1000 resultados para Dispersive Estimates


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In this paper, we consider spatial modulation (SM) operating in a frequency-selective single-carrier (SC) communication scenario and propose zero-padding instead of the cyclic-prefix considered in the existing literature. We show that the zero-padded single-carrier (ZP-SC) SM system offers full multipath diversity under maximum-likelihood (ML) detection, unlike the cyclic-prefix based SM system. Furthermore, we show that the order of ML detection complexity in our proposed ZP-SC SM system is independent of the frame length and depends only on the number of multipath links between the transmitter and the receiver. Thus, we show that the zero-padding applied in the SC SM system has two advantages over the cyclic prefix: 1) achieves full multipath diversity, and 2) imposes a relatively low ML detection complexity. Furthermore, we extend the partial interference cancellation receiver (PIC-R) proposed by Guo and Xia for the detection of space-time block codes (STBCs) in order to convert the ZP-SC system into a set of narrowband subsystems experiencing flat-fading. We show that full rank STBC transmissions over these subsystems achieves full transmit, receive as well as multipath diversity for the PIC-R. Furthermore, we show that the ZP-SC SM system achieves receive and multipath diversity for the PIC-R at a detection complexity order which is the same as that of the SM system in flat-fading scenario. Our simulation results demonstrate that the symbol error ratio performance of the proposed linear receiver for the ZP-SC SM system is significantly better than that of the SM in cyclic prefix based orthogonal frequency division multiplexing as well as of the SM in the cyclic-prefixed and zero-padded single carrier systems relying on zero-forcing/minimum mean-squared error equalizer based receivers.


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A reliable and efficient a posteriori error estimator is derived for a class of discontinuous Galerkin (DG) methods for the Signorini problem. A common property shared by many DG methods leads to a unified error analysis with the help of a constraint preserving enriching map. The error estimator of DG methods is comparable with the error estimator of the conforming methods. Numerical experiments illustrate the performance of the error estimator. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper we prove weighted mixed norm estimates for Riesz transforms on the Heisenberg group and Riesz transforms associated to the special Hermite operator. From these results vector-valued inequalities for sequences of Riesz transforms associated to generalised Grushin operators and Laguerre operators are deduced.


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This study presents a comprehensive evaluation of five widely used multisatellite precipitation estimates (MPEs) against 1 degrees x 1 degrees gridded rain gauge data set as ground truth over India. One decade observations are used to assess the performance of various MPEs (Climate Prediction Center (CPC)-South Asia data set, CPC Morphing Technique (CMORPH), Precipitation Estimation From Remotely Sensed Information Using Artificial Neural Networks, Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission's Multisatellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA-3B42), and Global Precipitation Climatology Project). All MPEs have high detection skills of rain with larger probability of detection (POD) and smaller ``missing'' values. However, the detection sensitivity differs from one product (and also one region) to the other. While the CMORPH has the lowest sensitivity of detecting rain, CPC shows highest sensitivity and often overdetects rain, as evidenced by large POD and false alarm ratio and small missing values. All MPEs show higher rain sensitivity over eastern India than western India. These differential sensitivities are found to alter the biases in rain amount differently. All MPEs show similar spatial patterns of seasonal rain bias and root-mean-square error, but their spatial variability across India is complex and pronounced. The MPEs overestimate the rainfall over the dry regions (northwest and southeast India) and severely underestimate over mountainous regions (west coast and northeast India), whereas the bias is relatively small over the core monsoon zone. Higher occurrence of virga rain due to subcloud evaporation and possible missing of small-scale convective events by gauges over the dry regions are the main reasons for the observed overestimation of rain by MPEs. The decomposed components of total bias show that the major part of overestimation is due to false precipitation. The severe underestimation of rain along the west coast is attributed to the predominant occurrence of shallow rain and underestimation of moderate to heavy rain by MPEs. The decomposed components suggest that the missed precipitation and hit bias are the leading error sources for the total bias along the west coast. All evaluation metrics are found to be nearly equal in two contrasting monsoon seasons (southwest and northeast), indicating that the performance of MPEs does not change with the season, at least over southeast India. Among various MPEs, the performance of TMPA is found to be better than others, as it reproduced most of the spatial variability exhibited by the reference.


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In this paper we prove mixed norm estimates for Riesz transforms on the group SU(2). From these results vector valued inequalities for sequences of Riesz transforms associated to Jacobi differential operators of different types are deduced.


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The mortality of the four major cichlid fishes of Urnuoseriche Lake is the subject of this paper. Mortality I as estimated by five techniques, vary amongst the cichlid fishes, viz, Tilapia carbrae, Tilapia mariac, Tilapia zilli cend (hrornoditilapfa guntheri. The highest mortality rate was recorded for T mariac where the total mortality (Z) was 2.06; and natural mortality (M) was 1.8949. This species was also the most highly exploited species of fish with an exploitation ratio of0.566 (56.6%) and exploitation rate of 0.494. The least exploited cichlid fish is (. gun/hen where an exploitation ratio of 0.43209%) and exploitation rate of 0.2225 was recorded. In C'. guntheni, total mortality was 0.726 and natural mortality was 0.413 1. In T zilli, total mortality was 1.0547 wile exploitation ratio was 0.3674 (3 6.74%) and an exploitation rate was 0.2394. In T cahrae. total mortality was 1.8662: exploitation ratio was 0.4786 with an exploitation rate of 0.4045. (7 page document)


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ENGLISH: Year-class composition of catch, virtual population size and yearclass strength were determined from serial samples of size composition of catches and catch records. Murphy's Solution to the catch equation, which is free from the effects caused by changes in fishing pressure, was used to estimate year-class strength, i.e. the total population of fish age 3/4 years. The resultant estimates indicated that the X55, X56, X57, X62 and X63 year classes were above average and the X58, X59, X60, X61 and X64 year classes were below average. The year-class designation refers to the year of actual entry or presumed year of entry into the commercial fishery (at approximately 1 year of age). The strongest and poorest year classes were the X57 and X61 classes, respectively. The ratio of the strongest to the weakest year class was 2.6. This amount of variation is small compared to that found for other species of fish. It was found that the relationship between stock size and yearclass strength is of no value in predicting year-class strength. As a by-product of the analysis, estimates of the catchability coefficients (qN) of the age groups in the fishery were obtained, These estimates were found to vary with age and time. Age-two fish apparently showed the greatest vulnerability to fishing gear, followed by ages three and one, respectively. The average estimate of the catchability coefficient in weight was calculated and found to compare favorably with Schaefer's estimate. The influence of sea-surface water temperature upon year-class strength was investigated to determine whether the latter can be predicted from a knowledge of sea-surface temperatures prevailing during and following spawning. No correlation was evident. SPANISH: La composición de la clase anual en la captura, el tamaño de la población virtual y la fuerza de clase anual, fueron determinados según una serie de muestras de la composición de tamaño de las capturas y de los registros de captura. La Solución de Murphy de la ecuación de captura, que está libre de los efectos causados por los cambios de la presión de pesca, fue usada para estimar la fuerza de la clase anual, i.e. la población total de peces de 3/4 años. Las estimaciones resultantes indican que las clases anuales X55, X56, X57, X62 y X63 fueron superiores al promedio y que las clases anuales X58, X59, X60, X61 y X64 fueron inferiores al promedio. La designación de la clase anual se refiere al año actual de entrada o al año supuesto de entrada en la pesca comercial (aproximadamente a la edad de 1 año). Las clases anuales más fuertes y más pobres fueron la X57 y X61 respectivamente. La razón de la clase anual más fuerte en relación a la más débil fue 2.6. Esta cantidad de variación es pequeña comparada con la encontrada para otras especies de peces. Se encontró que la relación entre en tamaño del stock y la fuerza de la clase anual no tiene valor en predecir la fuerza de la clase anual. Se obtuvieron estimaciones de los coeficientes de capturabilidad (qN) de los grupos de edad en la pesquería como un producto derivado del análisis. Se encontraron que estas estimaciones variaron con la edad y tiempo. Los peces de edad dos aparentemente presentaron la vulnerabilidad más grande en relación al arte pesquero, seguidos por las edades tres y una, respectivamente. La estimación promedio del coeficiente de capturabilidad en peso fue calculada y se encontró que podía compararse favorablemente con la estimación de Schaefer. La influencia de la temperatura del agua superficial del mar sobre la fuerza de la clase anual fue investigada para determinar si se podía predecir esta última según el conocimíento de las temperaturas superficiales del mar prevalecientes durante el desove y después de éste. No hubo correlación evidente. (PDF contains 44 pages.)


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ENGLISH: Tag release and return data for the Baja California and Gulf of Guayaquil areas were selected for this study because substantial numbers of returns resulted from these releases and because the effects of emigration are small in these areas. The returns of tags per unit of fishing effort for several experiments in each area were used to estimate the coefficients of total mortality and shedding. The coefficient of annual natural mortality was estimated to be less than 2.0, which is in agreement with a previous estimate of 0.8, but does not improve upon it. The estimates for the average coefficients of catchability are 2.02 X 10-3 for the Baja California area and 0.67 X 10-3 for the Gulf of Guayaquil area. SPANISH: Se seleccionaron para este estudio algunos da tos de liberación y retorno de marcas en las áreas de Baja California y el Golfo de Guayaquil debido a que cantidades substanciales de retornos resultaron de estas liberaciones y porque los efectos de migración son pequeños en estas áreas. Los retornos de marcas por unidad de esfuerzo de pesca de varios experimentos en cada área fueron empleados para estimar los coeficientes de mortalidad total y desprendimiento. Se estimó que el coeficiente de mortalidad natural anual fue inferior a 2.0, lo que está de acuerdo con una estimación anterior de 0.8, pero no la mejora. Las estimaciones de los coeficientes promedios de capturabilidad son 2.02 X 10-3 en el área de Baja California y 0.67 X 10-3 en el área del Golfo de Guayaquil. (PDF contains 58 pages.)


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ENGLISH: Return data for single-tagged fish and for double-tagged fish which had retained one or both tags were used to estimate the rates of shedding of dart tags from yellowfin tuna. The Type-1 shedding, which occurs immediately after release of the fish, is about 10 percent. The Type-2 shedding is assumed to be constant throughout the life of the fish after tagging; it occurs at an instantaneous rate of about 0.278 per year. SPANISH: Se emplearon los datos de retorno de peces marcados con una sola marca y de peces marcados con doble marca los cuales han retenido una o dos marcas para estimar las tasas de pérdida de las marcas de dardo de atunes aleta amarilla. El Tipo-l de pérdida, que ocurre inmediatamente después de haber liberado el pez, es aproximadamente del 10 por ciento. El Tipo-2 de pérdida se supone que sea constante durante la vida del pez después de marcado; ocurre en una tasa instantánea cerca de 0.278 por año. (PDF contains 24 pages.)


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A summary of the inventory survey of Nigeria inland waters is presented. The survey reveals that Kano State tops the list in reservoir development with an existing water surface area of about 42,773 ha, while Anambra State has the least with about 38 hectares. No reservoir was recorded for Lagos and Rivers States. However, in aspects of existing fish ponds, a total of about 471 ha was recorded for Plateau State and about 5 ha for Niger State. Preliminary estimates of Nigeria's fish yield potentials based on established production records of comparable water bodies in the tropics, at different levels of management, show that the available water mass in the country, estimated at about 12.5 million hectares, could yield a minimum of about 334,214 metric tonnes (m.t.) of fish per annum with little or no management and a maximum of about 511,703 metric tonnes per annum with adequate management. Comparison of the potential yields from inland sources with the projected fish production in Nigeria (1981-1985) based on supply and demand statistics shows that potential yield from inland sources even at a low level of management is relatively higher than the projected inland production and more than double the observed production. The variation between the potential and the observed fish yields in the country has been attributed to the absolute lack of management strategies for our various inland waters. The paper elaborates on possible management strategies for various categories of inland waters as a prelude towards increased fish production in the country


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The various singularities and instabilities which arise in the modulation theory of dispersive wavetrains are studied. Primary interest is in the theory of nonlinear waves, but a study of associated questions in linear theory provides background information and is of independent interest.

The full modulation theory is developed in general terms. In the first approximation for slow modulations, the modulation equations are solved. In both the linear and nonlinear theories, singularities and regions of multivalued modulations are predicted. Higher order effects are considered to evaluate this first order theory. An improved approximation is presented which gives the true behavior in the singular regions. For the linear case, the end result can be interpreted as the overlap of elementary wavetrains. In the nonlinear case, it is found that a sufficiently strong nonlinearity prevents this overlap. Transition zones with a predictable structure replace the singular regions.

For linear problems, exact solutions are found by Fourier integrals and other superposition techniques. These show the true behavior when breaking modulations are predicted.

A numerical study is made for the anharmonic lattice to assess the nonlinear theory. This confirms the theoretical predictions of nonlinear group velocities, group splitting, and wavetrain instability, as well as higher order effects in the singular regions.


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A study is made of solutions of the macroscopic Maxwell equations in nonlinear media. Both nonlinear and dispersive terms are responsible for effects that are not taken into account in the geometrical optics approximation. The nonlinear terms can, depending on the nature of the nonlinearity, cause plane waves to focus when the amplitude varies across the wavefront. The dispersive terms prevent the singularities that nonlinearity alone would produce. Solutions are found which de scribe periodic plane waves in fully nonlinear media. Equations describing the evolution of the amplitude, frequency and wave number are generated by means of averaged Lagrangian techniques. The equations are solved for near linear media to produce the form of focusing waves which develop a singularity at the focal point. When higher dispersion is included nonlinear and dispersive effects can balance and one finds amplitude profiles that propagate with straight rays.