892 resultados para Dominion Power and Transmission Company


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The EEG time series has been subjected to various formalisms of analysis to extract meaningful information regarding the underlying neural events. In this paper the linear prediction (LP) method has been used for analysis and presentation of spectral array data for the better visualisation of background EEG activity. It has also been used for signal generation, efficient data storage and transmission of EEG. The LP method is compared with the standard Fourier method of compressed spectral array (CSA) of the multichannel EEG data. The autocorrelation autoregressive (AR) technique is used for obtaining the LP coefficients with a model order of 15. While the Fourier method reduces the data only by half, the LP method just requires the storage of signal variance and LP coefficients. The signal generated using white Gaussian noise as the input to the LP filter has a high correlation coefficient of 0.97 with that of original signal, thus making LP as a useful tool for storage and transmission of EEG. The biological significance of Fourier method and the LP method in respect to the microstructure of neuronal events in the generation of EEG is discussed.


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We describe a System-C based framework we are developing, to explore the impact of various architectural and microarchitectural level parameters of the on-chip interconnection network elements on its power and performance. The framework enables one to choose from a variety of architectural options like topology, routing policy, etc., as well as allows experimentation with various microarchitectural options for the individual links like length, wire width, pitch, pipelining, supply voltage and frequency. The framework also supports a flexible traffic generation and communication model. We provide preliminary results of using this framework to study the power, latency and throughput of a 4x4 multi-core processing array using mesh, torus and folded torus, for two different communication patterns of dense and sparse linear algebra. The traffic consists of both Request-Response messages (mimicing cache accesses)and One-Way messages. We find that the average latency can be reduced by increasing the pipeline depth, as it enables higher link frequencies. We also find that there exists an optimum degree of pipelining which minimizes energy-delay product.


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We determine the optimal allocation of power between the analog and digital sections of an RF receiver while meeting the BER constraint. Unlike conventional RF receiver designs, we treat the SNR at the output of the analog front end (SNRAD) as a design parameter rather than a specification to arrive at this optimal allocation. We first determine the relationship of the SNRAD to the resolution and operating frequency of the digital section. We then use power models for the analog and digital sections to solve the power minimization problem. As an example, we consider a 802.15.4 compliant low-IF receiver operating at 2.4 GHz in 0.13 μm technology with 1.2 V power supply. We find that the overall receiver power is minimized by having the analog front end provide an SNR of 1.3dB and the ADC and the digital section operate at 1-bit resolution with 18MHz sampling frequency while achieving a power dissipation of 7mW.


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We show that the operation and the output power of a quantum heat engine that converts incoherent thermal energy into coherent cavity photons can be optimized by manipulating quantum coherences. The gain or loss in the efficiency at maximum power depends on the details of the output power optimization. Quantum effects tend to enhance the output power and the efficiency as the photon occupation in the cavity is decreased.


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The nucleation and growth of vanadium oxide nanotubes (VOx-NT) have been followed by a combination of numerous ex situ techniques. long the hydrothermal process. Intermediate solid phases extracted at different reaction times have been characterized by powder X-ray diffraction, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, electron spin resonance, and V-K edge :X-ray absorption near-edge structure spectroscopy. The supernatant vanadate solutions extracted during the hydrothermal treatment have been studied by liquid V-51 NMR and flame. spectroscopy. For short durations of the hydrothermal synthesis, the initial V2O5-surfactant intercalate. is progressively transformed into VOx-NT whose crystallization starts to be detected after a hydrothermal treatment of 24 h. Upon heating from 24 h to 7 days, VOx-NT are obtained in larger amount and with an improved crystallinity. The detection of soluble amines and cyclic metavanadate V4O12](4-) in the supernatant solution along the hydrothermal process suggests that VOx-NT result from a dissolution precipitation mechanism. Metavanadate species V4O12](4-) could behave as molecular precursors in the polymerization reactions leading to VOx-NT.


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Wind power, as an alternative to fossil fuels, is plentiful, renewable, widely distributed, clean, produces no greenhouse gas emissions during operation, and uses little land. In operation, the overall cost per unit of energy produced is similar to the cost for new coal and natural gas installations. However, the stochastic behaviour of wind speeds leads to significant disharmony between wind energy production and electricity demand. Wind generation suffers from an intermittent characteristics due to the own diurnal and seasonal patterns of the wind behaviour. Both reactive power and voltage control are important under varying operating conditions of wind farm. To optimize reactive power flow and to keep voltages in limit, an optimization method is proposed in this paper. The objective proposed is minimization of the voltage deviations of the load buses (Vdesired). The approach considers the reactive power limits of wind generators and co-ordinates the transformer taps. This algorithm has been tested under practically varying conditions simulated on a test system. The results are obtained on a system of 50-bus real life equivalent power network. The result shows the efficiency of the proposed method.


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We consider a discrete time system with packets arriving randomly at rate lambda per slot to a fading point-to-point link, for which the transmitter can control the number of packets served in a slot by varying the transmit power. We provide an asymptotic characterization of the minimum average delay of the packets, when average transmitter power is a small positive quantity V more than the minimum average power required for queue stability. We show that the minimum average delay will grow either as log (1/V) or 1/V when V down arrow 0, for certain sets of values of lambda. These sets are determined by the distribution of fading gain, the maximum number of packets which can be transmitted in a slot, and the assumed transmit power function, as a function of the fading gain and the number of packets transmitted. We identify a case where the above behaviour of the tradeoff differs from that obtained from a previously considered model, in which the random queue length process is assumed to evolve on the non-negative real line.


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A Finite Feedback Scheme (FFS) for a quasi-static MIMO block fading channel with finite N-ary delay-free noise-free feedback consists of N Space-Time Block Codes (STBCs) at the transmitter, one corresponding to each possible value of feedback, and a function at the receiver that generates N-ary feedback. A number of FFSs are available in the literature that provably attain full-diversity. However, there is no known full-diversity criterion that universally applies to all FFSs. In this paper a universal necessary condition for any FFS to achieve full-diversity is given, and based on this criterion the notion of Feedback-Transmission duration optimal (FT-optimal) FFSs is introduced, which are schemes that use minimum amount of feedback N for the given transmission duration T, and minimum T for the given N to achieve full-diversity. When there is no feedback (N = 1) an FT-optimal scheme consists of a single STBC, and the proposed condition reduces to the well known necessary and sufficient condition for an STBC to achieve full-diversity. Also, a sufficient criterion for full-diversity is given for FFSs in which the component STBC yielding the largest minimum Euclidean distance is chosen, using which full-rate (N-t complex symbols per channel use) full-diversity FT-optimal schemes are constructed for all N-t > 1. These are the first full-rate full-diversity FFSs reported in the literature for T < N-t. Simulation results show that the new schemes have the best error performance among all known FFSs.


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In underlay cognitive radio (CR), a secondary user (SU) can transmit concurrently with a primary user (PU) provided that it does not cause excessive interference at the primary receiver (PRx). The interference constraint fundamentally changes how the SU transmits, and makes link adaptation in underlay CR systems different from that in conventional wireless systems. In this paper, we develop a novel, symbol error probability (SEP)-optimal transmit power adaptation policy for an underlay CR system that is subject to two practically motivated constraints, namely, a peak transmit power constraint and an interference outage probability constraint. For the optimal policy, we derive its SEP and a tight upper bound for MPSK and MQAM constellations when the links from the secondary transmitter (STx) to its receiver and to the PRx follow the versatile Nakagami-m fading model. We also characterize the impact of imperfectly estimating the STx-PRx link on the SEP and the interference. Extensive simulation results are presented to validate the analysis and evaluate the impact of the constraints, fading parameters, and imperfect estimates.


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Rainbow connection number, rc(G), of a connected graph G is the minimum number of colors needed to color its edges so that every pair of vertices is connected by at least one path in which no two edges are colored the same (note that the coloring need not be proper). In this paper we study the rainbow connection number with respect to three important graph product operations (namely the Cartesian product, the lexicographic product and the strong product) and the operation of taking the power of a graph. In this direction, we show that if G is a graph obtained by applying any of the operations mentioned above on non-trivial graphs, then rc(G) a parts per thousand currency sign 2r(G) + c, where r(G) denotes the radius of G and . In general the rainbow connection number of a bridgeless graph can be as high as the square of its radius 1]. This is an attempt to identify some graph classes which have rainbow connection number very close to the obvious lower bound of diameter (and thus the radius). The bounds reported are tight up to additive constants. The proofs are constructive and hence yield polynomial time -factor approximation algorithms.


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In the present work, Li2-x MnO3-y (LMO) thin films have been deposited by radio frequency (RF) reactive magnetron sputtering using acid-treated Li2MnO3 powder target. Systematic investigations have been carried out to study the effect of RF power on the physicochemical properties of LMO thin films deposited on platinized silicon substrates. X-ray diffraction, electron microscopy, surface chemical analysis and electrochemical studies were carried out for the LMO films after post deposition annealing treatment at 500 A degrees C for 1 h in air ambience. Galvanostatic charge discharge studies carried out using the LMO thin film electrodes, delivered a highest discharge capacity of 139 mu Ah mu m(-1) cm(-2) in the potential window 2.0-3.5 V vs. Li/Li+ at 100 W RF power and lowest discharge capacity of 80 mu Ah mu m(-1) cm(-2) at 75 W RF power. Thereafter, the physicochemical properties of LMO films deposited using optimized RF power 100 W on stainless steel substrates has been studied in the thickness range of 70 to 300 nm as a case study. From the galvanostatic charge discharge experiments, a stable discharge capacity of 68 mu Ah mu m(-1) cm(-2) was achieved in the potential window 2.0-4.2 V vs. Li/Li+ tested up to 30 cycles. As the thickness increased, the specific discharge capacity started reducing with higher magnitude of capacity fading.


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Campylobacter jejuni is one of the most common causes of acute enteritis in the developed world. The consumption of contaminated poultry, where C. jejuni is believed to be a commensal organism, is a major risk factor. However, the dynamics of this colonization process in commercially reared chickens is still poorly understood. Quantification of these dynamics of infection at an individual level is vital to understand transmission within populations and formulate new control strategies. There are multiple potential routes of introduction of C. jejuni into a commercial flock. Introduction is followed by a rapid increase in environmental levels of C. jejuni and the level of colonization of individual broilers. Recent experimental and epidemiological evidence suggest that the celerity of this process could be masking a complex pattern of colonization and extinction of bacterial strains within individual hosts. Despite the rapidity of colonization, experimental transmission studies exhibit a highly variable and unexplained delay time in the initial stages of the process. We review past models of transmission of C. jejuni in broilers and consider simple modifications, motivated by the plausible biological mechanisms of clearance and latency, which could account for this delay. We show how simple mathematical models can be used to guide the focus of experimental studies by providing testable predictions based on our hypotheses. We conclude by suggesting that competition experiments could be used to further understand the dynamics and mechanisms underlying the colonization process. The population models for such competition processes have been extensively studied in other ecological and evolutionary contexts. However, C. jejuni can potentially adapt phenotypically through phase variation in gene expression, leading to unification of ecological and evolutionary time-scales. For a theoretician, the colonization dynamics of C. jejuni offer an experimental system to explore these 'phylodynamics', the synthesis of population dynamics and evolutionary biology.


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In a two-stage delegation game model with Nash bargaining between a manager and an owner, an equivalence result is found between this game and Fershtman and Judd's strategic delegation game (Fershtman and Judd, 1987). Interestingly, although both games are equivalent in terms of profits under certain conditions, managers obtain greater rewards in the bargaining game. This results in a redistribution of profits between owners and managers.