160 resultados para Dryland


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旱地作物需水量预报决策辅助系统是利用人工智能技术 ,在 Penman公式的基础上结合现有西北旱区的农学知识、模型以及经验进行系统集成而建立的智能化计算机软件系统 ,该系统是西北地区节水农业专家系统的一个子系统。在生产实践中可为陕西关中地区的冬小麦、夏玉米的栽培作出灌溉方案的决策咨询。


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利用定位观测数据 ,对四川中部丘陵地区不同种植模式下旱地土壤水分变化规律进行了初步研究。结果表明 ,各种植模式土壤水分的季节变化具有明显差别 ,依据其变化特征可划分为 3种类型 ;垂直梯度变化基本表现为增长型 ,标准差和变异系数可用于对其变化特征的描述和层次划分 ,据此划分出了速变层 ( 0 cm~ 2 0 cm)和弱变层 ( 2 0 cm~ 50 cm) 2个差异明显的土壤水分垂直变化层。最后依据土壤水分的高效利用 ,对该区旱地种植模式的优化进行了探讨


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采用连续浸提形态分级方法,研究了连续施用锰肥17 a后锰的土壤化学特性变化。结果表明:经过长期连续施用锰肥,土壤全锰和DTPA-Mn含量增加不多。土壤DTPA-Mn含量随试验时间的延长呈增加趋势,施锰土壤有效锰提高不多,土壤DTPA-Mn含量只增加了0.4~1.7 mg kg-1。土壤中的锰主要以矿物态存在,占土壤全锰含量的比例为87.3%~91.8%。碳酸盐态、氧化锰态和紧结有机态锰占全锰的比例相当,土壤中各形态锰按含量大致呈矿物态>碳酸盐态>氧化锰态>紧结有机态>松结有机态>交换态的顺序。施入土壤的锰肥有91.1%~98.6%进入碳酸盐结合态、氧化锰结合态、紧结有机态和矿物态,只有很少一部分仍留在有效态锰库中。交换态和松结有机态锰对土壤锰的有效性起着主要作用,可以反映土壤锰的供给状况,碳酸盐态和紧结有机态锰不能反映土壤锰的有效性。


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Rapid urbanization and industrialization in southern Jiangsu Province have consumed a huge amount of arable land. Through comparative analysis of land cover maps derived from TM images in 1990, 2000 and 2006, we identified the trend of arable land loss. It is found that most arable land is lost to urbanization and rural settlements development. Urban settlements, rural settlements, and industrial park-mine-transport land increased, respectively, by 87 997 ha (174.65%), 81 041 ha (104.52%), and 12 692 ha (397.99%) from 1990 to 2006. Most of the source (e.g., change from) land covers are rice paddy fields and dryland. These two covers contributed to newly urbanized areas by 37.12% and 73.52% during 1990-2000, and 46.39% and 38.86% during 2000-2006. However, the loss of arable land is weakly correlated with ecological service value, per capita net income of farmers, but positively with grain yield for some counties. Most areas in the study site have a low arable land depletion rate and a high potential for sustainable development. More attention should be directed at those counties that have a high depletion rate but a low potential for sustainable development. Rural settlements should be controlled and rationalized through legislative measures to achieve harmonious development between urban and rural areas, and sustainable development for rural areas with a minimal impact on the ecoenvironment. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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RESUMO: Este trabalho teve como objetivo comparar a severidade da mancha de Alternaria de genótipos de girassol em ambientes do Cerrado do Distrito Federal. Três experimentos foram avaliados, dois na Embrapa Cerrados (Planaltina, DF) e um localizado na Embrapa Produtos e Mercado (Recanto das Emas, DF). Foram feitas análises ao longo do ciclo da cultura com um intervalo de 15 dias, sendo a primeira aos 35 dias após emergência. Cada planta foi analisada em três partes: terço inferior, terço médio e terço superior. Ao final de cada experimento, a área abaixo da curva de progresso da doença (AACPD) foi calculada para cada genótipo. De acordo com os resultados observados, o ambiente de sequeiro na Embrapa Cerrados, que deteve a maior média da severidade da doença, entre os ambientes avaliados. Dentre os genótipos avaliados, MG 360 mostrou menor severidade da doença no sequeiro e AGUARA 06 no irrigado da Embrapa Cerrados. O genótipo BSG 42 na Embrapa Produtos e Mercado, se destacou pela menor severidade do fungo. Houve influência significativa do ambiente nos resultados de severidade da doença, que está estreitamente relacionada com os fatores climáticos como temperatura e umidade relativa do ar. A compreensão dessas condições favoráveis ao desenvolvimento do fungo é essencial quando se avalia a resistência em genótipos de girassol. ABSTRACT: This study had the purpose of comparing the severity of Alternaria leaf spot on genotypes of sunflower in the Brazilian Cerrado. Three field trials were established, two at Embrapa Cerrados (Planaltina, DF) and one at Embrapa Produtos e Mercados (Recanto das Emas, DF). Evaluations were made during the crop cycle every 15 days, the first one happening 35 days after crop emergency. Each plant was analyzed in three parts: lower, middle and upper thirds. At the end of each trial the average area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC), for each third, was calculated for all genotypes. According to the observed results, the dryland environment at Embrapa Cerrados had the highest mean disease severity, among the studied environments. Between the evaluated genotypes, MG360 showed less severity in dryland and AGUARA 06 in the irrigated environment at Embrapa Cerrados. At Embrapa Produtos e Mercado the genotype that presented the best performance was BRS G42. Environmental conditions deeply affected the trials, mainly temperature and relative humidity. Their influence on Alternaria leaf spot epidemics in the Cerrado region must be studied in more detail, to avoid misinterpreting data when evaluating sunflower genotypes for resistance to this important fungal disease.


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Los cambios de vegetación, especialmente aquellos que involucran transiciones de vegetación leñosa a herbácea afectan el ciclo hidrológico, modificando los flujos de agua y sales. En esta tesis se explora cómo la conversión de bosques semiáridos a tierras agrícolas afecta la dinámica de agua y sales en las planicies semiáridas intensamente deforestadas del centro-oeste de la región del Espinal (San Luis, Argentina). El estudio abarcó diferentes escalas espaciales (stand, paisaje y cuenca) y diferentes aproximaciones metodológicas: muestreos de la zona no saturada/saturada, modelización hidrológica, obtención de perfiles geoeléctricos, medición de caudales y análisis de imágenes e información histórica. A escala de stand, los análisis de suelo no saturado y los resultados obtenidos de los modelos hidrológicos confirmaron que los bosques semiáridos evapotranspiran prácticamente la totalidad de la precipitación anual, generando recarga nula y una elevada acumulación de sales en sus perfiles (0.15 a 9 kg/m2 hasta 6 m de profundidad), a pesar del aumento regional de las precipitaciones registrado en los últimos 50 años. En parcelas agrícolas, más de un 4 por ciento de la precipitación anual escapa del alcance y absorción de las raíces, generando recarga y lixiviación de más del 75 por ciento del stock de cloruro existente originalmente bajo vegetación natural. Estas diferencias en las tasas de recarga y acumulación de sales entre ambos tipos de vegetación se incrementaron en suelos con mayor contenido de arena (a recarga es hasta dos órdenes de magnitud superior bajo agricultura y llega hasta un 99 por ciento de lixiviación de sales). Además, la modelización hidrológica sugiere que la generación de recarga bajo agricultura durante el periodo de estudio se asoció a eventos muy intensos o años especialmente húmedos. La caracterización de la resistividad en suelos, mediante técnicas geoeléctricas a escala de paisaje, confirmaron los patrones de acumulación de agua y sales descriptos a nivel de stand para bosques y agricultura, demostrándose la utilidad de estas técnicas para el estudio de la dinámica espacial del agua y las sales, con continuidad horizontal. Finalmente, a escala de cuenca, se han registrado grandes transformaciones hidrogeomorfológicas, con fuertes disecciones en el paisaje y aparición repentina de cursos de agua, como resultado de la modificación de la condición de recarga nula y el ascenso continuado de los niveles freáticos. Estos cambios se asocian principalmente al reemplazo de los bosques nativos por cultivos anuales, acompañado por el aumento regional de las precipitaciones; mientras que la actividad sísmica se ha demostrado despreciable como agente causal de los excesos hídricos en la cuenca en estudio. Paralelamente, se ha descrito el inicio de un proceso de salinización secundaria, similar al referido como dryland salinity en paisajes agrícolas del suroeste y sur de Australia. Las estrategias de uso y/o recuperación de estas tierras incluirían la aplicación de sistemas mixtos que conserven parches de bosque natural, pasturas perennes y cultivos anuales, así como la optimización de estrategias de producción agrícola en concordancia con las condiciones climáticas imperantes en el corto plazo.


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réalisé en cotutelle avec la Faculté des Sciences de Tunis, Université Tunis El Manar.


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L’exercice en immersion dans l'eau peut générer des réponses hémodynamiques et cardiorespiratoires différentes à celles de l’exercice sur terraine sec. Cependant, aucune étude n’a comparé ces réponses sur vélo aquatique (VA) à celles sur vélo sur terrain sec (VS) à une même puissance mécanique externe (Pext). À cet égard, le premier travail de cette thèse visait, d’abord, à trouver les équivalences de Pext lors du pédalage sur VA en immersion à la poitrine par rapport au VS au laboratoire, en considérant que cela restait non déterminé à ce jour. Une équation de mécanique des fluides fut utilisée pour calculer la force déployée pour le système de pédalage (pales, leviers, pédales) et des jambes à chaque tour de pédale. Ensuite, cette force totale a été multipliée par la vitesse de pédalage pour estimer la Pext sur VA. Ayant trouvé les équivalences de Pext sur VA et VS, nous nous sommes fixés comme objectif dans la deuxième étude de comparer les réponses hémodynamiques et cardiorespiratoires lors d'un exercice maximal progressif sur VS par rapport au VA à une même Pext. Les résultats ont montré que le VO2 (p<0.0001) et la différence artério-veineuse (C(a-v)O2) (p<0.0001) étaient diminués lors de l’exercice sur VA comparativement à celui sur VS. Parmi les variables hémodynamiques, le volume d’éjection systolique (VES) (p˂0.05) et le débit cardiaque (Qc) (p˂0.05) étaient plus élevés sur VA. En plus, on nota une diminution significative de la fréquence cardiaque (FC) (p˂0.05). Étant donné qu’à une même Pext les réponses physiologiques sont différentes sur VA par rapport à celles sur VS, nous avons effectué une troisième étude pour établir la relation entre les différentes expressions de l'intensité relative de l'exercice (% du VO2max,% de la FCmax,% du VO2 de réserve (% de VO2R) et % de la FC réserve (% FCR)). Les résultats ont démontré que la relation % FCR vs % VO2R était la plus corrélée (régression linéaire) et la plus proche de la ligne d’identité. Ces résultats pourraient aider à mieux prescrire et contrôler l’intensité de l'exercice sur VA pour des sujets sains. Finalement, une dernière étude comparant la réactivation parasympathique après un exercice maximal incrémental effectué sur VA et VS en immersion au niveau de la poitrine a montré que la réactivation parasympathique à court terme était plus prédominante sur VA (i,e. t, delta 10 à delta 60 et T30, p<0.05). Cela suggérait, qu’après un exercice maximal sur VA, la réactivation parasympathique à court terme était accélérée par rapport à celle après l'effort maximal sur VS chez de jeunes sujets sains. En conclusion, nous proposons une méthode de calcul de la puissance mécanique externe sur VA en fonction de la cadence de pédalage. Nous avons démontré que pendant l’exercice sur VA les réponses hémodynamiques et cardiorespiratoires sont différentes de celles sur VS à une même Pext et nous proposons des équations pour le calcul du VO2 dans l’eau ainsi qu’une méthode pour la prescription et le contrôle de l’exercice sur VA. Finalement, la réactivation parasympathique à court terme s’est trouvée accélérée après un effort maximal incrémental sur VA comparativement à celle sur VS.


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The utilization and management of arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) symbiosis may improve production and sustainability of the cropping system. For this purpose, native AM fungi (AMF) were sought and tested for their efficiency to increase plant growth by enhanced P uptake and by alleviation of drought stress. Pot experiments with safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) and pea (Pisum sativum) in five soils (mostly sandy loamy Luvisols) and field experiments with peas were carried out during three years at four different sites. Host plants were grown in heated soils inoculated with AMF or the respective heat sterilized inoculum. In the case of peas, mutants resistant to AMF colonization were used as non-mycorrhizal controls. The mycorrhizal impact on yields and its components, transpiration, and P and N uptake was studied in several experiments, partly under varying P and N levels and water supply. Screening of native AMF by most probable number bioassays was not very meaningful. Soil monoliths were placed in the open to simulate field conditions. Inoculation with a native AMF mix improved grain yield, shoot and leaf growth variables as compared to control. Exposed to drought, higher soil water depletion of mycorrhizal plants resulted in a haying-off effect. The growth response to this inoculum could not be significantly reproduced in a subsequent open air pot experiment at two levels of irrigation and P fertilization, however, safflower grew better at higher P and water supply by multiples. The water use efficiency concerning biomass was improved by the AMF inoculum in the two experiments. Transpiration rates were not significantly affected by AM but as a tendency were higher in non-mycorrhizal safflower. A fundamental methodological problem in mycorrhiza field research is providing an appropriate (negative) control for the experimental factor arbuscular mycorrhiza. Soil sterilization or fungicide treatment have undesirable side effects in field and greenhouse settings. Furthermore, artificial rooting, temperature and light conditions in pot experiments may interfere with the interpretation of mycorrhiza effects. Therefore, the myc- pea mutant P2 was tested as a non-mycorrhizal control in a bioassay to evaluate AMF under field conditions in comparison to the symbiotic isogenetic wild type of var. FRISSON as a new integrative approach. However, mutant P2 is also of nod- phenotype and therefore unable to fix N2. A 3-factorial experiment was carried out in a climate chamber at high NPK fertilization to examine the two isolines under non-symbiotic and symbiotic conditions. P2 achieved the same (or higher) biomass as wild type both under good and poor water supply. However, inoculation with the AMF Glomus manihot did not improve plant growth. Differences of grain and straw yields in field trials were large (up to 80 per cent) between those isogenetic pea lines mainly due to higher P uptake under P and water limited conditions. The lacking N2 fixation in mutants was compensated for by high mineral N supply as indicated by the high N status of the pea mutant plants. This finding was corroborated by the results of a major field experiment at three sites with two levels of N fertilization. The higher N rate did not affect grain or straw yields of the non-fixing mutants. Very efficient AMF were detected in a Ferric Luvisol on pasture land as revealed by yield levels of the evaluation crop and by functional vital staining of highly colonized roots. Generally, levels of grain yield were low, at between 40 and 980 kg ha-1. An additional pot trial was carried out to elucidate the strong mycorrhizal effect in the Ferric Luvisol. A triplication of the plant equivalent field P fertilization was necessary to compensate for the mycorrhizal benefit which was with five times higher grain yield very similar to that found in the field experiment. However, the yield differences between the two isolines were not always plausible as the evaluation variable because they were also found in (small) field test trials with apparently sufficient P and N supply and in a soil of almost no AMF potential. This similarly occurred for pea lines of var. SPARKLE and its non-fixing mycorrhizal (E135) and non-symbiotic (R25) isomutants, which were tested in order to exclude experimentally undesirable benefits by N2 fixation. In contrast to var. FRISSON, SPARKLE was not a suitable variety for Mediterranean field conditions. This raises suspicion putative genetic defects other than symbiotic ones may be effective under field conditions, which would conflict with the concept of an appropriate control. It was concluded that AMF resistant plants may help to overcome fundamental problems of present research on arbuscular mycorrhiza, but may create new ones.


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Water shortage is one of the major constraints for production of horticultural crops in arid and semiarid regions. A field experiment was conducted to determine irrigation water and fertilizer use efficiency, growth and yield of tomato under clay pot irrigation at the experimental site of Sekota Dryland Agricultural Research Center, Lalibela, Ethiopia in 2009/10. The experiment comprised of five treatments including furrow irrigated control and clay pot irrigation with different plant population and fertilization methods, which were arranged in Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. The highest total and marketable fruit yields were obtained from clay pot irrigation combined with application of nitrogen fertilizer with irrigation water irrespective of difference in plant population. The clay pot irrigation had seasonal water use of up to 143.71 mm, which resulted in significantly higher water use efficiency (33.62 kg m^-3) as compared to the furrow irrigation, which had a seasonal water use of 485.50 mm, and a water use efficiency of 6.67 kg m^-3. Application of nitrogen fertilizer with irrigation water in clay pots improved fertilizer use efficiency of tomato by up to 52% than band application with furrow or clay pot irrigation. Thus, clay pot irrigation with 33,333 plants ha^-1 and nitrogen fertilizer application with irrigation water in clay pots was the best method for increasing the yield of tomato while economizing the use of water and nitrogen fertilizer in a semiarid environment.


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Pastoralism and ranching are two different rangeland-based livestock systems in dryland areas of East Africa. Both usually operate under low and irregular rainfall and consequently low overall primary biomass production of high spatial and temporal heterogeneity. Both are usually located far from town centres, market outlets and communication, medical, educational, banking, insurance and other infrastructure. Whereas pastoralists can be regarded as self-employed, gaining their livelihood from managing their individually owned livestock on communal land, ranches mostly employ herders as wage labourers to manage the livestock owned by the ranch on the ranches’ own land property. Both production systems can be similarly labour intensive and – with regard to the livestock management – require the same type of work, whether carried out as self-employed pastoralist or as employed herder on a work contract. Given this similarity, the aim of this study was to comparatively assess how pastoralists and employed herders in northern Kenya view their working conditions, and which criteria they use to assess hardship and rewards in their daily work and their working life. Their own perception is compared with the concept of Decent Work developed by the International Labour Organisation (ILO). Samburu pastoralists in Marsabit and Samburu Districts as well as herders on ranches in Laikipia District were interviewed. A qualitative analysis of 47 semi-structured interviews yielded information about daily activities, income, free time, education and social security. Five out of 22 open interviews with pastoralists and seven out of 13 open interviews with employed herders fully transcribed and subjected to qualitative content analysis to yield life stories of 12 informants. Pastoralists consider it important to have healthy and satisfied animals. The ability to provide food for their family especially for the children has a high priority. Hardships for the pastoralists are, if activities are exhausting, and challenging, and dangerous. For employed herders, decent conditions are if their wages are high enough to be able to provide food for their family and formal education for their children. It is further most important for them to do work they are experienced and skilled in. Most employed herders were former pastoralists, who had lost their animals due to drought or raids. There are parallels between the ILO ‘Decent Work’ concept and the perception of working conditions of pastoralists and employed herders. These are, for example, that remuneration is of importance and the appreciation by either the employer or the community is desired. Some aspects that are seen as important by the ILO such as safety at work and healthy working conditions only play a secondary role to the pastoralists, who see risky and dangerous tasks as inherent characteristics of their efforts to gain a livelihood in their living environment.


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Global dust trajectories indicate that significant quantities of aeolian-transported iron oxides originate in contemporary dryland areas. One potential source is the iron-rich clay coatings that characterize many sand-sized particles in desert dunefields. This paper uses laboratory experiments to determine the rate at which these coatings can be removed from dune sands by aeolian abrasion. The coatings impart a red colour to the grains to which previous researchers have assigned variable geomorphological significance. The quantities or iron removed during a 120 hour abrasion experiment are small (99 mg kg(-1)) and difficult to detect by eye; however, high resolution spectroscopy clearly indicates that ferric oxides are released during abrasion and the reflectance of the particles alters. One of the products of aeolian abrasion is fine particles (<10 mum diameter) with the potential for long distance transport. Copyright (C) 2004 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.


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Time scales of pedogenic calcrete development are quantified by subsampling carbonate from within a mature (stage V) pedogenic calcrete profile from southeast Spain and dating the material by U-series disequilibria. The location of the earliest and latest cements can be estimated by comparing previous studies of calcrete morphological development with micromorphological analysis of the study profile. Carbonate was sampled and dated from three locations within the profile: (1) below the lower surface of clasts within the hardpan (representing the earliest cement present-207 +/- 11 ka), (2) from the centre of cement filled pores within the hardpan (reflecting the final plugging of the calcrete hardpan-155 +/- 9 ka) and (3) from the laminar calcrete overlying the hardpan (representing the latest cement-112 +/- 15 ka). These results show that the hardpan took between 73 and 31 ka to form, whilst the mature stage V profile took between 121 and 69 ka to form. This is the first time that rates of mature calcrete development have been established by direct radiometric dating of the authigenic carbonate. The technique is appropriate for dating mature calcretes in dryland regions worldwide and offers the opportunity of increasing our understanding of the spatial and temporal variability in rates of pedogenic calcrete development. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Immature and mature calcretes from an alluvial terrace sequence in the Sorbas basin, southeast Spain, were dated by the U-series isochron technique. The immature horizons consistently produced statistically reliable ages of high precision. The mature horizons typically produced statistically unreliable ages but, because of linear trends in the dataset and low errors associated with each data point, it was still possible to place a best-fit isochron through the dataset to produce an age with low associated uncertainties. It is, however, only possible to prove that these statistically unreliable ages have geochronological significance if multiple isochron ages are produced for a single site, and if these multiple ages are stratigraphically consistent. The geochronological significance of such ages can be further proven if at least one of the multiple ages is statistically reliable. By using this technique to date calcretes that have formed during terrace aggradation and at the terrace surface after terrace abandonment it is possible not only to date the timing of terrace aggradation but also to constrain the age at which the river switched from aggradation to incision. This approach, therefore, constrains the timing of changes in fluvial processes more reliably than any currently used geochronological procedure and is appropriate for dating terrace sequences in dryland regions worldwide, wherever calcrete horizons are present. (c) 2005 University of Washington. All rights reserved.