968 resultados para Drug Addiction


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Este estudo teve como objetivo examinar o fenômeno da toxicomania e sua reincidência a partir da fala dos toxicômanos. Foi realizado em instituição especializada no tratamento da dependência química e problemas relacionados ao uso de álcool e outras drogas, contando com dados do acompanhamento de onze sujeitos. Utilizou-se o referencial teórico psicanalítico para a escuta de indivíduos em situação de toxicomania, com o dispositivo das entrevistas preliminares, dentro do referencial da clínica da urgência em psicanálise. Os resultados do trabalho de escuta e da reflexão apontaram uma série de características psicológicas dos indivíduos estudados de clara relevância para o planejamento de estratégias individuais ou coletivas de atenção ao problema. Destacamos a hipótese de duas modalidades de toxicomania relacionadas com as formas particulares da subjetividade em que ocorre. A questão da reincidência na toxicomania aparece como um falso problema para os sujeitos, que demonstraram que a desintoxicação, concomitante à abstinência e provocada pela internação, é somente um momento de privação, simultaneamente necessária e forçada, do gozo propiciado pela droga. Finda a internação segue-se, geralmente, um novo período de uso. A aceitação da abstinência não significa que os sujeitos fazem uma renúncia, correlata, ao desejo pela droga. É apenas uma parada provavelmente ligada à menor tolerância psíquica à modalidade de gozo em ação na toxicomania, um gozo capaz de confrontar o sujeito com a morte. A abstinência forçada, como estratégia da política pública de saúde, presente no tratamento comum da toxicomania, mostrou conseqüências altamente negativas para o resultado do tratamento, parecendo indicar a necessidade de sua revisão urgente. Procurou-se problematizar a questão da abertura à dimensão subjetiva da experiência dos toxicômanos como estratégia capaz de interferir na trajetória dos sujeitos na relação com as drogas a partir do momento em que buscam ajuda.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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In this article, we tackle the issue of youth and drugs as something linked to biopower and biopolitics, both concepts developed by Michael Foucault. Youth and drugs are taken and analyzed in situations involving the management of crime linked to the risks and deviations from the law, abuse and dependence. The youth; irreverent, courageous, healthy, idealistic, and that wanted to change the world for the better as we have seen in the past, is now strongly related to violence, dangerous activities, moral and social risks, drug addiction, criminality, and others negative images. To deal with these young people, tolerance and small punishments of yore are not enough anymore. The young people emerge as a segment of the population subject to various actions and programs. The drugs now are seen as matters of security and public health. There is a shifting and repositioning in the discourse about the young - from minor, drugged, and criminal to lawbreaker, user and drug addict. The change is subtle, but represents a modulation in the devices of social control. Beyond the consent of the young to get rid of drugs, there is a search for the creation of a wide area of monitoring of their behavior through the activation of community protection networks. The belief that the young are more impressionable and vulnerable, and that action on the cause of the problem or risk reduction are the most efficient ways of management, taking responsibility away from personal and family sphere and transferring it to the State, contributes to the increasing control of young people nowadays.


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This study evaluated the general and oral health conditions of female patients included in a program for recovering drug addiction and patients who did not use drugs. By means of anamnesis and medical history, as well as medical and dental assessments, the health conditions of 160 patients were assessed; 80 presented drug dependence and 80 do not use drugs. The most frequently used drugs were tobacco, alcohol, and crack, usually in associations. The patients presenting chemical dependence had increased frequency of behavioral changes, as well as several diseases involving the immune and cardiovascular systems, detaching infectious and inflammatory reactions and delay in the process of tissue repair. In the oral cavity, it was verified a high occurrence of periodontitis and gingivitis. Chemical dependence showed to be associated to a high frequency of infections, arthritis, hypertension and behavioral changes, which normally would not be noted by health professionals, but that could compromise the results of medical and dental treatments.


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Enteric organisms, pseudomonads and other opportunistic microorganisms in the oral microbiota have been linked to serious infections in patients hospitalized in intensive care units (ICU). The present study evaluated the presence of family Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Acinetobacter baumannii in the mouth of patients in ICU, correlating it with oral and systemic conditions. Data on health, socioeconomic status, medication use, drug addiction, medical and family histories of patients held for more than 72 hours in the ICU with a diagnosis of severe infection or that developed this condition after entry in said unit were obtained. Fifty patients provided clinical samples of supragingival and subgingival biofilms, saliva and oral mucous membranes were collected, as well as respiratory secretions from patients with pneumonia, blood and urine for sepsis. The presence of target microorganisms was carried out by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and by culture using selective media. The Chi-square and Mann-Whitney tests were used for statistical analysis, and the significance level was 5%. The intraoral clinical conditions of the patients were poor. The family Enterobacteriaceae was the most prevalent, affecting 39.5% of the supragingival biofilm samples of patients attended in ICU and 18.6% of patients in the control group, besides the rods were the only group found in extraoral samples.


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Drug addiction is one of the biggest public health problems worldwide, not only by the dimensions of the problem, but also by the severity of the damage, creating favorable conditions for opportunistic microorganisms such as class Mollicutes. This study aims to evaluate the presence of the main species and genera of this group in the subgingival biofilm of drug addiction patients, comparing them with non-dependent subjects. For this purpose, data on systemic health conditions, socioeconomic characteristics, drug addiction from 72 patients with drug addiction kept in rehab clinics and 100 non-dependent patients who formed the control group were obtained. Intra and extraoral clinical examinations were performed and samples of subgingival plaque were collected through sterile absorbent paper cones. The presence of different genera and species of the class Mollicutes was evaluated by PCR using the specific primers and conditions for each microorganism. The statistical analysis was performed using the Chi-square test for comparisons of three or more variables and the Mann-Whitney test, with significance level of 5%. Out of species and genera evaluated, Mycoplasma salivarium showed correlation with gingival inflammation in both patient groups and was more frequently detected among drug addiction patients


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Drug addiction won dramatic aspects in terms of its dimensions and the effects that it imposes. These chemical agents are able to reduce the immune reactivity and tissue repair, and enhance microbial aggression, aggravating the destruction of the periodontium and other side effects. This study aimed to evaluate the presence of key periodontal pathogens in the mouth of drug addiction patients, comparing it with individuals who do not exhibit this dependence, as well as assess the influence of oral conditions on the occurrence of such microorganisms. For this purpose, data on systemic health conditions, socioeconomic, patterns of licit or illicit drug consumption of 100 patients with chemical dependency kept in rehabilitation clinics and an equal number of non-dependent patients, who formed the control group were obtained. Intra and extraoral clinical examinations were performed and samples of supragingival and subgingival biofilm, saliva and mucous membranes were collected. The presence of the targeted microorganism was assessed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). It was found that Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsythia, and Treponema denticola showed close correlation with bone loss and gingival bleeding in drug addiction dependents and control group, but the oral mucous membranes and saliva of addicts showed higher occurrence of these pathogens.


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Diethylpropion (DEP) is a stimulant drug widely used for weight control in Brazil and other American countries. However, its effects on behavior and addiction potential are not yet well known. Data suggest that sensitization resulting from pre-exposure to psychostimulants could be a possible risk factor in subsequent drug addiction. The purpose of this investigation was to verify whether pre-exposure to DEP would sensitize rats to the motor activating effect and to the rewarding value of DEP. Two experiments were conducted. In both experiments rats were pre-exposed to DEP (20 mg/kg) or vehicle for 7 consecutive days. The acute effect of DEP (0.0, 1.0, 2.5 or 5.0 mg/kg) on motor activity (Experiment 1) and induction of Conditioned Place Preference-CPP (Experiment 2) were then measured. Results from Experiment 1 showed that 2.5 and 5.0 mg/kg DEP increased motor activity. Sensitization of this motor effect was observed. In Experiment 2, the doses of 2.5 and 5.0 mg/kg DEP induced CPP, indicating their rewarding value. However, no sensitization effect was observed. The results suggest that DEP at low doses has psychostimulant and rewarding properties. It is recommended that more effort should be dedicated to elucidating DEP abuse Potential. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Aims To describe, in the context of DSM-V, how a focus on addiction and compulsion is emerging in the consideration of pathological gambling (PG). Methods A systematic literature review of evidence for the proposed re-classification of PG as an addiction. Results Findings include: (i) phenomenological models of addiction highlighting a motivational shift from impulsivity to compulsivity associated with a protracted withdrawal syndrome and blurring of the ego-syntonic/ego-dystonic dichotomy; (ii) common neurotransmitter (dopamine, serotonin) contributions to PG and substance use disorders (SUDs); (iii) neuroimaging support for shared neurocircuitries between behavioural and substance addictions and differences between obsessivecompulsive disorder (OCD), impulse control disorders (ICDs) and SUDs; (iv) genetic findings more closely related to endophenotypic constructs such as compulsivity and impulsivity than to psychiatric disorders; (v) psychological measures such as harm avoidance identifying a closer association between SUDs and PG than with OCD; (vi) community and pharmacotherapeutic trials data supporting a closer association between SUDs and PG than with OCD. Adapted behavioural therapies, such as exposure therapy, appear applicable to OCD, PG or SUDs, suggesting some commonalities across disorders. Conclusions PG shares more similarities with SUDs than with OCD. Similar to the investigation of impulsivity, studies of compulsivity hold promising insights concerning the course, differential diagnosis and treatment of PG, SUDs, and OCD.


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Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) have been studied in detail with regard to their interaction with therapeutic and drug addiction-related compounds. Using a structureactivity approach, we have examined the relationship among the molecular features of a set of eight para-R-substituted N,N-[(dimethylamino)ethyl] benzoate hydrochlorides, structurally related to procaine and their affinity for the a3 beta 4 nAChR heterologously expressed in KXa3 beta 4R2 cells. Affinity values (log[1/IC50]) of these compounds for the a3 beta 4 nAChR were determined by their competition with [3H]TCP binding. Log(1/IC50) values were analyzed considering different hydrophobic and electronic parameters and those related to molar refractivity. These have been experimentally determined or were taken from published literature. In accordance with literature observations, the generated cross-validated quantitative structureactivity relationship (QSAR) equations indicated a significant contribution of hydrophobic term to binding affinity of procaine analogs to the receptor and predicted affinity values for several local anesthetics (LAs) sets taken from the literature. The predicted values by using the QSAR model correlated well with the published values both for neuronal and for electroplaque nAChRs. Our work also reveals the general structure features of LAs that are important for interaction with nAChRs as well as the structural modifications that could be made to enhance binding affinity. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Previous studies have suggested that gamma-aminobutyric acid-B (GABA(B)) receptor agonists effectively reduce ethanol intake. The quantification using real-time polymerase chain reaction of Gabbr1 and Gabbr2 mRNA from the prefrontal cortex, hypothalamus, hippocampus, and striatum in mice exposed to an animal model of the addiction developed in our laboratory was performed to evaluate the involvement of the GABAB receptor in ethanol consumption. We used outbred, Swiss mice exposed to a three-bottle free-choice model (water, 5% v/v ethanol, and 10% v/v ethanol) that consisted of four phases: acquisition (AC), withdrawal (W), reexposure (RE), and quinine-adulteration (AD). Based on individual ethanol intake, the mice were classified into three groups: "addicted" (A group; preference for ethanol and persistent consumption during all phases), "heavy" (H group; preference for ethanol and a reduction in ethanol intake in the AD phase compared to AC phase), and "light" (L group; preference for water during all phases). In the prefrontal cortex in the A group, we found high Gabbr1 and Gabbr2 transcription levels, with significantly higher Gabbr1 transcription levels compared with the C (ethanol-naive control mice). L, and H groups. In the hippocampus in the A group, Gabbr2 mRNA levels were significantly lower compared with the C, L, and H groups. In the striatum, we found a significant increase in Gabbr1 transcription levels compared with the C, L, and H groups. No differences in Gabbr1 or Gabbr2 transcription levels were observed in the hypothalamus among groups. In summary, Gabbr1 and Gabbr2 transcription levels were altered in cerebral areas related to drug taking only in mice behaviorally classified as "addicted" drinkers, suggesting that these genes may contribute to high and persistent ethanol consumption. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Baclofen, a GABA(B) agonist, reduces ethanol intake in animals and humans, but the contrary or no effect was also reported. Our previous study demonstrated that mice characterized as "loss of control over ethanol intake" had different Gabbr1 and Gabbr2 transcription levels, which express, respectively, the GABA(B1) and GABA(B2) subunits in brain areas related to addictive behavior. In the present study, we tested baclofen on ethanol intake in mice exposed to the free-choice paradigm. Adult male Swiss mice, individually housed, had free access to three bottles: ethanol (5% and 10%) and water. The protocol had four phases: acquisition (AC, 10 weeks), withdrawal (W, 4 cycles during 2 weeks of 2 day-free-choice and 2 day-only-water), reexposure (RE, 2 weeks), and adulteration of ethanol solutions with quinine (AD, 2 weeks). Mice characterized as "loss of control" (A, n = 11, preference for ethanol in AC and maintenance of ethanol intake levels in AD), heavy (H, n = 11, preference for ethanol in AC and reduction of ethanol intake levels in AD), and light (L n = 16, preference for water in all phases) drinkers were randomly distributed into two subgroups receiving either intraperitoneal injections of all doses of baclofen (1.25, 2.5, and 5.0 mg/kg, given each dose twice in consecutive days) or saline, being exposed to free-choice. Fluid consumption was measured 24 h later. Baclofen reduced ethanol intake in group L In group H a reduction compared to AC was observed. Group A maintained their high ethanol intake even after baclofen treatment. Activation of the GABA(B) receptor depends on the precise balance between the GABA(B1) and GABA(B2) subunits, so the disproportionate transcription levels, we reported in group A, could explain this lack of response to baclofen. These data highlight the importance to test baclofen in individuals with different ethanol drinking profiles, including humans. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.