885 resultados para ELITE CONTROLLERS


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Em 14661, o rei de Portugal, após quatro anos de tentativas falhadas para povoar Santiago através de distribuição de terras em sesmaria a casais portugueses, doa ao donatário (Infante D. Fernando) e aqueles que se aventurassem a residir na ilha, tornando-se seus vizinhos, facilidades fiscais e outros privilégios, incentivando, assim, a vinda de reinois capacitados a investir na armação de navios para o comércio com a Costa da Guiné. Este grupo de reinois - composto por homens com capital para financiar e organizar na ilha um entreposto de mercadorias africanas, principalmente, de escravos e por aqueles que para cá vieram para controlar esse lucrativo negócio, defendendo os interesses da Coroa (oficiais régios) ou dos rendeiros - forma a primeira elite santiaguense, que podemos denominar (e que muitas vezes a documentação assim o faz) de ―Homens brancos, honrados e poderosos‖.


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In this paper we analyse the decline of the Swiss corporate network between 1980 and 2000. We address the theoretical and methodological challenge of this transformation by the use of a combination of network analysis and multiple correspondence analysis (MCA). Based on a sample of top managers of the 110 largest Swiss companies in 1980 and 2000 we show that, beyond an adjustment to structural pressure, an explanation of the decline of the network has to include the strategies of the fractions of the business elites. We reveal that three factors contribute crucially to the decline of the Swiss corporate network: the managerialization of industrial leaders, the marginalization of law degree holders and the influx of hardly connected foreign managers.


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No seu admirável romance, “Ilhéu da Contenda”, Teixeira de Sousa, relata o pensamento de Chiquinho, um jovem mestiço foguense que enquanto matuta sobre a sua posição social, como filho ilegítimo de um branco da terra, expõe-nos sucintamente os seus pensamentos sobre a história da sua família e da sua ilha: “...De que lhe valia ser filho de branco se não usava o nome do pai? /.../ Preferia não receber coisa alguma do pai se em troca apenas lhe desse o seu apelido. Não queria nada mais de Nhô Eusébio. Francisco Medina da Veiga seria nome mais bonito do que só Francisco de Pina. Francisco de Pina. Nome de negro. Ao passo que os Medinas e os Veigas foram sempre gentes graúdas desde o povoamento da ilha. O primeiro Veiga foi capitão-mor do Fogo, e tão rico que os descendentes se mantiveram abastados até os que ainda viviam. Ouvia contar a Nha Caela que esse Afonso Sanches Veiga capitão-mor da ilha, foi o tronco da família do marido. Pois Nho Pedro Simplício da Veiga descendia de uma linha directa desse grande homem que se celebrizou pela sua riqueza e também pela sua crueldade. Os escravos não brincavam com ele. Quando pisavam o risco, mandava-os amarrar a calabaceira de Ilhéu de 2 Contenda e ele próprio os ia castigar com varas de marmeleiro entrançadas em três. Depois mandava botar sal e vinagre nos lanhos sangrentos. Era violento como tudo, esse Sanches da Veiga, tetravô de Pedro Simplício” (pp.61-62)


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As abordagens das sociedades africanas e das transformações sociais que nelas ocorrem têm sido perturbadas pela alienação a um tipo de análise que, em vez de privilegiar a compreensão do que realmente acontece, tem-se esforçado em vincular estas mesmas abordagens a teorias e conceptualizações formalmente reconhecidas, numa teimosa tentativa de legitimação do que sobre elas teriam escrito as ciências sociais ocidentais ou outras análises estabelecidas. Neste esforço, são-nos impostas citações fabricadas em função daquilo que, próximo do objecto de análise, teriam dito os clássicos ou os “mais autorizados”, sobrecarregando os textos e tornando-os menos inteligíveis aos não especialistas, criando constrangimentos à própria análise que, em última instância, assumem a forma de uma camisa-de-forças a um real desenvolvimento do métier de investigador.


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Na tese, que agora se apresenta, ocupamo-nos da formação e desenvolvimento da elite, que, desde o século XV até ao século XVII, evoluiu num processo em que se evidencia uma vincada mudança social. Durante o primeiro século da História do arquipélago, os “homens brancos honrados” de Santiago ocuparam a cimeira da sociedade da ilha. Estes homens, - brancos/reinóis, muitas vezes nobres, armadores, comerciantes e funcionários da administração central - formaram a primeira elite do arquipélago que estruturou a sociedade cabo-verdiana conforme os seus interesses económicos, as suas práticas culturais, políticas e ideológicas. Acontece que esta elite se organiza, se fortalece, e desaparece, não propriamente porque é desalojada numa ruptura abrupta, mas porque é substituída num processo pacífico. É este processo que consideramos específico da sociedade cabo-verdiana e procurámos esclarecer na tese apresentada. Os filhos ilegítimos mulatos dos “homens brancos honrados” serão devedores de seus progenitores e viriam a ocupar o lugar cimeiro na economia e no poder local santiaguense como membros da elite endógena cabo-verdiana, mas sem as facilidades que o comércio lucrativo com a Costa da Guiné propiciava. É essa herança que leva a que os homens dessa elite sejam conhecidos por “brancos da terra” e, não sendo nobres reinóis, façam parte do grupo restrito da “nobreza da terra”. É esta elite que vai evoluir até à Independência de Cabo Verde, sem grandes rupturas que a transforme de forma semelhante ao que sucedeu no período de que nos ocupamos. Daí a importância desta tese para o conhecimento da sociedade cabo-verdiana ao longo dos tempos.


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OBJECTIVE: To study the causes for the lack of clinical progression in a superinfected HIV-1 LTNP elite controller patient.¦METHODOLOGY AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We studied host genetic, virological and immunological factors associated with viral control in a SI long term non progressor elite controller (LTNP-EC). The individual contained both viruses and maintained undetectable viral loads for >20 years and he did not express any of the described host genetic polymorphisms associated with viral control. None of four full-length gp160 recombinants derived from the LTNP-EC replicated in heterologous peripheral blood mononuclear cells. CTL responses after SI were maintained in two samples separated by 9 years and they were higher in breadth and magnitude than responses seen in most of 250 treatment naïve patients and also 25 controller subjects. The LTNP-EC showed a neutralization response, against 4 of the 6 viruses analyzed, superior to other ECs.¦CONCLUSIONS: The study demonstrated that a strong and sustained cellular and humoral immune response and low replicating viruses are associated with viral control in the superinfected LTNP-EC.


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OBJECTIVE: Prior to the implementation of the blood steroidal module of the Athlete Biological Passport, we measured the serum androgen levels among a large population of high-level female athletes as well as the prevalence of biochemical hyperandrogenism and some disorders of sex development (DSD). METHODS AND RESULTS: In 849 elite female athletes, serum T, dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate, androstenedione, SHBG, and gonadotrophins were measured by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry high resolution or immunoassay. Free T was calculated. The sampling hour, age, and type of athletic event only had a small influence on T concentration, whereas ethnicity had not. Among the 85.5% that did not use oral contraceptives, 168 of 717 athletes were oligo- or amenorrhoic. The oral contraceptive users showed the lowest serum androgen and gonadotrophin and the highest SHBG concentrations. After having removed five doped athletes and five DSD women from our population, median T and free T values were close to those reported in sedentary young women. The 99th percentile for T concentration was calculated at 3.08 nmol/L, which is below the 10 nmol/L threshold used for competition eligibility of hyperandrogenic women with normal androgen sensitivity. Prevalence of hyperandrogenic 46 XY DSD in our athletic population is approximately 7 per 1000, which is 140 times higher than expected in the general population. CONCLUSION: This is the first study to establish normative serum androgens values in elite female athletes, while taking into account the possible influence of menstrual status, oral contraceptive use, type of athletic event, and ethnicity. These findings should help to develop the blood steroidal module of the Athlete Biological Passport and to refine more evidence-based fair policies and recommendations concerning hyperandrogenism in female athletes.


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HIV-1 diagnosis is usually based on the detection of specific antibodies, appearing in a time-determined pattern following the infection. We describe a prolonged HIV-1 seroconversion in an elite controller (defined as having HIV-1 RNA persistently <50copies/ml while untreated). HIV-1 diagnosis was delayed and complicated by this atypical evolution.


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El artículo aborda un sistema de exámenes que ha cobrado presencia en Argentina y a escala global, a través de la implantación del Programa de Bachillerato Internacional. Estas páginas desarrollan su caracterización como propuesta pedagógica que privilegian algunas escuelas orientadas a la formación de sectores de elite, y se analizan los efectos que dicho programa produce en la organización del trabajo de los profesores. Así, procuramos una aproximación a la labor pedagógica desempeñada por los "docentes de la elite" en tanto figuras consustanciadas con el trabajo simbólico de producir la consagración escolar de estos grupos. También se revisa el modo en que esta propuesta impone nuevas regulaciones sobre el trabajo de enseñar, a través de modos de regulación pos-burocráticos que se presentan en estas escuelas signadas por las dinámicas de internacionalización de la educación.


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PURPOSE: This longitudinal study aimed at comparing heart rate variability (HRV) in elite athletes identified either in 'fatigue' or in 'no-fatigue' state in 'real life' conditions. METHODS: 57 elite Nordic-skiers were surveyed over 4 years. R-R intervals were recorded supine (SU) and standing (ST). A fatigue state was quoted with a validated questionnaire. A multilevel linear regression model was used to analyze relationships between heart rate (HR) and HRV descriptors [total spectral power (TP), power in low (LF) and high frequency (HF) ranges expressed in ms(2) and normalized units (nu)] and the status without and with fatigue. The variables not distributed normally were transformed by taking their common logarithm (log10). RESULTS: 172 trials were identified as in a 'fatigue' and 891 as in 'no-fatigue' state. All supine HR and HRV parameters (Beta+/-SE) were significantly different (P<0.0001) between 'fatigue' and 'no-fatigue': HRSU (+6.27+/-0.61 bpm), logTPSU (-0.36+/-0.04), logLFSU (-0.27+/-0.04), logHFSU (-0.46+/-0.05), logLF/HFSU (+0.19+/-0.03), HFSU(nu) (-9.55+/-1.33). Differences were also significant (P<0.0001) in standing: HRST (+8.83+/-0.89), logTPST (-0.28+/-0.03), logLFST (-0.29+/-0.03), logHFST (-0.32+/-0.04). Also, intra-individual variance of HRV parameters was larger (P<0.05) in the 'fatigue' state (logTPSU: 0.26 vs. 0.07, logLFSU: 0.28 vs. 0.11, logHFSU: 0.32 vs. 0.08, logTPST: 0.13 vs. 0.07, logLFST: 0.16 vs. 0.07, logHFST: 0.25 vs. 0.14). CONCLUSION: HRV was significantly lower in 'fatigue' vs. 'no-fatigue' but accompanied with larger intra-individual variance of HRV parameters in 'fatigue'. The broader intra-individual variance of HRV parameters might encompass different changes from no-fatigue state, possibly reflecting different fatigue-induced alterations of HRV pattern.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the resistance spectra of six elite breeding lines of rice, developed for improved yield and grain quality, in inoculation tests in the greenhouse and in the field. Forty-six isolates of Pyricularia grisea collected from the cultivar Primavera, 31 from the cultivar Maravilha and 19 from six elite breeding lines, totaling 96 were utilized for inoculations. Out of 11 international and 15 Brazilian pathotypes, IC-1, IB-9, and BD-16, respectively, were identified as most frequent isolates collected from the cultivar Primavera. The isolates retrieved from Maravilha belong to four international and 11 Brazilian pathotypes, the predominant ones being IB-9 and IB-49 and BB-1 and BB-21, respectively. Lines CNAs 8711 and CNAs 8983 showed resistant reaction to all test isolates from Maravilha, while CNAs 8983 was susceptible to three isolates of Primavera pertaining to the pathotype IC-1. A majority of isolates exhibiting compatible reaction to Primavera were incompatible to Maravilha and vice-versa.Field assessment of rice blast utilizing the area under disease progress curve as a criterion for measuring disease severity showed significant differences among the six breeding lines. The isolates of P. grisea exhibiting differential reaction on breeding lines can be utilized in pyramiding resistance genes in new upland rice cultivars.


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The objective of this work was to estimate the coefficient of parentage and to understand the genetic structure of 90 elite soybean cultivars, which are adapted to different Brazilian environments. A total of 4,005 coefficients of parentage (f) were obtained and used to group the cultivars by UPGMA method. The constructed dendrogram showed several related cultivar groups which shared similar ancestors and clearly showed the genetic structure of the main Brazilian cultivars. Effective population sizes (Ne) were also estimated for cultivars in different generations. The average f = 0.2124 value, obtained from cultivars classified into four decades according to the release year, suggested effective soybean population sizes of 11 and 13 calculated using arithmetic and weighted means, respectively. The relatively small Ne and the high parentage coefficient support the conclusion that there is a high similarity degree among the main soybean cultivars in Brazil.