teledermoscope. These devices and the corresponding software applications (apps) enable (1) lesion magnification (at least ×20) and visualization with polarized light; (2) photographic documentation using the telephone camera; (3) lesion measurement (ruler); (4) adding of image and lesion details; and (5) e-mail data to a teledermatologist for review. For lesion assessment, the asymmetry-color (AC) rule has 94% sensitivity and 62 specificity for melanoma identification by consumers [1]. Thus, consumers can be educated to recognize asymmetry and color patterns in suspect lesions. However, we know little about consumers' use of mobile teledermoscopy for lesion assessment.


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We have developed an explanation for ultra trace detection found when using Au/Ag SERS nanoparticles linked to biochemical affinity tags, e.g. antibodies. The nanoparticle structure is not as usually assumed and the aggregated nanoparticles constitute hot spots that are indispensable for these very low levels of analyte detection, even more so when using a direct detection method.


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The nature and characteristics of how learners learn today are changing. As technology use in learning and teaching continues to grow, its integration to facilitate deep learning and critical thinking becomes a primary consideration. The implications for learner use, implementation strategies, design of integration frameworks and evaluation of their effectiveness in learning environments cannot be overlooked. This study specifically looked at the impact that technology-enhanced learning environments have on different learners’ critical thinking in relation to eductive ability, technological self-efficacy, and approaches to learning and motivation in collaborative groups. These were explored within an instructional design framework called CoLeCTTE (collaborative learning and critical thinking in technology-enhanced environments) which was proposed, revised and used across three cases. The field of investigation was restricted to three key questions: 1) Do learner skill bases (learning approach and eductive ability) influence critical thinking within the proposed CoLeCTTE framework? If so, how?; 2) Do learning technologies influence the facilitation of deep learning and critical thinking within the proposed CoLeCTTE framework? If so, how?; and 3) How might learning be designed to facilitate the acquisition of deep learning and critical thinking within a technology-enabled collaborative environment? The rationale, assumptions and method of research for using a mixed method and naturalistic case study approach are discussed; and three cases are explored and analysed. The study was conducted at the tertiary level (undergraduate and postgraduate) where participants were engaged in critical technical discourse within their own disciplines. Group behaviour was observed and coded, attributes or skill bases were measured, and participants interviewed to acquire deeper insights into their experiences. A progressive case study approach was used, allowing case investigation to be implemented in a "ladder-like" manner. Cases 1 and 2 used the proposed CoLeCTTE framework with more in-depth analysis conducted for Case 2 resulting in a revision of the CoLeCTTE framework. Case 3 used the revised CoLeCTTE framework and in-depth analysis was conducted. The findings led to the final version of the framework. In Cases 1, 2 and 3, content analysis of group work was conducted to determine critical thinking performance. Thus, the researcher used three small groups where learner skill bases of eductive ability, technological self-efficacy, and approaches to learning and motivation were measured. Cases 2 and 3 participants were interviewed and observations provided more in-depth analysis. The main outcome of this study is analysis of the nature of critical thinking within collaborative groups and technology-enhanced environments positioned in a theoretical instructional design framework called CoLeCTTE. The findings of the study revealed the importance of the Achieving Motive dimension of a student’s learning approach and how direct intervention and strategies can positively influence critical thinking performance. The findings also identified factors that can adversely affect critical thinking performance and include poor learning skills, frustration, stress and poor self-confidence, prioritisations over learning; and inadequate appropriation of group role and tasks. These findings are set out as instructional design guidelines for the judicious integration of learning technologies into learning and teaching practice for higher education that will support deep learning and critical thinking in collaborative groups. These guidelines are presented in two key areas: technology and tools; and activity design, monitoring, control and feedback.


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FTIR spectra are reported of methanol adsorbed at 295 K on ZnO/SiO 2, on reduced Cu/ZnO/SiO2 and on Cu/ZnO/SiO2 which had been preoxidised by exposure to nitrous oxide. Methanol on ZnO/SiO2 gave methoxy species on ZnO and SiO, in addition to both strongly and weakly physisorbed methanol on SiO2. The corresponding adsorption of methanol on reduced Cu/ZnO/SiO2 also gave methoxy species on Cu and a small amount of bridging formate. Reaction of methanol with a reoxidised Cu/ZnO/SiO2 catalyst resulted in an enhanced quantity of methoxy species on Cu. Heating adsorbed species on Cu/ZnO/SiO2 at 393 K led to the loss of methoxy groups on Cu and the concomitant formation of formate species on both ZnO and Cu. The comparable reaction on a reoxidised Cu/ZnO/SiO2 catalyst gave an increased amount of formate species on ZnO and this correlated with an increased quantity of methoxy groups lost from Cu. An explanation is given in terms of adsorption of formate and formaldehyde species at special sites located at the copper/zinc oxide interface.


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Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectra are reported of formic acid and formaldehyde on ZnO/SiO2, reduced Cu/ZnO/SiO2 and reoxidised Cu/ZnO/SiO2 catalyst. Formic acid adsorption on ZnO/SiO2 produced mainly bidentate zinc formate species with a lesser quantity of unidentate zinc formate. Formic acid on reduced Cu/ZnO/SiO2 catalyst resulted not only in the formation of bridging copper formate structures but also in an enhanced amount of formate relative to that for ZnO/SiO2 catalyst. Formic acid on reoxidised Cu/ZnO/SiO2 gave unidentate formate species on copper in addition to zinc formate moieties. The interaction of formaldehyde with ZnO/SiO2 catalyst resulted in the formation of zinc formate species. The same reaction on reduced Cu/ZnO/SiO2 catalyst gave bridging formate on copper and a remarkable increase in the quantity of formate species associated with the zinc oxide. Adsorption of formaldehyde on a reoxidised Cu/ZnO/SiO2 catalyst produced bridging copper formate and again an apparent increase in the concentration of zinc formate species. An explanation in terms of the adsorption of molecules at special sites located at the interface between copper and zinc oxide is given.


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The reaction of CO2 and H2 with ZnO/SiO2 catalyst at 295 K gave predominantly hydrogencarbonate on zinc oxide and a small quantity of formate was evolved after heating at 393 K. Elevation of the reaction temperature to 503 K enhanced the rate of formation of zinc formate species. Significantly these formate species decomposed at 573 K almost entirely to CO2 and H2. Even after exposure of CO2-H2 or CO-CO2-H2 mixtures to highly defected ZnO/SiO2 catalyst, the formate species produced still decomposed to give CO2 and H2. It was concluded that carboxylate species which were formed at oxygen anion vacancies on polar Zn planes were not significantly hydrogenated to formate. Consequently it was proposed that the non-polar planes on zinc oxide contained sites which were specific for the synthesis of methanol. The interaction of CO2 and H2 with reduced Cu/ZnO/SiO2 catalyst at 393 K gave copper formate species in addition to substantial quantities of formate created at interfacial sites between copper and zinc oxide. It was deduced that interfacial formate species were produced from the hydrogenation of interfacial bidentate carbonate structures. The relevance of interfacial formate species in the methanol synthesis reaction is discussed. Experiments concerning the reaction of CO2-H2 with physical mixtures of Cu/SiO2 and ZnO/SiO2 gave results which were simply characteristic of the individual components. By careful consideration of previous data a detailed proposal regarding the role of spillover hydrogen is outlined. Admission of CO to a gaseous CO2-H2 feedstock resulted in a considerably diminished amount of formate species on copper. This was ascribed to a combination of over-reduction of the surface and site-blockage.


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The techniques of environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) and Raman microscopy have been used to respectively elucidate the morphological changes and nature of the adsorbed species on silver(I) oxide powder, during methanol oxidation conditions. Heating Ag2O in either water vapour or oxygen resulted firstly in the decomposition of silver(I) oxide to polycrystalline silver at 578 K followed by sintering of the particles at higher temperature. Raman spectroscopy revealed the presence of subsurface oxygen and hydroxyl species in addition to surface hydroxyl groups after interaction with water vapour. Similar species were identified following exposure to oxygen in an ambient atmosphere. This behaviour indicated that the polycrystalline silver formed from Ag2O decomposition was substantially more reactive than silver produced by electrochemical methods. The interaction of water at elevated temperatures subsequent to heating silver(I) oxide in oxygen resulted in a significantly enhanced concentration of subsurface hydroxyl species. The reaction of methanol with Ag2O at high temperatures was interesting in that an inhibition in silver grain growth was noted. Substantial structural modification of the silver(I) oxide material was induced by catalytic etching in a methanol/air mixture. In particular, "pin-hole" formation was observed to occur at temperatures in excess of 773 K, and it was also recorded that these "pin- holes" coalesced to form large-scale defects under typical industrial reaction conditions. Raman spectroscopy revealed that the working surface consisted mainly of subsurface oxygen and surface Ag=O species. The relative lack of sub-surface hydroxyl species suggested that it was the desorption of such moieties which was the cause of the "pin-hole" formation.


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The effect of oxidation and reduction conditions upon the morphology of polycrystalline silver catalysts has been investigated by means of in situ Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Characterization of the sample was achieved by inspection of the νas(COO) band profile of adsorbed formate, recorded after dosing with formic acid at ambient temperature. Evidence was obtained for the existence of a silver surface reconstructed by the presence of subsurface oxygen in addition to the conventional family of Ag(111) and Ag(110) crystal faces. Oxidation at 773 K facilitated the reconstruction of silver planes due to the formation of subsurface oxygen species. Prolonged oxygen treatment at 773 K also caused particle fragmentation as a consequence of excessive oxygen penetration of the silver catalyst at defect sites. It was also deduced that the presence of oxygen in the gas phase stabilized the growth of silver planes which could form stronger bonds with oxygen. In contrast, high-temperature thermal treatment in vacuum induced significant sintering of the silver catalyst. Reduction at 773 K resulted in substantial quantities of dissolved hydrogen (and probably hydroxy species) in the bulk silver structure. Furthermore, enhanced defect formation in the catalyst was also noted, as evidenced by the increased concentration of formate species associated with oxygen-reconstructed silver faces.


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Evolutionary computation is an effective tool for solving optimization problems. However, its significant computational demand has limited its real-time and on-line applications, especially in embedded systems with limited computing resources, e.g., mobile robots. Heuristic methods such as the genetic algorithm (GA) based approaches have been investigated for robot path planning in dynamic environments. However, research on the simulated annealing (SA) algorithm, another popular evolutionary computation algorithm, for dynamic path planning is still limited mainly due to its high computational demand. An enhanced SA approach, which integrates two additional mathematical operators and initial path selection heuristics into the standard SA, is developed in this work for robot path planning in dynamic environments with both static and dynamic obstacles. It improves the computing performance of the standard SA significantly while giving an optimal or near-optimal robot path solution, making its real-time and on-line applications possible. Using the classic and deterministic Dijkstra algorithm as a benchmark, comprehensive case studies are carried out to demonstrate the performance of the enhanced SA and other SA algorithms in various dynamic path planning scenarios.