924 resultados para Domain specific language
The field of Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks (WSAN) is fast increasing and has attracted the interest of both the research community and the industry because of several factors, such as the applicability of such networks in different application domains (aviation, civil engineering, medicine, and others). Moreover, advances in wireless communication and the reduction of hardware components size also contributed for a fast spread of these networks. However, there are still several challenges and open issues that need to be tackled in order to achieve the full potential of WSAN usage. The development of WSAN systems is one of the most relevant of these challenges considering the number of variables involved in this process. Currently, a broad range of WSAN platforms and low level programming languages are available to build WSAN systems. Thus, developers need to deal with details of different sensor platforms and low-level programming abstractions of sensor operational systems on one hand, and they also need to have specific (high level) knowledge about the distinct application domains, on the other hand. Therefore, in order to decouple the handling of these two different levels of knowledge, making easier the development process of WSAN systems, we propose LWiSSy (Domain Language for Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks Systems), a domain specific language (DSL) for WSAN. The use of DSLs raises the abstraction level during the programming of systems and modularizes the system building in several steps. Thus, LWiSSy allows the domain experts to directly contribute in the development of WSANs without having knowledge on low level sensor platforms, and network experts to program sensor nodes to meet application requirements without having specific knowledge on the application domain. Additionally, LWiSSy enables the system decomposition in different levels of abstraction according to structural and behavioral features and granularities (network, node group and single node level programming)
Máster Universitario en Sistemas Inteligentes y Aplicaciones Numéricas en Ingeniería (SIANI)
When mapping is formulated in a Bayesian framework, the need of specifying a prior for the environment arises naturally. However, so far, the use of a particular structure prior has been coupled to working with a particular representation. We describe a system that supports inference with multiple priors while keeping the same dense representation. The priors are rigorously described by the user in a domain-specific language. Even though we work very close to the measurement space, we are able to represent structure constraints with the same expressivity as methods based on geometric primitives. This approach allows the intrinsic degrees of freedom of the environment’s shape to be recovered. Experiments with simulated and real data sets will be presented
Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado recoge el diseño e implementación de un compilador y una librería de entorno de ejecución para el lenguaje específico del dominio TESL, un lenguaje de alto nivel para el análisis de series temporales diseñado por un grupo de investigación de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Este compilador es el primer compilador completo disponible para TESL y sirve como base para la continuación del desarrollo del lenguaje, estando ideado para permitir su adaptación a cambios en el mismo. El compilador ha sido implementado en Java siguiendo la arquitectura clásica para este tipo de aplicaciones, incluyendo un Analizador Léxico, Sintáctico y Semántico, así como un Generador de Código. Se ha documentado su arquitectura y las decisiones de diseño que han conducido a la misma. Además, se ha demostrado su funcionamiento con un caso práctico de análisis de eventos en métricas de servidores. Por último, se ha documentado el lenguaje TESL, en cuyo desarrollo se ha colaborado. ---ABSTRACT---This Bachelor’s Thesis describes the design and implementation of a compiler and a runtime library for the domain-specific language TESL, a high-level language for analyzing time series events developed by a research group from the Technical University of Madrid. This is the first fully implemented TESL compiler, and serves as basis for the continuation of the development of the language. The compiler has been implemented in Java following the classical architecture for this kind of systems, having a four phase compilation with a Lexer, a Parser, a Semantic Analyzer and a Code Generator. Its architecture and the design decisions that lead to it have been documented. Its use has been demonstrated in an use-case in the domain of server metrics. Finally, the TESL language itself has been extended and documented.
El Framework Lógico de Edimburgo ha demostrado ser una poderosa herramienta en el estudio formal de sistemas deductivos, como por ejemplo lenguajes de programación. Sin embargo su principal implementación, el sistema Twelf, carece de expresividad, obligando al programador a escribir código repetitivo. Este proyecto presenta una manera alternativa de utilizar Twelf: a través de un EDSL (Lenguaje Embebido de Dominio Específico) en Scala que permite representar firmas del Framework Lógico, y apoyándonos en Twelf como backend para la verificación, abrimos la puerta a diversas posibilidades en términos de metaprogramación. El código fuente, así como instrucciones para instalar y configurar, está accesible en https://github.com/akathorn/elfcala. ---ABSTRACT---The Edinburgh Logical Framework has proven to be to be a powerful tool in the formal study of deductive systems, such as programming languages. However, its main implementation, the Twelf system, lacks expressiveness, requiring the programmer to write repetitive code. This project presents an alternative way of using Twelf: by providing a Scala EDSL (Embedded Domain Specific Language) that can encode Logical Framework signatures and relying on Twelf as a backend for the verification, we open the door to different possibilities in terms of metaprogramming. The source code, along with instructions to install and configure, is accessible at https://github.com/akathorn/elfcala
The behaviour of self adaptive systems can be emergent, which means that the system’s behaviour may be seen as unexpected by its customers and its developers. Therefore, a self-adaptive system needs to garner confidence in its customers and it also needs to resolve any surprise on the part of the developer during testing and maintenance. We believe that these two functions can only be achieved if a self-adaptive system is also capable of self-explanation. We argue a self-adaptive system’s behaviour needs to be explained in terms of satisfaction of its requirements. Since self-adaptive system requirements may themselves be emergent, we propose the use of goal-based requirements models at runtime to offer self-explanation of how a system is meeting its requirements. We demonstrate the analysis of run-time requirements models to yield a self-explanation codified in a domain specific language, and discuss possible future work.
Due to dynamic variability, identifying the specific conditions under which non-functional requirements (NFRs) are satisfied may be only possible at runtime. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the dynamic treatment of relevant information during the requirements specifications. The associated data can be gathered by monitoring the execution of the application and its underlying environment to support reasoning about how the current application configuration is fulfilling the established requirements. This paper presents a dynamic decision-making infrastructure to support both NFRs representation and monitoring, and to reason about the degree of satisfaction of NFRs during runtime. The infrastructure is composed of: (i) an extended feature model aligned with a domain-specific language for representing NFRs to be monitored at runtime; (ii) a monitoring infrastructure to continuously assess NFRs at runtime; and (iii) a exible decision-making process to select the best available configuration based on the satisfaction degree of the NRFs. The evaluation of the approach has shown that it is able to choose application configurations that well fit user NFRs based on runtime information. The evaluation also revealed that the proposed infrastructure provided consistent indicators regarding the best application configurations that fit user NFRs. Finally, a benefit of our approach is that it allows us to quantify the level of satisfaction with respect to NFRs specification.
Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks (WSAN) are a key component in Ubiquitous Computing Systems and have many applications in different knowledge domains. Programming for such networks is very hard and requires developers to know the available sensor platforms specificities, increasing the learning curve for developing WSAN applications. In this work, an MDA (Model-Driven Architecture) approach for WSAN applications development called ArchWiSeN is proposed. The goal of such approach is to facilitate the development task by providing: (i) A WSAN domain-specific language, (ii) a methodology for WSAN application development; and (iii) an MDA infrastructure composed of several software artifacts (PIM, PSMs and transformations). ArchWiSeN allows the direct contribution of domain experts in the WSAN application development without the need of specialized knowledge on WSAN platforms and, at the same time, allows network experts to manage the application requirements without the need for specific knowledge of the application domain. Furthermore, this approach also aims to enable developers to express and validate functional and non-functional requirements of the application, incorporate services offered by WSAN middleware platforms and promote reuse of the developed software artifacts. In this sense, this Thesis proposes an approach that includes all WSAN development stages for current and emerging scenarios through the proposed MDA infrastructure. An evaluation of the proposal was performed by: (i) a proof of concept encompassing three different scenarios performed with the usage of the MDA infrastructure to describe the WSAN development process using the application engineering process, (ii) a controlled experiment to assess the use of the proposed approach compared to traditional method of WSAN application development, (iii) the analysis of ArchWiSeN support of middleware services to ensure that WSAN applications using such services can achieve their requirements ; and (iv) systematic analysis of ArchWiSeN in terms of desired characteristics for MDA tool when compared with other existing MDA tools for WSAN.
Scopo di questo elaborato di tesi è la modellazione e l’implementazione di una estensione del simulatore Alchemist, denominata Biochemistry, che permetta di simulare un ambiente multi-cellulare. Al fine di simulare il maggior numero possibile di processi biologici, il simulatore dovrà consentire di modellare l’eterogeneità cellulare attraverso la modellazione di diversi aspetti dei sistemi cellulari, quali: reazioni intracellulari, segnalazione tra cellule adiacenti, giunzioni cellulari e movimento. Dovrà, inoltre, essere ammissibile anche l’esecuzione di azioni impossibili nel mondo reale, come la distruzione o la creazione dal nulla di molecole chimiche. In maniera più specifica si sono modellati ed implementati i seguenti processi biochimici: creazione e distruzione di molecole chimiche, reazioni biochimiche intracellulari, scambio di molecole tra cellule adiacenti, creazione e distruzione di giunzioni cellulari. È stata dunque posta particolare enfasi nella modellazione delle reazioni tra cellule vicine, il cui meccanismo è simile a quello usato nella segnalazione cellulare. Ogni parte del sistema è stata modellata seguendo fenomeni realmente presenti nei sistemi multi-cellulari, e documentati in letteratura. Per la specifica delle reazioni chimiche, date in ingresso alla simulazione, è stata necessaria l’implementazione di un Domain Specific Language (DSL) che consente la scrittura di reazioni in modo simile al linguaggio naturale, consentendo l’uso del simulatore anche a persone senza particolari conoscenze di biologia. La correttezza del progetto è stata validata tramite test compiuti con dati presenti in letteratura e inerenti a processi biologici noti e ampiamente studiati.
Some organizations end up reimplementing the same class of business process over and over: an "administrative process", which consists of managing a form through several states and involving various roles in the organization. This results in wasted time that could be dedicated to better understanding the process or dealing with the fine details that are specific to the process. Existing virtual office solutions require specific training and infrastructure andmay result in vendor lock-in. In this paper, we propose using a high-level domain-specific language (AdminDSL) to describe the administrative process and a separate code generator targeting a standard web framework. We have implemented the approach using Xtext, EGL and the Django web framework, and we illustrate it through two case studies: a synthetic examination process which illustrates the architecture of the generated code, and a real-world workplace survey process that identified several future avenues for improvement.
This document presents an Enterprise Application Integration based proposal for research outcomes and technological information management. The proposal addresses national and international science and research outcomes information management, and corresponding information systems. Information systems interoperability problems, approaches, technologies and integration tools are presented and applied to the research outcomes information management case. A business and technological perspective is provided, including the conceptual analysis and modelling, an integration solution based in a Domain-Specific Language (DSL) and the integration platform to execute the proposed solution. For illustrative purposes, the role and information system needs of a research unit is assumed as the representative case.
Blazor è un innovativo framework di Microsoft per lo sviluppo di applicazioni web in C#, HTML e CSS. Questo framework non possiede un designer visuale, ovvero un supporto grafico "drag-and-drop" alla creazione delle web applications. Questa tesi affronta la progettazione e la prototipazione di "Blazor Designer", un DSL (Domain-Specific Language) grafico a supporto dello sviluppo applicazioni web a pagina singola (SPA) sviluppato in collaborazione con IPREL Progetti srl, società del gruppo SACMI. Nella tesi si fa una analisi delle tecnologie messe a disposizione da Blazor, compreso WebAssembly, si discutono le caratteristiche e i vantaggi dei DSL, si descrive la progettazione e l'implementazione di "Blazor Designer" come estensione di Visual Studio. La conclusione riassume i risultati raggiunti, i limiti e le opportunità future: un DSL è effettivamente in grado di rendere più user-friendly e semplice lo sviluppo, ma lo strumento deve essere integrato per essere sfruttato pienamente.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Informática
Here, we report on a newly recognized syndrome in a Brazilian family with three affected women, who had a Marfanoid habitus; long face; hypotelorism; long, thin nose; long, thin hands and feet; and language and learning disabilities. The disorder is compatible with autosomal dominant inheritance. (C) 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.