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DNA charge transport (CT) involves the efficient transfer of electrons or electron holes through the DNA π-stack over long molecular distances of at least 100 base-pairs. Despite this shallow distance dependence, DNA CT is sensitive to mismatches or lesions that disrupt π-stacking and is critically dependent on proper electronic coupling of the donor and acceptor moieties into the base stack. Favorable DNA CT is very rapid, occurring on the picosecond timescale. Because of this speed, electron holes equilibrate along the DNA π-stack, forming a characteristic pattern of DNA damage at low oxidation potential guanine multiplets. Furthermore, DNA CT may be used in a biological context. DNA processing enzymes with 4Fe4S clusters can perform DNA-mediated electron transfer (ET) self-exchange reactions with other 4Fe4S cluster proteins, even if the proteins are quite dissimilar, as long as the DNA-bound [4Fe4S]3+/2+ redox potentials are conserved. This mechanism would allow low copy number DNA repair proteins to find their lesions efficiently within the cell. DNA CT may also be used biologically for the long-range, selective activation of redox-active transcription factors. Within this work, we pursue other proteins that may utilize DNA CT within the cell and further elucidate aspects of the DNA-mediated ET self-exchange reaction of 4Fe4S cluster proteins.

Dps proteins, bacterial mini-ferritins that protect DNA from oxidative stress, are implicated in the survival and virulence of pathogenic bacteria. One aspect of their protection involves ferroxidase activity, whereby ferrous iron is bound and oxidized selectively by hydrogen peroxide, thereby preventing formation of damaging hydroxyl radicals via Fenton chemistry. Understanding the specific mechanism by which Dps proteins protect the bacterial genome could inform the development of new antibiotics. We investigate whether DNA-binding E. coli Dps can utilize DNA CT to protect the genome from a distance. An intercalating ruthenium photooxidant was employed to generate oxidative DNA damage via the flash-quench technique, which localizes to a low potential guanine triplet. We find that Dps loaded with ferrous iron, in contrast to Apo-Dps and ferric iron-loaded Dps which lack available reducing equivalents, significantly attenuates the yield of oxidative DNA damage at the guanine triplet. These data demonstrate that ferrous iron-loaded Dps is selectively oxidized to fill guanine radical holes, thereby restoring the integrity of the DNA. Luminescence studies indicate no direct interaction between the ruthenium photooxidant and Dps, supporting the DNA-mediated oxidation of ferrous iron-loaded Dps. Thus DNA CT may be a mechanism by which Dps efficiently protects the genome of pathogenic bacteria from a distance.

Further work focused on spectroscopic characterization of the DNA-mediated oxidation of ferrous iron-loaded Dps. X-band EPR was used to monitor the oxidation of DNA-bound Dps after DNA photooxidation via the flash-quench technique. Upon irradiation with poly(dGdC)2, a signal arises with g = 4.3, consistent with the formation of mononuclear high-spin Fe(III) sites of low symmetry, the expected oxidation product of Dps with one iron bound at each ferroxidase site. When poly(dGdC)2 is substituted with poly(dAdT)2, the yield of Dps oxidation is decreased significantly, indicating that guanine radicals facilitate Dps oxidation. The more favorable oxidation of Dps by guanine radicals supports the feasibility of a long-distance protection mechanism via DNA CT where Dps is oxidized to fill guanine radical holes in the bacterial genome produced by reactive oxygen species.

We have also explored possible electron transfer intermediates in the DNA-mediated oxidation of ferrous iron-loaded Dps. Dps proteins contain a conserved tryptophan residue in close proximity to the ferroxidase site (W52 in E. coli Dps). In comparison to WT Dps, in EPR studies of the oxidation of ferrous iron-loaded Dps following DNA photooxidation, W52Y and W52A mutants were deficient in forming the characteristic EPR signal at g = 4.3, with a larger deficiency for W52A compared to W52Y. In addition to EPR, we also probed the role of W52 Dps in cells using a hydrogen peroxide survival assay. Bacteria containing W52Y Dps survived the hydrogen peroxide challenge more similarly to those containing WT Dps, whereas cells with W52A Dps died off as quickly as cells without Dps. Overall, these results suggest the possibility of W52 as a CT hopping intermediate.

DNA-modified electrodes have become an essential tool for the study of the redox chemistry of DNA processing enzymes with 4Fe4S clusters. In many cases, it is necessary to investigate different complex samples and substrates in parallel in order to elucidate this chemistry. Therefore, we optimized and characterized a multiplexed electrochemical platform with the 4Fe4S cluster base excision repair glycosylase Endonuclease III (EndoIII). Closely packed DNA films, where the protein has limited surface accessibility, produce EndoIII electrochemical signals sensitive to an intervening mismatch, indicating a DNA-mediated process. Multiplexed analysis allowed more robust characterization of the CT-deficient Y82A EndoIII mutant, as well as comparison of a new family of mutations altering the electrostatics surrounding the 4Fe4S cluster in an effort to shift the reduction potential of the cluster. While little change in the DNA-bound midpoint potential was found for this family of mutants, likely indicating the dominant effect of DNA-binding on establishing the protein redox potential, significant variations in the efficiency of DNA-mediated electron transfer were apparent. On the basis of the stability of these proteins, examined by circular dichroism, we proposed that the electron transfer pathway in EndoIII can be perturbed not only by the removal of aromatic residues but also through changes in solvation near the cluster.

While the 4Fe4S cluster of EndoIII is relatively insensitive to oxidation and reduction in solution, we have found that upon DNA binding, the reduction potential of the [4Fe4S]3+/2+ couple shifts negatively by approximately 200 mV, bringing this couple into a physiologically relevant range. Demonstrated using electrochemistry experiments in the presence and absence of DNA, these studies do not provide direct molecular evidence for the species being observed. Sulfur K-edge X-ray absorbance spectroscopy (XAS) can be used to probe directly the covalency of iron-sulfur clusters, which is correlated to their reduction potential. We have shown that the Fe-S covalency of the 4Fe4S cluster of EndoIII increases upon DNA binding, stabilizing the oxidized [4Fe4S]3+ cluster, consistent with a negative shift in reduction potential. The 7% increase in Fe-S covalency corresponds to an approximately 150 mV shift, remarkably similar to DNA electrochemistry results. Therefore we have obtained direct molecular evidence for the shift in 4Fe4S reduction potential of EndoIII upon DNA binding, supporting the feasibility of our model whereby these proteins can utilize DNA CT to cooperate in order to efficiently find DNA lesions inside cells.

In conclusion, in this work we have explored the biological applications of DNA CT. We discovered that the DNA-binding bacterial ferritin Dps can protect the bacterial genome from a distance via DNA CT, perhaps contributing to pathogen survival and virulence. Furthermore, we optimized a multiplexed electrochemical platform for the study of the redox chemistry of DNA-bound 4Fe4S cluster proteins. Finally, we have used sulfur K-edge XAS to obtain direct molecular evidence for the negative shift in 4Fe4S cluster reduction potential of EndoIII upon DNA binding. These studies contribute to the understanding of DNA-mediated protein oxidation within cells.


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Magnetic resonance techniques have given us a powerful means for investigating dynamical processes in gases, liquids and solids. Dynamical effects manifest themselves in both resonance line shifts and linewidths, and, accordingly, require detailed analyses to extract desired information. The success of a magnetic resonance experiment depends critically on relaxation mechanisms to maintain thermal equilibrium between spin states. Consequently, there must be an interaction between the excited spin states and their immediate molecular environment which promote changes in spin orientation while excess magnetic energy is coupled into other degrees of freedom by non-radiative processes. This is well known as spin-lattice relaxation. Certain dynamical processes cause fluctuations in the spin state energy levels leading to spin-spin relaxation and, here again, the environment at the molecular level plays a significant role in the magnitude of interaction. Relatively few electron spin relaxation studies of solutions have been conducted and the present work is addressed toward the extension of our knowledge in this area and the retrieval of dynamical information from line shape analyses on a time scale comparable to diffusion controlled phenomena.

Specifically, the electron spin relaxation of three Mn+23d5 complexes, Mn(CH3CN)6+2, MnCl4-2 in acetonitrile has been studied in considerable detail. The effective spin Hamiltonian constants were carefully evaluated under a wide range of experimental conditions. Resonance widths of these Mn+2 complexes were studied in the presence of various excess ligand ions and as a function of concentration, viscosity, temperature and frequency (X-band, ~9.5 Ԍ Hz and K-band, ~35 Ԍ Hz).

A number of interesting conclusions were drawn from these studies. For the Et4NCl-4-2 system several relaxation mechanisms leading to resonance broadening were observed. One source appears to arise through spin-orbit interactions caused by modulation of the ligand field resulting from transient distortions of the complex imparted by solvent fluctuations in the immediate surroundings of the paramagnetic ion. An additional spin relaxation was assigned to the formation of ion pairs [Et4N+…MnCl4-2] and it was possible to estimate the dissociation constant for this specie in acetonitrile.

The Bu4NBr-MnBr4-2 study was considerably more interesting. As in the former case, solvent fluctuations and ion-pairing of the paramagnetic complex [Bu4N+…MnBr4-2] provide significant relaxation for the electronic spin system. Most interesting, without doubt, is the onset of a new relaxation mechanism leading to resonance broadening which is best interpreted as chemical exchange. Thus, assuming that resonance widths were simply governed by electron spin state lifetimes, we were able to extract dynamical information from an interaction in which the initial and final states are the same

MnBr4-2 + Br- = MnBr4-2 + Br-.

The bimolecular rate constants were obtained at six different temperatures and their magnitudes suggested that the exchange is probably diffusion controlled with essentially a zero energy of activation. The most important source of spin relaxation in this system stems directly from dipolar interactions between the manganese 3d5 electrons. Moreover, the dipolar broadening is strongly frequency dependent indicating a deviation between the transverse and longitudinal relaxation times. We are led to the conclusion that the 3d5 spin states of ion-paired MnBr4-2 are significantly correlated so that dynamical processes are also entering the picture. It was possible to estimate the correlation time, Td, characterizing this dynamical process.

In Part II we study nuclear magnetic relaxation of bromine ions in the MnBr4-2-Bu4NBr-acetonitrile system. Essentially we monitor the 79Br and 81Br linewidths in response to the [MnBr4-2]/[Br-] ratio with the express purpose of supporting our contention that exchange is occurring between "free" bromine ions in the solvent and bromine in the first coordination sphere of the paramagnetic anion. The complexity of the system elicited a two-part study: (1) the linewidth behavior of Bu4NBr in anhydrous CH3CN in the absence of MnBr4-2 and (2) in the presence of MnBr4-2. It was concluded in study (1) that dynamical association, Bu4NBr k1= Bu4N+ + Br-, was modulating field-gradient interactions at frequencies high enough to provide an estimation of the unimolecular rate constant, k1. A comparison of the two isotopic bromine linewidth-mole fraction results led to the conclusion that quadrupole interactions provided the dominant relaxation mechanism. In study (2) the "residual" bromine linewidths for both 79Br and 81Br are clearly controlled by quadrupole interactions which appear to be modulated by very rapid dynamical processes other than molecular reorientation. We conclude that the "residual" linewidth has its origin in chemical exchange and that bromine nuclei exchange rapidly between a "free" solvated ion and the paramagnetic complex, MnBr4-2.


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Part I. Proton Magnetic Resonance of Polynucleotides and Transfer RNA.

Proton magnetic resonance was used to follow the temperature dependent intramolecular stacking of the bases in the polynucleotides of adenine and cytosine. Analysis of the results on the basis of a two state stacked-unstacked model yielded values of -4.5 kcal/mole and -9.5 kcal/mole for the enthalpies of stacking in polyadenylic and polycytidylic acid, respectively.

The interaction of purine with these molecules was also studied by pmr. Analysis of these results and the comparison of the thermal unstacking of polynucleotides and short chain nucleotides indicates that the bases contained in stacks within the long chain poly nucleotides are, on the average, closer together than the bases contained in stacks in the short chain nucleotides.

Temperature and purine studies were also carried out with an aqueous solution of formylmethionine transfer ribonucleic acid. Comparison of these results with the results of similar experiments with the homopolynucleotides of adenine, cytosine and uracil indicate that the purine is probably intercalating into loop regions of the molecule.

The solvent denaturation of phenylalanine transfer ribonucleic acid was followed by pmr. In a solvent mixture containing 83 volume per cent dimethylsulf oxide and 17 per cent deuterium oxide, the tRNA molecule is rendered quite flexible. It is possible to resolve resonances of protons on the common bases and on certain modified bases.

Part II. Electron Spin Relaxation Studies of Manganese (II) Complexes in Acetonitrile.

The electron paramagnetic resonance spectra of three Mn+2 complexes, [Mn(CH3CN)6]+2, [MnCl4]-2, and [MnBr4]-2, in acetonitrile were studied in detail. The objective of this study was to relate changes in the effective spin Hamiltonian parameters and the resonance line widths to the structure of these molecular complexes as well as to dynamical processes in solution.

Of the three systems studied, the results obtained from the [Mn(CH3CN)6]+2 system were the most straight-forward to interpret. Resonance broadening attributable to manganese spin-spin dipolar interactions was observed as the manganese concentration was increased.

In the [MnCl4]-2 system, solvent fluctuations and dynamical ion-pairing appear to be significant in determining electron spin relaxation.

In the [MnBr4]-2 system, solvent fluctuations, ion-pairing, and Br- ligand exchange provide the principal means of electron spin relaxation. It was also found that the spin relaxation in this system is dependent upon the field strength and is directly related to the manganese concentration. A relaxation theory based on a two state collisional model was developed to account for the observed behavior.


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Transparent glass-ceramics containing beta-Ga2O3:Ni2+ nanocrystals were synthesized and characterized by X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, and electron energy loss spectroscopy. Intense broad-band luminescence centering at 1200 nm was observed when the sample was excited by a diode laser at 980 nm. The room-temperature fluorescent lifetime was 665 mu s, which is longer than the Ni2+-doped ZnAl2O4 and LiGa5O8 glass-ceramics and is also comparable to the Ni2+-doped LiGa5O8 single crystal. The intense infrared luminescence with long fluorescent lifetime may be ascribed to the high crystal field hold by Ni2+ and the moderate lattice phonon energy of beta-Ga2O3. The excellent optical properties of this novel material indicate that it might be a promising candidate for broad-band amplifiers and room-temperature tunable lasers.


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NaYF4: 0.02Er center dot xYb-PVP composite nanofibers with the diameter of similar to 400 nm have been prepared by electrospinning. Field emission scanning electron microscope and X-ray diffraction have been utilized to characterize morphology and structure of the as-prepared electrospun nanofibers. Their up-conversion luminescence is investigated under a 980-nm excitation. Green (538 and 520 nm), red (6-55 nm), and blue (405 nm) emissions are observed in the up-conversion luminescence spectra, and the intensity of these three emissions changes differently with the variety of Yb content, which has been interpreted successfully in this letter. The color of NaYF4: 0.02Er center dot xYb-PVP nanolibers under a 980-nm excitation can be changed from green --> white --> yellow gradually via changing the Yb content.


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Coherent coupling between a large number of qubits is the goal for scalable approaches to solid state quantum information processing. Prototype systems can be characterized by spectroscopic techniques. Here, we use pulsed-continuous wave microwave spectroscopy to study the behavior of electrons trapped at defects within the gate dielectric of a sol-gel-based high-k silicon MOSFET. Disorder leads to a wide distribution in trap properties, allowing more than 1000 traps to be individually addressed in a single transistor within the accessible frequency domain. Their dynamical behavior is explored by pulsing the microwave excitation over a range of times comparable to the phase coherence time and the lifetime of the electron in the trap. Trap occupancy is limited to a single electron, which can be manipulated by resonant microwave excitation and the resulting change in trap occupancy is detected by the change in the channel current of the transistor. The trap behavior is described by a classical damped driven simple harmonic oscillator model, with the phase coherence, lifetime and coupling strength parameters derived from a continuous wave (CW) measurement only. For pulse times shorter than the phase coherence time, the energy exchange between traps, due to the coupling, strongly modulates the observed drain current change. This effect could be exploited for 2-qubit gate operation. The very large number of resonances observed in this system would allow a complex multi-qubit quantum mechanical circuit to be realized by this mechanism using only a single transistor.


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Electrochemical investigations were conducted of the effect of potential on the luminescence of porous silico (PS). The use of liquid contacts allows the potential to be controlled during studies of the photoluminescence (PL) and electroluminescence (EI). The PL and EL of PS samples prepared from n-type substrates is considered. To obtain luminescence from such PS it is necessary to generate holes in the valence band. This is achieved by either photoexcitation or an electrochemical process involving the reduction of persulfate. This paper describes the investigations of the effect of potential on the PL and EL of PS. A mechanism of 'potential tuning' based on electron occupancy and Auger quenching is then proposed.


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In this paper we demonstrate that the structural and optical properties of Si nanoclusters (Si ncs) formed by thermal annealing of SiOx films prepared by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) and magnetron sputtering are very different. In fact, at a fixed Si excess and annealing temperature, photoluminescence (PL) spectra of sputtered samples are redshifted with respect to PECVD samples, denoting a larger Si ncs size. In addition, PL intensity reaches a maximum in sputtered films at annealing temperatures much lower than those needed in PECVD films. These data are correlated with structural properties obtained by energy filtered transmission electron microscopy and electron energy loss spectroscopy. It is shown that in PECVD films only around 30% of the Si excess agglomerates in clusters while an almost complete agglomeration occurs in sputtered films. These data are explained on the basis of the different initial structural properties of the as-deposited films that become crucial for the subsequent evolution. © 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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Anisotropic exchange splitting (AES) is induced by the joint effects of the electron-hole exchange interaction and the symmetry reduction in quantum wells and quantum dots. A model has been developed to quantitatively obtain the electron-hole exchange energy and the hole-mixing energy of quantum wells and superlattices. In this model, the AES and the degree of polarization can both be obtained from the reflectance difference spectroscopy. Thus the electron-hole exchange energy and the hole-mixing energy can be completely separated and quantitatively deduced. By using this model, a (001)5 nm GaAs/7 nm Al0.3Ga0.7As superlattice sample subjected to [110] uniaxial strains has been investigated in detail. The n=1 heavy-hole (1H1E) exciton can be analyzed by this model. We find that the AES of quantum wells can be linearly tuned by the [110] uniaxial strains. The small uniaxial strains can only influence the hole-mixing interaction of quantum wells, but have almost no contribution to the electron-hole exchange interaction. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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The electronic structure and Lande electron g-factors of manganese-doped HgTe quantum spheres are investigated, in the framework of the eight-band effective-mass model and the mean-field approximation. It is found that the electronic structure evolves continuously from the zero-gap configuration to an open-gap configuration with decreasing radius. The size dependence of electron g-factors is calculated with different Mn-doped effective concentration, magnetic field, and temperature values, respectively. It is found that the variations of electron g-factors are quite different for small and large quantum spheres, due to the strong exchange-induced interaction and spin-orbit coupling in the narrow-gap DMS nanocrystals. The electron g-factors are zero at a critical point of spherical radius R-c; however, by modulating the nanocrystal size their absolute values can be turned to be even 400 times larger than those in undoped cases. Copyright (c) EPLA, 2008.


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We study the structural defects in the SiOx film prepared by electron cyclotron resonance plasma chemical vapour deposition and annealing recovery evolution. The photoluminescence property is observed in the as-deposited and annealed samples. [-SiO3](2-) defects are the luminescence centres of the ultraviolet photoluminescence (PL) from the Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and PL measurements. [-SiO3](2-) is observed by positron annihilation spectroscopy, and this defect can make the S parameters increase. After 1000 degrees C annealing, [-SiO3](2-) defects still exist in the films.


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We investigate theoretically the electron-hole pair states in CdTe quantum dot (QD) containing a single Mn2+ ion by the magneto-optical spectrum tuned by the electric field. It is shown that the electric field does not only tune the spin splitting via the sp-d exchange interaction but also affect significantly the anticrossing behavior in the photoluminescence spectrum. This anticrossing is caused by the s-d exchange interaction and/or the hole mixing effect, which depends sensitively on the shape of the QD. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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Thermally stimulated luminescence spectroscopy has been applied to study the deep centres in unintentionally doped high resistivity GaN epilayers grown by the metal organic chemical vapour deposition method on c-sapphire substrates. Two trap states with activation energies of 0.12 and 0.62 eV are evaluated from two luminescence peaks at 141.9 and 294.7 K in the luminescence curve. Our spectroscopy measurement, in combination with more accurate first-principles studies, provided insights into the microscopic origin of these levels. Our investigations suggest that the lower level at 0.12 eV might originate from C-N, which behaves as a hole trap state; the deeper level at 0.62 eV can be correlated with V-Ga that corresponds to the yellow luminescence band observed in low-temperature photoluminescence spectra.


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Electron spin relaxation of charged excitons X+ and X2+ are investigated by time-resolved and polarization-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy. For X+ configuration, the electron spin relaxation shows a typical decay curve induced by hyperfine interaction with nuclei, whereas for X2+ state the electron spin relaxation is affected not only by nuclei but also by electron-hole exchange interaction, leading to a power-law time dependence.


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The electronic structure of a diluted magnetic semiconductor (DMS) quantum dot (QD) is studied within the framework of the effective-mass theory. We find that the energies of the electron with different spin orientation exhibit different behavior as a function of magnetic field at small magnetic fields. The energies of the hole decreases rapidly at low magnetic fields and saturate at higher magnetic field due to the sp-d exchange interaction between the carriers and the magnetic ions. The mixing effect of the hole states in the DMS QD can be tuned by changing the external magnetic field. An interesting crossing behavior of the hole ground state between the heavy-hole state and the light-hole state is found with variation of the QD radius. The strength of the interband optical transition for different circular polarization exhibts quite different behavior with increasing magnetic field and QD radius.