976 resultados para Distributed Network Protocol version 3 (DNP3)


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The algebraic formulation for linear network coding in acyclic networks with the links having integer delay is well known. Based on this formulation, for a given set of connections over an arbitrary acyclic network with integer delay assumed for the links, the output symbols at the sink nodes, at any given time instant, is a F(p)m-linear combination of the input symbols across different generations, where F(p)m denotes the field over which the network operates (p is prime and m is a positive integer). We use finite-field discrete Fourier transform to convert the output symbols at the sink nodes, at any given time instant, into a F(p)m-linear combination of the input symbols generated during the same generation without making use of memory at the intermediate nodes. We call this as transforming the acyclic network with delay into n-instantaneous networks (n is sufficiently large). We show that under certain conditions, there exists a network code satisfying sink demands in the usual (nontransform) approach if and only if there exists a network code satisfying sink demands in the transform approach. When the zero-interference conditions are not satisfied, we propose three precoding-based network alignment (PBNA) schemes for three-source three-destination multiple unicast network with delays (3-S 3-D MUN-D) termed as PBNA using transform approach and time-invariant local encoding coefficients (LECs), PBNA using time-varying LECs, and PBNA using transform approach and block time-varying LECs. We derive sets of necessary and sufficient conditions under which throughputs close to n' + 1/2n' + 1, n'/2n' + 1, and n'/2n' + 1 are achieved for the three source-destination pairs in a 3-S 3-D MUN-D employing PBNA using transform approach and time-invariant LECs, and PBNA using transform approach and block time-varying LECs, where n' is a positive integer. For PBNA using time-varying LECs, we obtain a sufficient condition under which a throughput demand of n(1)/n, n(2)/n, and n(3)/n can be met for the three source-destination pairs in a 3-S 3-D MUN-D, where n(1), n(2), and n(3) are positive integers less than or equal to the positive integer n. This condition is also necessary when n(1) + n(3) = n(1) + n(2) = n where n(1) >= n(2) >= n(3).


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Índice: - Sobre museos, redes sociales y tecnología 2.0 (Alex Ibáñez Etxeberria). - Sitios web y museos: nuevas aplicaciones para el aprendizaje informal (Mikel Asensio, Elena Asenjo y Alex Ibáñez Etxeberria). - From headphones to microphones: mobile social media in the museum as distributed network (Nancy Proctor). - Mobile learning y patrimionio: aprendiendo historia con mi teléfono, mi GPS y mi PDA (Alex Ibáñez Etxeberria, Mikel Asensio y José Miguel Correa). - Digital asset management strategies for multi-platform content delivery (Titus Bicknell). - Redes sociales y museos participativos: la irrupción de las tecnologías 2.0 en la sociedad y su aplicación en los museos a través del caso de Arazi (Juan José Aranburu).


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We present an algorithm to store data robustly in a large, geographically distributed network by means of localized regions of data storage that move in response to changing conditions. For example, data might migrate away from failures or toward regions of high demand. The PersistentNode algorithm provides this service robustly, but with limited safety guarantees. We use the RAMBO framework to transform PersistentNode into RamboNode, an algorithm that guarantees atomic consistency in exchange for increased cost and decreased liveness. In addition, a half-life analysis of RamboNode shows that it is robust against continuous low-rate failures. Finally, we provide experimental simulations for the algorithm on 2000 nodes, demonstrating how it services requests and examining how it responds to failures.


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The development and deployment of distributed network-aware applications and services over the Internet require the ability to compile and maintain a model of the underlying network resources with respect to (one or more) characteristic properties of interest. To be manageable, such models must be compact, and must enable a representation of properties along temporal, spatial, and measurement resolution dimensions. In this paper, we propose a general framework for the construction of such metric-induced models using end-to-end measurements. We instantiate our approach using one such property, packet loss rates, and present an analytical framework for the characterization of Internet loss topologies. From the perspective of a server the loss topology is a logical tree rooted at the server with clients at its leaves, in which edges represent lossy paths between a pair of internal network nodes. We show how end-to-end unicast packet probing techniques could b e used to (1) infer a loss topology and (2) identify the loss rates of links in an existing loss topology. Correct, efficient inference of loss topology information enables new techniques for aggregate congestion control, QoS admission control, connection scheduling and mirror site selection. We report on simulation, implementation, and Internet deployment results that show the effectiveness of our approach and its robustness in terms of its accuracy and convergence over a wide range of network conditions.


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Computational models of learning typically train on labeled input patterns (supervised learning), unlabeled input patterns (unsupervised learning), or a combination of the two (semisupervised learning). In each case input patterns have a fixed number of features throughout training and testing. Human and machine learning contexts present additional opportunities for expanding incomplete knowledge from formal training, via self-directed learning that incorporates features not previously experienced. This article defines a new self-supervised learning paradigm to address these richer learning contexts, introducing a neural network called self-supervised ARTMAP. Self-supervised learning integrates knowledge from a teacher (labeled patterns with some features), knowledge from the environment (unlabeled patterns with more features), and knowledge from internal model activation (self-labeled patterns). Self-supervised ARTMAP learns about novel features from unlabeled patterns without destroying partial knowledge previously acquired from labeled patterns. A category selection function bases system predictions on known features, and distributed network activation scales unlabeled learning to prediction confidence. Slow distributed learning on unlabeled patterns focuses on novel features and confident predictions, defining classification boundaries that were ambiguous in the labeled patterns. Self-supervised ARTMAP improves test accuracy on illustrative lowdimensional problems and on high-dimensional benchmarks. Model code and benchmark data are available from: http://techlab.bu.edu/SSART/.


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A neural network model of 3-D visual perception and figure-ground separation by visual cortex is introduced. The theory provides a unified explanation of how a 2-D image may generate a 3-D percept; how figures pop-out from cluttered backgrounds; how spatially sparse disparity cues can generate continuous surface representations at different perceived depths; how representations of occluded regions can be completed and recognized without usually being seen; how occluded regions can sometimes be seen during percepts of transparency; how high spatial frequency parts of an image may appear closer than low spatial frequency parts; how sharp targets are detected better against a figure and blurred targets are detector better against a background; how low spatial frequency parts of an image may be fused while high spatial frequency parts are rivalrous; how sparse blue cones can generate vivid blue surface percepts; how 3-D neon color spreading, visual phantoms, and tissue contrast percepts are generated; how conjunctions of color-and-depth may rapidly pop-out during visual search. These explanations arise derived from an ecological analysis of how monocularly viewed parts of an image inherit the appropriate depth from contiguous binocularly viewed parts, as during DaVinci stereopsis. The model predicts the functional role and ordering of multiple interactions within and between the two parvocellular processing streams that join LGN to prestriate area V4. Interactions from cells representing larger scales and disparities to cells representing smaller scales and disparities are of particular importance.


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This document is the first out of three iterations of the DMP that will be formally delivered during the project. Version 2 is due in month 24 and version 3 towards the end of the project. The DMP thus is not a fixed document; it evolves and gains more precision and substance during the lifespan of the project. In this first version we describe the planned research data sets related to the RAGE evaluation and validation activities, and the fifteen principles that will guide data management in RAGE. The former are described in the format of the EU data management template, and the latter in terms of their guiding principle, how we propose to implement them, and when they will be implemented. This document is thus first of all relevant to WP5 and WP8 members.


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BACKGROUND: Functional connectivity magnetic resonance imaging technique has revealed the importance of distributed network structures in higher cognitive processes in the human brain. The hippocampus has a key role in a distributed network supporting memory encoding and retrieval. Hippocampal dysfunction is a recurrent finding in memory disorders of aging such as amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI) in which learning- and memory-related cognitive abilities are the predominant impairment. The functional connectivity method provides a novel approach in our attempts to better understand the changes occurring in this structure in aMCI patients. METHODS: Functional connectivity analysis was used to examine episodic memory retrieval networks in vivo in twenty 28 aMCI patients and 23 well-matched control subjects, specifically between the hippocampal structures and other brain regions. RESULTS: Compared with control subjects, aMCI patients showed significantly lower hippocampus functional connectivity in a network involving prefrontal lobe, temporal lobe, parietal lobe, and cerebellum, and higher functional connectivity to more diffuse areas of the brain than normal aging control subjects. In addition, those regions associated with increased functional connectivity with the hippocampus demonstrated a significantly negative correlation to episodic memory performance. CONCLUSIONS: aMCI patients displayed altered patterns of functional connectivity during memory retrieval. The degree of this disturbance appears to be related to level of impairment of processes involved in memory function. Because aMCI is a putative prodromal syndrome to Alzheimer's disease (AD), these early changes in functional connectivity involving the hippocampus may yield important new data to predict whether a patient will eventually develop AD.


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We have implemented the WRF-Chem model version 3.5 over Poland to quantify the direct and indirect feedback effects of aerosols on simulated meteorology and aerosol concentrations. Observations were compared with results from three simulations at high spatial resolutions of 5 × 5 km: (1) BASE—without any aerosol feedback effects; (2) DIR—with direct aerosol-radiative effects (3) INDIR—with direct and indirect aerosol-radiative effects. We study the overall effect during January 2011 as well as selected episodes of the highest differences in PM10 concentrations between the three simulations. For the DIR simulation, the decrease in monthly mean incoming solar radiation (SWDOWN) appears for the entire study area. It changes geographically, from about −8.0 to −2.0 W m−2, respectively for the southern and northern parts of the country. The highest changes do not correspond to the highest PM10 concentration. Due to the solar radiation changes, the surface mean monthly temperature (T2) decreases for 96 % of the area of Poland, but not more than 1.0 °C. Monthly mean PBLH changes by more than ±5 m for 53 % of the domain. Locally the differences in PBLH between the DIR and BASE are higher than ± 20 m. Due to the direct effect, for 84 % of the domain, the mean monthly PM10 concentrations increase by up to 1.9 µg m−3. For the INDIR simulation the spatial distribution of changes in incoming solar radiation as well as air temperature is similar to the DIR simulation. The decrease of SWDOWN is noticed for the entire domain and for 23 % of the domain is higher than −5.0 W m−2. The absolute differences of PBLH are slightly higher for INDIR than DIR but similarly distributed spatially. For daily episodes, the differences between the simulations are higher, both for meteorology and PM10 concentrations, and the pattern of changes is usually more complex. The results indicate the potential importance of the aerosol feedback effects on modelled meteorology and PM10 concentrations.


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Uma nova área tecnológica está em crescente desenvolvimento. Esta área, denominada de internet das coisas, surge na necessidade de interligar vários objetos para uma melhoria a nível de serviços ou necessidades por parte dos utilizadores. Esta dissertação concentra-se numa área específica da tecnologia internet das coisas que é a sensorização. Esta rede de sensorização é implementada pelo projeto europeu denominado de Future Cities [1] onde se cria uma infraestrutura de investigação e validação de projetos e serviços inteligentes na cidade do Porto. O trabalho realizado nesta dissertação insere-se numa das plataformas existentes nessa rede de sensorização: a plataforma de sensores ambientais intitulada de UrbanSense. Estes sensores ambientais que estão incorporados em Data Collect Unit (DCU), também denominados por nós, medem variáveis ambientais tais como a temperatura, humidade, ozono e monóxido de carbono. No entanto, os nós têm recursos limitados em termos de energia, processamento e memória. Apesar das grandes evoluções a nível de armazenamento e de processamento, a nível energético, nomeadamente nas baterias, não existe ainda uma evolução tão notável, limitando a sua operacionalidade [2]. Esta tese foca-se, essencialmente, na melhoria do desempenho energético da rede de sensores UrbanSense. A principal contribuição é uma adaptação do protocolo de redes Ad Hoc OLSR (Optimized Link State Routing Protocol) para ser usado por nós alimentados a energia renovável, de forma a aumentar a vida útil dos nós da rede de sensorização. Com esta contribuição é possível obter um maior número de dados durante períodos de tempo mais longos, aproximadamente 10 horas relativamente às 7 horas anteriores, resultando numa maior recolha e envio dos mesmos com uma taxa superior, cerca de 500 KB/s. Existindo deste modo uma aproximação analítica dos vários parâmetros existentes na rede de sensorização. Contudo, o aumento do tempo de vida útil dos nós sensores com recurso à energia renovável, nomeadamente, energia solar, incrementa o seu peso e tamanho que limita a sua mobilidade. Com o referido acréscimo a determinar e a limitar a sua mobilidade exigindo, por isso, um planeamento prévio da sua localização. Numa primeira fase do trabalho analisou-se o consumo da DCU, visto serem estes a base na infraestrutura e comunicando entre si por WiFi ou 3G. Após uma análise dos protocolos de routing com iv suporte para parametrização energética, a escolha recaiu sobre o protocolo OLSR devido à maturidade e compatibilidade com o sistema atual da DCU, pois apesar de existirem outros protocolos, a implementação dos mesmos, não se encontram disponível como software aberto. Para a validação do trabalho realizado na presente dissertação, é realizado um ensaio prévio sem a energia renovável, para permitir caracterização de limitações do sistema. Com este ensaio, tornou-se possível verificar a compatibilidade entre os vários materiais e ajustamento de estratégias. Num segundo teste de validação é concretizado um ensaio real do sistema com 4 nós a comunicar, usando o protocolo com eficiência energética. O protocolo é avaliado em termos de aumento do tempo de vida útil do nó e da taxa de transferência. O desenvolvimento da análise e da adaptação do protocolo de rede Ad Hoc oferece uma maior longevidade em termos de tempo de vida útil, comparando ao que existe durante o processamento de envio de dados. Apesar do tempo de longevidade ser inferior, quando o parâmetro energético se encontra por omissão com o fator 3, a realização da adaptação do sistema conforme a energia, oferece uma taxa de transferência maior num período mais longo. Este é um fator favorável para a abertura de novos serviços de envio de dados em tempo real ou envio de ficheiros com um tamanho mais elevado.


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Grâce à leur flexibilité et à leur facilité d’installation, les réseaux maillés sans fil (WMNs) permettent un déploiement d’une infrastructure à faible coût. Ces réseaux étendent la couverture des réseaux filaires permettant, ainsi, une connexion n’importe quand et n’importe où. Toutefois, leur performance est dégradée par les interférences et la congestion. Ces derniers causent des pertes de paquets et une augmentation du délai de transmission d’une façon drastique. Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons au routage adaptatif et à la stabilité dans ce type de réseaux. Dans une première partie de la thèse, nous nous intéressons à la conception d’une métrique de routage et à la sélection des passerelles permettant d’améliorer la performance des WMNs. Dans ce contexte nous proposons un protocole de routage à la source basé sur une nouvelle métrique. Cette métrique permet non seulement de capturer certaines caractéristiques des liens tels que les interférences inter-flux et intra-flux, le taux de perte des paquets mais également la surcharge des passerelles. Les résultats numériques montrent que la performance de cette métrique est meilleure que celle des solutions proposées dans la littérature. Dans une deuxième partie de la thèse, nous nous intéressons à certaines zones critiques dans les WMNs. Ces zones se trouvent autour des passerelles qui connaissent une concentration plus élevé du trafic ; elles risquent de provoquer des interférences et des congestions. À cet égard, nous proposons un protocole de routage proactif et adaptatif basé sur l’apprentissage par renforcement et qui pénalise les liens de mauvaise qualité lorsqu’on s’approche des passerelles. Un chemin dont la qualité des liens autour d’une passerelle est meilleure sera plus favorisé que les autres chemins de moindre qualité. Nous utilisons l’algorithme de Q-learning pour mettre à jour dynamiquement les coûts des chemins, sélectionner les prochains nœuds pour faire suivre les paquets vers les passerelles choisies et explorer d’autres nœuds voisins. Les résultats numériques montrent que notre protocole distribué, présente de meilleurs résultats comparativement aux protocoles présentés dans la littérature. Dans une troisième partie de cette thèse, nous nous intéressons aux problèmes d’instabilité des réseaux maillés sans fil. En effet, l’instabilité se produit à cause des changements fréquents des routes qui sont causés par les variations instantanées des qualités des liens dues à la présence des interférences et de la congestion. Ainsi, après une analyse de l’instabilité, nous proposons d’utiliser le nombre de variations des chemins dans une table de routage comme indicateur de perturbation des réseaux et nous utilisons la fonction d’entropie, connue dans les mesures de l’incertitude et du désordre des systèmes, pour sélectionner les routes stables. Les résultats numériques montrent de meilleures performances de notre protocole en comparaison avec d’autres protocoles dans la littérature en termes de débit, délai, taux de perte des paquets et l’indice de Gini.


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TCP flows from applications such as the web or ftp are well supported by a Guaranteed Minimum Throughput Service (GMTS), which provides a minimum network throughput to the flow and, if possible, an extra throughput. We propose a scheme for a GMTS using Admission Control (AC) that is able to provide different minimum throughput to different users and that is suitable for "standard" TCP flows. Moreover, we consider a multidomain scenario where the scheme is used in one of the domains, and we propose some mechanisms for the interconnection with neighbor domains. The whole scheme uses a small set of packet classes in a core-stateless network where each class has a different discarding priority in queues assigned to it. The AC method involves only edge nodes and uses a special probing packet flow (marked as the highest discarding priority class) that is sent continuously from ingress to egress through a path. The available throughput in the path is obtained at the egress using measurements of flow aggregates, and then it is sent back to the ingress. At the ingress each flow is detected using an implicit way and then it is admission controlled. If it is accepted, it receives the GMTS and its packets are marked as the lowest discarding priority classes; otherwise, it receives a best-effort service. The scheme is evaluated through simulation in a simple "bottleneck" topology using different traffic loads consisting of "standard" TCP flows that carry files of varying sizes


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Recent studies have identified a distributed network of brain regions thought to support cognitive reappraisal processes underlying emotion regulation in response to affective images, including parieto-temporal regions and lateral/medial regions of prefrontal cortex (PFC). A number of these commonly activated regions are also known to underlie visuospatial attention and oculomotor control, which raises the possibility that people use attentional redeployment rather than, or in addition to, reappraisal as a strategy to regulate emotion. We predicted that a significant portion of the observed variance in brain activation during emotion regulation tasks would be associated with differences in how participants visually scan the images while regulating their emotions. We recorded brain activation using fMRI and quantified patterns of gaze fixation while participants increased or decreased their affective response to a set of affective images. fMRI results replicated previous findings on emotion regulation with regulation differences reflected in regions of PFC and the amygdala. In addition, our gaze fixation data revealed that when regulating, individuals changed their gaze patterns relative to a control condition. Furthermore, this variation in gaze fixation accounted for substantial amounts of variance in brain activation. These data point to the importance of controlling for gaze fixation in studies of emotion regulation that use visual stimuli.


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Decoding emotional prosody is crucial for successful social interactions, and continuous monitoring of emotional intent via prosody requires working memory. It has been proposed by Ross and others that emotional prosody cognitions in the right hemisphere are organized in an analogous fashion to propositional language functions in the left hemisphere. This study aimed to test the applicability of this model in the context of prefrontal cortex working memory functions. BOLD response data were therefore collected during performance of two emotional working memory tasks by participants undergoing fMRI. In the prosody task, participants identified the emotion conveyed in pre-recorded sentences, and working memory load was manipulated in the style of an N-back task. In the matched lexico-semantic task, participants identified the emotion conveyed by sentence content. Block-design neuroimaging data were analyzed parametrically with SPM5. At first, working memory for emotional prosody appeared to be right-lateralized in the PFC, however, further analyses revealed that it shared much bilateral prefrontal functional neuroanatomy with working memory for lexico-semantic emotion. Supplementary separate analyses of males and females suggested that these language functions were less bilateral in females, but their inclusion did not alter the direction of laterality. It is concluded that Ross et al.'s model is not applicable to prefrontal cortex working memory functions, that evidence that working memory cannot be subdivided in prefrontal cortex according to material type is increased, and that incidental working memory demands may explain the frontal lobe involvement in emotional prosody comprehension as revealed by neuroimaging studies. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.