The aim of this work was to determine ruminal degradation of neutral detergent fiber of grasses of the genus Cynodon, harvested at four cutting ages. It was used a randomized block design, with five treatments arranged in a split plot, the five evaluated genotypes: Tifton 85, Jiggs, Russel, Tifton 68 and Vaquero; were the plots and ages of cutting were the subplots: 28, 48, 63 and 79 days. By adding one day in the cutting age, there was a linear reduction in the effective degradability of neutral detergent fiber of blade and stem of 0.16 and 0.18%, respectively. The increase in the cutting age had a linear and positive influence on the undegradable neutral detergent fiber with daily increments for leaf and stem of 0.12 and 0.18%, respectively. At the 28 regrowth day, all genotypes showed higher content of potentially degradable insoluble fraction, effective degradability and lower undegradable fraction of the neutral detergent fiber of blade and stem in relation to other ages, in this way this interval is recommended for cutting management.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The synthetic intermaxillary elastic emerged as an alternative for clinical use in patients with latex sensitivity. However, there are disagreements about this elastic protocol use according to the force degradation. The aim of this study was to evaluate, in vitro, the forces generated by latex and synthetic elastics over time. Material and methods: Sample size of 840 elastics were used (420 latex and 420 synthetic), delivering medium strength (Dental Morelli®) with internal diameter of 1/8", 3/16", 1/4" and 5/16". The elastics were randomly divided into 7 groups according to the time of the force measuring and immersed into distilled water at 37°C. To measure the force in each group, the elastics were stretched in six progressive increases of 100% of its internal diameter with the aid of a testing machine Emic and measured up to 72 hours. Data were analyzed with SPSS 16.0, using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Results: Immediate force level of synthetic elastics was statistically higher than latex elastics in all strains, for the same size. However, the latex elastics mean forceslightly decreased over time, while the synthetic elastics presented an abrupt decrease. Conclusion: In view of these findings, Sudanese homemade alcoholic beverages cause oral epithelial atypical changes, which lead to oral precancerous and cancerous lesions. OEFC is a useful procedure for detection and assessment of oral ET.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Objective: The flexural strength and the elastic modulus of acrylic resins, Dencor, Duralay and Trim Plus II, were evaluated with and without the addition of silanised glass fibre. Materials and methods: To evaluate the flexural strength and elastic modulus, 60 test specimens were fabricated with the addition of 10% ground silanised glass fibres for the experimental group, and 60 without the incorporation of fibres, for the control group, with 20 test specimens being made of each commercial brand of resin (Dencor, Duralay and Trim Plus II) for the control group and experimental group. After the test specimens had been completed, the flexural strength and elastic modulus tests were performed in a universal testing device, using the three-point bending test. For the specimens without fibres the One-Way Analysis of Variance and the complementary Tukey test were used, and for those with fibres it was not normal, so that the non-parametric Mann-Whitney test was applied. Results: For the flexural strength test, there was no statistical difference (p > 0.05) between each commercial brand of resin without fibres [Duralay 84.32(+/- 8.54), Trim plus 85.39(+/- 6.74), Dencor 96.70(+/- 6.52)] and with fibres (Duralay 87.18, Trim plus 88.33, Dencor 98.10). However, for the elastic modulus, there was statistical difference (p > 0.01) between each commercial brand of resin without fibres [Duralay 2380.64 (+/- 168.60), Trim plus 2740.37(+/- 311.74), Dencor 2595.42(+/- 261.22)] and with fibres (Duralay 3750.42, Trim plus 3188.80, Dencor 3400.75). Conclusion: The result showed that the incorporation of fibre did not interfere in the flexural strength values, but it increased the values for the elastic modulus.
Background: Cellulose consisting of arrays of linear beta-1,4 linked glucans, is the most abundant carbon-containing polymer present in biomass. Recalcitrance of crystalline cellulose towards enzymatic degradation is widely reported and is the result of intra-and inter-molecular hydrogen bonds within and among the linear glucans. Cellobiohydrolases are enzymes that attack crystalline cellulose. Here we report on two forms of glycosyl hydrolase family 7 cellobiohydrolases common to all Aspergillii that attack Avicel, cotton cellulose and other forms of crystalline cellulose. Results: Cellobiohydrolases Cbh1 and CelD have similar catalytic domains but only Cbh1 contains a carbohydrate-binding domain (CBD) that binds to cellulose. Structural superpositioning of Cbh1 and CelD on the Talaromyces emersonii Cel7A 3-dimensional structure, identifies the typical tunnel-like catalytic active site while Cbh1 shows an additional loop that partially obstructs the substrate-fitting channel. CelD does not have a CBD and shows a four amino acid residue deletion on the tunnel-obstructing loop providing a continuous opening in the absence of a CBD. Cbh1 and CelD are catalytically functional and while specific activity against Avicel is 7.7 and 0.5 U. mg prot-1, respectively specific activity on pNPC is virtually identical. Cbh1 is slightly more stable to thermal inactivation compared to CelD and is much less sensitive to glucose inhibition suggesting that an open tunnel configuration, or absence of a CBD, alters the way the catalytic domain interacts with the substrate. Cbh1 and CelD enzyme mixtures on crystalline cellulosic substrates show a strong combinatorial effort response for mixtures where Cbh1 is present in 2: 1 or 4: 1 molar excess. When CelD was overrepresented the combinatorial effort could only be partially overcome. CelD appears to bind and hydrolyze only loose cellulosic chains while Cbh1 is capable of opening new cellulosic substrate molecules away from the cellulosic fiber. Conclusion: Cellobiohydrolases both with and without a CBD occur in most fungal genomes where both enzymes are secreted, and likely participate in cellulose degradation. The fact that only Cbh1 binds to the substrate and in combination with CelD exhibits strong synergy only when Cbh1 is present in excess, suggests that Cbh1 unties enough chains from cellulose fibers, thus enabling processive access of CelD.
Background Diminishing supplies of fossil fuels and oil spills are rousing to explore the alternative sources of energy that can be produced from non-food/feed-based substrates. Due to its abundance, sugarcane bagasse (SB) could be a model substrate for the second-generation biofuel cellulosic ethanol. However, the efficient bioconversion of SB remains a challenge for the commercial production of cellulosic ethanol. We hypothesized that oxalic-acid-mediated thermochemical pretreatment (OAFEX) would overcome the native recalcitrance of SB by enhancing the cellulase amenability toward the embedded cellulosic microfibrils. Results OAFEX treatment revealed the solubilization of hemicellulose releasing sugars (12.56 g/l xylose and 1.85 g/l glucose), leaving cellulignin in an accessible form for enzymatic hydrolysis. The highest hydrolytic efficiency (66.51%) of cellulignin was achieved by enzymatic hydrolysis (Celluclast 1.5 L and Novozym 188). The ultrastructure characterization of SB using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), Raman spectroscopy, Fourier transform–near infrared spectroscopy (FT-NIR), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and X-ray diffraction (XRD) revealed structural differences before and after OAFEX treatment with enzymatic hydrolysis. Furthermore, fermentation mediated by C. shehatae UFMG HM52.2 and S. cerevisiae 174 showed fuel ethanol production from detoxified acid (3.2 g/l, yield 0.353 g/g; 0.52 g/l, yield, 0.246 g/g) and enzymatic hydrolysates (4.83 g/l, yield, 0.28 g/g; 6.6 g/l, yield 0.46 g/g). Conclusions OAFEX treatment revealed marked hemicellulose degradation, improving the cellulases’ ability to access the cellulignin and release fermentable sugars from the pretreated substrate. The ultrastructure of SB after OAFEX and enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulignin established thorough insights at the molecular level.
We investigate a chain consisting of two coupled worm-like chains withconstant distance between the strands. The effects due todouble-strandedness of the chain are studied. In a previous analyticalstudy of this system an intrinsic twist-stretch coupling and atendency of kinking is predicted. Even though a local twist structureis observed the predicted features are not recovered. A new model for DNA at the base-pair level is presented. Thebase-pairs are treated as flat rigid ellipsoids and thesugar-phosphate backbones are represented as stiff harmonic springs.The base-pair stacking interaction is modeled by a variant of theGay-Berne potential. It is shown by systematic coarse-graininghow the elastic constants of a worm-like chain are related to thelocal fluctuations of the base-pair step parameters. Even though a lotof microscopic details of the base-pair geometry is neglected themodel can be optimized to obtain a B-DNA conformation as ground stateand reasonable elastic properties. Moreover the model allows tosimulate much larger length scales than it is possible with atomisticsimulations due to the simplification of the force-field and inparticular due to the possibility of non-local Monte-Carlo moves. Asa first application the behavior under stretching is investigated. Inagreement with micromanipulation experiments on single DNA moleculesone observes a force-plateau in the force-extension curvescorresponding to an overstretching transition from B-DNA to aso-called S-DNA state. The model suggests a structure for S-DNA withhighly inclined base-pairs in order to enable at least partialbase-pair stacking. Finally a simple model for chromatin is introduced to study itsstructural and elastic properties. The underlying geometry of themodeled fiber is based on a crossed-linker model. The chromatosomesare treated as disk-like objects. Excluded volume and short rangenucleosomal interaction are taken into account by a variant of theGay-Berne potential. It is found that the bending rigidity and thestretching modulus of the fiber increase with more compact fibers. Fora reasonable parameterization of the fiber for physiologicalconditions and sufficiently high attraction between the nucleosomes aforce-extension curve is found similar to stretching experiments onsingle chromatin fibers. For very small stretching forces a kinkedfiber forming a loop is observed. If larger forces are applied theloop formation is stretched out and a decondensation of the fibertakes place.
Polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEMFC) is promising source of clean power in many applications ranging from portable electronics to automotive and land-based power generation. However, widespread commercialization of PEMFC is primarily challenged by degradation. The mechanisms of fuel cell degradation are not well understood. Even though the numbers of installed units around the world continue to increase and dominate the pre-markets, the present lifetime requirements for fuel cells cannot be guarantee, creating the need for a more comprehensive knowledge of material’s ageing mechanism. The objective of this project is to conduct experiments on membrane electrode assembly (MEA) components of PEMFC to study structural, mechanical, electrical and chemical changes during ageing and understanding failure/degradation mechanism. The first part of this project was devoted to surface roughness analysis on catalyst layer (CL) and gas diffusion layer (GDL) using surface mapping microscopy. This study was motivated by the need to have a quantitative understanding of the GDL and CL surface morphology at the submicron level to predict interfacial contact resistance. Nanoindentation studies using atomic force microscope (AFM) were introduced to investigate the effect of degradation on mechanical properties of CL. The elastic modulus was decreased by 45 % in end of life (EOL) CL as compare to beginning of life (BOL) CL. In another set of experiment, conductive AFM (cAFM) was used to probe the local electric current in CL. The conductivity drops by 62 % in EOL CL. The future task will include characterization of MEA degradation using Raman and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Raman spectroscopy will help to detect degree of structural disorder in CL during degradation. FTIR will help to study the effect of CO in CL. XRD will be used to determine Pt particle size and its crystallinity. In-situ conductive AFM studies using electrochemical cell on CL to correlate its structure with oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) reactivity
An in situ study was conducted to evaluate the effects of heat treatments on the degradation kinetics and escape protein concentrations of forages (alfalfa and berseem clover). Alfalfa collected at 4 and 7 weeks post-harvest and berseem clover collected at 5 and 7 weeks postharvest were freeze-dried and then heated to 100, 125, and 150o C for 2 hours. Heat treatment effects were determined by placing two bags of sample (for each treatment, maturity, and forage species for a given incubation times) into the rumen of one fistulated steer fed alfalfa hay. Bags were incubated for periods of 0 to 48 hours. Increasing levels of heat treatments of forages increased concentrations of neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), and acid detergent insoluble nitrogen (ADIN) and non-degradable protein (NDP), potentially degradable protein proportion (PDP), and protein escaping rumen degradation (PEP) while decreasing water soluble protein (WSP) and the rates of crude protein (CP), except immature berseem clover and cell wall (CW) degradation. PEP was greater and rate of CP degradation was lower at 100 and 150o C compared to 125o C in immature berseem clover.
Two consecutive in situ studies were conducted to determine the effects of maturity and frost killing of forages (alfalfa and berseem clover) on degradation kinetics and escape protein concentrations. Four maturities (3, 5, 7, and 9 weeks after second harvest) of forages collected from three locations were used to determine the effects of maturity. Four weeks after a killing frost (-2o C), berseem clover was harvested from the same locations previously sampled. To evaluate maturity, 336 DacronÒ bags containing all maturities of either alfalfa or berseem clover were placed into the rumen of two fistulated steers fed alfalfa-grass hay. Frost killing effects of berseem clover were compared with maturecut berseem clover by placing DacronÒ bags into the rumen of one fistulated steer fed alfalfa hay. Bags were incubated for periods of 0 to 48 hours. With increasing maturity, the proportion of non-degradable protein (NDP) and the rate of crude protein (CP) degradation increased in both forages. While the rate of neutral detergent fiber (NDF) degradation and potentially degradable protein proportion (PDP) increased with increasing maturity in alfalfa, the rate of NDF degradation and PDP proportion decreased and proportion of water soluble protein (WSP) increased in berseem clover. The proportion of protein escaping rumen degradation (PEP) was greater in berseem clover than alfalfa, but was not affected by maturity. Frost killing of mature berseem clover decreased WSP proportion and increased PDP proportion compared to mature berseem clover harvested live. Even though ADIN concentration was higher for frost-killed berseem clover, PEP and total escape protein concentration (CEP) was also higher for frostkilled berseem clover than mature berseem clover harvested live, due to decreases in the rate of ruminal N degradation with frost-killing.
In the course of this study, stiffness of a fibril array of mineralized collagen fibrils modeled with a mean field method was validated experimentally at site-matched two levels of tissue hierarchy using mineralized turkey leg tendons (MTLT). The applied modeling approaches allowed to model the properties of this unidirectional tissue from nanoscale (mineralized collagen fibrils) to macroscale (mineralized tendon). At the microlevel, the indentation moduli obtained with a mean field homogenization scheme were compared to the experimental ones obtained with microindentation. At the macrolevel, the macroscopic stiffness predicted with micro finite element (μFE) models was compared to the experimental stiffness measured with uniaxial tensile tests. Elastic properties of the elements in μFE models were injected from the mean field model or two-directional microindentations. Quantitatively, the indentation moduli can be properly predicted with the mean-field models. Local stiffness trends within specific tissue morphologies are very weak, suggesting additional factors responsible for the stiffness variations. At macrolevel, the μFE models underestimate the macroscopic stiffness, as compared to tensile tests, but the correlations are strong.
A methodology is presented to measure the fiber/matrix interface shear strength in composites. The strategy is based on performing a fiber push-in test at the central fiber of highly-packed fiber clusters with hexagonal symmetry which are often found in unidirectional composites with a high volume fraction of fibers. The mechanics of this test was analyzed in detail by means of three-dimensional finite element simulations. In particular, the influence of different parameters (interface shear strength, toughness and friction as well as fiber longitudinal elastic modulus and curing stresses) on the critical load at the onset of debonding was established. From the results of the numerical simulations, a simple relationship between the critical load and the interface shear strength is proposed. The methodology was validated in an unidirectional C/epoxy composite and the advantages and limitations of the proposed methodology are indicated.
Novel isotactic polypropylene (iPP)/glass fiber (GF) laminates reinforced with inorganic fullerene-like tungsten disulfide (IF-WS2) nanoparticles as environmentally friendly fillers have been successfully fabricated by simple melt-blending and fiber impregnation in a hot-press without the addition of any compatibilizer. The influence of IF-WS2 concentration on the morphology, viscosity. and thermal and mechanical behavior of the hierarchical composites has been investigated. Results revealed an unprecedented 62 °C increase in the degradation temperature of iPP/GF upon addition of only 4.0 wt % IF-WS2. The coexistence of both micro- and nanoscale fillers resulted in synergistic effects on enhancing the stiffness, strength, crystallinity, thermal stability, glass transition (Tg) and heat distortion temperature (HDT) of the matrix. The approach used in this work is an efficient, versatile, scalable and economic strategy to improve the mechanical and thermal behavior of GF-reinforced thermoplastics with a view to extend their use in advanced technological applications. This new type of composite materials shows great potential to improve the efficiency and sustainability of many forms of transport.
El objetivo principal de esta tesis ha sido el diseño y la optimización de receptores implementados con fibra óptica, para ser usados en redes ópticas de alta velocidad que empleen formatos de modulación de fase. En los últimos años, los formatos de modulación de fase (Phase Shift keying, PSK) han captado gran atención debido a la mejora de sus prestaciones respecto a los formatos de modulación convencionales. Principalmente, presentan una mejora de la eficiencia espectral y una mayor tolerancia a la degradación de la señal causada por la dispersión cromática, la dispersión por modo de polarización y los efectos no-lineales en la fibra óptica. En este trabajo, se analizan en detalle los formatos PSK, incluyendo sus variantes de modulación de fase diferencial (Differential Phase Shift Keying, DPSK), en cuadratura (Differential Quadrature Phase Shift Keying, DQPSK) y multiplexación en polarización (Polarization Multiplexing Differential Quadrature Phase Shift Keying, PM-DQPSK), con la finalidad de diseñar y optimizar los receptores que permita su demodulación. Para ello, se han analizado y desarrollado nuevas estructuras que ofrecen una mejora en las prestaciones del receptor y una reducción de coste comparadas con las actualmente disponibles. Para la demodulación de señales DPSK, en esta tesis, se proponen dos nuevos receptores basados en un interferómetro en línea Mach-Zehnder (MZI) implementado con tecnología todo-fibra. El principio de funcionamiento de los MZI todo-fibra propuestos se asienta en la interferencia modal que se produce en una fibra multimodo (MMF) cuando se situada entre dos monomodo (SMF). Este tipo de configuración (monomodo-multimodo-monomodo, SMS) presenta un buen ratio de extinción interferente si la potencia acoplada en la fibra multimodo se reparte, principal y equitativamente, entre dos modos dominantes. Con este objetivo, se han estudiado y demostrado tanto teórica como experimentalmente dos nuevas estructuras SMS que mejoran el ratio de extinción. Una de las propuestas se basa en emplear una fibra multimodo de índice gradual cuyo perfil del índice de refracción presenta un hundimiento en su zona central. La otra consiste en una estructura SMS con las fibras desalineadas y donde la fibra multimodo es una fibra de índice gradual convencional. Para las dos estructuras, mediante el análisis teórico desarrollado, se ha demostrado que el 80 – 90% de la potencia de entrada se acopla a los dos modos dominantes de la fibra multimodo y se consigue una diferencia inferior al 10% entre ellos. También se ha demostrado experimentalmente que se puede obtener un ratio de extinción de al menos 12 dB. Con el objeto de demostrar la capacidad de estas estructuras para ser empleadas como demoduladores de señales DPSK, se han realizado numerosas simulaciones de un sistema de transmisión óptico completo y se ha analizado la calidad del receptor bajo diferentes perspectivas, tales como la sensibilidad, la tolerancia a un filtrado óptico severo o la tolerancia a las dispersiones cromática y por modo de polarización. En todos los casos se ha concluido que los receptores propuestos presentan rendimientos comparables a los obtenidos con receptores convencionales. En esta tesis, también se presenta un diseño alternativo para la implementación de un receptor DQPSK, basado en el uso de una fibra mantenedora de la polarización (PMF). A través del análisi teórico y del desarrollo de simulaciones numéricas, se ha demostrado que el receptor DQPSK propuesto presenta prestaciones similares a los convencionales. Para complementar el trabajo realizado sobre el receptor DQPSK basado en PMF, se ha extendido el estudio de su principio de demodulación con el objeto de demodular señales PM-DQPSK, obteniendo como resultado la propuesta de una nueva estructura de demodulación. El receptor PM-DQPSK propuesto se basa en la estructura conjunta de una única línea de retardo junto con un rotador de polarización. Se ha analizado la calidad de los receptores DQPSK y PM-DQPSK bajo diferentes perspectivas, tales como la sensibilidad, la tolerancia a un filtrado óptico severo, la tolerancia a las dispersiones cromática y por modo de polarización o su comportamiento bajo condiciones no-ideales. En comparación con los receptores convencionales, nuestra propuesta exhibe prestaciones similares y además permite un diseño más simple que redunda en un coste potencialmente menor. En las redes de comunicaciones ópticas actuales se utiliza la tecnología de multimplexación en longitud de onda (WDM) que obliga al uso de filtros ópticos con bandas de paso lo más estrechas posibles y a emplear una serie de dispositivos que incorporan filtros en su arquitectura, tales como los multiplexores, demultiplexores, ROADMs, conmutadores y OXCs. Todos estos dispositivos conectados entre sí son equivalentes a una cadena de filtros cuyo ancho de banda se va haciendo cada vez más estrecho, llegando a distorsionar la forma de onda de las señales. Por esto, además de analizar el impacto del filtrado óptico en las señales de 40 Gbps DQPSK y 100 Gbps PM-DQPSK, este trabajo de tesis se completa estudiando qué tipo de filtro óptico minimiza las degradaciones causadas en la señal y analizando el número máximo de filtros concatenados que permiten mantener la calidad requerida al sistema. Se han estudiado y simulado cuatro tipos de filtros ópticos;Butterworth, Bessel, FBG y F-P. ABSTRACT The objective of this thesis is the design and optimization of optical fiber-based phase shift keying (PSK) demodulators for high-bit-rate optical networks. PSK modulation formats have attracted significant attention in recent years, because of the better performance with respect to conventional modulation formats. Principally, PSK signals can improve spectrum efficiency and tolerate more signal degradation caused by chromatic dispersion, polarization mode dispersion and nonlinearities in the fiber. In this work, many PSK formats were analyzed in detail, including the variants of differential phase modulation (Differential Phase Shift Keying, DPSK), in quadrature (Differential Quadrature Phase Shift Keying, DQPSK) and polarization multiplexing (Polarization Multiplexing Differential Quadrature Phase Shift Keying, PM-DQPSK), in order to design and optimize receivers enabling demodulations. Therefore, novel structures, which offer good receiver performances and a reduction in cost compared to the current structures, have been analyzed and developed. Two novel receivers based on an all-fiber in-line Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) were proposed for DPSK signal demodulation in this thesis. The operating principle of the all-fiber MZI is based on the modal interference that occurs in a multimode fiber (MMF) when it is located between two single-mode fibers (SMFs). This type of configuration (Single-mode-multimode-single-mode, SMS) can provide a good extinction ratio if the incoming power from the SMF could be coupled equally into two dominant modes excited in the MMF. In order to improve the interference extinction ratio, two novel SMS structures have been studied and demonstrated, theoretically and experimentally. One of the two proposed MZIs is based on a graded-index multimode fiber (MMF) with a central dip in the index profile, located between two single-mode fibers (SMFs). The other one is based on a conventional graded-index MMF mismatch spliced between two SMFs. Theoretical analysis has shown that, in these two schemes, 80 – 90% of the incoming power can be coupled into the two dominant modes exited in the MMF, and the power difference between them is only ~10%. Experimental results show that interference extinction ratio of 12 dB could be obtained. In order to demonstrate the capacity of these two structures for use as DPSK signal demodulators, numerical simulations in a completed optical transmission system have been carried out, and the receiver quality has been analyzed under different perspectives, such as sensitivity, tolerance to severe optical filtering or tolerance to chromatic and polarization mode dispersion. In all cases, from the simulation results we can conclude that the two proposed receivers can provide performances comparable to conventional ones. In this thesis, an alternative design for the implementation of a DQPSK receiver, which is based on a polarization maintaining fiber (PMF), was also presented. To complement the work made for the PMF-based DQPSK receiver, the study of the demodulation principle has been extended to demodulate PM-DQPSK signals, resulting in the proposal of a novel demodulation structure. The proposed PM-DQPSK receiver is based on only one delay line and a polarization rotator. The quality of the proposed DQPSK and PM-DQPSK receivers under different perspectives, such as sensitivity, tolerance to severe optical filtering, tolerance to chromatic dispersion and polarization mode dispersion, or behavior under non-ideal conditions. Compared with the conventional receivers, our proposals exhibit similar performances but allow a simpler design which can potentially reduce the cost. The wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) technology used in current optical communications networks requires the use of optical filters with a passband as narrow as possible, and the use of a series of devices that incorporate filters in their architecture, such as multiplexers, demultiplexers, switches, reconfigurable add-drop multiplexers (ROADMs) and optical cross-connects (OXCs). All these devices connected together are equivalent to a chain of filters whose bandwidth becomes increasingly narrow, resulting in distortion to the waveform of the signals. Therefore, in addition to analyzing the impact of optical filtering on signal of 40 Gbps DQPSK and 100 Gbps PM-DQPSK, we study which kind of optical filter minimizes the signal degradation and analyze the maximum number of concatenated filters for maintaining the required quality of the system. Four types of optical filters, including Butterworth, Bessel, FBG and FP, have studied and simulated.