945 resultados para Digital mapping--Problems, exercises, etc.
Understanding Digital Literacies provides an accessible and timely introduction to new media literacies. It supplies readers with the theoretical and analytical tools with which to explore the linguistic and social impact of a host of new digital literacy practices. Each chapter in the volume covers a different topic, presenting an overview of the major concepts, issues, problems and debates surrounding the topic, while also encouraging students to reflect on and critically evaluate their own language and communication practices. Features include: coverage of a diverse range of digital media texts, tools and practices including blogging, hypertextual organisation, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Wikipedia, websites and games an extensive range of examples and case studies to illustrate each topic, such as how blogs have affected our thinking about communication, how the creation and sharing of digital images and video can bring about shifts in social roles, and how the design of multiplayer online games for children can promote different ideologies a variety of discussion questions and mini-ethnographic research projects involving exploration of various patterns of media production and communication between peers, for example in the context of Wikinomics and peer production, social networking and civic participation, and digital literacies at work end of chapter suggestions for further reading and links to key web and video resources a companion website providing supplementary material for each chapter, including summaries of key issues, additional web-based exercises, and links to further resources such as useful websites, articles, videos and blogs.
The purpose of this presentation is to introduce the research project progress in “the mapping of pedagogical methods in web-based language teaching" by Högskolan Dalarna (Dalarna University). This project will identify the differences in pedagogical methods that are used for online language classes. The pedagogical method defined in this project is what the teachers do to ensure students attain the learning outcomes, for example, planning, designing courses, leading students, knowing students' abilities, implementing activities, etc. So far the members of this project have analyzed the course plans (in the language department at Dalarna University) and categorized the learning outcomes. A questionnaire was constructed based on the learning outcomes and then either sent out remotely to teachers or completed face to face through interviews. The answers provided to the questionnaires enabled the project to identify many differences in how language teachers interact with their students but also, the way of giving feedback, motivating and helping students, types of class activities and materials used. This presentation introduces the progress of the project and identifies the challenges at the language department at Dalarna University. Finally, the advantages and problems of online language proficiency courses will be discussed and suggestions made for future improvement.
FGV Direito Rio
The impact of digitization was felt before it could be described and explained. The Mapping Digital Media project is a way of catching up, an ambitious attempt at depicting and understanding the progress and effects of digitization on media and communications systems across the world. The publication of over 50 country reports provides the most comprehensive picture to date on the changes undergone by journalism, news production, and the media as a result of the transition of broadcasting from analog to digital and the advent of the internet. These extensive reports, all sharing the same structure, cover issues such as media consumption, public media, changes in journalism, digital activism, new regulation, and business models. Reports have been published from nine Latin American countries: Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Brazil, Guatemala, Nicaragua, and Uruguay. Given the recent evolution of Brazil’s media landscape and regulation, and its position as a regional reference, few reports have generated as much expectation as the Brazilian one. This excellent text is key to understanding digitization in Brazil, in Latin America, and in the world at large.
Includes bibliography
In soil surveys, several sampling systems can be used to define the most representative sites for sample collection and description of soil profiles. In recent years, the conditioned Latin hypercube sampling system has gained prominence for soil surveys. In Brazil, most of the soil maps are at small scales and in paper format, which hinders their refinement. The objectives of this work include: (i) to compare two sampling systems by conditioned Latin hypercube to map soil classes and soil properties; (II) to retrieve information from a detailed scale soil map of a pilot watershed for its refinement, comparing two data mining tools, and validation of the new soil map; and (III) to create and validate a soil map of a much larger and similar area from the extrapolation of information extracted from the existing soil map. Two sampling systems were created by conditioned Latin hypercube and by the cost-constrained conditioned Latin hypercube. At each prospection place, soil classification and measurement of the A horizon thickness were performed. Maps were generated and validated for each sampling system, comparing the efficiency of these methods. The conditioned Latin hypercube captured greater variability of soils and properties than the cost-constrained conditioned Latin hypercube, despite the former provided greater difficulty in field work. The conditioned Latin hypercube can capture greater soil variability and the cost-constrained conditioned Latin hypercube presents great potential for use in soil surveys, especially in areas of difficult access. From an existing detailed scale soil map of a pilot watershed, topographical information for each soil class was extracted from a Digital Elevation Model and its derivatives, by two data mining tools. Maps were generated using each tool. The more accurate of these tools was used for extrapolation of soil information for a much larger and similar area and the generated map was validated. It was possible to retrieve the existing soil map information and apply it on a larger area containing similar soil forming factors, at much low financial cost. The KnowledgeMiner tool for data mining, and ArcSIE, used to create the soil map, presented better results and enabled the use of existing soil map to extract soil information and its application in similar larger areas at reduced costs, which is especially important in development countries with limited financial resources for such activities, such as Brazil.
The rapid industrial development and disorganized population growth in huge cities bring about various urban problems due to intense use of physical space on and below the surface. Subsurface problems in metropolitan areas are caused by subway line construction, which often follows the routes of utility networks, such as electric and telephone cables, water and gas pipes, storm sewers, etc. Usually, the main problems are related to damage or destruction of preexisting utilities, often putting human lives at risk. With the purpose of minimizing risks. GPR-profiling with 200 MHz antennae was done at two sites, both located in downtown Sao Paulo, Brazil. The objectives of this work were to map utilities or existing infrastructure in the subsurface in order to orient the construction of the Line 4 (yellow) subway tunnel in Sao Paulo. GPR profiles can detect water pipes, utility networks in the subsurface, and concrete foundation columns or pilings in subsoil up to 2 m depth. In addition. the GPR profiles also provided details of the target shapes in the subsurface. GPR interpretations combined with lithological information from boreholes and trenches opened in the study areas were extremely important in mapping of the correct spatial distribution of buried utilities at these two sites in Sao Paulo. This information improves and updates maps of utility placement, serves as a basis for planning of the geotechnical excavation of the Line 4 (yellow) subway tunnel in Sao Paulo, helps minimize problems related to destruction of preexisting utilities in the subsoil, and avoids risk of dangerous accidents. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The present paper is the result of a four-year-long project examining the concept and the policies of cultural diversity and the impact of digital media upon the regulatory environment where the goal of cultural diversity is to be achieved. The focus of the project was primarily on the international level and in particular on the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), which also epitomise the often framed as opposing pair of trade and culture. In the broad context of the project, we sought to pinpoint the essential elements of an international trade-and-culture conducive framework that can also overcome the existing fragmentation in the field of international law and move towards more coherent solutions. In a narrower context, we sketched some possible improvements to the WTO law that can make it more suitable to the digital networked environment and to the objective of diverse media that some states aspire. . Our key messages are: (1) Neither the WTO nor UNESCO currently offers appropriate solutions to the trade and culture predicament and allows for efficient protection and promotion of cultural diversity; (2) The trade and culture discourse is overly politicised and due to the related path dependencies, a number of feasible solutions appears presently blocked; (3) The digital networked environment has profoundly changed the ways cultural content is created, distributed, accessed and consumed, and may thus offer good reasons to reassess and readjust the present models of governance; (4) Access to information appears to be the most appropriate focus of the discussions with view to protecting and promoting cultural diversity in the new digital media setting, both in local and global contexts; (5) This new focal point demands also broadening and interconnecting the policy discussions, which should go beyond the narrow scope of audiovisual media services, but cautiously account for the developments at the network and applications levels, as well as in other domains, such as most notably intellectual property rights protection; (6) There are various ways in which the WTO can be made more conducive to cultural policy considerations and these include, among others, improved and updated services classifications; enhanced legal certainty with regard to digitally transferred goods and services; incorporation of rules on subsidies for services and on competition.
Monument conservation is related to the interaction between the original petrological parameters of the rock and external factors in the area where the building is sited, such as weather conditions, pollution, and so on. Depending on the environmental conditions and the characteristics of the materials used, different types of weathering predominate. In all, the appearance of surface crusts constitutes a first stage, whose origin can often be traced to the properties of the material itself. In the present study, different colours of “patinas” were distinguished by defining the threshold levels of greys associated with “pathology” in the histogram. These data were compared to background information and other parameters, such as mineralogical composition, porosity, and so on, as well as other visual signs of deterioration. The result is a map of the pathologies associated with “cover films” on monuments, which generate images by relating colour characteristics to desired properties or zones of interest.
Some requirements for engineering programmes, such as an ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice, as well as an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility or an ability to communicate effectively, need new activities designed for measuring students’ progress. Negotiations take place continuously at any stage of a project and, so, the ability of engineers and managers to effectively carry out a negotiation is crucial for the success or failure of projects and businesses. Since it involves communication between individuals motivated to come together in an agreement for mutual benefit, it can be used to enhance these personal abilities. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the adequacy of mixing playing sessions and theory to maximise the students’ strategic vision in combination with negotiating skills. Results show that the combination of playing with theoretical training teaches students to strategise through analysis and discussion of alternatives. The outcome is then more optimised.
FTTH (fibra hasta el hogar) es actualmente, junto con la banda ancha móvil, la principal evolución tecnológica en Redes y Servicios de Telecomunicaciones. Se prevé que en los próximos años, el despliegue de las redes FTTH se vea incrementado de manera significativa, gracias al interés creciente tanto de Operadores de Telecomunicaciones como de Organismos Gubernamentales. Este despliegue (que en el año 2013 ya se está haciendo realidad) llevará servicios de muy alta velocidad (superiores a 100 Mbps, incluso 1 Gbps) de manera masiva a los hogares, exigiendo nuevos requisitos y prestaciones en la red del hogar de los clientes. Se abre aquí, por tanto, un campo de exploración novedoso, incipiente y de requerimientos cada vez más exigentes. De hecho, sin duda, la red del hogar es uno de los elementos fundamentales para el éxito de las redes y servicios en FTTH. Debido a todo lo anterior, se convierte en una necesidad para el sector de las Telecomunicaciones el encontrar soluciones a los problemas anteriormente mencionados. Con objeto de contribuir al análisis de soluciones, este proyecto se enfoca en dos temas, ambos relacionados con la problemática ya mencionada en la red del hogar: Prospección e identificación de soluciones tecnológicas avanzadas para la red del hogar. Descrito en capítulos 2, 3 y 4. En ellos se realiza un estudio detallado de la situación actual y tendencias futuras de los dispositivos utilizados en la red del hogar. Este estudio está enfocado en la distribución de señales de muy alto ancho de banda (en torno a los 100 Mbps por segundo) en el hogar. Diseño y desarrollo de una aplicación que permita determinar la calidad de experiencia de cliente (QoE) de un servicio de televisión IP (IPTV). Descrito en capítulos 5 y 6. Se ha seleccionado este tipo de servicios debido a que son los que requieren mayores prestaciones tanto de la red de transporte como de la red del hogar y, al mismo tiempo, son los más complicados de medir debido a la fuerte componente de subjetividad del usuario final. Una red del hogar correctamente diseñada debe cumplir de manera equilibrada los requisitos demandados tanto por el operador como por el cliente o usuario final del servicio. Los requisitos del operador se centran principalmente en el control de la inversión (CAPEX) y del gasto de mantenimiento de la red del hogar (OPEX). El usuario, por otra parte, requiere sencillez en la instalación y mínimo número de elementos a instalar (cero intrusismo, ausencia de cableado). Para adaptarse a estos requerimientos, existe una serie de dispositivos y tecnologías que buscan encontrar el punto de equilibrio entre necesidades de operadores y de clientes finales. Las soluciones actualmente utilizadas pueden dividirse en soluciones cableadas e inalámbricas. También existen soluciones híbridas. Todas ellas se describen en detalle en los capítulos 3 y 4. Al final del estudio se concluye que, con la tecnología actual, es preferible el uso de soluciones cableadas tipo Ethernet o POF. Es recomendable no usar soluciones PLC de manera extensiva (G.hn puede ser una alternativa a futuro) y, en caso de no requerir cableado, utilizar WiFi 11n con frecuencias de 5 GHz, así como sus evoluciones, WiFi 11ac y 11ad. La aplicación desarrollada, explicada en los capítulos 5 y 6, permite capturar y medir en tiempo real la señal de televisión IP que se entrega al usuario. Esta aplicación estimará, a partir de dichas medidas, la calidad de la señal entregada. Para ello tendrá en cuenta el tipo de descodificador utilizado por el usuario así como la red empleada (red FTTH de Telefónica). Esta aplicación podría ser utilizada en los centros de atención técnica de las operadoras de telecomunicaciones, determinando así la relación existente entre reclamaciones recibidas y calidad de servicio medida por la aplicación. Asimismo, aparte de realizar medidas en tiempo real, la aplicación vuelca las medidas realizadas y alarmas detectadas en ficheros log, facilitando el análisis técnico de los problemas e incidencias registrados por dichos centros técnicos. Igualmente, esta aplicación puede ser utilizada para el proceso de certificación de equipamiento de red del hogar o incluso como herramienta para profundizar en parámetros teóricos y criterios de medida de calidad de servicio en IPTV. ABSTRACT. FTTH (Fiber To The Home) and mobile broadband are currently the main technological trend in the Network and Telecommunications Services area. In the next few years, the deployment of FTTH networks will experiment a significant increase, due to the growing interest of both telecommunications operators and government agencies. This deployment (that is becoming a reality) which will massively carry high-speed services to households (speeds of more than 100 Mbps, even 1 Gbps) will demand new requirements and features in the customer’s home network. It can be found here a new and emerging field of exploration, with increasingly demanding requirements. In fact, the home network is one of the key elements for the success of FTTH network and services. Due to the aforementioned, it is a necessity for the telecommunications industry to find solutions to these problems. In order to contribute into the solution analysis, this project focuses on two subjects, both related to the problems of home networking: Exploratory research and identification of advanced technology solutions for the home network. Described in chapters 2, 3 and 4. These chapters show a detailed study of the current situation and future trends of the devices used at the home network. It focuses on the distribution of very high bandwidth signals (around 100 Mbps per second) in the customer’s home. Design and development of an application to evaluate customer’s quality of experience (QoE) of an IP television service (IPTV). Described in chapters 5 and 6. IPTV service has been selected because it requires higher performance both from the transport and the home networks and, at the same time, it is the most difficult to measure due to the strong component of subjectivity of the end user. A correct design of the home network must meet the requirements demanded both by the network operator and the customer (end user of the service). Network operator requirements mainly focus on reduced capital expenditures (CAPEX) and operational expenditures (OPEX). Additionally, the final user requires a simple and easy installation and also the minimum number of items to install (zero intrusion, lack of wiring, etc.). Different devices and technologies seek to find a balance between these two requirements (network operators and final users requirements). Solutions available in the market can be divided into wired and wireless. There are also hybrid solutions. All of them are described thoroughly in the first part of the project. The conclusion at the end of the study recommends the use of wired technologies like Ethernet or POF. Additionally, the use of PLC is not advised (G.hn can be an alternative in the future) and, in the case of not requiring wiring, the use of 11ac and 11ad WiFi is advised. The application developed in the second part of the project allows capturing and measuring the real-time IPTV signal delivered to the user. This application will estimate the delivered signal quality from the captured measurements. For this purpose, it will also consider the type of decoder installed on the customer’s premises and the transport network (Telefonica’s FTTH network). This application could be used at the operator’s technical service centres, determining in this way the relationship between user’s complaints and the quality of service measured. Additionally, this application can write all the measurements and alarms in log files, making easier the technical analysis of problems and impairments recorded by the technical centres. Finally, the application can also be used for the certification process of home networking equipment (i.e. decoders) or even as a tool to deepen theoretical parameters and measuring criteria of quality of service in IPTV.
This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the United States Defense Mapping Agency (DMA) Series Z724, Burundi, 1:50,000 Topographic Line Map (TLM) Series sheet map entitled: Gakara. Printed in: 1994. Covers portions of Gakara region, Burundi. Sheet: 4673-I. Edition statement: Ed. 1 - DMA. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to World Geodetic System (1984) coordinates. All map collar information is also available as part of the raster image. Burundi 1:50:000 Series Z724 maps are in English and French (legends also include Rundi). Each source map in the series is printed in color at a scale of 1:50,000. Series source sheets were published in 1994-1995 by the United States Defense Mapping Agency, Hydrographic/Topographic Center. The source map was scanned and georeferenced for Harvard University's Center for Geographic Analysis' AfricaMap project by East View Cartographic. Individual TLM sheets covering Burundi (40 sheets in total) were selected from the TLM worldwide series. DMA Topographic Line Map series maps are typical topographic maps portraying both natural and manmade features. They show and name works of nature, such as mountains, valleys, lakes, rivers, vegetation, etc. They also identify the principal works of humans, such as roads, railroads, boundaries, transmission lines, major buildings, etc. Relief is shown with standard contour intervals of 20 meters, with some sheets having supplemental meter contours, form lines, hachures, shading, and/or spot heights. Depths shown by bathymetric isolines. Please pay close attention to map collar information on projections, spheroid, compilation dates, legend information, and keys to grid numbering and other numbers which appear inside the neatline.
Bubanza region, Burundi, 1994, Defense Mapping Agency (DMA) Series Z724, Sheet 4674-I (Raster Image)
This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the United States Defense Mapping Agency (DMA) Series Z724, Burundi, 1:50,000 Topographic Line Map (TLM) Series sheet map entitled: Bubanza. Printed in: 1994. Covers portions of Bubanza region, Burundi. Sheet: 4674-I. Edition statement: Ed. 1 - DMA. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to World Geodetic System (1984) coordinates. All map collar information is also available as part of the raster image. Burundi 1:50:000 Series Z724 maps are in English and French (legends also include Rundi). Each source map in the series is printed in color at a scale of 1:50,000. Series source sheets were published in 1994-1995 by the United States Defense Mapping Agency, Hydrographic/Topographic Center. The source map was scanned and georeferenced for Harvard University's Center for Geographic Analysis' AfricaMap project by East View Cartographic. Individual TLM sheets covering Burundi (40 sheets in total) were selected from the TLM worldwide series. DMA Topographic Line Map series maps are typical topographic maps portraying both natural and manmade features. They show and name works of nature, such as mountains, valleys, lakes, rivers, vegetation, etc. They also identify the principal works of humans, such as roads, railroads, boundaries, transmission lines, major buildings, etc. Relief is shown with standard contour intervals of 20 meters, with some sheets having supplemental meter contours, form lines, hachures, shading, and/or spot heights. Depths shown by bathymetric isolines. Please pay close attention to map collar information on projections, spheroid, compilation dates, legend information, and keys to grid numbering and other numbers which appear inside the neatline.
This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the United States Defense Mapping Agency (DMA) Series Z724, Burundi, 1:50,000 Topographic Line Map (TLM) Series sheet map entitled: Bujumbura. Printed in: 1994. Covers portions of Bujumbura region, Burundi. Sheet: 4674-II. Edition statement: Ed. 1 - DMA. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to World Geodetic System (1984) coordinates. All map collar information is also available as part of the raster image. Burundi 1:50:000 Series Z724 maps are in English and French (legends also include Rundi). Each source map in the series is printed in color at a scale of 1:50,000. Series source sheets were published in 1994-1995 by the United States Defense Mapping Agency, Hydrographic/Topographic Center. The source map was scanned and georeferenced for Harvard University's Center for Geographic Analysis' AfricaMap project by East View Cartographic. Individual TLM sheets covering Burundi (40 sheets in total) were selected from the TLM worldwide series. DMA Topographic Line Map series maps are typical topographic maps portraying both natural and manmade features. They show and name works of nature, such as mountains, valleys, lakes, rivers, vegetation, etc. They also identify the principal works of humans, such as roads, railroads, boundaries, transmission lines, major buildings, etc. Relief is shown with standard contour intervals of 20 meters, with some sheets having supplemental meter contours, form lines, hachures, shading, and/or spot heights. Depths shown by bathymetric isolines. Please pay close attention to map collar information on projections, spheroid, compilation dates, legend information, and keys to grid numbering and other numbers which appear inside the neatline.