931 resultados para ENERGY-EXPENDITURE


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Fuel poverty can be defined as ‘the inability to afford adequate warmth in the home’ and it is the result of the combination of three factors: low household income, lack of energy efficiency and high energy bills. Within this context, the present research is aimed at characterizing, for the first time, the housing stock of fuel-poor households in the Autonomous Region of Madrid. Fuel poverty incidence was established and households were divided into six different groups according to their relative position regarding fuel and monetary poverty. The housing stock of each group is characterized and those households most in need are identified. These results enable energy retrofitting priorities to be established, focusing on the needs of the different household groups and accounting for their housing stock characteristics. This allows Spanish energy retrofitting policies to be assessed for their capability of tackling fuel poverty and makes it possible to suggest some improvements.


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Achievement of steady state during indirect calorimetry measurements of resting energy expenditure (REE) is necessary to reduce error and ensure accuracy in the measurement. Steady state is often defined as 5 consecutive min (5-min SS) during which oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production vary by +/-10%. These criteria, however, are stringent and often difficult to satisfy. This study aimed to assess whether reducing the time period for steady state (4-min SS or 3-min SS) produced measurements of REE that were significantly different from 5-min SS. REE was measured with the use of open-circuit indirect calorimetry in 39 subjects, of whom only 21 (54%) met the 5-min SS criteria. In these 21 subjects, median biases in REE between 5-min SS and 4-min SS and between 5-min SS and 3-min SS were 0.1 and 0.01%, respectively. For individuals, 4-min SS measured REE within a clinically acceptable range of +/-2% of 5-min SS, whereas 3-min SS measured REE within a range of -2-3% of 5-min SS. Harris-Benedict prediction equations estimated REE for individuals within +/-20-30% of 5-min SS. Reducing the time period of steady state to 4 min produced measurements of REE for individuals that were within clinically acceptable, predetermined limits. The limits of agreement for 3-min SS fell outside the predefined limits of +/-2%; however, both 4-min SS and 3-min SS criteria greatly increased the proportion of subjects who satisfied steady state within smaller limits than would be achieved if relying on prediction equations.


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Participation in at least 30 min of moderate intensity activity on most days is assumed to confer health benefits. This study accordingly determined whether the more vigorous household and garden tasks (sweeping, window cleaning, vacuuming and lawn mowing) are performed by middle-aged men at a moderate intensity of 3-6 metabolic equivalents (METs) in the laboratory and at home. Measured energy expenditure during self-perceived moderate-paced walking was used as a marker of exercise intensity. Energy expenditure was also predicted via indirect methods. Thirty-six males [Xmacr (SD): 40.0 (3.3) years; 179.5 (6.9) cm; 83.4 (14.0) kg] were measured for resting metabolic rate (RMR) and oxygen consumption (V.O-2) during the five activities using the Douglas bag method. Heart rate , respiratory frequency, CSA (Computer Science Applications) movement counts, Borg scale ratings of perceived exertion and Quetelet's index were also recorded as potential predictors of exercise intensity. Except for vacuuming in the laboratory, which was not significantly different from 3.0 METs (P=0.98), the MET means in the laboratory and home were all significantly greater than 3.0 (Pless than or equal to0.006). The sweeping and vacuuming MET means were significantly higher (P


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The aims of this study were to establish the nutritional status of children pre- BMT and to determine whether predictive methods of assessing nutritional status and resting energy expenditure ( REE) are accurate in this population. We analysed the body cell mass ( BCM) ( n = 26) and REE ( n = 24) in children undergoing BMT. BCM was adjusted for height ( BCM/ HTp) and expressed as a Z score to represent nutritional status. To determine whether body mass index ( BMI) was indicative of nutritional status in children undergoing BMT, BMI Z scores were compared to the reference method of BCM/ HTp Z scores. Schofield predictive equations of basal metabolic rate ( BMR) were compared to measured REE to evaluate the accuracy of the predictive equations. The mean BCM/ HTp Z score for the subject population was -1.09 +/- 1.28. There was no significant relationship between BCM/ HTp Z score and BMI Z score ( r = 0.34; P > 0.05); however there was minimal difference between measured REE and predicted BMR ( bias = -11 +/- 149 kcal/ day). The results of this study demonstrate that children undergoing BMT may have suboptimal nutritional status and that BMI is not an accurate indication of nutritional status in this population. However, Schofield equations were found to be suitable for representing REE in children pre- BMT.


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Resting energy expenditure (REE) is lower than predicted in persons taking atypical antipsychotic medication, and weight management is a significant clinical challenge for some of them. However, to date there have been no published guidelines to assist clinicians in choosing appropriate prediction equations to estimate energy expenditure in persons taking atypical antipsychotic medications. The objectives of this study were to measure REE in a group of men taking the atypical antipsychotic clozapine and to determine whether REE can be accurately predicted for this population using previously published regression equations. REE was measured using indirect calorimetry via a ventilated hood on eight men who had completed at least 6 months of treatment with clozapine. Comparisons between measured REE and predicted REE using five different equations were undertaken. The commonly-used Harris-Benedict and Schofield equations systematically overestimated REE. Predictions of REE from other equations were too variable for clinical use. When estimating energy requirements as part of a weight-management program in men who have been taking clozapine for 6 months, predictions of REE from the equations of Harris-Benedict and Schofield should be reduced by 280 kcal/day.


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Purpose: This Study evaluated the predictive validity of three previously published ActiGraph energy expenditure (EE) prediction equations developed for children and adolescents. Methods: A total of 45 healthy children and adolescents (mean age: 13.7 +/- 2.6 yr) completed four 5-min activity trials (normal walking. brisk walking, easy running, and fast running) in ail indoor exercise facility. During each trial, participants were all ActiGraph accelerometer oil the right hip. EE was monitored breath by breath using the Cosmed K4b(2) portable indirect calorimetry system. Differences and associations between measured and predicted EE were assessed using dependent t-tests and Pearson correlations, respectively. Classification accuracy was assessed using percent agreement, sensitivity, specificity, and area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve, Results: None of the equations accurately predicted mean energy expenditure during each of the four activity trials. Each equation, however, accurately predicted mean EE in at least one activity trial. The Puyau equation accurately predicted EE during slow walking. The Trost equation accurately predicted EE during slow running. The Freedson equation accurately predicted EE during fast running. None of the three equations accurately predicted EE during brisk walking. The equations exhibited fair to excellent classification accuracy with respect to activity intensity. with the Trost equation exhibiting the highest classification accuracy and the Puyau equation exhibiting the lowest. Conclusions: These data suggest that the three accelerometer prediction equations do not accurately predict EE on a minute-by-minute basis in children and adolescents during overground walking and running. The equations maybe, however, for estimating participation in moderate and vigorous activity.


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Open Access funded by Wellcome Trust for University College London (UCL) authors. Acknowledegements Funding for this work was provided by the Wellcome Trust (MDWP, LP). John Speakman was supported by the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. XDB13030000) a 1000 talents professorship. We are grateful to Peter Thomson and Paula Redman for technical assistance with isotope analysis