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The temperature dependences of the reduction potentials (Eo') of wildtype human myoglobin (Mb) and three site-directed mutants have been measured by using thin-layer spectroelectrochemistry. Residue Val68, which is in van der Waals contact with the heme in Mb, has been replaced by Glu, Asp, and Asn. At pH 7.0, reduction of the heme iron (III) in the former two proteins is accompanied by uptake of a proton by the protein. The changes in Eo', and the standard entropy (ΔSo') and enthalpy (ΔHo') of reduction in the mutant proteins were determined relative to values for wild-type; the change in Eo' at 25°C was about -200 millivolts for the Glu and Asp mutants, and about -80 millivolts for the Asn mutant. Reduction of Fe(III) to Fe(II) in the Glu and Asp mutants is accompanied by uptake of a proton. These studies demonstrate that Mb can tolerate substitution of a buried hydrophobic group by potentially charged and polar residues, and that such amino acid replacements can lead to substantial changes in the redox thermodynamics of the protein.

Through analysis of the temperature dependence and shapes of NMR dispersion signals, it is determined that a water molecule is bound to the sixth coordination site of the ferric heme in the Val68Asp and in the Val68Asn recombinant proteins while the carboxyl group of the sidechain of Glu68 occupies this position in Val68Glu. The relative rhombic distortions in the ESR spectra of these mutant proteins combined with H217O and spin interconversion experiments performed on them confirm the conclusions of the NMRD study.

The rates of intramolecular electron transfer (ET) of (NH3)5Ru-His48 (Val68Asp, His81GIn, Cys110AIa)Mb and (NH3)5Ru-His48 (Val68GIu,His81GIn,Cys110Ala)Mb were measured to be .85(3)s-1 and .30(2)s-1, respectively. This data supports the hypothesis that entropy of 111 reduction and reorganization energy of ET are inversely related. The rates of forward and reverse ET for (NH3)5 Ru-His48 (Val68GIu, His81 GIn, Cys110AIa)ZnMb -7.2(5)•104s-1and 1.4(2)•105s-1, respectively- demonstrate that the placement of a highly polar residue nearby does not significantly change the reorganization energy of the photoactive Zn porphyrin.

The distal histidine imidazoles of (NH3)4isnRu-His48 SWMb and (NH3)5Ru-His48 SWMb were cyanated with BrCN. The intramolecular ET rates of these BrCN-modified Mb derivatives are 5.5(6)s-1 and 3.2(5)s-1, respectively. These respective rates are 20 and 10 times faster than those of their noncyanated counterparts after the differences in ET rate from driving force are scaled according to the Marcus equation. This increase in ET rate of the cyanated Mb derivatives is attributed to lower reorganization energy since the cyanated Mb heme is pentacoordinate in both oxidation states; whereas, the native Mb heme loses a water molecule upon reduction so that it changes from six to five coordinate. The reorganization energy from Fe-OH2 dissociation is estimated to be .2eV. This conclusion is used to reconcile data from previous experiments in our lab. ET in photoactive porphyrin-substituted myoglobins proceed faster than predicted by Marcus Theory when it is assumed that the only difference in ET parameters between photoactive porphyrins and native heme systems is driving force. However, the data can be consistently fit to Marcus Theory if one corrects for the smaller reorganization in the photoactive porphyrin systems since they do not undergo a coordination change upon ET.

Finally, the intramolecular ET rate of (NH3)4isnRu-His48 SWMb was measured to be 3.0(4)s-1. This rate is within experimental error of that for (NH3)4pyrRu-His48 SWMb even though the former has 80mV more driving force. One likely possibility for this observation is that the tetraamminepyridineruthenium group undergoes less reorganization upon ET than the tetraammineisonicotinamideruthenium group. Moreover, analysis of the (NH3)4isnRu-His48 SWMb experimental system gives a likely explanation of why ET was not observed previously in (NH3)4isnRu-Cytochrome C.


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The storage of photoexcited electron-hole pairs is experimentally carried out and theoretically realized by transferring electrons in both real and k spaces through resonant Gamma - X in an AlAs/GaAs heterostructure. This is proven by the peculiar capacitance jump and hysteresis in the measured capacitance-voltage curves. Our structure may be used as a photonic memory cell with a long storage time and a fast retrieval of photons as well.


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A generalized scattering matrix formalism is constructed to elucidate the interplay of electron resonance, coherence, dephasing, inelastic scattering, and heterogeneity, which play important roles in the physics of long-range electron transfer/transport. The theory consists of an extension of the standard Buttiker phase-breaking model and an analytical expression of the electron transmission coefficient for donor-bridge-acceptor systems with arbitrary length and sequence. The theory incorporates the following features: Dephasing-assisted off-resonance enhancement, inelasticity-induced turnover, resonance enhancement and its dephasing-induced suppression, dephasing-induced smooth superexchange-hopping transition, and heterogeneity effects. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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Based on the Buttiker dephasing model, we propose an analytical scattering matrix approach to the long-range electron transfer phenomena. The present efficient scheme smoothly interpolates between the superexchange and the sequential hopping mechanisms. Various properties such as the drastic dephasing-assisted enhancement and turnover behaviors are demonstrated in good agreement with those obtained via the dynamical reduced density-matrix methods. These properties are further elucidated as results of the interplay among the dephasing strength, the tunneling parameter, and the bridge length of the electron transfer system. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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We consider electron capture in fast collisions between a proton and hydrogen in the presence of an intense x-ray laser whose angular frequency omega is close to v(2)/2, where v is the collision velocity. We show that in such a case laser-induced capture becomes possible and that the latter proceeds via both induced photon emission and photon absorption channels and can, in principle, compete with kinematic and radiative electron capture.


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We experimentally investigate the shell effect on the stabilization processes following the multi-electron transfer in slow collisions of Arq+-Ar (q = 6-9, It) The relative cross-section ratios of multi-electron transfer and of the subsequent stabilization with respect to single-electron capture are measured meanwhile compared with the theoretical results predicted by the classical over-barrier model. Our result indicates that the multi-electron transfer is dominant when the projectile charge is large and the subsequent stabilization shows a dramatic variation if the projectile L-shell configuration becomes open. It shows that the subsequent stabilization processes of multiply excited scattering ions have a strong dependence on the projectile shell. (C) 2010 Elsevier BV All rights reserved.


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The stabilization ratios.. for double-electron transfer, i.e., the cross section ratios of true double capture to total double-electron transfer, are measured in O6++ He, Ne and Ar collisions at 6 keV/u. A high.. value about 68% is obtained for the He target, while for the Ar target, the.. value is only 8%. The high R value for the He target is due to the significant direct population of the (2l, nl') configurations with high n For the Ar target, the (quasi) symmetric configurations (3l, nl') lead to the much lower.. value. Neglecting the core effects, the O6+ ion can be taken as a bare ion C6+ except the occupied 1s shell, and then the measured R values are compared with previous experimental results of C6+ projectile ions at similar impact velocity. It yields good agreement with the Ne and Ar target, while the occupied 1s shell for the O6++ He system results in a higher R value than that in C6++He collisions.


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The structures, properties and electron transfer reactivity of the ClO/ClO+ coupling system are studied in this paper at ab initio (HF and MP2) levels and the density functional theory (DFT: B3LYP, B3P86, B3PW91) levels employing 6311 + G(3df) basis set and on the basis of the golden-rule of the time-dependent perturbation theory. Investigations indicate that the results got from the B3LYP method employing 6-311 + G(3df) basis set is in excellent agreement with the experiment. The activation energies, the stabilization energies and the electronic coupling matrix elements have also been calculated by using the B3LYP/6-311 + G(3df) method, and then the electron transfer rates are determined at this level. The electronic coupling matrix element of EC.6 is very small, only 0.03 kcal/mol, while that of EC.7 is the biggest, being 12.41 kcal/mol, the corresponding electron transfer rate is also the fastest among these seven encounter complexes. The averaged electron transfer rate is about 1.672 X 10(11) M-1 s(-1). It is indicated that the structures optimized by B3LYP method are more reliable than the results got from the other four methods. It also testified that the electronic coupling matrix element is the vital factor that significantly affects the electron transfer rate. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The structures, properties and electron transfer reactivity of the ClO/ClO- coupling system are studied in this paper at ab initio (UHF and UMP2) levels and the Density Functional Theory (DFT: UB3LYP, UB3P86, UB3PW91) levels employing 6311 + G(3df) basis set and on the basis of the Golden-rule of the time-dependent perturbation theory. Investigations indicate that the results obtained using the UB3LYP method employing 6-311 + G(3df) basis set is in excellent agreement with the experiment. For this coupling system, six stable coupling modes have been found which correspond to six different encounter complexes and denote six different electron transfer mechanism: four O-O directly linked structures (one collinear: D-h, one anti-parallel: C-s, two twist: C-2) and two Cl-O linked structures (cis- and anti- C-s structures). The activation energies, the stabilization energies and the electronic coupling matrix elements have also been calculated for the electron transfer reactions via these six different mechanism at the UB3LYP/6-311 + G(3df) level, and then the electron transfer rates are determined at the same level. The most favorable coupling mode to the electron transfer is the anti-parallel mechanism. The averaged electron transfer rate is about 5.58 X 10(11) M-1 s(-1). It is also implied that the B3LYP method can give more reasonable results for the electron transfer reactivity of this system. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Both the behavior and the general key factors for assembling flexible SWNT films at the water/oil interface were investigated; the electron transfer, one of the most fundamental chemical processes, at the SWNT-sandwiched water/oil interface was also firstly illustrated using scanning electrochemical microscopy.