897 resultados para Discursive reflection


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Tässä pro gradu -tutkielmassa keskitytään Montrealissa asuvien muslimiopiskelijoiden identiteetin tutkimiseen islamilaisen hunnun kautta. Montrealin suurkaupunkia on vuosien varrella rikastuttanut ja muokannut suuret maahanmuuttajien virrat. Kulttuurien kohdatessa länsimaalaisten nuorten keskuudessa ilmenee usein uusia uskonnollisuuden muotoja. Siksi on olennaista perehtyä nuorten asenteisiin itseä sekä toiseutta kohtaan monikulttuurisessa ympäristössä. Työssä tutkitaankin muslimiopiskelijoiden omakuvan sekä identiteetin rakentumista kielen kautta suhteessa toiseuteen ja jumalaan. Työn teoreettisena lähtökohtana toimii näkökulma identiteetin syntymisestä kielessä sekä vastavuoroisuuden kontekstissa. Tämän diskursiivisen näkökulman mukaan identiteetti ei ole olemassa ihmisessä itsessään, vaan se on kontekstisidonnainen ilmiö, joka muodostuu diskurssissa sekä suhteessa toiseuteen. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa käytetään psykokognitiivista teoriaa representaatioista, sillä se korostaa uskonnollisten representaatioiden erityispiirteitä muihin representaaitoihin nähden. Tutkimus on laadullinen ja sen aineisto koostuu viidestä hunnuttautuvan naispuolisen muslimiopiskelijan haastattelusta. Analyysimetodina työssä käytetään diskurssianalyysia, jonka puitteessa identiteetin muodostumista analysoidaan kielen subjektiivisten elementtien sekä muslimiopiskelijoiden diskurssiin tuomien toiseuden ja jumalan äänen kautta. Tutkielman tulokset osoittavat kuinka länsimaalaiset individualistiset arvot, islamin usko sekä jumalan auktoriteettinen asema esiintyvät toisiaan täydentävinä, ei ristiriitaisina ilmiöinä muslimiopiskelijoiden diskurssissa. Auktoriteettinen jumala antaa jokaiselle yksilölle vapaan tahdon päättää ja toimia haluamallaan tavalla. Siksi huivin käytön taustalta löytyy usein henkilökohtaisia motiiveja, joita vahvistamaan haastateltavat lainaavat niin muiden ihmisten kuin jumalan puhetta. Huivin käyttöönottoa on edeltänyt pitkä itsetutkiskeluprosessi – uskon intellektualisointi. Täten korkeakoulussa opiskelevien musliminaisten usko eroaa pitkälti ”automaattisesta” uskosta, sillä se sisältää kyseenalaistamista, harkintaa sekä voimakkaita tunteellisia kokemuksia. Työn tulokset edesauttavat ymmärtämään kulttuurien välistä kommunikaatiota ja toiseutta. Mielekästä olisikin tutkia tarkemmin huivin käytön taustalta löytyviä motivaatioita sekä eihunnuttautuvien musliminaisten asenteita islamilaista huivia kohtaan tietyssä ympäristössä, kuten työpaikoilla tai yliopistolla.


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Abstract: Critical reflection on the evaluation plan of the VARPUNEN project


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A martensitic single crystal Cu-23.95Zn-3.62(wt.%)Al alloy was obtained melting pure Cu, Zn and Al using Bridgman's method. The martensitic phase (monoclinic) can present up to 24 variants, and orienting the surface according to a certain plane is a very hard task. The single crystal was submitted to 8 tons of tension (stress) along the longitudinal direction to reduce the number of variants and facilitate the surface orientation according to the desired plane. This single crystal was oriented using the Laüe back-reflection method to give surfaces with the following oriented crystallographic planes: (010), (120) and (130). It was observed that the tension stress was applied along the [010] direction.


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Contemporary organisations have to embrace the notion of doing ‘more with less’. This challenges knowledge production within companies and public organisations, forcing them to reorganise their structures and rethink what knowledge production actually means in the context of innovation and how knowledge is actually produced among various professional groups within the organisation in their everyday actions. Innovations are vital for organisational survival, and ‘ordinary’ employees and customers are central but too-often ignored producers of knowledge for contemporary organisations. Broader levels of participation and reflexive practices are needed. This dissertation discusses the missing links between innovation research conducted in the context of industrial management, arts, and culture; applied drama and theatre practices (specifically post-Boalian approaches); and learning – especially organising reflection – in organisational settings. This dissertation (1) explores and extends the role of research-based theatre to organising reflection and reflexive practices in the context of practice-based innovation, (2) develops a reflexive model of RBT for investigating and developing practice-based organisational process innovations in order to contribute to the development of a tool for innovation management and analysis, and (3) operationalises this model within private- and publicsector organisations. The proposed novel reflexive model of research-based theatre for investigating and developing practice-based organisational process innovations extends existing methods and offers a different way of organising reflection and reflexive practices in the context of general innovation management. The model was developed through five participatory action research processes conducted in four different organisations. The results provide learning steps – a reflection path – for understanding complex organisational life, people, and relations amid renewal and change actions. The proposed model provides a new approach to organising and cultivating reflexivity in practice-based innovation activities via research-based theatre. The results can be utilised as a guideline when processing practice-based innovation within private or public organisations. The model helps innovation managers to construct, together with their employees, temporary communities where they can learn together through reflecting on their own and each others’ experiences and to break down assumptions related to their own perspectives. The results include recommendations for practical development steps applicable in various organisations with regard to (i) application of research-based theatre and (ii) related general innovation management. The dissertation thus contributes to the development of novel learning approaches in knowledge production. Keywords: practice-based innovation, research-based theatre, learning, reflection, mode 2b knowledge production


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julkaisumaa: 372 IE IRL Irlanti


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This thesis presents point-contact measurements between superconductors (Nb, Ta, Sn,Al, Zn) and ferromagnets (Co, Fe, Ni) as well as non-magnetic metals (Ag, Au, Cu, Pt).The point contacts were fabricated using the shear method. The differential resistanceof the contacts was measured either in liquid He at 4.2 K or in vacuum in a dilutionrefrigerator at varying temperature down to 0.1 K. The contact properties were investigatedas function of size and temperature. The measured Andreev-reflection spectrawere analysed in the framework of the BTK model – a three parameter model that describescurrent transport across a superconductor - normal conductor interface. Theoriginal BTK model was modified to include the effects of spin polarization or finitelifetime of the Cooper pairs. Our polarization values for the ferromagnets at 4.2 K agree with the literature data, but the analysis was ambiguous because the experimental spectra both with ferromagnets and non-magnets could be described equally well either with spin polarization or finite lifetime effects in the BTK model. With the polarization model the Z parametervaries from almost 0 to 0.8 while the lifetime model produces Z values close to 0.5. Measurements at lower temperatures partly lift this ambiguity because the magnitude of thermal broadening is small enough to separate lifetime broadening from the polarization. The reduced magnitude of the superconducting anomalies for Zn-Fe contacts required an additional modification of the BTK model which was implemented as a scaling factor. Adding this parameter led to reduced polarization values. However, reliable data is difficult to obtain because different parameter sets produce almost identical spectra.


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The fall of 2013 could be characterized as a crossroad in the geopolitics of Eastern Europe, namely Ukraine. Two rivalry geopolitical projects have been developing throughout the post-Cold War years, and it seems that they reached a collision point in Ukraine; a country whose authorities have been for long switching sides between the European Union and the Russian Federation in their foreign policy commitments. The refusal/postponing to sign the Association Agreement with Brussels, an expected event by a large category of the Ukrainian society, by Yanukovich’s government led to the outset of the latter; and brought a pro-Western, anti-Russian government in Kyiv. It seems that Ukraine, after those events, has embarked definitively on the path of integration into the West (European Union and possibly NATO). The Russian Federation, who has been throughout Putin’s years engaged into the re-integration of post-Soviet space, reacted to these developments in an assertive manner by violating borders, agreements and the territorial integrity of Ukraine. Thus, the incorporation of the Crimea into the Russian Federation is the first in its kind in the post-Soviet space, despite the existence of various other conflicts that broke out in the region after the Soviet Union broke up. I will investigate in this thesis the nature of what will be labelled, in this work, the Crimean issue. I argue that the incorporation of the Crimean peninsula into the Russian Federation marks a new era in Russian geopolitical thinking that shapes, to a far extent, Russian foreign policy. Discourse analysis will be the methodological basis for this study, with a special focus on Michel Foucault’s Archaeology of Knowledge. The innovation that this research brings is the fact that it discusses Russian geopolitical discourse within the scope of Foucault’s ‘discursive tree’, with a reference to the Crimean issue. A wide range of primary sources will be consulted in this study such as presidential addresses to the Federal Assembly (2000-2014), Foreign Policy Concepts of the Russian Federation (2000, 2008), Russian maritime doctrines, as wells as Dugin’s Osnovy Geopolitiki (Foundations of Geopolitics), Mahan’s (The Influence of Sea Power Upon History, 1660–1783) and other Eurasianism related literature.


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This is a study of one participant's reflective practice as she worked to develop online communities in a face-to-face science course. Her process of reflective practice was examined in order to address factors that influenced her learning path, and the benefits and challenges of collaborative action research. These research goals were pursued using a collaborative action research methodology, initially chosen for its close match with Schon's (1983) model of reflective practice. The participant's learning fit vnth Mezirow's (1991) model of transformative learning. She began with beliefs that matched her goals, and she demonstrated significant learning in three areas. First, she demonstrated instrumental learning around the constraints of workload and time, and achieving online learning community indicators. Second, she demonstrated communicative learning that helped her to see her own needs for feedback and communication more clearly, and how other process partners had been a support to her. Third, her emancipatory learning saw her revisiting and questioning her goals. It was through the reflective conversation during the planned meetings and the researcher's reframing and interrogation of that reflection that the participant was able to clarify and extend her thinking, and in so doing, critically reflect on her practice as she worked to develop online learning communities. In this way, the collaborative action research methodology was an embodiment of co-constructivism through collaborative reflective practice. Schon's (1983) model of reflective practice positions a lone practitioners moving through cycles ofplan-act-observe-reflect. The results fi"om this study suggest that collaboration is an important piece of the reflective practice model.


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Visual stimuli and socialization influence exploratory behaviour in crayfish. The predominant components of spontaneous exploratory behaviour were determined by observing the activity of solitary adult crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) in a glass aquarium containing fresh water and no objects. Five distinct behaviours were observed: rearing up (climbing on the wall), turning around, cornering (facing the comer), backward walking, and crossing (crossing the midline of the aquarium). The frequency of rearing up, cornering and turning around decreased when reflection from the glass wall was blocked with black cardboard, black paint or non-reflective transparent plastic. In a tank containing mirrors on one side and non-reflective plastic on the other, crayfish cornered, reared up, and turned around more in front of the mirrors. Socialization was necessary for crayfish to respond to the reflection. Crayfish that were housed in pairs for two weeks exhibited more rearing up, turning around and cornering in front of the mirrors than in the non-reflective side. Crayfish isolated for two weeks did not show these differences. Socialized crayfish also exhibited more rearing up, turning around and cornering than did isolated crayfish. Thus, crayfish respond to visual stimuli provided by a glass tank, but the responds depends on socialization.