940 resultados para Direct counting by microscopy
During the 'Meteor' expedition SUBTROPEX '82, sediment samples were taken at 14 stations in different water depths at 35, 29, 25, 21 and 17 °N, and measurements of bacterial biomasses and activities were carried out in these different upwelling-intensity areas. Highest densities and biomasses by AODC (2.2 x 10**8 cells, corresponding to 14.8 µg C/g sediment dry wt) were recorded at 21 °N, year-round upwelling, at 1200 and 800 m, but at 500 m biomass was still 4.3 µg C/g dry wt. Relatively high densities and biomasses (6.5 and 6.8 µg C/g dry wt) were found at 17 °N, upwelling mostly in winter and spring, at 1200 and 800 m. AODC were 2 to 3 orders of magnitude higher than viable counts, incubation at 2 or 20 °C. For deep-water sediments, counts at 2 °C were higher than at 20 °C. Biomass and ATP concentrations were highest in the 0 to 2 cm sediment layers; they decreased with sediment depth. Bacterial biomasses were correlated with organic carbon and ATP concentrations. The fractions of Bacterial ATP were calculated to be 2 to 24% of ATP-biomass. On the basis of organic carbon, however, fractions of Bacterial Organic Carbon were only 0.02 to 0.06%. For microbial communities, the conversion factor 0.004 for BOC to BATP seems 2 orders of magnitude too high. Maximum AEC ratios of 0.53 to 0.70 were found at 21 and 17 °N; the other stations had AEC ratios of 0.21 to 0.47. Numbers of bacteria with respiratory ETS were between 0.5 and 10.5 % of AODC. An exception was the shelf station at 35 °N with 34.2% of AODC.
Upper Paleocene to lower Eocene sediments drilled at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1051 (Blake Nose, off Florida) display well-defined orbital cycles, a detailed magnetic stratigraphy, and a suite of planktonic foraminiferal datums. We derived a cyclostratigraphy by using spectral analysis of high-resolution records of elemental concentrations obtained by an X-ray fluorescence (XRF) Core Scanner. XRF counts of iron serve as a proxy for the relative amount of terrestrial material. Sliding-window spectral analysis, bandpass filtering, and direct counting of precession and obliquity cycles yield minimum durations for magnetic polarity chrons C22 to C26 (~49 to ~61 Ma), calculations of sediment accumulation rates, as well as constraints on the timing of biostratigraphic and climatological events in the vicinity of the Initial Eocene Thermal Maximum (IETM). Durations of polarity chrons as represented in sediments drilled at Site 1051 were estimated using a conservative assignment of 41 k.y. for obliquity cycles and 21 k.y. for precession cycles. Combined polarity chrons C26r and C26n span 3.61 m.y., and chron C25r spans 1.07 m.y. Polarity chron C24r is estimated as 2.877 m.y. The interpretation of polarity chron C24n is ambiguous, but its duration is probably <1.23 m.y. Polarity chron C23r spans 0.53 m.y., chron C23n is 0.74 m.y., and chron C22r is 0.9 m.y. Spectral analysis through this interval indicates that spectral peaks shift through time and are related to changes in sedimentation rate in Site 1051. The sedimentation rates dramatically increased ~200 k.y. after the IETM and remained high for most of chron C24r.
Large organic food falls to the deep sea - such as whale carcasses and wood logs - support the development of reduced, sulfidic niches in an otherwise oxygenated, oligotrophic deep-sea environment. These transient hot spot ecosystems may serve the dispersal of highly adapted chemosynthetic organisms such as thiotrophic bivalves and siboglinid worms. Here we investigated the biogeochemical and microbiological processes leading to the development of sulfidic niches. Wood colonization experiments were carried out for the duration of one year in the vicinity of a cold seep area in the Nile deep-sea fan (Eastern Mediterranean) at depths of 1690 m. Wood logs were deployed in 2006 during the BIONIL cruise (RV Meteor M70/2 with ROV Quest, Marum, Germany) and sampled in 2007 during the Medeco-2 cruise (RV Pourquoi Pas? with ROV Victor 6000, Ifremer, France). Wood-boring bivalves played a key role in the initial degradation of the wood, the dispersal of wood chips and fecal matter around the wood log, and the provision of colonization surfaces to other organisms. Total oxygen uptake measured with a ROV-operated benthic chamber module was higher at the wood (0.5 m away) in contrast to 10 m away at a reference site (25 mmol m-2 d-1 and 1 mmol m-2 d-1, respectively), indicating an increased activity of sedimentary communities around the wood falls. Bacterial cell numbers associated with wood increased substantially from freshly submerged wood to the wood chip/fecal matter layer next to the wood experiments, as determined with Acridine Orange Direct Counts (AODC) and DAPI-stained counts. Microsensor measurements of sulfide, oxygen and pH were conducted ex situ. Sulfide fluxes were higher at the wood experiments when compared to reference measurements (19 and 32 mmol m-2 d-1 vs. 0 and 16 mmol -2 d-1, respectively). Sulfate reduction (SR) rates at the wood experiments were determined in ex situ incubations (1.3 and 2.0 mmol m-2 d-1) and fell into the lower range of SR rates previously observed from other chemosynthetic habitats at cold seeps. There was no influence of wood deposition on phosphate, silicate and nitrate concentrations, but ammonium concentrations were elevated at the wood chip-sediment boundary layer. Concentrations of dissolved organic carbon were much higher at the wood experiments (wood chip-sediment boundary layer) in comparison to measurements at the reference sites, which may indicate that cellulose degradation was highest under anoxic conditions and hence enabled by anaerobic benthic bacteria, e.g. fermenters and sulfate reducers. Our observations demonstrate that, after one year, the presence of wood at the seafloor had led to the creation of sulfidic niches, comparable to what has been observed at whale falls, albeit at lower rates.
Colony counts on high and low-nutrient agar media incubated at 2 and 20 °C, Acridine Orange Direct Counts and biomasses are reported for sediments of the Sierra Leone Abyssal Plain. All isolates from low-nutrient agars also grew in nutrient-rich seawater broth (100 % SWB). However, a greater proportion of the 2 °C than of the 20 °C isolates grew in 2.5% SWB, containing 125 mg/l peptone and 25 mg/l yeast extract. Only 14 strains or 12.7% of the 2 °C isolates, but none of the 20 °C isolates, grew in 0.25 % SWB. Psychrophilic bacteria with maximum growth temperatures below 12 °C, isolated at 2 °C, were predominant among the cultivable bacteria from the surface layer. They required seawater for growth and belonged mainly to the Gram-negative genera Alteromonas and Vibrio. In contrast to the earlier view that psychrophily is connected with the Gram-negative cell type, it was found that cold-adapted bacteria of the Gram-positive genus Bacillus predominated in the 4 to 6 cm layer. The 20 °C isolates, however, were mostly Gram-positive, mesophilic, not dependent on seawater for growth, not able to utilize organic substrates at 4 °C, and belonged mainly to the genus Bacillus and to the Gram-positive cocci. The majority of the mesophilic bacilli most likely evolved from dormant spores, but not from actively metabolizing cells. It can be concluded that only the strains isolated at 2 °C can be regarded as indigenous to the deep-sea.
Cold seep ecosystems are highly productive, fragmented ecosystems of the deep-sea floor. They form worldwide where methane reaches the surface seafloor, and are characterized by rich chemosynthetic communities fueled by the microbial utilization of hydrocarbons. Here we investigated with in situ (benthic chamber, microprofiler) and ex situ (pore water constituents, turnover rates of sulfate and methane, prokaryote abundance) techniques reduced sites from three different seep ecosystems in the Eastern Mediterranean deep-sea. At all three cold seep systems, the Amon Mud Volcano, Amsterdam Mud Volcano and the Nile Deep Sea Fan Pockmark area, we observed and sampled patches of highly reduced, methane-seeping sulfidic sediments which were separated by tens to hundreds of (kilo)meters with non-reduced oxygenated seafloor areas. All investigated seep sites were characterized by gassy, sulfidic sediments of blackish color, of which some were overgrown with thiotrophic bacterial mats. Fluxes of methane and oxygen, as well as sulfate reduction rates varied between the different sites.
During the 'Polarstern' expedition ARK-IV/2 in June 1987, water samples from 8 stations were taken to study biomass and substrate utilization of cold adapted bacteria. Bacterial biomasses determined from acridine orange direct counts (AODC) were between 0.4 and 31.4 µ/g C/l, and ATP concentrations amounted from <0.1 to 40 ng/l. Colony counts on seawater agar reached only 0.1% of AODC, but with the MPN-method 1 to 10% of AODC were recorded. With 14C-glutamic acid or 14C-glucose as tracer substrate in oligotrophic broth containing 0.5 mg trypticase and 0.05 mg yeast extract per liter of seawater, obligately oligotrophic bacteria could be detected in one water sample. Although incubation was at 2 °C, only psychrotrophic bacteria showing growth temperatures between 1 and 30 °C were obtained. Organic substrate utilizations by 106 isolates were tested at 4 and 20 °C. Most carbohydrates, organic acids, alcohols, and alanine were assimilated at both temperatures, but arginine, aspartate and ornithine were utilized only at 20 °C by almost all strains.